Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
But... that's also how Jack Slash used his power? When I said 'Jack Slash' I didn't mean "Oh Ling Qi will be mean". I meant "Aggressively use other people's weaknesses and desires to manipulate them".

Haven't read worm, so looking up Jack Slash, I think there's a subtle difference between the powers? You might be right though.

Jack's secondary power grants him enhanced intuition regarding parahumans,[11] as well as an ability to influence the emotions of anyone connected to a shard.[3] This makes him a tougher challenge in a fight than his more obvious ability suggests and causes him to instinctively avoid situations that the Nine couldn't overcome.[12]
(Wiki goes on to state that he's unaware of it, but no references so I'm not including that)

Seeking the Hearthfire: D
Duration: Long
Using this art, the user channels dark qi through their mundanes senses, enhancing their ability to understand the desires and bonds between those in their sight, and the ways in which they might insinuate themselves into those things. This sharpening of senses also allows the user to react more quickly to the hostility of foes, increasing their initiative and avoid.

I feel that StH is a more of a general ability to make ourselves their friends while Jack's is just passive emotional manipulation really. Should Ling Qi decide on this art it's going to be entirely on purpose. Not sure if that makes things worse, but as a spymaster she's going to be doing things that are morally compromised to begin with.

Fairly sure both sides of this argument have valid points, really.
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Haven't read worm, so looking up Jack Slash, I think there's a subtle difference between the powers? You might be right though.

(Wiki goes on to state that he's unaware of it, but no references so I'm not including that)

I feel that StH is a more of a general ability to make ourselves their friends while Jack's is just passive emotional manipulation really. Should Ling Qi decide on this art it's going to be entirely on purpose. Not sure if that makes things worse, but as a spymaster she's going to be doing things that are morally compromised to begin with.​

Fairly sure both sides of this argument have valid points, really.​
It's also not really relevant, because it is pretty radically off topic.

Anyway moving away from that at all speed.

One potential use I can see for Ephemeral Nights Memory is that it allows Ling Qi to shift focus from her to Zhengui. With the right set up like FVM and PLR it allows her to fade away behind her littlest big bro.
Is it wrong that I perfer the arts that are only good in some situations? I feel like it makes so we can change our build for the situation. When stealing we put on the steal suit when going to social gatherings we put on the social suit. I think that arts that do both like Covetous Wraith's Yearning are actually worse because those situations are fairly predictable and using the same half and half art for both will give inferior results.
This was originally my least favorite out of the arts, but @Neshuakadal has pointed out some incredible synergy with FVM and so my opinion on it has softened considerably. There is also some incredible synergy with "Harmony of the Dancing Wind" as HDW allows us to see other's perspectives while this allows us to see the bonds between those in our sight. In social situations, playing HDW while having the Covetous Wraith active could allow us to see the bonds of everyone in the room at once. That is some massive potential for information gathering and would allow us to maneuver the connections between people in our favor. All in all, this is clearly more of a social preception art which has a potentially powerful taunt allowing us to drag people further into our aoe's. A solid art that is even better when synergized with other percepetion arts or aoe's, which we have.
I hadn't considered that, even if I immediately liked the ability to perceive bonds.

But it's not a bad combat tech due the fact it increases Initiative and Avoid, and going first is amazing.
The bolstering of our allies with potent connections against deceptions and spiritual attacks seems... pretty niche honestly.
I figure this will allow more people to benefit from our Domain.

Which, in all honesty, has a fairly shitty ability due to being so incredibly restrictive.
And that is the Laughing Breeze technique.
What's also very interesting is this:
"Greatly enhances the users speed and stealth by allowing them to defy gravity for short bursts. With flight, this technique is greatly enhanced, and physical avoid is enhanced as well."

It sounds like a very significant boost, and with flight, could bring us back to the times we were the fastest in the sect, not to mention flight should also greatly boost the greatly enhanced stealth too, and physical avoid is always good for the secret tank Ling Qi.
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So, a Perception/Succubus/Blood knight art focused on controlling people's emotions to get them to play to our tunes. A.K.A Jack Slash 101. I... don't know why we'd even look at this one at all.
Because Seeking the Heartfire is one of the top techs amongst all the arts offered? An absolutely amazing perception ability paired with Initiative and Avoid buff?

And Welcoming in Shadow brings very, very interesting tactical options. Forcing the opponent to do something is a very valuable tool.
Seems like a worse SCS that has a focus on larceny. It's defensive capabilities seems flat out worse than SCS, and larceny itself is a nightmare to implement in combat. (Also not interesting). Pass.
Except for the fact that Laughing Breeze is likely the strongest tech in raw power if we are flying it "greatly enhances" stealth and speed, and them doubles down and is "greatly enhanced" again if we are flying, at which point it also applies to physical Avoid.

And the larceny tech, while niche, can be very, very useful if we have a way of inducing the moment of vulnerability, as people have ranted at lenght how preparation is key in the Inner Sect, and people can very well have that one talisman that's turning the fight.

Not to mention the possibility of upgrading it to weapons, too.
How do you know it is AOE? Reading the description that is unclear to me.
It's unclear because it is both singular and plural.

hrouding themselves in the raiment of the dark, the user tugs at the strings of an enemies desires, focusing their attention upon them.
"An" appears to be singular while "enemies" is the plural of enemy. Given that "desires" follows right after "enemies" but "enemies" is not possessive, it would make more sense for "enemies" to simply be a misspelling of "enemy's."

It appears to be singular, but it could very well be plural.
Harmony of the Dancing Wind
Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(3), Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Heart x1(1), Heart(3), Head(5)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, ManipulationMusic, Wind, Yang
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.

+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Hit
+5 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Short
This piece, embodying the optimism and hope, speaks to the musicians bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new hope, bolstering allies against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician.
Honestly, I'm reading this differently than most on the thread.

To me, Spring Breeze Canto sounds like something that boosts Perception to bypass things like fog, illusions, etc, as long as the targets hear the song. "Carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions" sounds pretty clear. It's a tracking art. It really sounds like a sonar-based minimap.

Summer's Day Rising sounds like a flat buff against spiritual attacks and deceptions, and more importantly, like it'd temporarily improve the relationship of Ling Qi with the targets, so that her Domain could affect them as well. Either that, or a scaling bonus to the base effect based on how many dots of relationship we have. It's essentially a Bard's song.

No real Social stuff here. It "speaks to the musician's bond with her listeners". Not everyone's bonds with everyone else. But the bonds between Ling Qi and the listeners.
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Lark is not that great, honestly.

Combat flight is pricey, and it doesn't really do anything SCS doesn't. It would probably be better to pick up SCS2, since we were planning that anyway if it becomes available.
Lark is not that great, honestly.

Combat flight is pricey, and it doesn't really do anything SCS doesn't. It would probably be better to pick up SCS2, since we were planning that anyway if it becomes available.
It seems like the biggest of the 'numerical' boosts by a long shot, tho.

Super duper Stealth and Speed and Physical Avoid buff if we are in flight. Plus the larceny tech.

At this point we can fly all combat pretty easily. We have A rank Qi.

Hell, our Qi regen amulet might very well make this a net zero.

@edit: With our amulet, it would only cost 1 Qi/round on the old system. Virtually nothing when we had a hundred Qi.
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It seems like the biggest of the 'numerical' boosts by a long shot, tho.

Super duper Stealth and Speed and Physical Avoid buff if we are in flight. Plus the larceny tech.

At this point we can fly all combat pretty easily. We have A rank Qi.

Hell, our Qi regen amulet might very well make this a net zero.
I would have to agree with you there, flight wasn't particularly difficult for Ling Qi with the gown before the system change. And with how ranks interact, the gap between them getting bigger with each rank, the gown costing continuous E rank for it sounds relatively cheap.

It's amongst our cheapest effects. A lot of Ling Qi's techniques are D or C for example. With B35 available Qi something E cost is three ranks below it.

Not sure on the net zero, but it definitely reduces the cost. Plus there's the demonstrated tactic with FSS feeding on qi to fuel our activities.
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It seems like the biggest of the 'numerical' boosts by a long shot, tho.

Super duper Stealth and Speed and Physical Avoid buff if we are in flight. Plus the larceny tech.

At this point we can fly all combat pretty easily. We have A rank Qi.

Hell, our Qi regen amulet might very well make this a net zero.

It's not net zero. Wouldn't have had to leech those yellows over and over again if it was.

We could pick up lark, or, we can pick up the SCS successor. Successors are pretty good baseline.

We were planning on picking it up anyway, and picking up lark too just adds a lot of unnecessary redundancy.
@yrsillar something that came up on Discord discussion:

Right now art modification goes Train -> Master -> Choice to Slot to Domain -> Can Modify
Under this timing scheme, modifying an art is merely for convenience of use, as it can't affect domain insight or training. Is that exactly how you intended it? Swapping many of an art's keywords is pointless at that timing, as it will no longer give stat or skill training for the swapped stat, nor can you affect the insight. That may be entirely intentional, I just wanted to be sure. It entirely makes sense for art modification to only affect art use, if that is what you intended.
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Ephemeral Nights Memory. I kinda like the effect very much, but dislike what it implies. Memory erasure is a hurtful crime I am not ready to accept as necessary. It might start as only a moment of erasure, but were does it end.
That is exactly what I like and hope for tbh. This has the potential to be very powerful and useful in our stealth and recon missions the ability to erase memory may lead to the ability to steal memory and gain info, it is definitely my favourite art out of all of them.

I don't see what there is to worry about. All our arts are harmful for enemies that is just the point.
Not sure on the net zero, but it definitely reduces the cost. Plus there's the demonstrated tactic with FSS feeding on qi to fuel our activities.
It's not net zero. Wouldn't have had to leech those yellows over and over again if it was.
You missed the edit, but with the pin, we spent only one qi per round of flying. It was negligible then, should become trivial now.

Shouldn't we get back to A rank now that we got a handful of progress in Qi?
You missed the edit, but with the pin, we spent only one qi per round of flying. It was negligible then, should become trivial now.

Shouldn't we get back to A rank now that we got a handful of progress in Qi?
No. That is experience progress and doesn't affect the rank and its attendant modifying number until it fills up. When it fills up it goes to A10 (0/80). A that point, if we have no new qi bonuses, it will make Ling Qi have A5 available Qi. Which is a large qualitative difference, bigger than the numbers would suggest.
You missed the edit, but with the pin, we spent only one qi per round of flying. It was negligible then, should become trivial now.

Shouldn't we get back to A rank now that we got a handful of progress in Qi?

The other thing is, a significant part of our sustainability is not having most of our qi income chewed up by flight. The fact that it needs flight to function optimally is the issue, really.

What if we're fighting indoors?

In any case, It's just redundant. But I will tell you what, if we cannot get SCS+, I will support getting lark.
Also I don't really like the idea of delaying cultivation. We are still going to be the people voting for what our domain is right?
The other thing is, a significant part of our sustainability is not having most of our qi income chewed up by flight. The fact that it needs flight to function optimally is the issue, really.

What if we're fighting indoors?

In any case, It's just redundant. But I will tell you what, if we cannot get SCS+, I will support getting lark.
A significant part of our sustainability is our huge Qi pool and our Qi regen from multiple sources.

If we are fighting indoors we are floating over the ground, it's a magical spiritual dress not a pair of wings.

Without flight, it's a good tech. With flight, it sounds utterly amazing.