[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
-[X] Ask if we should do this with all our equipment or not, since you do have three magical items on you
-[X] Ask Urgdug if he would also like a chance for a friendly spar with the Eagle of the North, and he in turn
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
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The sub-votes aren't needed.

We should make use of every advantage we can unless the other guy brings it up himself and says different. Take no chances.

Frederick is crazy enough to spare Urgdug, but it seems kind of mean to encourage someone else to put themselves through that.
Is it too late to include mention of encouraging the arts in Ostland? Would that sort of thing potentially come with more Myrmidian priest involvement.

For Frederick personally maybe he's hoping for more opportunities for Wofilia's love of art and artistic talent to be encouraged.
Myrmidia is a Goddess of the arts in general, so I am sure getting more temples and priests in Ostland proper will encourage all aspects of her domains in general in population. We just take actions that encourage certain things.

Kinda like how our law reform was encouraged and helped by Verenans and in time library will involve into a university. Still hope they get involved with engineering college too at some point.

Myrmidia will likely be the same with actions that encourage more ordered combat, arts, civilization, etc.
Is the ending of this sentece cut?
Naw, its good. I am saying Freddy will ask Urgdug if he wants to spar, and if the Eagle of the North wants to spar the ogre too.
The sub-votes aren't needed.

We should make use of every advantage we can unless the other guy brings it up himself and says different. Take no chances.

Frederick is crazy enough to spare Urgdug, but it seems kind of mean to encourage someone else to put themselves through that.
Maybe, but they are fun additions I feel.
[x] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

I approve of a friendly sparring match. While paranoia has the option of some interloper trying to interfere, we're in the middle of a temple in Nuln, trying to cause any accidents seems to be a little difficult.
[X] By The Helm of Myrmidia: You could easily refuse the man's request and negotiate more carefully and normally. Perhaps that is the test of it, or he thinks you are not intelligent enough to do so very well and thinks that he would be at more of an advantage in such an environment. The Cult of Myrmidia is known for its strategists and officers, after all. You could surprise him in such as well. (Success Depends On Negotiation Rolls, No Guarantees Known At This Time?)
Myrmidia is a Goddess of the arts in general, so I am sure getting more temples and priests in Ostland proper will encourage all aspects of her domains in general in population. We just take actions that encourage certain things.

Kinda like how our law reform was encouraged and helped by Verenans and in time library will involve into a university. Still hope they get involved with engineering college too at some point.

Myrmidia will likely be the same with actions that encourage more ordered combat, arts, civilization, etc.

Naw, its good. I am saying Freddy will ask Urgdug if he wants to spar, and if the Eagle of the North wants to spar the ogre too.

Maybe, but they are fun additions I feel.

Potentially going without our best equipment and underestimating an opponent (and therefore disrespecting him), which could cost us an advantageous deal, doesn't seem fun to me.

Nor does asking Urgdug and the Eagle, which puts the latter on the spot. If he says no it's turning down a fight. If he accepts he'll get flattened.

If he brings it up, then Urgdug can accept or not, but I don't think we should introduce the question.
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
[x] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
I dislike the sub-votes. The point is for this religious leader to experience "the ideal" with the founder who is also a leader he wants to get a better idea of, so the Urgdug thing is kinda insulting, and implies we don't realize that, which is not a good view of our political and social saviness.

As for what we use, who cares? We'll find out anyway, and if he's gonna let us use our stuff, I'm not gonna make him think twice.
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Its too bad that we are away from Ostland's arena, we could likely sell tickets to a fight between Freddy and Boris.:p
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

Let's see what the scions of Myrmidia can do. It should be a good fight regardless of the outcome.
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

We should play to our strengths. We certainly don't need to flex our negotiation skills. True intellect would be to make full use of one's advantages, in the right place and the right time. I would also like to point out that part of us succeeding against the original Starbrook package was because people underestimated us. Let them continue to do so at their own peril.
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

Let the blood flow.
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

If Natasha was going to be bothered by what we do, she'd already be bothered by now. Between the crime fighting and the creepiness of the Emperor's assassin maid...
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
Tbh Myrmidia could honestly be like the early Roman Republic culture, a warrior civilization that shrouds itself with an air about arts and culture but is just as warmongering bloodthirsty as the worst of them.
Tbh Myrmidia could honestly be like the early Roman Republic culture, a warrior civilization that shrouds itself with an air about arts and culture but is just as warmongering bloodthirsty as the worst of them.

I think it's the opposite in that it IS about arts and culture, but that war for them can be considered an art and is a central part of their culture.
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)