Freddy... a priest is going to allow you to try and beat the stuffing out of him. This is either a trap or a good thing. In both cases, a priest gets whacked.

(The Cult of the Eagle: 59+Unbusy & Unpetitioned(20)+Hero of the Empire(10)=89/100)
That +10 is great, but I'm not sure how to feel about "Unbusy & Unpetitioned", and I'm kind of kicking myself over not arguing for more artists and the like.

[] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

Let's fucking go bro
Fight fight fight fight!

I want to see what a Priest of the War Goddess can do up close and personal!
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[] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

May Myrmdia be more in tune with Hirtzeller than with thatJade Wizard!
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[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

May Myrmdia be more in tune with Hirtzeller than with thatJade Wizard!
I'm not entirely sure I want to win if fight him?

Like, is there some purpose served by having one or the other of us pay for it?
Which of us has a greater opportunity cost for that money?
I'm not entirely sure I want to win if fight him?

Like, is there some purpose served by having one or the other of us pay for it?
Which of us has a greater opportunity cost for that money?
If we win we could offer to pay anyway. Only seems fair for us to do so, the expansion is our idea after all.
pretty sure fight is going to win, but too be honest i really rather not do it.
their is almost nothing to gain for it on our side of things.
other then maybe get slightly on the priests good side.
... Oh wait, Natasha will feel this spar, won't she.
She'd be probably nastily surprised, but then realize it's just a Hohenzollern-type spar, just like ones at home.
I mean... if there was nothing on the line whatsoever I would still accept the duel. The guy wants it and we can probably teach him a few things, for certain, even if he is no slouch. We want good things for good people without concern for personal gain and this presumably costs us little. Maybe there is something weird here but on its face I'd do this for free.

Give him a chance to hone his blade, give him more than he was expecting, and then reimburse his order for anything they invest into our home anyways.

Resources we can trust are well spent aids us as much in friendly hands as our own. Just like with Mannan and our ships doing what they are there for even if they aren't our ships.
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other then bragging right for the warrior-priest to be able to say that he fought us and had a oke/decent or good fight.
and us maybe getting some brownie points.
i see no reason too do this.

yes we have had and do have a rep for being something of a beat ppl in the face babarian northerner. but we do not allways have too play to type.

i see no reasons to do this other then bragging rights and the small chance of some positive rep V just getting an agreement some other way.
Have we met the Tilean version of Freddy?!:o

He even has a hired Jade Wizard who is frustrated at him getting constantly injured!:D

That moving dummy is a good idea, I am sure Freddy's daughter could make a better one and it would be an amazing training tool.

I am all for friendly fight with another hero unit with healing on hand. Sounds like a deal.

We should ask if we should do this without magic equipment or if even Urgdug wants to take part. Would love to see that fight.
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We could get a nasty suprise from him,we dont know what blessings Myrmidia offer to her priests,expecially the head priest or someone very high like this one,so we should be a bit careful if we accept to fight.