You know, I've been thinking about the Sack of Marienburg. It's supposed to happen rather quickly (though this time propably by lizardmen or tomb kings). What do we do when it happens, the City is besieged and Marienburg calls for help?
You know, I've been thinking about the Sack of Marienburg. It's supposed to happen rather quickly (though this time propably by lizardmen or tomb kings). What do we do when it happens, the City is besieged and Marienburg calls for help?
the sack of Marienburg takes place over the course of a single afternoon's worth of time , there is no chance help can arrive fast enough to matter, also cannon wise the sack happens after Marienburg breaks away from the empire so their on their own as no one will help the traitor province unless they get to annex it and likely sack it themselves as well
You know, I've been thinking about the Sack of Marienburg. It's supposed to happen rather quickly (though this time propably by lizardmen or tomb kings). What do we do when it happens, the City is besieged and Marienburg calls for help?
There's no guarantee that Marienburg will be sacked in the quest timeline, but if they do,we have no real choice but to help them out.

Freddy may not like them very much, but they're still part of the Empire, and Freddy's consistently helped out his fellow Imperials when they needed aid.
There's no guarantee that Marienburg will be sacked in the quest timeline, but if they do,we have no real choice but to help them out.

Freddy may not like them very much, but they're still part of the Empire, and Freddy's consistently helped out his fellow Imperials when they needed aid.
the sack happens after they go independent , so no we won't be obliged to help them then
Well, if Marienburg needs help, we can oblige by invading them (since they're independent).

Assuming said event happens.
I, uh, have strong doubts that Marienburg will go independent in this timeline
Heavily depends, we need to stop dieters ascend. This is a bit easier with a 3 man voting block but we don't know the other candidates or anything. Because as soon as Dieter is emperor we can't really do much. We might be able to help with the reconquest of Marienburg though through the 3rd fleet.
Heavily depends, we need to stop dieters ascend. This is a bit easier with a 3 man voting block but we don't know the other candidates or anything. Because as soon as Dieter is emperor we can't really do much.
Bear in mind that it's entirely possible that Dieter has already been butterflied away.
You know, I've been thinking about the Sack of Marienburg. It's supposed to happen rather quickly (though this time propably by lizardmen or tomb kings). What do we do when it happens, the City is besieged and Marienburg calls for help?

Pretty out-of-character if Freddie decides to spite Marienburg by leaving Imperial Citizens to their fates if something happens. Especially in light of his comment to Logan about Gunthar losing two armies.
Freddy didn't bring five hundred greatswords with him to Nuln. Do we even have five hundred greatswords?

We lost greatswords in Albion, which was last turn. This turn isn't over, we got the greatswords to five hundred so quickly?

This is what we brought with us.

Is Arthur staying with Freddy at the Ostland manse in Nuln, or does Arthur have his own place he's staying?

Ah, yeah, haven't promoted up yet, no. I'll fix it. As for Arthur, he's staying at the local Garden of Morr.
I think we should do a dialog, he should get a major vote buuuut we are the family patriarch and the decision will have impact on the province.
So we've had quite a bit of naval buildup but we're only on low+, has it been said approximately how many ships we'd need for a better rating?
Also, does this quest have a discord?
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Guys, Pretty sure the Sack of Marienburg has been butterflied. this topic has come up several times by now.
the Sack of Marienburg has been butterflied. this topic has come up several times by now.

Not unless the beastmen will come instead. Prolly as a ploy in trying to split the Electors before the main horde comes charging to Nuln.

But eh, can't say I know what goes on inside of Malagor's brain… or that of the beastmen's capacity for complicated tactics for that matter.
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Not unless the beastmen will come instead. Prolly as a ploy in trying to split the Electors before the main horde comes charging to Nuln.

But eh, can't say I know what goes on inside of Malagor's brain.
I don't know much about the sack either but it was the Ulthuan Elves that did it. I really doubt they are in cahoots with Malagor. as for the Beastmen Attack, I am among those that thing its going to happen during the Elector's meeting, Hence why we brought the Tank with us. And as for their Target, Its probably going to be partly on Ostland due to Freddie's killing one of their progenitors plus purifying the Fane. In all probability Nuln will be attacked and surrounded to keep the Electors in one place long enough for the Beastmen to destroy the Empire of Man.