Our Rennies are apparently outmatched by the new Jaldun. Troublesome...
Well, the Sotaw just got bumped up the Befriending List, I guess.
Nah, we should never be aiming to snipe every potentially friendly faction from the Romulans lest they escalate.

In fact we should go out of our way to let them have the Sotaw as they aren't using the normal Tal'shiar BS to get them as allies and if they slowly phase out the TS and go with more diplomatic solutions it's better for us in the long run, opening more options for diplomacy with them down the line.
[X][KEP] S7/P5 Kepler with rec by SWB

For those wondering the full stat line is:
Kepler 2318-Now [???m 979k t]
C2 S7 H2 L4 P5 D5
Cost[100br, 90sr, 2.25 years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-4]​
For ship design votes, I would humbly request that you deliver a full statline including reliability, evasion, and any notable parts. Especially now that there is a mechanical penalty for lack of recreation facilities, though that design does have them. Also, we list ship dates from completion, so that one would be 2322-Future

Also it's probably best to list that as a S7/P5/D5 design, to distinguish it from D4 designs.
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forces are being reinforced by further forces drawn from their Spinward Border, where reports suggest a war was being fought, and recently concluded.

Really want to know about this!!
Still Dylaarians intentions is troubling we should put more focus on the GBZ and stop any expansion from their current borders.

Really need to hurry up with those Starbases, we can ring-fence the territories with all the starbases then we can develop our GBZ backyard on our own time or we can keep making the Cardassian bleed resources or start raids in order to disrupt Dylaarians attempts to build their Starbase by hitting the site or all the resources being gathered for the construction.
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Our Rennies are apparently outmatched by the new Jaldun. Troublesome...
We knew that the Rennie would only match current Card cruisers on launch, and yes while incredibly troublesome means that we can design a refit around it, might take a while though since we'll need the tech to actually make it a worthwhile refit to implement but the Rennie itself is still a new design with a fair amount of life left in it, a refit would only make it longer.
[X][KEP] S7/P4/D6 Kepler with rec by SWB
Kepler 2322-Future [???m 977k t, 97.71% rel, 21.74% ev]
C2 S7 H2 L4 P4 D6
Cost[100br, 85sr, 2.25 years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-4]
Not much to say about this. It has a mid-sized engineering section, the deflector is on the saucer, it has cruiser nacelles the same as the Rennie's although they're probably mounted differently, and our most modern recreational space. I like that D6 gives it an edge in catching science events and in skirmishing, but there are arguments in favor of the P5 D5 ship too.

Honestly, specifying with rec or not is pointless now that not having rec is so bad that we should never ever build a design without it.

Here are some other Kepler options:

[][KEP] S7/P5/D5 Kepler with rec by SWB
Kepler 2322-Now [???m 979k t, 99.13% rel, 21.45% ev]
C2 S7 H2 L4 P5 D5
Cost[100br, 90sr, 2.25 years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-4]
Notably it lacks a targetting computer, relying on the main computer to shoot instead I guess. Instead it doubles up its phaser. Twice the phaser! Old impulse engines and rec space, but still very functional. Otherwise it looks like most D5 Kepler designs with a saucer deflector and mid-sized engineering hull, with Renaissance nacelles. This design is expensive but manages to keep both P5 and D5.

[][KEP] S7/P5/D4 Kepler with rec by Aledeth
Kepler 2322-Now [???m 948k t, 99.32% rel, 21.74% ev]
C2 S7 H2 L4 P5 D4
Cost[95br, 75sr, 2.25 years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-4]​

This is a budget proposal unless someone nominates one of the smaller designs. Cuts SR cost considerably but sacrifices D to 4. It has no TCU and two phasers, and uses Centaur-A nacelles on a mid-sized engineering hull. A 2310s computer is used to cut SR cost.

[][KEP] S8/P4/D5 Kepler with rec by Nix
Kepler 2322-Now [???m 997k t, 98.95% rel, 21.74% ev]
C2 S8 H2 L4 P4 D5
Cost[100br, 80sr, 2.5 years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-4]
Note: We will have the option to build either Nix design if it wins. Votes should be merged.​

The only reasonable S8 proposal in my opinion, it is notable in that it uses a Science Module - note the increase in build time. It sacrifices its diplomatic suite down to frigate-grade to do so. Explorer-grade onboard industry gives it the range for D5 while only using Centaur-A nacelles on a mid-sized engineering hull. It too has its deflector on the saucer.

[][KEP] S7/P4/D5 Kepler with rec by Nix
Kepler 2322-Now [???m 947k t, 98.95% rel, 21.74% ev]
C2 S7 H2 L4 P4 D5
Cost[95br, 75sr, 2.25 years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-4]
Note: We will have the option to build either Nix design if it wins. Votes should be merged.​

The same design as the S8 proposal but without the Science Module, making it S7. It's a budget design that focuses on D instead of P.

We knew that the Rennie would only match current Card cruisers on launch, and yes while incredibly troublesome means that we can design a refit around it, might take a while though since we'll need the tech to actually make it a worthwhile refit to implement but the Rennie itself is still a new design with a fair amount of life left in it, a refit would only make it longer.
The Rennie is essentially a 2330 design as is. We won't be able to refit it for about 15-20 years. This Jaldun II is easily on the same tier.
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[X][KEP] S7/P5/D5 Kepler with rec by SWB

Unless someone convinces me otherwise, going with P5 + D5. I want that P!
I'll argue strongly against any D4 design. We want the Kepler to act as primary fleet scout and that means it has to skirmish. Even a small difference in D score has a big result in the skirmish phase, as we saw in repeated battles over the last two campaigns. While 90 or 85 SR are large amounts, do they actually translate into more ships? It would take scores of Keplers to have meaningfully more from the savings.

Plus, the moment a Kepler saves a 20 SR repair bill by giving us +4% firing rate in a fight, it makes up for a good chunk of the entire production run savings.
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[X][KEP] S7/P4/D6 Kepler with rec by SWB

highest D score. we just saw how important high D frigates are in the skirmish phase.
[X][KEP] S7/P5/D5 Kepler with rec by SWB

The Jaldun-II or Jaldun-bis as it is sometimes referred to, is an extensive refit adding considerable capacity and survivability to the Jaldun destroyer. It is an across the board improvement, fuelled in many ways by incoming Imelak technology infusions. As such, the interiors of these ships betray a non-Cardassian design ethos in heavily refit areas. However, the resulting performance improvements have silenced criticism, and opened the door for more Cardassian-Client state cooperation.

[Jaldun-II Stat Profile, C5 S4 H5 L6 P4 D4, Refit Cost 40/20, New Unit Cost 115/75]

Damn, we need a bigger boat.

About that Excelsior replacement I thought was a waste of time a month ago, I've changed my mind, how long until we can build it?