-What heresy did you print, you Tilean heathen?
-Erm, what? That's your Empire's holy book, just like you asked.
-Then how do you explain this: "...And after establishing his authority in martial matters, Sigmar proved to the tribes his expertise in peaceful endeavors. He demonstrated his behind for all to see and everyone agreed that it was the most healthy, shapely and groomed rear they have ever seen. Thus Sigmar united the tribes by proving his superiority in war and peace both"? Rear? Behind? Are you mocking Sigmar's holy church?
-Well, you see, unlike your northern backwater, Tilea is a civilized country and my establishment is a respected one! I can't print such vulgarities as "ass" in my books, regardless of whether or not that part of you deity's anatomy was worshiped back then!
-Part of the anatomy? The book talks about his donkey, you oaf! Sigmar revolutionized animal husbandry, which was a major step in his path to unify the tribes.
-Oh. Oh, I see. Forgive me, good sir, the fault is mine in this case.
-How many did you print?
-Five hundred, half of your order. And I already sent half of that to the churches from your list...