Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I was commenting on the fact that we'd be in convenient face punching range to use it. our proposed build it about playing keep away.

And frankly, the amount of wishful thinking surrounding lark is expected, but still disappointing.
If it sounds that convenient at step 1, then it goes without saying that it'll only get better from there.

So less wishfull thinking and more well founded expectations
Ephemeral Nights Memory

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3),Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Meridians Needed: Legx2, Armx1(1). Arm(3), Leg(5)
Keywords: Connections, Darkness, Dexterity Fade, Memory, Stealth, Wind, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There are many passing fancies dreamt of in the late hours of the day. Yet there are some which would be better remembered. Memory is a tricky thing, a tenuous thread, easily severed and even important details might slip from us in time, let alone a passing shadow or a the soft touch of a breeze, and surely that is all that it was.

+10 to Stealth
+5 to Speed
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Hit

Passing Phantom: D
Duration: Short
The users presence fades from the mind, forgotten the moment that ones eyes stray from them. Enhances the users stealth and ability to avoid spiritual attacks, as well as slip through spiritual defenses. Allows the user to reset unsure targets to unaware if their stealth is sufficient.

Evening Breeze Flourish: D
Duration: Immediate
In an instant the user pulses their qi in a feint, and for one foe a single second of memory vanishes into the mist of time, leaving them disoriented and open for a blow.
Ephemeral Nights Memory
-Elements: Darkness, Wind
-Meridians: Leg primary, Arm secondary
-Keywords: Connections, Dexterity, Fade, Memory, Stealth, Yin

This combination is essentially an thief's art. It sit in the shared aspects of Darkness and Wind, in that they are both easily overlooked in similar ways(Darkness out of sight and out of mind, Wind in plain sight but unseen), and they both touch upon intangibles(Darkness as the subconscious mind, Wind as communication between minds). It focuses on passing unseen(Leg 3), reaching out to ensure that it stays that way(Arm 2)
In other words, it doesn't steal memories so much as it simply tells the subconcious that there is nothing of note, so it just...never gets remembered
Particularly chilling on SV, since we place a high collective valuation on sanctity of mind.

-Combat utility: Ambush art, Secret preservation.

On the surface its pretty much a basic spiritual ambush art. It lets you reestablish stealth after taking action but before revealing yourself to the enemy. It goes very well with spiritual attack effects with no overt sign, since they can be performed without moving an opponent past Unsure status.
But on a strategc level, being able to wipe out a second of memory means being able to hide your Ace cards longer. Say we have the next finisher of FSS. We use it to hammer the shit out of an opponent...then they forget why they are down on the ground, frozen and weak.

-Playstyle utility: Spy art.

Pretty much perfect for slipping into a guarded location. If you are seen, then you have not actually been seen, so long as you are swift.

-Domain slot message: "Memories fade", "Nobody really pays attenton", "When its over, let it go", "Out of sight, out of mind"

Noting that we seem to be looking at an incomplete picture here, as the blurb itself says there are things worth remembering...just that they are not remembered even so.
Meizhen's father likely had his "nothing to see here" aura from a similar art in his domain I suspect.

For all its utility I'm pretty dubious if this will be slotted.

E: Sleep time. More in the morn!
Noting that we seem to be looking at an incomplete picture here, as the blurb itself says there are things worth remembering...just that they are not remembered even so.
Yeah, I personally don thave an issue with slotting it into our domain but if others do that is not an issue but I do hope we decide to train it up, it is powerful for stealth attacks and I honestly realy wish to know what other abilities it could give us around memory stealing/erasure/hiding.
To be honest, Flight is one of our rare (almost) exclusive tools. Anything that enhances it and allows us to capitalize even more on it should be (ab)used. Comparatively Ling Qi's music, tankiness or even Qi reserves are at best party tricks that more than half the Inner Sect has an equivalent or an answer for.
I'm almost disappointed how people seem to forget how when facing someone that doesn't have flight (or a specific counter to it) we have already won the fight.
Chu Song is probably crying in a corner somewhere...

To be fair all these arts are nice and we would benefit from investing even just 1AP in each to unlock every starting technique, but if there's only one art to get that is the one.
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To be honest, Flight is one of our rare (almost) exclusive tools. Anything that enhances it and allows us to capitalize even more on it should be (ab)used. Comparatively Ling Qi's music, tankiness or even Qi reserves are at best party tricks that more than half the Inner Sect has an equivalent or an answer for.
I'm almost disappointed how people seem to forget how when facing someone that doesn't have flight (or a specific counter to it) we have already won the fight.
Chu Song is probably crying in a corner somewhere...

To be fair all these arts are nice and we would benefit from investing even just 1AP in each to unlock every starting technique, but if there's only one art to get that is the one.
Yeah, there's no way disciples of the Argent Sect have answers to a flying enemy. Why would they need to? We can be entirely secure in the dominance that flight offers us in our current environment.
@yrsillar do mind control arts exist in the universe?

That's a difficult question. It depends on the limits of what you would call mind control. a social art used by someone like XIulan's mom on a lower realm would probably trip some flags... but its just her being a supernaturally good socialite. Similarly there are memory modifying arts, but they tend to play on the existing foibles of the human mind rather than being outright editing. So in a limited sense, yes, but your not gonna see outright enthrallment arts or whatever.

Personally I'm somewhat skeptical of breaking down our arts using a metaphor this crude, not only because pretty much every cultivator worth their salt will have offensive and defensive arts (which this concept is, stripped of its home connotations), but because our most of our arts don't really fit this divide:
  • Arts like FVM, PLR and FSS inherently straddle both sides of the line. They create an undoubtedly dangerous environment to our enemies; the embodiment of loneliness, monsters of moon and darkness and an inevitable cold death, while at the same time passing by those we isolate from these effects, providing benefits even.
  • SCS is more of a self-centered neutral art that gives us the grace and speed of a fleeting shadow, it does not concern itself with terror and safety.
  • TRF represents an unyielding fortress that can survive any onslaught, which can be interpreted as a heaven of safety but it's only by projecting the metaphor onto it. The Argent combat arts represent safety and power in numbers in a much more obvious way.
  • AE is pretty much the only art that perfectly fits this axis as the obvious external monster art, but I'm sure none of us are happy with its themes. (I'm partial to @Erebeal's summons/stealth/armor art for example, and in general I think the endless greed-based understanding of darkness we can draw from AE is at least mildly toxic to our mindset.)
I'm not saying we shouldn't look for unifying concepts for our overall theme, but this one needs more work. For one our only solid core of friendly embrace to our precious few is in the baseline Domain effect. (and honestly making our friends empowered as per TRF instead of having them protected is something that agrees more with me).

Not quite what I argured, here's a hopefully clearer view:
  • we're missing a few things from our build:
    • Perception, stealth (will get some options this archive dive)
    • Spiritual armor, (dispel) resist, spiritual avoid
    • support (defensive likely; enhancing TRF's theme, works with debuff/area control offense)
    • maybe: mobility (losing AS and FZ, PLR might end up a weird offensive art that uses legs instead)
    • maybe: offense/control (currently have FSS, FVM, PLR, AE(summons); still gonna have a lot of arm meridian space)
  • I'm actually with Erebeal and that darkness-based armor/stealth/summons as an answer to stealth and minions, replacing AE. Though we're unlikely to get it this dive due to missing keywords and probably rarity.
  • spiritual armor and resist are something that still needs to be thought of more, what kind of theme and elements we want and would work (wood? ice? lake?)
  • spiritual avoid is what I've proposed a wind/dark art for, whose "role" is either one of: <fade, fade/mobility,fade/stealth>, possibly including dodge on top because it's pretty in-theme.
    • Mobility in particular gets a mention for 2 reasons; if we get the stealth/minions art there's less need for stealth here, and because currently we have speed tied to Strength. We know (and correct me on this @yrsillar) it's possible for arts to change that, so something that'll make our speed based on pure Dex, or Dex+Wits or even Dex+Stamina would work very well for us.
Yeah arts clan play around with the attributes you use, clans like to cheat and abuse that for more specialization

Sorry to step in the middle of the themes discussion, but @yrsillar, I noticed that the EPC progress at the character sheet is 439/500 Sixth Phase, which is missing the 15 point bonus Ling Qi got when Su Ling revealed her pills secret. In the update itself its written as 454/500.


Regarding the theming, I am not sure how FVM and FSS are supposed to straddle the line; they are very clearly the separation between in-group and out-group, even AE can be friendly fire proof (albeit not quite as well). PLR too since it counts as a stealth environment and seeks to confound Ling Qi foes, though maybe it will change to buff allies later on.

SCS is also out-group focused, since its theme as about bein elusive as a shadow to slip past enemies. There's no point in using its techs among allies.

TRF is the only remaining in-group focused art that is focused on directly helping allies/friends (FZ and that one tech from AC too I guess).

Ling Qi is currently seemingly more focused on bringing down enemies than empowering her friends. Though I wouldn't be averse to picking a ally buffing music art now that yrsillar is likely to generate a stealth art and a perception art that were missing from Ling Qi repertoire.

Its been fixed

I'm a little anti-divination tbh because of the behaviour it encourages. That being said, there is some nice utility there.

Also, @yrsillar, can we put points into spiritual cultivation?

Mmm, I'm going to say yes, at the same rate and caps as arts.

@yrsillar do we need two more insights, or three?

three, base insight doesn't count

@yrsillar something that came up on Discord discussion:

Right now art modification goes Train -> Master -> Choice to Slot to Domain -> Can Modify
Under this timing scheme, modifying an art is merely for convenience of use, as it can't affect domain insight or training. Is that exactly how you intended it? Swapping many of an art's keywords is pointless at that timing, as it will no longer give stat or skill training for the swapped stat, nor can you affect the insight. That may be entirely intentional, I just wanted to be sure. It entirely makes sense for art modification to only affect art use, if that is what you intended.

This is intentional, in the sense that you have to get higher up the chain before you can do better with it. green 3 modding is babys first programmer kit, so it has its limitations

Hey @yrsillar this has been a long running questions of mine which popped up again in Discord.

Do turns exist in combat still? What does "action" mean when you use it in Duration and Combat Chat? Do the delinations like full action, normal action, instant action, reaction, the whole DnD esque action chopping still exist?

Not in a precise sense, just in a narrative one as in character A does this, then character B does this, and character A has higher initiative, so they react before character C. There's no discrete tracking. Durations are similarly fuzzy.

So, let's talk about art successes per levels. Now, @yrsillar said this when asked about the low cost of the current slew of arts:

This should mean that while our main arts a big more expensive than they should be, it does denote quality of some stripes. So, let's see the successes needed of our various arts (going for least potent to most potent):

  • Fleeting Zephyr. Potency: Yellow 2. Successes needed: 390. Meridian needed: 3. Archive 2 outer sect (with archive 1 precursor).
  • Falling Star Art. Potency: Yellow 3. Successes needed: 245. Meridians needed: 3. Archive 1 outer sect
*Grumbles Grumbles about Fleeting Zephyr being nerfed to hell in a way that makes no sense*

  • Argent Arts: All follow the same pattern. Potency: Green 1. Successes needed: 470. Meridian needed: 4. Trial bonus reward.
  • Curious Diviners Eye. Potency: Green 2. Successes needed: 840. Meridian needed: 5. Archive 1 inner sect.
  • Audacious Fairy's Lark. Potency: Green 2. Successes needed: 860. Meridian needed: 5. Archive 1 inner sect.
  • Thousand Rings Fortress. Potency: Green 2. Successes needed: 1365. Meridian needed: 4. Elder gifted.
  • Forgotten Vale Melody. Potency: Green 2. Successes needed: 1760. Meridians needed 5. Xin gifted.
  • Sable Crescent Step. Potency: Green 2. Successes needed: 1800. Meridians needed: 5. Xin gifted.
  • Frozen Soul Serenade. Potency: Green 2. Successes needed: 2170. Meridians needed: 5. Zeqing gifted.
  • Covetous Wraith's Yearning, Ephemeral Nights Memory, Harmony of the Dancing Wind. Potency: Green 3. Successes needed 1150 (750 Green 2). Meridians needed: 5. Archive 1 inner sect.
  • Abyssal Exhalation. Potency: Green 3. Successes needed: 3470 (2 270 peak Green 2). Meridians needed: 5. Stolen from Yan Renshu.
  • Phantasmagoria of Lunar Revelry. Potency: Green 4. Successes needed: 5700 (4200 peak Green 3; 1400 peak green 2). Meridians needed 7. Granted by the moon.
So, from what we can see inner sect archive arts need significantly less successes than current ones, with FSS being almost twice as much successes needed at Green 2 than those at Green 3. AE actually has fairly respectable successes needed at both Green 2 and Green 3, while PLR 'catch up' to successes needed of TRF in Green 2 (though has more meridians) and then has some very significant successes needed Green 3/4.

It is a bit interesting that CDE has less successes needed than AFL, though not significantly so (a bit like FVM/SCS). Likewise, TRF is an outlier for having only 4 meridians needed in green 2.

From a good surprise point of view, it appears that FSS is significantly better than expected for an art made by a Cyan. I suspect that her being a spirit + directly teaching us greatly influence that.

@yrsillar we're going to need a informational post containing all the Library Arts we have found but not trained (yet).
If not now, then eventually...

See below

Okay so front page is updated and new arts are now in the unlearned tab at the bottom of the encylopedia. I cleaned up the grammar in their descriptions as well. As an additional change I've modified the experience for your existing arts downward, in line with the change I mentioned earlier. Numbers balooned a bit more than intended, upon reexamining all the numbers in question
I had an old tab open, so here's a comparison between old exp thresholds and new:
EPC: 750, 1000 -> 650, 800
SCS: 500, 750 -> 500, 500 (??)
FVM: 750 -> 650
TRF: 750 -> 650
AE: 400, 600, 800, 1200 -> 300, 400, 600, 800
AC: 240 -> 240
AS: 120, 240 -> 120, 240
FSS: 300, 600, 900 -> 200, 400, 600
PLR: 250, 400, 550, 700, 900, 1200, 1500 -> 150, 300, 450, 600, 800, 1000, 1200
Main takeaways are that SCS is doing something interesting with the same exp for two levels in a row, Argents are unchanged, and PLR's next couple levels are pretty accessible.

Oh, and I don't have an Argent Genesis comparison because I don't think it was on our character sheet previously and screw tracking down where it was actually stated.
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Yeah, with EPC being 650 we now can more reasonably get it in one turn when we get to appraisal, which is huge. FSS is also going to take a lot less actions. Overall, I'd say that this changes means it will not only make it much easier to have a full art suite when we get to peak appraisal (we probably won't even notice the bottleneck tbh), but more important it makes the new archive arts more worth it.

Differences between them and current big tickets art is still there, but it's not 'twice as big' anymore.
Am I a bad person for mostly seeing the bulli possibilities for the memory erasure ones?
No, I'm a bad person for mostly seeing the bulli possibilities for Covetous Wraith's Yearning when sparring with Meizhen.
Welcoming in Shadow: D
Duration: Short
The darkness spirit might seem a pitable thing, ut it does not due to forget the danger and hunger they represent. Desire is a deadly thing, and has unmade many. Shrouding themselves in the raiment of the dark, the user tugs at the strings of an enemies desires, focusing their attention upon them. An enemy so affected will approach the user at their full speed, and may target no one else while under their this thrall. The approach effect can be resisted with a resolve of C or greater. While this technique is active, the users armor of both types increases significantly, as they take on a wraiths phantasmal traits.
@yrsillar a few procedural questions.

1) Can we spend the minimum Sect Job SP (11/mission) on the same turn as we get it? Some people are proposing we should shop for pills next month but we don't have the SP to do it yet.

2) Are Sect Jobs going to basically just be "roll 10+1d10" from now on, or are there still skillchecks and events involved sometimes?

3) Pills from the Sect don't expire right? Like, if we bought a pill next month could we hold it in our inventory and then use it on month five?

4) I've heard from someone we will have an action for exploring the Dreaming Moon Map available next month. Will we be able to spend actions on researching Sect competition/making Sect challenges too? How is that going to work?
My feeling on keyword substitution is that it's supposed to be pretty limited at this stage, and people are kinda getting ahead of themselves with changes that would really be creating new arts.

Like, take a simple example: AE. Changing Projection to Music is a simple change to the execution of the art, that has no bearing on its underlying themes or function. Projection is incidental to the art, and we can easily express the same dark hunger with music - indeed, we already have arts that are close to that.

Worms is something I could also see potentially being able to be tweaked if we could think of a similarly appropriate Earth-based hungry beast.

In contrast Hunger, Earth, and Darkness are all super fundamental to the art. You can't change them without making a new art. Possibly creating derived arts like this is something that we might be able to do in late green or something as our first steps to making completely original arts, but it seems to be far and beyond what basic art modification can do.
@yrsillar a few procedural questions.

1) Can we spend the minimum Sect Job SP (11/mission) on the same turn as we get it? Some people are proposing we should shop for pills next month but we don't have the SP to do it yet.

2) Are Sect Jobs going to basically just be "roll 10+1d10" from now on, or are there still skillchecks and events involved sometimes?

3) Pills from the Sect don't expire right? Like, if we bought a pill next month could we hold it in our inventory and then use it on month five?

4) I've heard from someone we will have an action for exploring the Dreaming Moon Map available next month. Will we be able to spend actions on researching Sect competition/making Sect challenges too? How is that going to work?

1. I'm going to say no it just introduces even more bookkeeping complication and there is already quite enough of that.

2. Mostly. If I have a reason for a sect job to be narratively significant it might have higher rewards. There are some background rolls to determine how many challenges and of what difficulty they require too, hence the 40 points.

3. No, pills can be used immediately or saved

4. Yes, exploration and challenge related stuff is going to be introduced in the coming month.
1. I'm going to say no it just introduces even more bookkeeping complication and there is already quite enough of that.
Like, I agree with this for everything that isn't just checking the shops, but the vagaries of our sect point gain means that it'll literally be month 3 before we can just look at the shop, and month 4 before we can actually use anything.

Tutoring is part of the month plan, and can be factored into things. Rare pills however can't be used in the same month that we buy them because we don't know what's available to us. Thus, there's already a month delay built into the system there. To use rare pills we have to go:
  • Month 1: Get points (and overdo missions to make sure we actually have enough points)
  • Month 2: Look at shop and cross fingers that there's anything good
  • Month 3: Can actually use the pills we bought now
Everything else can just be done in the month 2. Pills can't.

(and going to the shop *before* the plan vote is obviously even worse and completely non-viable from a management perspective)
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Such as brute Force convincing someone by erasing their memory whenever you make a misstep?
The disorientation and short time unfortunately makes it very hard to use socially. A second is like 3 to 5 syllables after all. But it's totally enough to fake abilities we don't actually have. (And ones we do have, of course.)

For social use we really need at least 3 seconds and ideally would like to severely reduce the disorientation effect.
Might be easier to list a small number of interesting pills every month right before the AP vote. Then we can incorporate them fully into planning without needing to prepay or have any wait periods. Downside is you'd have to write ~3 pills every month.
It's been discussed repeatedly in this thread and while we have no direct "This is it's block" we have information about it. Look to the earlier bits of this thread.

Suffice to say what you'll likely find is that I am a vehement opponent of getting it.

I kind of want very much to get it. Now I know that whilst they're genuinely good arts...most of the argent arts aren't good for Ling Qi on a personal level.

Like, the Argent set of arts is an excellent set of arts for a military force.

But I know very well that Argent Current and Argent Storm are honestly really badly suited for us. And Argent Pulse, whilst a nice commander art, is of very limited use to Ling Qi, given the types of battles she's likely to be involved in. Maybe useful for the Inter-Sect tournament?

Anyway, whilst defs better for Ling Qi than AC or AS, AP is still not all that great for her overall.

The reason I still want it though, is that Ys confirmed ages back there are evolved forms of the Argent Arts. And I suspect we can't get the evolved forms without mastering all + Argent Pulse.

And whilst the others are thoroughly meh for Ling Qi, I very very much want the evolved form of Argent Mirror. It's been very useful to Ling Qi as a defence, and also to her character development in the self-reflection and not holding illusions about herself. (Honestly quite a lot of LQ's friends would benefit a lot from the insight of AM)

And I agree with the idea of re-keywording AM. A version using Lake and Moon I could see working very well for her, for retaining its purpose but also suiting her better. Moon has many faces, but all of those faces are real and legitimate, think it could work a bit better for her in reconciling behaving differently under different circumstances.

But yeah, want evolved form before re-keywording.

Yeah arts clan play around with the attributes you use, clans like to cheat and abuse that for more specialization

Peon: We have come across an excellent Heaven art for penetrating defences.

Gu Clan Leader: I will make it use fire instead.

Peon: We have also found a Mountain art that helps resist spiritual attacks.

Gu Clan Leader: I will make it use fire instead.

Peon: Finally we were gifted a stupendous Water art for flowing around obstacles and attacks.

Gu Clan Leader: I will make it use fire instead.

Peon: ...but it's a Water art. The concepts are utterly antithetical to fire!

I kind of want very much to get it. Now I know that whilst they're genuinely good arts...most of the argent arts aren't good for Ling Qi on a personal level.

Like, the Argent set of arts is an excellent set of arts for a military force.

But I know very well that Argent Current and Argent Storm are honestly really badly suited for us. And Argent Pulse, whilst a nice commander art, is of very limited use to Ling Qi, given the types of battles she's likely to be involved in. Maybe useful for the Inter-Sect tournament?

Anyway, whilst defs better for Ling Qi than AC or AS, AP is still not all that great for her overall.

The reason I still want it though, is that Ys confirmed ages back there are evolved forms of the Argent Arts. And I suspect we can't get the evolved forms without mastering all + Argent Pulse.

And whilst the others are thoroughly meh for Ling Qi, I very very much want the evolved form of Argent Mirror. It's been very useful to Ling Qi as a defence, and also to her character development in the self-reflection and not holding illusions about herself. (Honestly quite a lot of LQ's friends would benefit a lot from the insight of AM)

And I agree with the idea of re-keywording AM. A version using Lake and Moon I could see working very well for her, for retaining its purpose but also suiting her better. Moon has many faces, but all of those faces are real and legitimate, think it could work a bit better for her in reconciling behaving differently under different circumstances.

But yeah, want evolved form before re-keywording.

Peon: We have come across an excellent Heaven art for penetrating defences.

Gu Clan Leader: I will make it use fire instead.

Peon: We have also found a Mountain art that helps resist spiritual attacks.

Gu Clan Leader: I will make it use fire instead.

Peon: Finally we were gifted a stupendous Water art for flowing around obstacles and attacks.

Gu Clan Leader: I will make it use fire instead.

Peon: ...but it's a Water art. The concepts are utterly antithetical to fire!

Historian: -and that is why elemental monofocus tends to end with barren wastelands filled only with corpses, monsters and corpse monsters.