Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I dislike the theme of going out of the mind of others. I don't think ling qi want to be forgotten and I don't want her to be.

Could phrase it that those wraiths that have no home to belong to have no anchor. Such wraiths could lose their memories. Or bringing a conceptual home with us, so that the 'wraiths' can't see us who are at home, and therefore not 'there with them'.

I don't know where I was going with this but someone could phrase it better, in the end arts don't have to be slotted permanently in anyway, like someone else said.

E: Typos!
It literally edit our existence out of an ennemy brain.

Also as for not slotting an art, I am certainly not going to bet on that given how the last domain vote ended.

On editing our existence out of our enemy's brain. I think it's more along the lines of them temporarily forgetting about us? Less existence editing and more memory editing, really. Looking at the art flavor (not sure if this should be taken seriously, but I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt), this is the quote:

There are many passing fancies dreamt of in the late hours of the day. Yet there are some which would be better remembered. Memory is a tricky thing, a tenuous thread, easily severed and even important details might slip from us in time, let alone a passing shadow or a the soft touch of a breeze, and surely that is all that it was.

It's not about us going unnoticed, it's about the fickleness of memories and how easy it is for us to cut that connection for a brief period of time. My previous way of phrasing was likely wrong, maybe memories must be shared around the hearth or be forgotten? Might be fitting with our domain (probably)
So, new arts:
Covetous Wraith's Yearning

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, spine(1), Head(3), Spine(5)
Keywords: Dark, Desire, Empathy, Connection, Perceptiveness, Presence, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

Most spirits of darkness are quiescant things, wisps born in the night and dead by morning, comfortable in their irrelevance and nonexistence. Those that cling to existence under the rays of the morning sun are hungry things, stained by desires drawn from human and beast alike. The desire to be, and live, and take. In many ways spirits of darkness are a reflection of the fundamental drives of life, and as such there is much understanding to be gained from their perspective.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Initiative
+5 to Spiritual Armor

Seeking the Hearthfire: D
Duration: Long
Using this art, the user channels dark qi through their mundanes senses, enhancing their ability to understand the desires and bonds between those in their sight, and the ways in which they might insinuate themselves into those things. This sharpening of senses also allows the user to react more quickly to the hostility of foes, increasing their initiative and avoid.

Welcoming in Shadow: D
Duration: Short
The darkness spirit might seem a pitable thing, ut it does not due to forget the danger and hunger they represent. Desire is a deadly thing, and has unmade many. Shrouding themselves in the raiment of the dark, the user tugs at the strings of an enemies desires, focusing their attention upon them. An enemy so affected will approach the user at their full speed, and may target no one else while under their this thrall. The approach effect can be resisted with a resolve of C or greater. While this technique is active, the users armor of both types increases significantly, as they take on a wraiths phantasmal traits.
So, a Perception/Succubus/Blood knight art focused on controlling people's emotions to get them to play to our tunes. A.K.A Jack Slash 101. I... don't know why we'd even look at this one at all.

Ephemeral Nights Memory

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3),Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Meridians Needed: Legx2, Armx1(1). Arm(3), Leg(5)
Keywords: Connections, Darkness, Dexterity Fade, Memory, Stealth, Wind, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There are many passing fancies dreamt of in the late hours of the day. Yet there are some which would be better remembered. Memory is a tricky thing, a tenuous thread, easily severed and even important details might slip from us in time, let alone a passing shadow or a the soft touch of a breeze, and surely that is all that it was.

+10 to Stealth
+5 to Speed
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Hit

Passing Phantom: D
Duration: Short
The users presence fades from the mind, forgotten the moment that ones eyes stray from them. Enhances the users stealth and ability to avoid spiritual attacks, as well as slip through spiritual defenses. Allows the user to reset unsure targets to unaware if their stealth is sufficient.

Evening Breeze Flourish: D
Duration: Immediate
In an instant the user pulses their qi in a feint, and for one foe a single second of memory vanishes into the mist of time, leaving them disoriented and open for a blow.
This seems like a stealth art designed to give buff to self/debuff to enemies and focused on taking advantage of our stealth. If we want to have a more backstab-centred style, it's very powerful. If we want some offensive buff/debuff, it's powerful anyway.
Curious Diviners Eye
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Lung x1, Lung(3), Head (5)
Keywords: Academics, Intelligence, Perceptiveness, Projection, Moon, Secrets, Water, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 280

The arts of the great diviner have spread far and wide with time, their secrets no longer held in trust. This art has been said to be a descendant of the impeccable arts of the great horned sages. Perhaps as a starting point for more inquisitive youths. The curiosity and seeking nature of the new moon is clear in its influence here.

+10 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+5 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Long
The users eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for a single test, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Short
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviners curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Near distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisps position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: H
Speed: E, Initiative: F
Avoid: D, Armor H
Very potent combat perception, and great ability to analyse specific details when we have already found something out. Very good ability to look at things from away, which is useful when we are stealthed or some such. No basic perception abilities, and unless Inquisitive Study changes to be able to analyse opponent well and then become passive, no ability to gain information on an enemy easily.

Very nice niche secondary perception art, but useless as main unless it works differently than I read it as.
Harmony of the Dancing Wind
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Heart x1(1), Heart(3), Head(5)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, ManipulationMusic, Wind, Yang
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Hit
+5 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Short
This piece, embodying the optimism and hope, speaks to the musicians bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new hope, bolstering allies against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician.
Very Good social perception, Good Combat Perception passives. Spriritual Avoid Buff art, but very lacklustre perception capabilities in combat (only able to detect people, not terrain etc). No subtlety whatsoever as it needs both allies and opponent to listen to us, and as such should be mutually exclusive with stealth.

Again, an interesting secondary perception art, especially as it's spiritual defence support, but utterly useless as a main perception art.

Audacious Fairy's Lark

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Legx2, Arm(1). Leg(3), Arm(5)
Keywords: Dance, Dexterity, Dodge, Revelry, Stealth, Wind, Wits, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 300

An art developed on the observations of a man observing his young daughters frustrations in his attempts to capture low grade wind spirit in the family gardens. The art follows in the footsteps of ephemeral spirits, floating ever just out of reach, and mocks those who would try to grasp its user. Requiring flight for its mastery techniques, this art was never of great use to those it was intended for.

+5 to Stealth
+10 to Speed
+5 to Initiative
+5 on attempts to escape grapples or confinement

Laughing Breeze: D
Duration: Short
The user's footsteps are light, and they float freely over the earth, bendy nary a single strand of grass in their passing. In flight, the user is merely pushed aside by blows that might have struck home, floating from danger like a cascade of flower petals in the wind. Greatly enhances the users speed and stealth by allowing them to defy gravity for short bursts. With flight, this technique is greatly enhanced, and physical avoid is enhanced as well.

Plucking Gust: D
Duration: Immediate
Just the playful sprite plucked the hairpin from the child's head, the users light touch can free more potent things from an enemies ownership. The user may make a melee attack, using dance or stealth as its skill against an unaware or unready target to remove an accessory talisman from their person.
Seems like a worse SCS that has a focus on larceny. It's defensive capabilities seems flat out worse than SCS, and larceny itself is a nightmare to implement in combat. (Also not interesting). Pass.

So, our of the arts, 2 are basically things Ling Qi either cannot use at all (Covetous) or are weaker than something she already has (Audacious) as well as a nightmare to implement.

One is a very potent offensive buff/debuff art that focus on stealth, on which I know some people want to focus on.

Two are secondary perception art that needs a 'main' perception art to be learned to be usable at all unless I misunderstand how they work.

I think I want to learn Diviner, myself. I am hopeful it's possible Diviner will develop in something that can actually be used. Harmony could be useful for spiritual defence, but its perception is actually something that cannot be used at all by Ling Qi.

At best we could say we could use it to teleport to anyone listening to us with SCS (as we can perceive them), but hahaha it's mutually exclusive with stealth, and it's super slow for perception (and we don't care about seeing them when that should be super easy anyway).

Kinda pissed because I was hoping to get a perception art to replace AM with, but we ended up with not!perception arts, and we'll need another art research actions for perception now. Or just admit archive don't have any.
@Raising Kittens and @George, I'll throw my hat into the discussion of this whole friendship and in group out group dichotomy from my point of view.

The first thing to point out is that I honestly just forgot about FZ, FSA, The Argents, AE and I think everyone else did as well because it's been a while since they were used relevantly in the story and it just slipped our brains.

To actually fit them or classify them or otherwise organize them with respect to the in group/out group split, FZ is really used to help our in group run away or run towards something and add slight power to their own abilities. It's not honestly that complicated, which makes sense given the general simplicity of the art and it's ancestor. FSA is meant to punish the out group. That's how Ling Qi uses it because it's basically the only way for it to be used except as raw destructive force, see Renshu boulder escape.

The Argents are varied; AM lives on the boundary as someone pointed out, acting as a door or gatekeeper tool for Ling Qi. It is transitional and helps enforce the separation while acting in both sides of it, much like FVM and PLR do. AC is very much in the same camp as TRF, in the sense that it is for the benefit of the in group, but differently styled. Styled to help the in group help Ling Qi, in particular. AS has not been used very much at all, and has barely been memorable, and is all about striking at the out group.

AE is something that creates an out group like FVM, and then provides a ready made temporary in group with all the worms. It approaches the divide from a different direction.

Now through all of this it should be made clear that this is about methods. What does Ling Qi use them for is the question on the docket, applied through a very relevant and apparent character trait, that being her lack of care for the out group and sometimes vicious hate for it(see Liling and Renshu) and her care for the in group along with her drive to make friends because she associates friendship and companionship with being strong. Based on her two breakthrough visions, how she rationalized approaching Meizhen, and how Dong Fu's advice has affected her.

Now then! On to the update! (I haven't kept up beyond page like 123 so if I say something someone else said aw well. Means I agree.)

My initial response is Oh Damn That's Cool. Seriously this shit is just cool. The Domain stuff is exactly what I wanted, and it actually makes it a good thing that we have so many arts mastering in Green 2, and several of them are on the list for consideration for slotting. At this point we need three more. Another really good point is that some of our arts are... ineligible for helping with this blocker to get to Green 3 in a way because they are mastered in Green 3 and above. The ones in question are EPC, Argent Genesis, Abyssal Exhalation, PLR.

Most of these arts we found in the archive are also ineligible for helping with this blocker because they are mastered in Green 3 except for Audacious Fairy's Lark and Curious Diviner's Eye.

Moving on and to a new topic, I like all of these! They're all quite nice. That said I'm not making a plan to train them next turn because I want to bum rush EPC, SCS, AG(if we can train it) and our base cultivation. EPC giving a virtual Green stone at level seven is important for Ling Qi's future development and we need to get that quickly.

Basically it comes down in my mind that we have things to do next month that are critically important and can't spare the time to train one of these arts. Certainly not consistently. Now to catch up with everything.
I think one important thing here is that we don't have anything that slots simply into our build.

Lots of things that could have uses, but that really depend on combing them with the right other arts to cover their holes.

Tldr; we need more research so we can look at combinations of arts.
Huh not much to catch up on. In here at least :V. God I need to sleep less.
CDE on paper does most of what we want. It doesn't replace AM, but it synergizes incredibly well with it and makes us better at just about every form of perception. The scouts are pretty good and likely to get better, it makes us a better thief, and it's got a big glowing sign saying, "SUCCESSOR ARTS HERE." It's also super easy to cultivate which is a pretty big plus.
So, I'm going to follow the trend and talk about my reactions to this new batch of arts. First off, all of these arts are fantastic in my opinion, and all have their place in what Ling Qi wants to do socially and in combat. With that being said, not all arts are made equally, and not all arts will be, or should be, cultivated. So, here's a rundown on what I see in the arts!

Covetous Wraith's Yearning

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, spine(1), Head(3), Spine(5)
Keywords: Dark, Desire, Empathy, Connection, Perceptiveness, Presence, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

Most spirits of darkness are quiescant things, wisps born in the night and dead by morning, comfortable in their irrelevance and nonexistence. Those that cling to existence under the rays of the morning sun are hungry things, stained by desires drawn from human and beast alike. The desire to be, and live, and take. In many ways spirits of darkness are a reflection of the fundamental drives of life, and as such there is much understanding to be gained from their perspective.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Initiative
+5 to Spiritual Armor

Seeking the Hearthfire: D
Duration: Long
Using this art, the user channels dark qi through their mundanes senses, enhancing their ability to understand the desires and bonds between those in their sight, and the ways in which they might insinuate themselves into those things. This sharpening of senses also allows the user to react more quickly to the hostility of foes, increasing their initiative and avoid.

Welcoming in Shadow: D
Duration: Short
The darkness spirit might seem a pitable thing, ut it does not due to forget the danger and hunger they represent. Desire is a deadly thing, and has unmade many. Shrouding themselves in the raiment of the dark, the user tugs at the strings of an enemies desires, focusing their attention upon them. An enemy so affected will approach the user at their full speed, and may target no one else while under their this thrall. The approach effect can be resisted with a resolve of C or greater. While this technique is active, the users armor of both types increases significantly, as they take on a wraiths phantasmal traits.
This was originally my least favorite out of the arts, but @Neshuakadal has pointed out some incredible synergy with FVM and so my opinion on it has softened considerably. There is also some incredible synergy with "Harmony of the Dancing Wind" as HDW allows us to see other's perspectives while this allows us to see the bonds between those in our sight. In social situations, playing HDW while having the Covetous Wraith active could allow us to see the bonds of everyone in the room at once. That is some massive potential for information gathering and would allow us to maneuver the connections between people in our favor. All in all, this is clearly more of a social preception art which has a potentially powerful taunt allowing us to drag people further into our aoe's. A solid art that is even better when synergized with other percepetion arts or aoe's, which we have.

Ephemeral Nights Memory

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3),Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Meridians Needed: Legx2, Armx1(1). Arm(3), Leg(5)
Keywords: Connections, Darkness, Dexterity Fade, Memory, Stealth, Wind, Yin
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There are many passing fancies dreamt of in the late hours of the day. Yet there are some which would be better remembered. Memory is a tricky thing, a tenuous thread, easily severed and even important details might slip from us in time, let alone a passing shadow or a the soft touch of a breeze, and surely that is all that it was.

+10 to Stealth
+5 to Speed
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Physical and Spiritual Hit

Passing Phantom: D
Duration: Short
The users presence fades from the mind, forgotten the moment that ones eyes stray from them. Enhances the users stealth and ability to avoid spiritual attacks, as well as slip through spiritual defenses. Allows the user to reset unsure targets to unaware if their stealth is sufficient.

Evening Breeze Flourish: D
Duration: Immediate
In an instant the user pulses their qi in a feint, and for one foe a single second of memory vanishes into the mist of time, leaving them disoriented and open for a blow.

This is a memory erasure art, which has the potential to be incredibly powerful. This synergizes incredibly well with PLR as PLR creates a whirlwind of creatures and phantasms that constantly break the LoS of our opponent. Given that the majority of our attacks are spiritual, slipping through the spiritual defenses of our opponents can be frightfully effective, especially when combined with the second technique and OwS. It also has a nice perk of increasing our ability to avoid spiritual attacks. All in all, this art seems to do one thing and one thing very well. People have raised concerns about erasing our presence from people's minds, but I personally am not that concerned about it. With it's boost to stealth, and the way it combos with our spiritual attacks and current stealth suite, it could be a very powerful art for us.

Curious Diviners Eye
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Lung x1, Lung(3), Head (5)
Keywords: Academics, Intelligence, Perceptiveness, Projection, Moon, Secrets, Water, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 280

The arts of the great diviner have spread far and wide with time, their secrets no longer held in trust. This art has been said to be a descendant of the impeccable arts of the great horned sages. Perhaps as a starting point for more inquisitive youths. The curiosity and seeking nature of the new moon is clear in its influence here.

+10 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+5 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Long
The users eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for a single test, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Short
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviners curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Near distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisps position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

This art has some incredible synergy with SCS in that it allows us to bypass walls entirely by giving us the needed line of sight to teleport straight into the building. While it says that it gives us more combat perception in the passives, this art is more useful for us in a non-combat role. While studying and curiosity doesn't fit us all that well yet, as noted by Xin in the previous thread, we could very well go that way. Gaining a way to really scrutinze something and notice all the little details about it could go a long way in figuring out clues about social or combat situations. All in all, a good art for us, but probably for the sideboard when doing research, stealth missions, or investigations, not so much combat.

Harmony of the Dancing Wind
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Heart x1(1), Heart(3), Head(5)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, ManipulationMusic, Wind, Yang
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Hit
+5 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Short
This piece, embodying the optimism and hope, speaks to the musicians bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new hope, bolstering allies against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician.

I really like this perception art, when paired with another potent perception art. HDW paired with Covetous Wraith could give us a ton of information on everybody around us in an incredibly short amount of time. Standing alone, it seems like a fine art. More for social situations than combat allowing us to see everything that goes on in the room at the same time while we play it is incredibly potent. The bolstering of our allies with potent connections against deceptions and spiritual attacks seems... pretty niche honestly. However, in situations with high stakes social interactions going on, bolstering Cai against deceptions could be a really powerful tool in our arsenal. We would just have to hum it... softly.

Audacious Fairy's Lark

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Legx2, Arm(1). Leg(3), Arm(5)
Keywords: Dance, Dexterity, Dodge, Revelry, Stealth, Wind, Wits, Yin
Experience: 80, 120, 160, 200, 300

An art developed on the observations of a man observing his young daughters frustrations in his attempts to capture low grade wind spirit in the family gardens. The art follows in the footsteps of ephemeral spirits, floating ever just out of reach, and mocks those who would try to grasp its user. Requiring flight for its mastery techniques, this art was never of great use to those it was intended for.

+5 to Stealth
+10 to Speed
+5 to Initiative
+5 on attempts to escape grapples or confinement

Laughing Breeze: D
Duration: Short
The user's footsteps are light, and they float freely over the earth, bendy nary a single strand of grass in their passing. In flight, the user is merely pushed aside by blows that might have struck home, floating from danger like a cascade of flower petals in the wind. Greatly enhances the users speed and stealth by allowing them to defy gravity for short bursts. With flight, this technique is greatly enhanced, and physical avoid is enhanced as well.

Plucking Gust: D
Duration: Immediate
Just the playful sprite plucked the hairpin from the child's head, the users light touch can free more potent things from an enemies ownership. The user may make a melee attack, using dance or stealth as its skill against an unaware or unready target to remove an accessory talisman from their person.

This is, probably, my favorite of the bunch. While the escape grapples or confinement is a bit redundent for us, given SCS's amazingness, it still does something that I find incredibly interesting. And that is the Laughing Breeze technique. While the larcney trick is nice, it really isn't something spectecular in my opinion. There can only be so many accessory talismans on a person, and while we are in the inner sect we will probably have to return stolen equipment. It's not an easy way to make money in the inner sect, and while powerful, is pretty situational.

No, my interest is in the ability to be merely pushed aside by blows that might have struck home. Since our most striking defeat was against physical blows, having some of that simply move us away rather than striking could have allowed us to last long enough to get Sun's spirit. Now, this isn't the end all be all of dodging, but it could dramatically increase our survivability against physical attacks. Additionally, this combos with FVM by basically giving us a bit of movement with every attack the opponent does which would allow us to dart away when we can and go deeper into the mists. The fact that we have a cheap means of consistent flight makes Laughing Breeze so much stronger for us, and could be crucial in our ability to dodge physical attacks.

All in all, these arts are fantastic for us. None of these seem particularly combat perception focused, but there are social perception combos that are incredible to behold. I can't wait to see what the Cai library sends us and witness the possible combinations and synergies there. My only regret is that it is unlikely we will be able to cultivate all of these.
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Moving on and to a new topic, I like all of these! They're all quite nice. That said I'm not making a plan to train them next turn because I want to bum rush EPC, SCS, AG(if we can train it) and our base cultivation. EPC giving a virtual Green stone at level seven is important for Ling Qi's future development and we need to get that quickly.

Unfortunately we won't be in a position to train EPC next month, as we won't be Green Two until the end of the month. Alas, it'll have to wait until turn Three.

Kinda pissed because I was hoping to get a perception art to replace AM with, but we ended up with not!perception arts, and we'll need another art research actions for perception now. Or just admit archive don't have any.

Uh, it's not like AM is a pure perception Art either? It's an Art designed to counter a specific sort of opponent: the Illusionists of the Cloud Tribes. It's primary focus is actually on dispelling debuffs effecting the user and their allies, while the secondary focus on Perception biases heavily towards Illusions.

I was thinking we'd end up learning two new Perception Arts to properly 'replace' AM anyway; one for Combat and one for Social. If we don't get two Arts that line up that neatly, well, we've got a nice spread listed here. Perhaps one for Stealth and one for Assault? Or we wait for the Archive Dive to continue.

Not really my problem with it. My problem is that its perception tech doesn't do a lot of the stuff we want perception for - which is tied to it yangness.

If we got this we'd really need another perception art for stealth situations.

Ah. Yeah, that makes sense, it is definitely noisy. Still, there might be a way to utilize it for stealth insertions, allowing us to report back even as we delve deeper... or maybe vise-versa? Given the way it says 'so long as the echoes last' means we probably don't need to actively play it while it runs its course... but it would still be a calling card of sorts. /ponders.

Still, that only supports what I'm proposing (in my opinion it supports it, at any rate):

I'm thinking we spend an extra Month - two at most - in Green Two. Okay, maybe three. Maybe, I said!
One to Three months in which we don't do Spiritual or Physical cultivation.
This is for multiple reasons.

First, we can afford to. With EPC 7 providing virtual GSS confirmed, our expected expenditures have dropped by about two thirds. This extends the amount of time the RSS from selling the Mirror will last, from roughly four months to approximately ten, maybe eleven, counting non-GSS expenses such as 'basic' medicines - but only counting Green Two GSS expenditure rates.

Second, we'll be capable of utilizing the Second Floor archive, which holds Arts that start in Green Two. We'll want to check that out ASAP, in between earning money for pills and talismans, and then we'll almost certainly want to train... probably three-four new Arts. Maybe even five... or more, depending upon how the arguments go. And this is not counting any 'successor' Arts - something to 'replace' and/or 'upgrade' SCS, FVM, FSS, and TRF. And that's not counting anything interesting we find in any further dives into the First Floor archive.

So we can easily be looking at 10+ new and 'new' Arts, between the genuinely new Arts we pick up and the successor/replacement Arts we're want.

Third, we'll need to make room in our Meridians for all those new Arts. We'll do this in two distinct ways: First, condensing the Arts we aim to 'keep' and/or find successors for - proper successors as opposed to replacements. Second, by opening up new Meridians. That comes out to one AP for each Meridian condensed or each new Meridian opened - it looks like we're going to be condensing roughly eleven Meridians, between SCS, FVM, FSS, and TRF, opening up a few slots each in our Leg, Spine, Heart, and Lung; not counting room for new Head meridians to hold any new Perception Arts, or any other Arts we may find - such as successors to AFL and/or CDE.

Doing this shouldn't cost much more than AP, as mainlining GSS allows for 160+ dice at once, and we don't need more than 65 successes to condense the most difficult Meridians - and that should be higher than the difficulty of any Meridian before we reach the first Soft Cap; we won't even need Li Suyin's fancy new medicine/talisman combination!

Fourth, in order to know what Meridians we need to open, we need to spend AP in advance to delve into the Archive - and that means AP on the Sect Points to get in, and/or defeating a higher-ranked opponent to gain access to the second floor more cheaply/freely (meaning we might need some of the Meridians condensed and/or opened in advance of that, too! :mad:) All of which requires time. Time the extra few months would buy us.

Fifth, we can afford to from the standpoint of reaching Green Four in time for the Junior's Tournament, and Green Five in time for the end of the second year, provided we manage to continue to find a way to max out GSS and optimize our Tutoring + Pills appropriately.

Sixth, this should buy some more time for the Cai Archives to 'kick in' a few Arts for our perusal, too, even though those will be Green Two as opposed to Green Three... take what you can get, eh?

Seventh, the extra time should buy us the opportunity to further study our build and Arts. This could also be done at Green Three, granted, but I'm not making projections out that far. Not without seeing EPC 8, knowing what it'll take for a virtual GSS providing Argent Vent, and knowing what the Challenge system is like, at any rate.

Eighth, the Arts we obtain here, and their successors, will be the 'base' upon which our future lies. The Foundation. A firmer, stronger, and - yes - broader foundation will serve us most effectively in the future. The sooner we put further work in on that Foundation, the better, and Green Two feels like a good time to do it.

Oof, that's a lot of text, probably not all as useful as it could be. Bah, I'm going to bed; been awake too many hours (I blame this quest updating XD).
Harmony of the Dancing Wind looks very nice. Both thematic and as basis for our "job" as spy, as not all spying is done in dark corners and the enemies citadel. Sometimes you need to need to find the enemy in your mids or just get a good luck at a potential ally.

Curious Diviners Eye. Big sister is watching you. This looks just like the start of the kind of perception technique I like. Why waste days watching your enemies hideout or follow their movement if you can simply send some whisps and watch it on repeat.

Ephemeral Nights Memory. I kinda like the effect very much, but dislike what it implies. Memory erasure is a hurtful crime I am not ready to accept as necessary. It might start as only a moment of erasure, but were does it end.

Covetous Wraith's Yearning could be very interesting and I guess I have nothing against it.

The others are kinda uninteresting to me, missing the impact of the former.

My thoughtless thoughts about all this.o_O
So, new arts:

So, a Perception/Succubus/Blood knight art focused on controlling people's emotions to get them to play to our tunes. A.K.A Jack Slash 101. I... don't know why we'd even look at this one at all.

This seems like a stealth art designed to give buff to self/debuff to enemies and focused on taking advantage of our stealth. If we want to have a more backstab-centred style, it's very powerful. If we want some offensive buff/debuff, it's powerful anyway.

Very potent combat perception, and great ability to analyse specific details when we have already found something out. Very good ability to look at things from away, which is useful when we are stealthed or some such. No basic perception abilities, and unless Inquisitive Study changes to be able to analyse opponent well and then become passive, no ability to gain information on an enemy easily.

Very nice niche secondary perception art, but useless as main unless it works differently than I read it as.

Very Good social perception, Good Combat Perception passives. Spriritual Avoid Buff art, but very lacklustre perception capabilities in combat (only able to detect people, not terrain etc). No subtlety whatsoever as it needs both allies and opponent to listen to us, and as such should be mutually exclusive with stealth.

Again, an interesting secondary perception art, especially as it's spiritual defence support, but utterly useless as a main perception art.

Seems like a worse SCS that has a focus on larceny. It's defensive capabilities seems flat out worse than SCS, and larceny itself is a nightmare to implement in combat. (Also not interesting). Pass.

So, our of the arts, 2 are basically things Ling Qi either cannot use at all (Covetous) or are weaker than something she already has (Audacious) as well as a nightmare to implement.

One is a very potent offensive buff/debuff art that focus on stealth, on which I know some people want to focus on.

Two are secondary perception art that needs a 'main' perception art to be learned to be usable at all unless I misunderstand how they work.

I think I want to learn Diviner, myself. I am hopeful it's possible Diviner will develop in something that can actually be used. Harmony could be useful for spiritual defence, but its perception is actually something that cannot be used at all by Ling Qi.

At best we could say we could use it to teleport to anyone listening to us with SCS (as we can perceive them), but hahaha it's mutually exclusive with stealth, and it's super slow for perception (and we don't care about seeing them when that should be super easy anyway).

Kinda pissed because I was hoping to get a perception art to replace AM with, but we ended up with not!perception arts, and we'll need another art research actions for perception now. Or just admit archive don't have any.
I think the first issue is that Worm is a shit setting in regards to Jack Slash and he should just in general not be thought about :V Comparing anything to him isn't fair to the thing in question.

The narrative system means things can be applied kinda freeform, otherwise stuff gets to rigid to write well. What this means is that you can use the first part of Covetous to see the connections between people in a calm social setting. The second one can be used in self-sacrifcing scenarios to pull attention away from the group, from people like Xiulan for example who are more fragile. It's an inversion of sorts to Kang's I AM IN THE WAY bodyguard art that he had.

I agree with you on ENW, it's useful all around. I would also add what has been brought up before in that it has funny synergy with Fairy's Lark.

I agree with your critisims of CDE, though I do think object may be a looser definition than simply something you can hold in your hand. Like, a wall for example, and finding secret entrances.

With Harmonious I'm starting to see a running theme here in your critiques. They're all combat focused. I think that's where part of the issue is coming from. Because, Harmonious in particular would be amazing for the social gatherings CRX has going and just any social gathering where Ling Qi is an entertainer or musician. Like the ones she'll be encouraged to start later or just may want to do.

As for Fairy's Lark. It is a nightmare if turns still exist and combat actions and all that utterly braindead junk, which I don't think they do, Yrs can just write in when it happens to be most advantageous. I do agree that it is not that impressive however, on further thought. It is definitely funny and entertaining though.
So, a Perception/Succubus/Blood knight art focused on controlling people's emotions to get them to play to our tunes. A.K.A Jack Slash 101. I... don't know why we'd even look at this one

Man you can make anything sound bad.
How about instead of that line of thinking we can think of it as changing the direction of desire to help protect those weaker than us. Like Ling Qi's mother did all those years ago.
People are going to have wants. Knowing those wants helps us help our friends fullfil them.
The head of the house should know the wants the family has and should strive to help achieve those.
The head of house should also know when other people's wants would hurt those under their care. Then they can take steps to redirect that want to protect the family.
See how bad an art sounds is in large part how you word it. Of course saying an art is Jack Slash 2 sounds bad but Jack Slashes power was not bad. Jack Slash was bad and Ling Qi is not Jack Slash.
Also, it's AOE. Being resistant by Resolve C and AOE it makes it an incredibly efficient crowd control tool - mooks are stuck following LQ but never managing to hit her or close the distance.

I read this and was thinking about the tournament. I forgot his name, but the one near-peer who kept hiding underground and tried to stall her out?

Would this have been helpful in that engagement, to lure him out of cover?
I read this and was thinking about the tournament. I forgot his name, but the one near-peer who kept hiding underground and tried to stall her out?

Would this have been helpful in that engagement, to lure him out of cover?
Shen Hu. If it had hit, which is iffy, it might have pulled him out of the ground.

Unfortunately we won't be in a position to train EPC next month, as we won't be Green Two until the end of the month. Alas, it'll have to wait until turn Three.
The reason I think we can train it is because we wouldn't be able to see it otherwise from what I understand.
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Man you can make anything sound bad.
How about instead of that line of thinking we can think of it as changing the direction of desire to help protect those weaker than us. Like Ling Qi's mother did all those years ago.
People are going to have wants. Knowing those wants helps us help our friends fullfil them.
The head of the house should know the wants the family has and should strive to help achieve those.
The head of house should also know when other people's wants would hurt those under their care. Then they can take steps to redirect that want to protect the family.
See how bad an art sounds is in large part how you word it. Of course saying an art is Jack Slash 2 sounds bad but Jack Slashes power was not bad. Jack Slash was bad and Ling Qi is not Jack Slash.
But... that's also how Jack Slash used his power? When I said 'Jack Slash' I didn't mean "Oh Ling Qi will be mean". I meant "Aggressively use other people's weaknesses and desires to manipulate them".

Also, saying 'the power is not bad' is a bit weird considering you are the one saying that "using a power to manipulate people" is bad:
Seeking the Hearthfire: D
Duration: Long
Using this art, the user channels dark qi through their mundanes senses, enhancing their ability to understand the desires and bonds between those in their sight, and the ways in which they might insinuate themselves into those things. This sharpening of senses also allows the user to react more quickly to the hostility of foes, increasing their initiative and avoid.[/quote ]
It's not a 'bad' power, it's just a power specifically designed to find people's desires and weaknesses, and find how to best exploit those.

That you dislike Jack Slash doesn't meant it's not the best way to describe the art.
Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last
How big of an alphorn do you think we can fit on Zhengui? Even normal-sized mortal ones can carry for several miles.
At Green/bronze 2 and above, domain begins to intermingle with regular cultivation. It is not possible to advance to green/bronze 3 without at least 4 insights slotted into your domain.
Is it possible to start accumulating XP before slotting insights, or is Phys/Spirit Cultivation completely locked the same way art cultivation is locked before we reach theirs Potency in base cultivation?
Can we afford to stay at the top of Green/bronze 2 awhile to make sure that we pick the best domain?
An art being Yang isn't so bad. Soon enough we'll have unlocked keyword substitution and can just swap Yang for Yin.

I'm sure that won't cause any problems at all.

How disastrous would that be, in all seriousness?

If we wanted to, because it's an excellent social art we can use at gatherings like CRX is expecting us to entertain at.

Do we perhaps seem some of the Author peeking through here? :p
Like a solid 3rd of this thread has been art arguments already I think.

Also I find it funny that around 1/5th of my total comments on this site are in this thread.
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