Dude seems to legit respect the pursuit of martial excellence, in all its forms. He probably *really* wants to see how Freddy (who's known Empire wide for being a martial hero on a level few can match that's done all sorts of wild shit) fights and from that learn in ways that he can use to better himself.
other then bragging right for the warrior-priest to be able to say that he fought us and had a oke/decent or good fight.
and us maybe getting some brownie points.
i see no reason too do this.

yes we have had and do have a rep for being something of a beat ppl in the face babarian northerner. but we do not allways have too play to type.

i see no reasons to do this other then bragging rights and the small chance of some positive rep V just getting an agreement some other way.
A good reason to fight, is because we can fight without repercussions. Freddy cannot fight a peer without it coming off as weird or politically charged (Ar-Ulric, Magnus the Pious, Gunthar, Grand Theogonist). Most of the other Elector Counts are not as martial capable as Freddy is. The closest Freddy might have to a combat peer is Urgdug among his regular sparring partners. There are unique issues from fighting someone's combat style you know inside-out that a new peer can aid with cleaning out.

As already mentioned the fight rewards are more stable in assurance than the diplomacy choice.

The third reason we should do this is to help this guy improve in combat. A Beastmen attack is imminent. Giving him a bit of practise against a foe who probably dramatically outpaces him in combat can help him later (Freddy has divine muscle slapped onto his own body, and other enhancements that mean it is not easy for anyone to get to his martial skill, ergo Freddy's opponent is probably limited to the 20s). From his own words, it seems like he has had a difficult time getting peer sparring partners. Any improvement to those who will fight in the Beat-Tides, should be taken.
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[x] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

I don't know what relics Myrmidia has but i'm willing to bet that a good number were lost in their expeditions south.
Maybe we should give him a housewarming gift of an enchanted weapon of his choice?
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I wonder what other stuff cult offers to its faithful since goddess covers honor, beauty, arts, civilization, revenge, etc.
I wonder what other stuff cult offers to its faithful since goddess covers honor, beauty, arts, civilization, revenge, etc.
Looking at it with a clinical eye?
Probably anatomy and medicinal knowledge, because the way the cult is phrased they probably would try to catch live enemies and experiment with then until they learned all their strong and weak points.
He has a powerful Jade wizard on tap, so I'll admit I'm curious as to why he wears an eye patch. Is he truly missing an eye? We've seen jade wizards heal some really bonkers shit before. Could the eye patch be concealing something? Or is he the type to give himself handicaps in pursuit of martial excellence? I also love the details regarding the scaring on his head, something an expert in scars like Freddy would certainly note.
He has a powerful Jade wizard on tap, so I'll admit I'm curious as to why he wears an eye patch. Is he truly missing an eye? We've seen jade wizards heal some really bonkers shit before. Could the eye patch be concealing something? Or is he the type to give himself handicaps in pursuit of martial excellence? I also love the details regarding the scaring on his head, something an expert in scars like Freddy would certainly note.
I will say I've heard of a mundane non-missing eye use for an eyepatch- namely, you adjust one eye to bright light conditions, and one eye to darker nightime, using the patch to keep the eye not-adjusted for the lighting condition covered, so you don't have those few moments of needing to wait for your vision to adjust.
A Wizard Lord, then, her presence and aura unmistakable before you see her walking through the door. Though she still retains the whites of her eyes, the irises are a vibrant, glowing green. Her shoulder length white hair is shot through with thick green streaks, but you're more focused on the fact that her staff is topped by what looks like a green crystalline blade. There is also what looks like a bandolier of knives across her chest.
Sweet holy jeez whiz, they actually got a freaking Jade Wizard Lord in their order to help out with healing their wounds/injuries when doing their extreme training regime... :o

How Shōnen can these guys get! At least this spar is in a controlled and safe setting so we don't have to worry about lasting injuries, and it's good experience for the both of them.
He has a powerful Jade wizard on tap, so I'll admit I'm curious as to why he wears an eye patch. Is he truly missing an eye? We've seen jade wizards heal some really bonkers shit before. Could the eye patch be concealing something? Or is he the type to give himself handicaps in pursuit of martial excellence?

He's Kakashi who was isekaied to Warhammer Fantasy and now he challenges every strong fighter he comes across to steal his opponents' moves with the Sharingan hidden under his eyepatch.

That moving dummy is a good idea, I am sure Freddy's daughter could make a better one and it would be an amazing training tool.
Hahaha another product developed by Ostland in conjunction with the church of Myrmidia!
A bunch of nobles and Mercenary bands will buy these things to train their kids to kill orcs!
OOHH I bet there will be more models for beastmen and other griblies!

Why am I worried that skaven will borrow this idea and kill more people?
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

Moratorium is done.
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

Skaven just use live prisoners, not dummies.
Or Skavenslaves.
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
Added a few sub votes for fun.

[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
-[X] Ask if we should do this with all our equipment or not, since you do have three magical items on you
-[X] Ask Urgdug if he would also like a chance for a friendly spar with the Eagle of the North, and he in turn

I see no downsides to taking part in this since it would be good experience for both sides, and even if Freddy loses it would have been worth it I think.

Besides, the Light of Summer plus the Wizard Lord means it is very unlikely for either side to be killed or seriously hurt for long.
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
-[X] Ask if we should do this with all our equipment or not, since you do have three magical items on you
-[X] Ask Urgdug if he would also like a chance for a friendly spar with the Eagle of the North, and he in turn
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
-[X] Ask if we should do this with all our equipment or not, since you do have three magical items on you
-[X] Ask Urgdug if he would also like a chance for a friendly spar with the Eagle of the North, and he in turn
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
-[X] Ask if we should do this with all our equipment or not, since you do have three magical items on you
-[X] Ask Urgdug if he would also like a chance for a friendly spar with the Eagle of the North, and he in turn
That +10 is great, but I'm not sure how to feel about "Unbusy & Unpetitioned", and I'm kind of kicking myself over not arguing for more artists and the like.

Is it too late to include mention of encouraging the arts in Ostland? Would that sort of thing potentially come with more Myrmidian priest involvement.

For Frederick personally maybe he's hoping for more opportunities for Wofilia's love of art and artistic talent to be encouraged.

[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
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