Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
A strong unifying theme for a bunch of arts we've gotten from a variety of places for differing reasons doesn't necessarily exist

Notice how the unifying theme mentioned so far incorporates about half of our total Arts: SCS, PLR, FSS, FVM, and TRF.

It makes no mention of FZ, FSA, AE, AM, AS, or AC.

It doesn't even try or pretend to make a coherent theme out of all of our Arts.
Notice how the unifying theme mentioned so far incorporates about half of our total Arts: SCS, PLR, FSS, FVM, and TRF.

It makes no mention of FZ, FSA, AE, AM, AS, or AC.

It doesn't even try or pretend to make a coherent theme out of all of our Arts.
I didn't say 'all' either.
To speak more directly, I don't think the tension between the style of combat support seen in TRF and combat stealth can be resolved neatly. However, I do think non-combat support and non-combat stealth work well with either of the other two and easily form a coherent build. We may also be able to seek specialized 'support from stealth' arts - who knows, yrs may even offer one from this archive trip.
Well then, criticism is easy, feel free to post your own, improved concept :)
Thematics is hard work, and I still need to do some math on spreasheets to make some estimates where we'll be by year's end (perliminary math says we're on a reasonable course but it looks both way too tight and way too resource-intensive). Though I might as well put some of my thoughts down (apologies in advance for being somewhat rambley):
  • I'm not sure at what level you're trying to apply this theme; a unifying thread for LQ's arts? her combat strategy? her budding domain/way (assuming current best guesses at what that means)? These are all plausible and close to each other, but they're not identical and this theme would work best for 1 or 3. The problems with 1 are roughly what I complained about earlier, it feels like a post-hoc not-quite-fitting projection, and as for 3 we're really too early to decide if that's what we want to build towards, and also doesn't really sit that well with the AM insight.
  • My own thoughts for what we have and are likely to build towards is more about combat strategy with some unifying thematic elements for subgroups of arts. Namely, an area controlling moon wraith that fights alone with her spirit beasts or in a small group of close and (if history is an indication) deadly friends.
  • The aspects of respite and a safe heaven are fairly important to LQ as a person but we've never seen them embodied in combat and I think they shouldn't be.
    • When we fight we are the terrifying dark wraith that looked at Shenhua and thought "I gotta keep up with that". Outside of it though we should be the observant and welcoming friend, whose very presence makes it easier to be at peace.
    • In combat that aspect should become an element of empowerment, make our friends as indestructible as we are, allow them the resolve to strike at weakened foes and probably let them empower us in turn to unleash hell.
  • With that said, a unifying theme for all our arts would either be uselessly broad or too constricting, and as such the above should apply to our core of combat arts and domain bonuses. But we're more than just a place of respite and a terrying specter of darkness, we're also a rogue blessed by the moon, and maybe a tinkerer in our spare time if @TehChron has his way. This would hold the remaining 'freedom' aspects of wind and the skillset for which Cai recruited us.
  • Which brings me to the moon and her changing phases. With her as our patron we can probably swing more than a little bit of "multifaceted" into our thematic makeup and art spread.
What does this mean in practice:
  • Don't sweat thematics too much on a per-art basis; pick up the 4-6 arts to cover our weaknesses and complete the above combat strategy. That these arts will work together with our current core a whole lot better than FZ, FSA and the Argents ever did and will make things easier to settle themes with.
  • When the time comes to decide on our domain slots keep an eye to the separation between our combat-self and who we are among friends (atm would act as the AM as the gatekeeper between the two). I don't think we can ignore either of those when it comes to Domain choices, and some like PLR might have elements of both.

I think I'll leave the rest of the arguments to people with more time. And now it's time for math.
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What does "Locked until Green Appraisal" mean?
Green Appraisal is a stage of spiritual cultivation. It is the second stage in the 3rd realm. Right now Ling Qi has reached the third realm of spiritual cultivation, but only the first stage. Once we reach the next benchmark in spiritual cultivation we will be in Green Appraisal. At the moment, most of our arts are locked behind reaching that benchmark.
My own thoughts for what we have and are likely to build towards is more about combat strategy with some unifying thematic elements for subgroups of arts. Namely, an area controlling moon wraith that fights alone with her spirit beasts or in a small group of close and (if history is an indication) deadly friends.
I fully agree, this is almost exactly what I've been thinking of when I've considered Ling Qi's thematics going forwards. I have two additional thoughts:
  1. Given that Ling Qi undertakes all sorts of missions, including ones that don't actually involve combat, I feel like calling it 'operational style' more than 'combat strategy'. If anything, the Moon Wraith aesthetic is even more prominent when we sneak in and out of a person's sanctuary with their deepest secrets than when we flit around a battlefield of our own shaping.
  2. If we take 'Moon Wraith' as our operational style, the topic of how it meshes with our Domain/Way will come up, but I feel like we don't need to force the integration. We'll build insights (mechanical or otherwise) step by step until we've figured out exactly how Moon Wraith can work together with Home.
Green Appraisal is a stage of spiritual cultivation. It is the second stage in the 3rd realm. Right now Ling Qi has reached the third realm of spiritual cultivation, but only the first stage. Once we reach the next benchmark in spiritual cultivation we will be in Green Appraisal. At the moment, most of our arts are locked behind reaching that benchmark.
Thanks for answering I had though of green stage as the same as the other 2 ie Early,Mid, Late. mother question how come we got no bonuses towards spiritual cultivation after we did some cultivation of arts in the last month?

Oh and domain still confused me lol sorry for asking so much.
Turn 1: Arc 1-7-Archive/cultivation
Cultivation consumed Ling Qi in the weeks that followed. This first month was peaceful, with no challenges being allowed, and Ling Qi took advantage, with the majority of her social obligations settled for the moment.

physical cultivation 408 dice
1 2 6 2 9 2 6 7 5 5 8 7 4 7 4 1 8 5 1 4 9 2 10 9 4 2 6 7 8 2 5 9 3 2 2 3 3 8 1 9 2 8 6 7 5 1 8 4 5 8 7 3 1 6 4 6 7 9 5 5 2 1 5 4 2 8 8 6 5 9 4 8 8 1 5 2 1 4 7 6 3 4 10 3 1 3 10 10 3 4 6 4 4 2 9 7 9 9 2 4 7 6 3 6 6 9 8 9 2 4 4 4 9 3 8 2 8 8 1 10 3 6 6 9 7 6 5 5 4 7 10 2 4 5 8 1 3 7 9 5 2 2 10 1 7 10 4 6 9 4 5 1 9 2 9 7 8 6 3 3 2 5 5 7 9 4 7 3 10 6 9 1 9 9 3 7 10 6 2 8 1 9 10 1 2 1 7 9 6 2 4 7 6 8 5 6 1 1 10 2 8 9 4 9 9 9 7 8 4 9 5 7 9 4 7 10 4 4 1 1 7 4 9 4 3 3 9 5 6 8 6 3 8 1 3 6 9 10 3 5 10 9 1 10 5 7 9 10 2 1 1 8 4 9 1 6 2 1 2 9 1 7 1 8 10 6 6 8 7 8 2 6 9 2 5 3 1 5 2 2 6 4 2 1 5 2 9 8 5 10 6 7 9 6 4 8 3 9 7 9 9 9 4 7 2 10 1 2 7 4 4 4 8 7 6 2 8 4 1 4 6 6 10 6 1 6 5 6 6 1 4 4 1 8 2 3 9 4 4 5 8 9 10 7 5 6 10 5 9 10 10 6 5 10 3 7 7 7 2 2 8 6 8 10 5 1 2 5 5 8 2 4 8 1 10 5 6 1 9 7 2 8 4 6 9 7 4 5 3 6 9 2 3 6 2 9 6 5 3 10 2 6 3 10 7 4 4 4

202 successes

Reroll 40
1 4 1 1 6 9 8 1 7 6 4 1 3 6 9 9 7 2 2 9 6 3 10 6 6 4 9 6 8 6 4 10 10 6 10 5 6 9 5 3. 16 successes

218 total x1.2=261.


spiritual cultivation

6 6 3 7 1 9 3 5 1 10 2 3 8 9 9 1 5 1 7 9 6 5 8 10 1 9 4 7 5 4 6 10 1 10 9 3 8 1 7 1 3 8 3 10 8 2 10 4 4 8 4 2 4 1 3 6 1 6 3 5 1 10 5 3 9 5 5 9 5 3 9 9 2 1 1 2 4 2 5 8 10 9 1 5 1 3 1 2 1 5 6 1 4 2 4 4 8 10 4 3 5 2 3 6 5 3 7 8 7 4 7 6 2 9 2 4 2 2 5 2 6 3 4 1 6 9 7 4 1 10 8 5 4 10 2 8 5 9 7 1 4 4 8 5 2 9 8 5 3 5 8 8 7 2 1 4 2 7 7 2 8 6 6 1 8 8 8 2 8 5 4 1 10 3 7 3 1 6 8 3 10 7 3 8 10 5 2 2 3 10 3 10 6 1 1 3 10 10 6 9 4 1 1 5 3 9 8 5 4 7 10 4 3 2 1 3 8 4 6 10 4 10 9 1 10 1 5 1 1 2 1 6 2 1 3 6 9 10 10 3 6 9 8 10 2 10 4 9 4 9 8 9 9 9 1 10 1 5 3 1 8 3 9 9 6 1 4 6 2 5 8 9 4 7 8 5 7 4 6 2 2 5 2 2 3 2 4 4 8 6 6 5 8 6 5 5 6 8 1 9 4 10 7 7 7 7 4 5 10 1 6 3 5 7 7 8 10 10 3 7 7 8 3 6 6 7 1 3 4 1 2 9 10 8 8 8 4 1 2 5 3 9 10 7 7 6 6 6 7 8 4 3 8 6 8 3 2 8 5 7 8 6 6 10 6 3 7 1 5 9 8 7 7 7 3 4 2 9 1 10 8 5 2 5 10 9 9 4 9 6 10 8 3 5 7 8 7 6 9 3 6 6 9 4 4 4 9 7 2 10 6 1 6 7 6 5 7 6 8 7 1 10 5 4 4 1 3 3

218 successes

4 2 10 6 8 9 7 6 4 1 9 10 4 6 9 1 9 1 10 6 3 10 5 5 6 5 9 8 4 4 8 9 7 7 4 4 8 3 1 1 3 10 3 8 7 3 1 5 3 2

25 successes

243 total x1.2=291

Argent genesis
8 3 8 1 10 1 6 5 9 8 7 5 3 7 5 8 2 4 1 7 8 8 9 7 8 6 1 9 5 4 10 3 6 10 5 7 2 10 4 2 9 2 6 1 8 10 1 10 5 3 8 3 10 8 1 7 3 1 8 10 6 9 4 3 8 8 10 1 9 5 2 7 6 8 9 3 9 9 4 4 3 4 8 5 1 8 3 4 10 10 3 5 9 6 7 8 5 8 9 3 2 10 1 7 9 1 2 8 2 7 3 4 10 2 8 1 1 1 4 10 2 8 6 2 5 4 10 9 2 10 3 5

64 successes

Rerolling 15
8 5 8 8 7 3 9 3 6 5 5 10 2 3 10. 7 successes

71 total x1.7= 120

123/100 First Day Achieved

Skill and attribute gains

44/40 Rank increased!

22/20 Rank Increased!


Free qi roll


That was not to say that she forgot her coming obligations. During her spiritual meditations, she brought her mind back to the hazy memories of the moon revel, and the feeling of being on stage, performing her music for so many. She had to be ready to fulfill her duties after all, and with Sixiang's occasional murmurs of advice, she found herself gradually growing more confident in her ability to impress her lieges guests.

Sadly, she could not spend all of her time cultivating, While she was for the moment, content with her contribution points, the more expendable sect points in her possession were not something she had in great supply. If she wanted access to the sects best medicines, tutors and other resources, she would have to pay for them, and so, Ling Qi found herself taking errands, mostly those that involved stealing into a east or spirits nest and acquiring reagents without doing any harm.

It was relaxing in its own way, and with every carefully arranged acquisition, she felt her understanding of the grinning moons lessons sharpening. The joy of the acquisition was a goal in and of itself. Freed of the desperation of her youth, Ling Qi could enjoy the simple rush that came from sneaking into places she was not meant to be.

Sect points: 2 AP base 20
1,2=3. 23 sect points total

+30 EPC successes

In her free moments, Ling Qi cultivated the ARgent Genesis Art and it came easily to her. Where the first Argent cultivation art had prepared the body for the strain of early breakthroughs, the Argent Genesis Art was focused wholly upon building ones third realm foundation, and readying oneself to set the first building blocks of their domain. It's first level was a mere preparatory step in that direction.

Potency: Yellow 3
Max Level: 6
Potency: Yellow 3
Keywords: Argent, Balanced, Composure, Neutral, Qi, Resolve,
Potency Growth: Green 1(2), Green 2(4), Green 3(6)
XP Requirements: 150, 250, 350, 500, 650

First Day Benefits
+15 dice to Spiritual and Physical cultivation up to Green/Bronze 1
+10 dice to Meridian cultivation
+5 dice to Argent Art cultivation
1 free die of qi experience per turn, up to A rank
User may bind up to grade 3 spirits(Upkeep doubled if beast realm is higher)
Once per turn add 30 to a single attribute or skill during a challenge
Grants the user 1 virtual Yellow Stone per week(4 per turn)

Second Day Benefits(Not unlocked yet)

+25 dice to Spiritual and Physical cultivation up to Green/Bronze 2
+10 dice to Meridian cultivation
+10 dice to Argent art cultivation
2 free dice of qi experience per turn up to A rank
User may bind up to grade 3 spirits
Spirit Upkeep reduced by 2 per spirit
Once Per turn add up to 30 to a single attribute or skill during a challenge
Grants the user 2 virtual Yellow Stones per week(8 per turn)

Yet, for Ling Qi the thing that felt like the greatest drain on her time, despite the relatively small number of hours spent on it, was her time in the archive. The Inner Sect archive, or the part she had access too, was a sprawling complex with many wings, each one filled to the bring with scrolls, jade slips and books. There was some arcane method of organization to the thing, fiendishly complex in execution.

It had been, in fact her first days task to decipher that organization. The Sect officials presiding over the archive had been irritatingly unhelpful, apparently working out how to find anything was an unofficial test for new disciples. Still, after several hours of searching through whispering mazes and occasionally quelling a rowdy spirit or two, she found her way to the the books which described the workings of domains and the modification of arts.

Domains are the core of higher level cultivation, representing the path walked by their owners. Each domain is wholly unique, it is impossible for two individuals to have the exact same domain, though it is possible to come close. At the upper reaches of cultivation, domain affects everything a cultivator does, but in the green realm, its effects are much more limited.

Domain gains experience when the cultivator cultivates arts of green 1 or higher potency compatible with their domain. At the beginning all arts are compatible, but as the domain develops this will narrow down.

Domains have a number of open 'slots' which can hold effects, known as 'insights'. Insights are gained through mastery of qualifying arts, and new slots are gained via increasing the rank of your domain.A cultivator begins with 3 slots, and gains 2 slots are gained at each rank.

At Green/bronze 2 and above, domain begins to intermingle with regular cultivation. It is not possible to advance to green/bronze 3 without at least 4 insights slotted into your domain.

Green 4 requires 5 insights, one of which must be advanced.

Advanced Insights are unlocked at Green 2, and will be explained when that stage is reached. Higher requirements will be similarly noted.

Insights are permanent, so be careful in choosing what you choose to slot in.

Art alteration

Art alteration is unlocked at green/bronze 3. However, the alterations one can make at this level are limited to keyword substitution. A cultivator may spend actions further cultivating a mastered art, and alterations require 25 successes per level of potency. EG. Red 1 art requires 25 successes, yellow one art requires 100.

On completing this the cultivator will be given a list of possible changes available to the keyword they chose, based on their domain and abilities. An altered keyword cannot be altered again until green/bronze 5

Altering keywords will have varied and uncertain effects on arts, more fine control over changes can be attained at higher cultivation.

The subject was far deeper than she had anticipated. Shelf upon towering shelf was dedicated to the minutiae of art development, with entire texts full of dense diagrams and equations regarding qi flows and pulses, half of which didn't even seem to be written in any imperial dialect she knew. Eventually, she managed to find more… friendly texts, and she was just talking about the fact that these ones didn't try to bite with fangs made of mathematical symbols.

With those in hand, and the most recalcitrant tomes turned over to archive attendants for quelling, she was finally able to begin her study properly. As her tutor had told her, one needed be at the third step of the green realm to make any progress in art alteration, it simply wasn't possible to pick out the individual fluctuations in an arts pattern well enough to make changes without breaking things further on, and ruining the art.

Each element and concept which built an art was a component to its function, like the tiny gears in a clockmakers construction, the trick then, was changing the pattern and arrangement of the many components without causing the whole thing to break. It was a meticulous and time consuming process, and one with uncertain results at such low levels of cultivation, still Ling Qi thought there was a merit to it. The basics needed were simply learning to recognize the exact arrangements and movements of qi that represented different components, to avoid changing the wrong things.

With that understanding, Ling Qi was able to move on to her secondary objective, seeking out some arts with the potenial to replace some of those which were growing outdated.

Covetous Wraith's Yearning

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, spine(1), Head(3), Spine(5)
Keywords: Dark, Desire, Empathy, Connection, Perceptiveness, Presence, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

Most spirits of darkness are quiescant things, wisps born in the night and dead by morning, comfortable in their irrelevance and nonexistence. Those that cling to existence under the rays of the morning sun are hungry things, stained by desires drawn from human and beast alike. The desire to be, and live, and take. In many ways spirits of darkness are a reflection of the fundamental drives of life, and as such there is much understanding to be gained from their perspective.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Initiative
+5 to Spiritual Armor

Seeking the Hearthfire: D
Duration: Long
Using this art, the user channels dark qi through their mundanes senses, enhancing their ability to understand the desires and bonds between those in their sight, and the ways in which they might insinuate themselves into those things. This sharpening of senses also allows the user to react more quickly to the hostility of foes, increasing their initiative and avoid.

Welcoming in Shadow: D
Duration: Short
The darkness spirit might seem a pitable thing, ut it does not due to forget the danger and hunger they represent. Desire is a deadly thing, and has unmade many. Shrouding themselves in the raiment of the dark, the user tugs at the strings of an enemies desires, focusing their attention upon them. An enemy so affected will approach the user at their full speed, and may target no one else while under their this thrall. The approach effect can be resisted with a resolve of C or greater. While this technique is active, the users armor of both types increases significantly, as they take on a wraiths phantasmal traits.

Ephemeral Nights Memory

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3),Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Meridians Needed: Legx2, Armx1(1). Arm(3), Leg(5)
Keywords: Connections, Darkness, Dexterity Fade, Memory, Stealth, Wind, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There are many passing fancies dreamt of in the late hours of the day. Yet there are some which would be better remembered. Memory is a tricky thing, a tenuous thread, easily severed and even important details might slip from us in time, let alone a passing shadow or a the soft touch of a breeze, and surely that is all that it was.

+10 to Stealth
+5 to Speed
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Hit

Passing Phantom: D
Duration: Short
The users presence fades from the mind, forgotten the moment that ones eyes stray from them. Enhances the users stealth and ability to avoid spiritual attacks, as well as slip through spiritual defenses. Allows the user to reset unsure targets to unaware if their stealth is sufficient.

Evening Breeze Flourish: D
Duration: Immediate
In an instant the user pulses their qi in a feint, and for one foe a single second of memory vanishes into the mist of time, leaving them disoriented and open for a blow.

Curious Diviners Eye
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Lung x1, Lung(3), Head (5)
Keywords: Academics, Intelligence, Perceptiveness, Projection, Moon, Secrets, Water, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 280

The arts of the great diviner have spread far and wide with time, their secrets no longer held in trust. This art has been said to be a descendant of the impeccable arts of the great horned sages. Perhaps as a starting point for more inquisitive youths. The curiosity and seeking nature of the new moon is clear in its influence here.

+10 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+5 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Long
The users eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for a single test, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Short
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviners curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Near distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisps position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: H
Speed: E, Initiative: F
Avoid: D, Armor H

Harmony of the Dancing Wind
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Heart x1(1), Heart(3), Head(5)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, ManipulationMusic, Wind, Yang
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Hit
+5 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Short
This piece, embodying the optimism and hope, speaks to the musicians bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new hope, bolstering allies against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician.

Audacious Fairy's Lark

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Legx2, Arm(1). Leg(3), Arm(5)
Keywords: Dance, Dexterity, Dodge, Revelry, Stealth, Wind, Wits, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 300

An art developed on the observations of a man observing his young daughters frustrations in his attempts to capture low grade wind spirit in the family gardens. The art follows in the footsteps of ephemeral spirits, floating ever just out of reach, and mocks those who would try to grasp its user. Requiring flight for its mastery techniques, this art was never of great use to those it was intended for.

+5 to Stealth
+10 to Speed
+5 to Initiative
+5 on attempts to escape grapples or confinement

Laughing Breeze: D
Duration: Short
The user's footsteps are light, and they float freely over the earth, bendy nary a single strand of grass in their passing. In flight, the user is merely pushed aside by blows that might have struck home, floating from danger like a cascade of flower petals in the wind. Greatly enhances the users speed and stealth by allowing them to defy gravity for short bursts. With flight, this technique is greatly enhanced, and physical avoid is enhanced as well.

Plucking Gust: D
Duration: Immediate
Just the playful sprite plucked the hairpin from the child's head, the users light touch can free more potent things from an enemies ownership. The user may make a melee attack, using dance or stealth as its skill against an unaware or unready target to remove an accessory talisman from their person.

+20 Suyin
+15 from archive

Sixth Phase attained
+25 dice to Spiritual Cultivation until Green 3
+20 dice to Physical cultivation up until Bronze 3
+25 dice to the cultivation of all Yin Arts
+20 dice to the cultivation of Moon Arts
-Grants the user a 4 'virtual' stones of up to Yellow grade per week(16 per turn)
-Allows the user to bind spirits of up to Grade three
+4 free qi cultivation dice per turn up to S rank
-When passing stealth challenges during adventure mode the user receives bonus successes equal to 5x the letter rank of the challenges passed to spiritual or physical cultivation, or Moon or Yin aligned arts, as selected at turn start. Bonus successes cap at 120. -permanent
-Gain a +30 bonus on a single Combat or Social Perception test per turn
-Gain a 10 point bonus on Combat and Social perception
-User receives between 1 and 30 successes toward spiritual, physical, Moon, or Yin aligned arts when discovering unknown information or hidden treasure, depending on value.

+40 dice to Spiritual Cultivation until Green 4
+30 dice to Physical cultivation up until Bronze 4
+35 dice to the cultivation of all Yin Arts
+30 dice to the cultivation of Moon Arts
-Grants the user a 1 'virtual' stone of to Green grade per week(4 per turn)
-Allows the user to bind spirits of up to Grade three
+4 free qi cultivation dice per turn up to S rank
-Gain a +30 bonus on a single Stealth or stealth derived skill challenge per turn
-Gain a +30 bonus on a single Combat or Social Perception test per turn
-Gain a 10 point bonus on Combat and Social perception
-User receives between 5 and 50 successes toward spiritual, physical, Moon, or Yin aligned arts when discovering unknown information or hidden treasure, depending on value. -permanent
-- Capstone Moon Ability. Quest dependant

AN: Alright guys, I hope you'll forgive me if the narrative content is a bit thin on this one as there was quite a bit of mechanical work going into this one. No votes here, I figure there will be enough to discuss regardless
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 12, 2018 at 9:28 PM, finished with 692 posts and 104 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 12, 2018 at 9:29 PM, finished with 692 posts and 104 votes.
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Thanks for answering I had though of green stage as the same as the other 2 ie Early,Mid, Late. mother question how come we got no bonuses towards spiritual cultivation after we did some cultivation of arts in the last month?

Oh and domain still confused me lol sorry for asking so much.
No problem, questions are meant to be asked.

I'm not sure by what you mean by bonuses towards spiritual cultivation, but the month is not yet over. The previous cultivation that we did during this arc was just the first step. We have still have Argent Genesis, Spiritual, and Physical cultivation to do during this arc, at the very least. Those will be rolled eventually. We do have multiplier bonuses to spiritual and physical cultivation already though. However, we don't get bonuses to spiritual or physical cultivation by cultivating normal arts (Cultivation Arts are special as they help you cultivate).

Domain is a bit trickier to explain. Basically, every cultivator of a third realm or higher has a domain, which helps define who that cultivator is. At the very beginning, a cultivator's domain is going to be very weak and ill-defined. However, as that cultivator advances through the stages of cultivation, uses the domain, and studies and cultivates arts of a certain potency that domain will strengthen and be able to affect the world in more obvious manners. Defining a domain involves a cultivator mastering arts of a certain potency and then internalizing a lesson about the art, making it apart of the cultivator.

A domain is an expression of who a cultivator is, and the cultivator can use that domain to influence and change the world around them simply by existing.
If we take 'Moon Wraith' as our operational style, the topic of how it meshes with our Domain/Way will come up, but I feel like we don't need to force the integration. We'll build insights (mechanical or otherwise) step by step until we've figured out exactly how Moon Wraith can work together with Home
I disagree with this strenuously. Of course we can't just figure out everything in one go right now. Of course we will iterate and refine our idea as we learn more.

But thay's why it's super important to be thinking about these big picture issues. We need to be considering them in order to infrom how we put togetner our build and refine our ideals and concept.

If we don't do that, if we just go something like "moon wraith is cool and easy and let's just not think about the implications of this or how it relates to, say, our entire support build" we're just perpetuating the problem.
Thematics is hard work, and I still need to do some math on spreasheets to make some estimates where we'll be by year's end (perliminary math says we're on a reasonable course but it looks both way too tight and way too resource-intensive).

Unless everything goes to shit, we should be Green Three by no later than the Tenth Month. Best Case scenario is something like the Sixth Month.

In order to accomplish these, the following needs to be the case:
-The Mirror needs to sell for the anticipated ~13,000 RSS.
-We need to maximize GSS/turn. That's 8 - roughly 4000 RSS/turn. We currently receive one GSS from CRX and one GSS from the Sect, dropping the total down to 3000 RSS/turn.
-EPC 7 needs to provide 1 virtual GSS/Week (4/turn). This reduces the cost of maxing out GSS (at Green 2) from 3000 RSS/turn to 1000 RSS/turn, allowing us to go 'max GSS' at Green Two for upwards of ten months.
--We need to hit EPC 7 within one month - that's 750 successes. It's not going to be easy...
-We need to find a location multiplier for Physical and Spiritual cultivation, and ideally one for Moon Cultivation.
-It takes 2400 successes to reach Bronze/Green 3.

Spiritual Cultivation at EPC 6, Green Two, and utilizing the Argent Vent for lack of anything superior, looks something like:
Dice Total = (T + S/4 + R) * A
T = 6
S/4 = 5*4 + 10 * 4 + 40 * 4 + 80 * 4 = 5 + 10 + 40 + 80 = 135
R = 6 (Stealth bonus) + 25 (EPC 6 Spiritual Cultivation Bonus) + 15 (Vent) + 20 (High Resources) + x (Misc die bonuses: Friends, tutoring, rare pills) = 66 + x

(6 + 135 + 66 + x) * 4 = (207 + x) * 4 = 828 + x

at .55 successes per die on average, that's (828 + x) * .55 = 455.4 + 0.55x successes.
With a *1.2 success multiplier, that's a total of: 546.48 + 0.66x successes.

A combination of friends, tutoring, and rare pill/s totaling over 82 dice (82 * 0.66 ~= 54), and/or the EPC stealth bonus obtaining at least 55 successes put towards Spiritual Cultivation, and/or the EPC hidden information/treasure bonus providing for the same, is required to break the 600 successes per turn mark to reach Green Three four months after hitting Green Two. This is approximately the same for reaching Bronze Three, with the note that we should be reaching Bronze Two in Turn Four, and therefore Bronze Three in Turn Eight.

-This doesn't factor in EPC 7 bonuses, which are superior to EPC 6 bonuses.
-A superior location to the Argent Vent for cultivating Spiritual/Physical would provide either additional dice or a multiplier to successes, reducing or eliminating the need for dice from friends, tutoring, and rare pills or putting EPC stealth bonus successes to Physical/Spiritual.
-Successes on average means that the actual numbers (when the dice are actually rolled) will probably be quite different.


Oh Look, a Wild Update has appeared!

Edit: Hm, we may want to slow down and/or delay cultivating Phys/Spir for a month or two to make certain we slot the sorts of Insights we want.
Edit 2: Right, forgot about the 'Hidden Information' / 'Treasure' bonus, ha!
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Covetous Wraith's Yearning

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, spine(1), Head(3), Spine(5)
Keywords: Dark, Desire, Empathy, Connection, Perceptiveness, Presence, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

Most spirits of darkness are quiescant things, wisps born in the night and dead by morning, comfortable in their irrelevance and nonexistence. Those that cling to existence under the rays of the morning sun are hungry things, stained by desires drawn from human and beast alike. The desire to be, and live, and take. In many ways spirits of darkness are a reflection of the fundamental drives of life, and as such there is much understanding to be gained from their perspective.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Initiative
+5 to Spiritual Armor

Seeking the Hearthfire: D
Duration: Long
Using this art, the user channels dark qi through their mundanes senses, enhancing their ability to understand the desires and bonds between those in their sight, and the ways in which they might insinuate themselves into those things. This sharpening of senses also allows the user to react more quickly to the hostility of foes, increasing their initiative and avoid.

Welcoming in Shadow: D
Duration: Short
The darkness spirit might seem a pitable thing, ut it does not due to forget the danger and hunger they represent. Desire is a deadly thing, and has unmade many. Shrouding themselves in the raiment of the dark, the user tugs at the strings of an enemies desires, focusing their attention upon them. An enemy so affected will approach the user at their full speed, and may target no one else while under their this thrall. The approach effect can be resisted with a resolve of C or greater. While this technique is active, the users armor of both types increases significantly, as they take on a wraiths phantasmal traits.

Ephemeral Nights Memory

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3),Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Meridians Needed: Legx2, Armx1(1). Arm(3), Leg(5)
Keywords: Connections, Darkness, Dexterity Fade, Memory, Stealth, Wind, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There are many passing fancies dreamt of in the late hours of the day. Yet there are some which would be better remembered. Memory is a tricky thing, a tenuous thread, easily severed and even important details might slip from us in time, let alone a passing shadow or a the soft touch of a breeze, and surely that is all that it was.

+10 to Stealth
+5 to Speed
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Hit

Passing Phantom: D
Duration: Short
The users presence fades from the mind, forgotten the moment that ones eyes stray from them. Enhances the users stealth and ability to avoid spiritual attacks, as well as slip through spiritual defenses. Allows the user to reset unsure targets to unaware if their stealth is sufficient.

Evening Breeze Flourish: D
Duration: Immediate
In an instant the user pulses their qi in a feint, and for one foe a single second of memory vanishes into the mist of time, leaving them disoriented and open for a blow.

Curious Diviners Eye
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Lung x1, Lung(3), Head (5)
Keywords: Academics, Intelligence, Perceptiveness, Projection, Moon, Secrets, Water, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 280

The arts of the great diviner have spread far and wide with time, their secrets no longer held in trust. This art has been said to be a descendant of the impeccable arts of the great horned sages. Perhaps as a starting point for more inquisitive youths. The curiosity and seeking nature of the new moon is clear in its influence here.

+10 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+5 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Long
The users eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for a single test, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Short
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviners curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Near distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisps position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: H
Speed: E, Initiative: F
Avoid: D, Armor H

Harmony of the Dancing Wind
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Heart x1(1), Heart(3), Head(5)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, ManipulationMusic, Wind, Yang
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Hit
+5 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Short
This piece, embodying the optimism and hope, speaks to the musicians bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new hope, bolstering allies against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician.

Audacious Fairy's Lark

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Legx2, Arm(1). Leg(3), Arm(5)
Keywords: Dance, Dexterity, Dodge, Revelry, Stealth, Wind, Wits, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 300

An art developed on the observations of a man observing his young daughters frustrations in his attempts to capture low grade wind spirit in the family gardens. The art follows in the footsteps of ephemeral spirits, floating ever just out of reach, and mocks those who would try to grasp its user. Requiring flight for its mastery techniques, this art was never of great use to those it was intended for.

+5 to Stealth
+10 to Speed
+5 to Initiative
+5 on attempts to escape grapples or confinement

Laughing Breeze: D
Duration: Short
The user's footsteps are light, and they float freely over the earth, bendy nary a single strand of grass in their passing. In flight, the user is merely pushed aside by blows that might have struck home, floating from danger like a cascade of flower petals in the wind. Greatly enhances the users speed and stealth by allowing them to defy gravity for short bursts. With flight, this technique is greatly enhanced, and physical avoid is enhanced as well.

Plucking Gust: D
Duration: Immediate
Just the playful sprite plucked the hairpin from the child's head, the users light touch can free more potent things from an enemies ownership. The user may make a melee attack, using dance or stealth as its skill against an unaware or unready target to remove an accessory talisman from their person.
Welp, time to pull out the knives, we've got an Art choice! The real question is which of the losers will become a meme option for years to come.
Welcoming in Shadow: D
Duration: Short
The darkness spirit might seem a pitable thing, ut it does not due to forget the danger and hunger they represent. Desire is a deadly thing, and has unmade many. Shrouding themselves in the raiment of the dark, the user tugs at the strings of an enemies desires, focusing their attention upon them. An enemy so affected will approach the user at their full speed, and may target no one else while under their this thrall. The approach effect can be resisted with a resolve of C or greater. While this technique is active, the users armor of both types increases significantly, as they take on a wraiths phantasmal traits.
Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Short
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviners curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Near distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisps position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: H
Speed: E, Initiative: F
Avoid: D, Armor H
Plucking Gust: D
Duration: Immediate
Just the playful sprite plucked the hairpin from the child's head, the users light touch can free more potent things from an enemies ownership. The user may make a melee attack, using dance or stealth as its skill against an unaware or unready target to remove an accessory talisman from their person.

Hooooly shit dem be nasty
All of these arts look fantastic. I am super pumped to start going through them in detail and salivating at the possibilities.

Alas, actually cultivating them will be some time I believe, and only so many can be chosen.
Sect points: 2 AP base 20
1,2=3. 23 sect points total

+30 EPC successes
@yrsillar, I am a bit surprised by the choice ot have 2AP worth of Stealth actions only giving 1 stealth test, especially when the current skill system means we can't do more than 2 Stealth actions without 'losing skill dice' (as we can only get 2 dice for a specific skill).

As is, having a cap of 120XP appears counter intuitive unless you mean for it to only apply during 'event time'.
Since we plan on boosting Dance and we have easy access to Flight, Audacious Fairy's Lark seems like something we're really going to want to get. Besides, who doesn't want to steal talismans in the middle of fights? What could be more Ling Qi? Imagine if we get the chance to do it to Yan Renshu!

e: also it looks like we rolled two 6s for Presence gain, pretty excellent.
Those are cool arts. Yrsillar continues to be really good at making things sound really intereting and cool.

My thoughts are that I tentatively favor the music one. That being said, these decisions should be put off until we look at more arts and can start to look at combos.

I think that looking into wood/s.def/resist would be good for a follow-up. Resist is pretty critical to our needs.
Hooo boy.

all of those Arts are nice for us in certain circumstances. Curious Diviner's Eye for instance lets us fully abuse SCS 7 to get a straight up "Walk Through Walls" effect. Audacious Fairy's Lark is the long-desired Larceny Art, and Harmony of the Dancing Wind gives us another Music Art that fits Ling Qi and isn't more gloomy stuff.
Spoiler: Seventh Phase
+40 dice to Spiritual Cultivation until Green 4
+30 dice to Physical cultivation up until Bronze 4
+35 dice to the cultivation of all Yin Arts
+30 dice to the cultivation of Moon Arts
-Grants the user a 1 'virtual' stone of to Green grade per week(4 per turn)
-Allows the user to bind spirits of up to Grade three
+4 free qi cultivation dice per turn up to S rank
-Gain a +30 bonus on a single Stealth or stealth derived skill challenge per turn
-Gain a +30 bonus on a single Combat or Social Perception test per turn
-Gain a 10 point bonus on Combat and Social perception
-User receives between 5 and 50 successes toward spiritual, physical, Moon, or Yin aligned arts when discovering unknown information or hidden treasure, depending on value. -permanent
-- Capstone Moon Ability. Quest dependant

It's everything I wanted it to be! :D 1 GSS/Week, here we come! It isn't even gated by a Quest, just those 750 successes! I'm almost as excited for this as my brother is for the Smash game coming out tonight!

My 'base plan' has one fewer assumption!

Okay, now to look at those new Arts.
Ephemeral Nights Memory would form a nice parallel to Ling Qi's own habit of completely forgetting the existence of any enemy once she exceeds their cultivation. :p
Since we plan on boosting Dance and we have easy access to Flight, Audacious Fairy's Lark seems like something we're really going to want to get. Besides, who doesn't want to steal talismans in the middle of fights? What could be more Ling Qi? Imagine if we get the chance to do it to Yan Renshu!

e: also it looks like we rolled two 6s for Presence gain, pretty excellent.

Imagine if we get another opponent that has a talisman that's supposed to strip away our Arts and we swipe it before they can activate it. Bonus points if it does activate, but because we swiped it it strips their own defensive techs.
I'm a little anti-divination tbh because of the behaviour it encourages. That being said, there is some nice utility there.

Also, @yrsillar, can we put points into spiritual cultivation?
Evening Breeze Flourish: D
Duration: Immediate
In an instant the user pulses their qi in a feint, and for one foe a single second of memory vanishes into the mist of time, leaving them disoriented and open for a blow.
Plucking Gust: D
Duration: Immediate
Just the playful sprite plucked the hairpin from the child's head, the users light touch can free more potent things from an enemies ownership. The user may make a melee attack, using dance or stealth as its skill against an unaware or unready target to remove an accessory talisman from their person.
I wonder if Evening Breeze Flourish causes "unready" status for purposes of Plucking Gust, allowing someone with both to constantly troll people by what's basically throwing pocket sand and then stealing gear while the hapless opponent is confused. Repeatedly.

Truly, the combat style of a completely shameless thief. Someone like Ling Qi.
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