Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I wonder if Evening Breeze Flourish causes "unready" status for purposes of Plucking Gust, allowing someone with both to constantly troll people by what's basically throwing pocket sand and then stealing gear while the hapless opponent is confused. Repeatedly.

Truly, the combat style of a completely shameless thief. Someone like Ling Qi.

God, I am so glad we decided to look up some Wind techniques in addition to Darkness and Moon. They are wonderful.
It's actually a shame it specifies accessory talismans- though that's probably to prevent exactly what I'm thinking of- since swiping people's clothes that they're wearing ought to throw them for a loop, even more than losing the benefits of said clothes. (that and it would presumabvly discourage Sun Lilling from choosing a facepunching challenge if we challenge her if it would leave her naked each time.)
So green/bronze 3 needs 4 arts slotted, thats going to be fun.

I really want Audacious Fairy's Lark, pity that it needs 2 leg Meridians to start, we would have to open one or condolence SCS.
Yeah, no prob on the lack of narrative content, this is a meaty update.

Alright, Phys looks two months behind Spiritual, which is fairly close to hitting Green 2.

123/100 First Day Achieved

1 free die of qi experience per turn, up to A rank


And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, our successor arts.

Covetous Wraith's Yearning

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, spine(1), Head(3), Spine(5)
Keywords: Dark, Desire, Empathy, Connection, Perceptiveness, Presence, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

Most spirits of darkness are quiescant things, wisps born in the night and dead by morning, comfortable in their irrelevance and nonexistence. Those that cling to existence under the rays of the morning sun are hungry things, stained by desires drawn from human and beast alike. The desire to be, and live, and take. In many ways spirits of darkness are a reflection of the fundamental drives of life, and as such there is much understanding to be gained from their perspective.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Initiative
+5 to Spiritual Armor

Seeking the Hearthfire: D
Duration: Long
Using this art, the user channels dark qi through their mundanes senses, enhancing their ability to understand the desires and bonds between those in their sight, and the ways in which they might insinuate themselves into those things. This sharpening of senses also allows the user to react more quickly to the hostility of foes, increasing their initiative and avoid.

Welcoming in Shadow: D
Duration: Short
The darkness spirit might seem a pitable thing, ut it does not due to forget the danger and hunger they represent. Desire is a deadly thing, and has unmade many. Shrouding themselves in the raiment of the dark, the user tugs at the strings of an enemies desires, focusing their attention upon them. An enemy so affected will approach the user at their full speed, and may target no one else while under their this thrall. The approach effect can be resisted with a resolve of C or greater. While this technique is active, the users armor of both types increases significantly, as they take on a wraiths phantasmal traits.

Starting off our list, we have a nice perception art. Being able to see relationships and desires is super goddamn useful for an Intrigue Spymaster. Social Perception is always going to be useful to us in this setting, even with CRX, our social fu ability matters. What is more interesting is the Draw Aggro move, which is not typically what I'd like for Qi, who I'd prefer to be bouncing around in the darkness. Ideally we'd have tough guys with us that we can support, hanging back in the shadows to shove a knife (yes I'm slightly bitter) up someone's ass while their distracted. So I'm not crazy on this for that reason, but I just really like that social aspect of it, and further fucking with the enemy's mind and emotions during a fight, which would hopefully happen with further mastery, could be baller.

Ephemeral Nights Memory

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3),Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Meridians Needed: Legx2, Armx1(1). Arm(3), Leg(5)
Keywords: Connections, Darkness, Dexterity Fade, Memory, Stealth, Wind, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There are many passing fancies dreamt of in the late hours of the day. Yet there are some which would be better remembered. Memory is a tricky thing, a tenuous thread, easily severed and even important details might slip from us in time, let alone a passing shadow or a the soft touch of a breeze, and surely that is all that it was.

+10 to Stealth
+5 to Speed
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Hit

Passing Phantom: D
Duration: Short
The users presence fades from the mind, forgotten the moment that ones eyes stray from them. Enhances the users stealth and ability to avoid spiritual attacks, as well as slip through spiritual defenses. Allows the user to reset unsure targets to unaware if their stealth is sufficient.

Evening Breeze Flourish: D
Duration: Immediate
In an instant the user pulses their qi in a feint, and for one foe a single second of memory vanishes into the mist of time, leaving them disoriented and open for a blow.

Now we are talking. A beautiful stealth art that allows us to actively reapply stealth mid-combat, and also flatout erase a single second of memory from an enemy. Not much more to say, this is just great.

Curious Diviners Eye
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Lung x1, Lung(3), Head (5)
Keywords: Academics, Intelligence, Perceptiveness, Projection, Moon, Secrets, Water, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 280

The arts of the great diviner have spread far and wide with time, their secrets no longer held in trust. This art has been said to be a descendant of the impeccable arts of the great horned sages. Perhaps as a starting point for more inquisitive youths. The curiosity and seeking nature of the new moon is clear in its influence here.

+10 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+5 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Long
The users eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for a single test, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Short
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviners curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Near distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisps position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: H
Speed: E, Initiative: F
Avoid: D, Armor H

Meh. This is mainly for investigation, which is not my highest priority for Qi. The scouts are fairly nice, but don't seem to be too superior to our Ossuary Scouts. I'll pass.

Harmony of the Dancing Wind
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Heart x1(1), Heart(3), Head(5)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, ManipulationMusic, Wind, Yang
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Hit
+5 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Short
This piece, embodying the optimism and hope, speaks to the musicians bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new hope, bolstering allies against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician.

A musical perception art, that can both establish a reliable comm network among a squad, and a group buff of Spiritual Hit and Avoid, I think. Even stronger with people we're close to, interestingly enough, but this is flatly outclassed by CWY.

Audacious Fairy's Lark

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Legx2, Arm(1). Leg(3), Arm(5)
Keywords: Dance, Dexterity, Dodge, Revelry, Stealth, Wind, Wits, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 300

An art developed on the observations of a man observing his young daughters frustrations in his attempts to capture low grade wind spirit in the family gardens. The art follows in the footsteps of ephemeral spirits, floating ever just out of reach, and mocks those who would try to grasp its user. Requiring flight for its mastery techniques, this art was never of great use to those it was intended for.

+5 to Stealth
+10 to Speed
+5 to Initiative
+5 on attempts to escape grapples or confinement

Laughing Breeze: D
Duration: Short
The user's footsteps are light, and they float freely over the earth, bendy nary a single strand of grass in their passing. In flight, the user is merely pushed aside by blows that might have struck home, floating from danger like a cascade of flower petals in the wind. Greatly enhances the users speed and stealth by allowing them to defy gravity for short bursts. With flight, this technique is greatly enhanced, and physical avoid is enhanced as well.

Plucking Gust: D
Duration: Immediate
Just the playful sprite plucked the hairpin from the child's head, the users light touch can free more potent things from an enemies ownership. The user may make a melee attack, using dance or stealth as its skill against an unaware or unready target to remove an accessory talisman from their person.

This one I also like, a Stealth movement art that enhances deflection of blows, staying just out of reach, and also being able to literally pickpocket them in the middle of a fight. Obviously synergy with PLR, which I genuinely don't know if I'll want in our domain in the future. For now, the dancing style of Avoid is everything I could want from that Keyword, so this is still a solid pick. Still prefer ENM for a stealth movement art, but this one pulls on me a bit. EDIT: Oh, derp, forgot about the fact that this is stronger with flight capabilities, which we are one of the few people in our peer group to have. Iiiiinteresting.
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It's actually a shame it specifies accessory talismans- though that's probably to prevent exactly what I'm thinking of- since swiping people's clothes that they're wearing ought to throw them for a loop, even more than losing the benefits of said clothes. (that and it would presumabvly discourage Sun Lilling from choosing a facepunching challenge if we challenge her if it would leave her naked each time.)

If we believe hard enough, one day we will be stealing our opponent's armor and weapons.
Ling Qi with shipper-vision? It's more likely than you think.

I mean I considered the other art, and it seemes inferior to CWY. When LQ stalks someone in the shadows she can't exactly play music to boost her perception; and even greater, finding out people's desires is a boon on its own - no better way to get a blackmail material with a glance.
Welcoming in Shadow: D
Duration: Short
The darkness spirit might seem a pitable thing, ut it does not due to forget the danger and hunger they represent. Desire is a deadly thing, and has unmade many. Shrouding themselves in the raiment of the dark, the user tugs at the strings of an enemies desires, focusing their attention upon them. An enemy so affected will approach the user at their full speed, and may target no one else while under their this thrall. The approach effect can be resisted with a resolve of C or greater. While this technique is active, the users armor of both types increases significantly, as they take on a wraiths phantasmal traits.
This is super interesting with FVM because the opponent can't get too close to us. They are stuck running towards us unable to get any closer. A pretty sick combo in my view. It also works really well with the supporting style I want to go down which is an taunt and dodge style. Force them to focus on us instead of the super heavies like Cai.
Harmony of the Dancing Wind
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Heart x1(1), Heart(3), Head(5)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, ManipulationMusic, Wind, Yang
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Hit
+5 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last
I'd like to point out that we're going to be expected to play at parties, so we'll probably be able to leverage this through that.
This is super interesting with FVM because the opponent can't get too close to us. They are stuck running towards us unable to get any closer. A pretty sick combo in my view. It also works really well with the supporting style I want to go down which is an taunt and dodge style. Force them to focus on us instead of the super heavies like Cai.

Also, it's AOE. Being resistant by Resolve C and AOE it makes it an incredibly efficient crowd control tool - mooks are stuck following LQ but never managing to hit her or close the distance.
Covetous Wraith's Yearning
-1150 Successes, Headx3, Spinex2
-Seems to be a Perception art with tanking components. I'm a bit skeptical of it, I like it least of the selections.

Ephemeral Nights Memory
-1150 Successes, Legx3, Armx2
-A stealth art based on a SEP field. Could be a very strong complement to SCS, and also has very encouraging passives. I like this art.

Curious Diviners Eye
-840 Successes, Headx3, Lungx2
-A weird little perception art, very good for research and exploration. Could be interesting sideboard fodder.

Harmony of the Dancing Wind
-1150 Successes, Headx3, Heartx2
-Musical Perception and Special defense buffing. I like this the most of the perception arts, and it could be very good with our domain.

Audacious Fairy's Lark
-860 Successes, Legx3, Armx2
-I like this art a whole lot. It mixes stealth with stealing and mobility, and focuses on strengths we already have and making them better. It feels like it'll mix very well with PLR too, as another dancing fae art.
Seeking Moon's Eyes plus Grinning Crescent Dancer means that trying to keep us out or in anywhere is a nightmare.

Someone could make a metal vault with no door that has sides 30 feet thick and we could go in and out easily.

If we had that art when infiltrating the fort we never would have been spotted let alone caught.
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Also, it's AOE. Being resistant by Resolve C and AOE it makes it an incredibly efficient crowd control tool - mooks are stuck following LQ but never managing to hit her or close the distance.
It may prevent people caught in it's grasp from eliminating each other through friendly fire due to the fact than they must focus their attention on Ling Qi and Ling Qi only.
I really like Audacious Fairy's Lark and Ephemeral Nights Memory.
(Also I wonder if the latter will allow Skyrim-like stealth in the future, enemies hit by attacks still wondering if there's anyone around.)
This is super interesting with FVM because the opponent can't get too close to us. They are stuck running towards us unable to get any closer. A pretty sick combo in my view. It also works really well with the supporting style I want to go down which is an taunt and dodge style. Force them to focus on us instead of the super heavies like Cai.
It depends on which way the interaction goes. Does their desire lead them through the mist to their target, or does it have them blindly wandering, chasing receding shadows that may or may not have ever been us at all?
I really like Audacious Fairy's Lark and Ephemeral Nights Memory.
(Also I wonder if the latter will allow Skyrim-like stealth in the future, enemies hit by attacks still wondering if there's anyone around.)

Probably hard, but it would let us literally steal most of their gear without them noticing as long as our stealth holds up
It may prevent people caught in it's grasp from eliminating each other through friendly fire due to the fact than they must focus their attention on Ling Qi and Ling Qi only.
That's never been a key part of our strategy. Keeping mooks spinning ineffectively around so that they can be cleared away without being able to concentrate on the more important/vulnerable targets avaliable however...
It depends on which way the interaction goes. Does their desire lead them through the mist to their target, or does it have them blindly wandering, chasing receding shadows that may or may not have ever been us at all?
It will require clarification but it would also work on keeping a person inside PLR as well. Notice as well that only the approach can be resisted not the taunt. There is also the fact that at full speed will often use a movement art which burns their qi as well.

I am starting to really like this art.
Argent Genesis

First Day Benefits
+15 dice to Spiritual and Physical cultivation up to Green/Bronze 1
+10 dice to Meridian cultivation
+5 dice to Argent Art cultivation
1 free die of qi experience per turn, up to A rank
User may bind up to grade 3 spirits(Upkeep doubled if beast realm is higher)
Once per turn add 30 to a single attribute or skill during a challenge
Grants the user 1 virtual Yellow Stone per week(4 per turn)

Curious to see this in comparison to the old thread's EPC4 at late yellow (old system, so not exactly comparable)
+15/12 dice to Spiritual/Physical
+12 dice to Yin Arts
(old system) 10 success to qi per week (EPC5 is at 3 free dice of qi, so maybe 2 dice here?) & 5 success per qi roll (which was never used)
Bind grade 2 spirits
(old system) 30 (max) successes from stealth/larceny checks to cultivation or Yin arts (EPC5 is 90 max for ~1 month at 5x letter grade)
1 free yellow stone
And a bunch of stuff that was not translated to new system (stealth/larceny rerolls & bonus dice)
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