Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
There's also the fact that they went into the jungle for that, jungle ain't a place you go into unprepared. The question is what exactly did they bring compared to what they could but didn't.
To her surprise, her words came out clearly, no scratchy undertone, no broken or labored breathing. But then her lips nor tongue nor throat had moved at all. She had thought and the words came, imprinting themselves on the air.
"Miss Cai helped me commission a chair I can wheel you around in!" Hanyi chirped. "So you can still do your talky stuff!"

I think I know who she commissioned from.
Ow my heart at not being able to hug her back. 😭

Ling Qi soon to be rolling around looking both better and worse than ol' Pike here
Seriously, how much more work would it have been to add "wheelchair beeps" to the universal translator?
Ling Qi brings her own now!

"Well, the docs had to kinda… pick it out of you, the silk kinda melted you know, and so did you."

Gross! Fascinating! Does this mean we've got trace amounts of Shenhua and Renxiang in our wounds too? A scrape of a drop of a scrap of a thread....

Dress-chan just a couple of glowing threads starting to regenerate scraps of cloth?

Lin Hai getting to use his master's tools to fix her! He's going to get some serious insight on item spirits from this.

Heavy footfalls were approaching the door. Solid and unyielding, qi with a scent she now recognized as sea spray. And beneath it, like an eel darting among the riverweeds, a sulking presence. There was something else too though, like a little blot of ink reflecting, or perhaps consuming the very attention that fell on it.

I will never not love when we get to see our friends through qi senses.

She felt it pause there, outside the door. There was doubt there, even now.

"Please come in," Ling Qi said, projecting her voice more with qi than air.

The presence startled and then the door pushed open.

This boy needs to be told directly that he is wanted. 🥺

Also, "Well, she doesn't sound that bad at all. Ohno..."

She could see in every line of his expression and posture affection for the tiny bird in his hand.


The chick bobbed and jumped in his palm before looking at Sixiang and letting out a wary chirp.

Tiny chickie babu upon meeting any dream spirit:

I can't wait to hear more deets on Meng Dan and Xuan Shi's epic Tag Team Nerd Brawl, after they stroll into the Meng compound like hero cowboys into a saloon full of bandits.

Founding members of the Brotherhood of Husbandos, bound by battle and shared "What in the absolute fuck" entrancement of her MC-ness.
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I can't wait to hear more deets on Meng Dan and Xuan Shi's epic Tag Team Nerd Brawl, after they stroll into the Meng compound like hero cowboys into a saloon full of bandits.

Founding members of the Brotherhood of Husbandos, bound by battle and shared "What in the absolute fuck" entrancement of her MC-ness.
I'm very amused by how well Xuan Shi gets along with his romantic rivals. At the beginning of the summit he was sparring with our new Zheng friend, which I'm pretty sure for Zheng is either a proposition or the start of an adventuring party. Possibly both.
Do we know why the Duchess made an alliance with the Bai? It's not to deal with internal enemies, since that would be a loss of face, nor even help against barbarians (she's already refused that).

My best guess is that the alliance is aimed straight at the Peaks. The Bai have good reason to expect that they would support the Sun in a Sun/Bai conflict, as they did before. And for Cai Shenhua - well, how long can a REVOLUTION cultivator accept to be ruled over by an Empress? I suspect that right now Diao Linqin is helping her stay grounded and focused on less dangerous revolutions, like gay marriage, but at some point she's bound to need to overthrow some tradition that the Imperial Throne enforce, and then fun times are ahead. I suspect that's what the Cai/Bai alliance is preparing for.
Out of all the answers people have given, I don't believe I've seen people mention Shenhuas answer to Renxiang when she asked this question. She talked about how the Bai and the Zheng have had a kind of mutual respect even though they have been rivals centuries.
It was implied that Shenhua was forming a Cai-Bai-Zheng alliance. For all the reasons that people have been mentioning of course, for legitimacy, because the Bai will never be this weak and willing to ally again so they will be stronger together, etc. But also the Zheng have seen which way the wind has been blowing with how the Bai have been cornered and knocked essentially because of their blood. And the Zheng were wondering when they were next so they started to reach out for allies. Between the Empress looking only to her internal politics and the Bai-Sun conflict upsetting power balances, Shenhua looked to get ready for a civil war--just in case.
Yeah. Like, Sun Shao knows full well he's in a very shitty position. But he's going to do his damned best to make his family survive despite that.

His grand betrayal was joining Jungle Satan to try to save his family, not anything else.
No, Every single action he takes lately adds insult injury. He did more than join the Jungle to save his family, he also fed his family to the Jungle. Shenhua could easily Truthbomb his Way and bomb through any justifications he gives for brutally, spiritually violating his granddaughters body. All the people who lovingly, loyally follow him and who he's baldly lied to and continues to lie to... the sheer magnitude of the lie they are following, of how much he's betraying all of them requires lying to yourself a little bit. Most Whites could not lie to themselves like that but he has a Jungle goddess to rely on as a crutch.
He's already resolved that. "Necessary Sacrifices". There is no way you reach White with an obvious hole in your Way.

He can keep telling himself that until the last drop of his family's blood is spilled for the Jungle. Remember, despite being heavy on attritional and guerilla warfare, Sun Shao still considers his soldiers to be part of his family, part of his own blood--and he's not shy on spilling it if it gains an advantage.

His defense is--quite literally. "The only HP that matters is the last one", as long as he can justify it as being "For the best", he can easily cope with any losses up to that point from a Way perspective. Which is really all that's left by White.

(Though losing Liling at this point would be a near death-knell to him, which is exactly why he made sure to get her Adopted. That she hated this and treated it as a betrayal was another of those "Necessary Sacrifices")
"Everything for Family. Family is Everything" is totally an obvious hole in his way but he was able to get to White anyways because he had the help of a Jungle Goddess.
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He has already redefined Family that such things were acceptable LONG before White. As a violet he was sending his kin to sacrifice their lives to buy just another day more against the Jungle

He has done this all his life.
His answer was always acceptable sacrifices.
Individual members just don't matter. Opinions of people don't matter.
I think that individuals did matter to Sun Shao at the time of his "GTFO" move.
If the individuals were not important, the offer of a replacement wife would not have been so insulting.
But the jungle, and the betrayal by Bai Fuxi, made him reallign things, a lot.

Or it might just be a case of "but when i do it, it is for a good reason".
Sun Shao views his soldiers as family and vice versa. That's the most important thing to remember about Sun Shao. He loves them all and wishes them all the best, and in the end, he will sacrifice them if and only if the gains are commensurate with their loss. But, like all good generals, that does not mean he will not sacrifice order to win battles, sometimes a general must sacrifice soldiers.

They are not interchangeable to him, he loves them all. But he will sacrifice them if he needs to do so to achieve victory for the army/family as a whole. This isn't a hole in his Way, it's an actual truth about how a general must think of his soldiers...applying it to other interpersonal relationships is unusual, but not a weakness in and of itself.
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It's inaccurate to say individuals don't matter to Sun Shao.
He blinked, looked down to Liling and crouched down, resting a hand on her head. Her hair was just as bright and red as his had been, all those centuries ago. "I'm sorry little one. I was remembering."
She nodded, still sniffling. And he gathered her into an embrace.
He had promised himself to break the world for his family if need be. When the child in his arms finally broke into sobs, he remembered why he did not want to. Why it was his last plan.
Poor child. Her life would only grow harder. Her mother was a soft and petty thing of the court, and would be gone in a fortnight with the marriage broken. Only she could bear their future now. She would need to grow strong indeed. Stronger than he. Stronger than Her.
Such a cruel thing to lay on a child.
If he didn't give a fuck about Liling as an individual he wouldn't have waited so long to do what he did. Yeah he'll do it, but he doesn't like it one bit.
They are not interchangeable to him, he loves them all. But he will sacrifice them if he needs to do so to achieve victory for the army/family as a whole. This isn't a hole in his Way, it's an actual truth about how a general must think of his soldiers...applying it to other interpersonal relationships is unusual, but not a weakness in and of itself.
I feel like there is a point that is not mentioned and that is when it comes to a fight between two both will bring their armies with them. So the knowladge that Sun Shao joined the Sunflower and related truth bombs might not hurt Sun Shao himself but it will break the morale of his army and might even cause them to rout on the spot. Then you have Sun alone vs Shenhua and army scenerio.
I feel like there is a point that is not mentioned and that is when it comes to a fight between two both will bring their armies with them. So the knowladge that Sun Shao joined the Sunflower and related truth bombs might not hurt Sun Shao himself but it will break the morale of his army and might even cause them to rout on the spot. Then you have Sun alone vs Shenhua and army scenerio.

That's a lot more dangerous if she can manage it, yeah. Sun Shao's army's morale is pretty breakable to Truth Bombs if he's there with them. Which, to be frank, means it likely wouldn't come up in an actual war...Shao is a superlative general and will simply avoid personally fighting Shenhua in person anywhere his people could actually witness this kind of Truth Bomb.
Just caught back up with the thread. Regarding this Sun Shao debate, the thing about his "everything for family" doctrine is that he has redefined "Family" as the entirety of his clan and people. He will do everything and stop at nothing to ensure the Sun as a whole survives. Branches of the tree can be sacrificed and even the trunk itself can be scorched by war, but as long as there is a single living twig left to grow next spring, his Way is intact.
Honestly the clever way to attack his Way would be to call into question whether he is so irreplaceable. Or challenge whether he's actually helping his family.

But White level combat is presumably Sovereign-level combat writ even larger, so obviously Shenhua would be needling Shao about his granddaughter, and Shao would be raising questions about how the fundamental tyranny that needs to be overthrown is her, and yada yada, etc, etc.

Because that's what the combat is.
Sun Shao is pretty easy defeat, all that is needed for a White Bai to walk up to him and say "We're sorry".
Instant death. No save.
... now how likely that is :V
But White level combat is presumably Sovereign-level combat writ even larger, so obviously Shenhua would be needling Shao about his granddaughter, and Shao would be raising questions about how the fundamental tyranny that needs to be overthrown is her, and yada yada, etc, etc.
I wonder whether Shenhua's self awareness about only being a positive force for so long makes her more or less vulnerable.
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A while back I re-read the Echoes of Ascension chapter and noticed this bit:
One would imagine that it would be an easy thing, to track the ascensions of the greatest cultivators to the status of great spirit, that the ripples of their profound insights would be wholly unignorable. Yet it is fact that many scholars of cultivation only notice a small change to the underlying fabric of the world decades or centuries after those changes have begun to confound their calculations. There are a handful of explanations for this, the ascension of pure spirits or hidden hermit cultivators. Some even profess the theory that foreigners far beyond the borders of the empire might sometimes achieve this sublime state.
I asked Yrs:
Does this mean that there are Imperials who scoff at the notion that any foreigners might have Great Spirits? What's the reaction in the empire going to be once the news that the Polar Nation has a whole pantheon of them trickles out?
He answered:
Yrsillar said:
They generally explain any effects whose source they cannot discern as being the result of interactions between existing great spirits beginning to happen or if they're feeling spicy blame it on undocumented hermit ascensions
There's probably going to be quite an academic shakeup once acknowledgement of the changed conditions cracks the grip of the current orthodoxy enough.
And this was before it was revealed to the Imperials at the summit that the Cloud have Great Spirits too.
This whole thing is going to be a giant splinter in the eye for all the peakaboos who are invested in Empire Cultural Supremacy.
At the beginning of the summit he was sparring with our new Zheng friend, which I'm pretty sure for Zheng is either a proposition or the start of an adventuring party. Possibly both.

I do wonder now if Zheng Fu really just went off on his own and the only notice he gave anyone was the note to LQ, "I have a lead"

Would lose an opportunity to maximize effectiveness and roll with the Brotherhood of Husbandos

"The Meng Compound has been compromised by traitors and mindworms. Are you a bad enough dude to save the Meng Clan?"
It's inaccurate to say individuals don't matter to Sun Shao.

If he didn't give a fuck about Liling as an individual he wouldn't have waited so long to do what he did. Yeah he'll do it, but he doesn't like it one bit.

Actually, the fact that he's there, is that confirmation that the, "you can't look on her unless you're Third Realm or higher" is specifically a Shenhua stuff and not all White Cultivators?

Though as far as it goes, if it is specific to her Way it's a very inconvenient one.
Actually, the fact that he's there, is that confirmation that the, "you can't look on her unless you're Third Realm or higher" is specifically a Shenhua stuff and not all White Cultivators?
It's specifically Shenhua's lack of restraint caused by her TRUTH cultivation.

Other high realms can have similar issues ofc, and recall in Han Jian's backstory where they had screens put up during dinner to allow the high realms to relax a bit without endangering the others.
And this was before it was revealed to the Imperials at the summit that the Cloud have Great Spirits too.
This whole thing is going to be a giant splinter in the eye for all the peakaboos who are invested in Empire Cultural Supremacy.

Ignoring the option of point blank denial, there are three different avenues the hardcore imperials might take to maintain Cultural Supremacy.

1. Foreign ascensions are bad ascensions. Cruel and evil foreign villains encode misery into the world with their ascensions, and it is up to Imperial Heroes to cast down their Corrupt Ways.

2. Foreign ascensions do happen...over there, maybe. Waaaay over there. Out of Sight is Out of Mind, and Ascensions in a culture which the Empire doesn't interact with don't threaten Imperial Supremacy. Khem can have a sublime, as a treat. Nothing Khem does matters to the Empire.

3. Foreigners can ascend...if they're the right sort. These White Sky folk are obviously true people, unlike the barbarian cloud tribe scum, and together we'll wipe the Cloud from existence. Plus guarding that gate from demons sounds quite the respectable duty for a junior peer to take up. Obviously their ascended ones aren't a match for ours, but they've done quite well for themselves. Give it a few centuries and no doubt we'll fold them in as a new province, once they've had time to demonstrate their worth and to understand how much better they'll do as part of the Empire.
Or we can note the frequency of our Acensions vs other countries.
Aka. Look how blessed we are by the heavens. The Cloud has 7 Great Spirits, only? Other countries have 'Sublimes'? Can't they ascend?
Showdown at the Meng Saloon
She could feel through Sixiang, through her own senses flickering echoes of the real world, so far away from them now. Of a withering, pounding heat and a quaking earth. Of people rushing about in a panic, distant cries, steam boiling from the Meng compound flooded now, waters poured down the side of the cloven mountain.
A young man terrified for his kin, marched into the flooded ruin that should have been home, a silent shadow with a wide brimmed hat at his side. Behind flashing lenses thoughts stirred unending rallying dizzied sickened kinsmen to his side, hunting those who had needed no parasites, who guarded the keystones of temple towers.
I can't wait to hear more deets on Meng Dan and Xuan Shi's epic Tag Team Nerd Brawl, after they stroll into the Meng compound like hero cowboys into a saloon full of bandits.

Founding members of the Brotherhood of Husbandos, bound by battle and shared "What in the absolute fuck" entrancement of her MC-ness.

Two sets of implacable footsteps approach the entrance, their hardware gently clinking with every step. Eyes hard and set on their grim task, the deputies push open the doors on their creaking hinges to meet their uncertain welcome.

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Turn 19: Arc 9-5
"Apologies. It is Xuanji." Xuan Shi said. "After…"

"Anthology." A name about stories, subtly giving her his clan name too. There was more but she didn't have the head for it right now.

"Indeed," Xuan Shi chuckled. "The meaning of names… though they form from the hopes of the giver, they hold meaning to the child."

"And puns are just fun," Ling Qi said, smiling slightly.

Sixiang snorted.

Xuan Shi lowered his head in acknowledgement and the little blue chick bobbled in his palm, chirping away.

Hungry hungry hungry SHADE! Hungry hungry!

Xuan Shi raised his hand, letting the chick scamper back under his hat.

"...Did you build a nest box under there?" Ling Qi asked, bemused.

Xuan Shi coughed into his hand. "Temporary accommodation."

"She seems to like it, though, you're right it can't last forever," Ling Qi mused. "I do miss when I could carry Zhengui a little."

"It will be the same, this one believes, though one doubts she will reach such heights."

Xuan Shi paused. "Perhaps it is best not to assume in these days, however."

Ling Qi imagined briefly a towering chicken standing astride the mountaintops, flaring her wings and summoning a gale upon the land below. It was… definitely an image. "I suppose so."

Silence fell between them then, only a little bit tense and awkward.

"How bad was it?" Ling Qi asked, "At the Meng compound."

Xuan Shi took a deep, sharp breath. "A worse storm this one has not yet seen. A mutiny countenanced from the foundations. Yet… few who had their own will, Sir Meng Dan's gaze is sharp, when forewarned for what to seek, and assisted by a grinning ape."

"And a dependable tortoise," Ling Qi said, settling her head back on the pillow, she refused to stay completely immobile she would at least be able to lift her head by day's end, she promised herself.

"This one merely provided force, and analysis of formation arrays," Xuan Shi said, but he lowered his head in acknowledgement of her words. An irate chirp emerged from beneath his hat. There were six. Only two, the aide's of Meng Deming, recorded in the annals of the Summit staff."

Ling Qi grimaced. It was not a huge number all told, and yet, it was more than she would have liked. Together with whatever her allies in the Meng had found in their home…

It was going to be ugly. People would die. No they would be executed if they were not already dead. Husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters, so many connections were going to be snipped, and no amount of justification would balm those who had been severed from their kin.

It was the best that could be done, enemies did not stop being enemies because they were people. But, even if the faction from which these rebels drew their strength was gutted and discredited, she expected that there would be a great deal of resentment to go around for a long time coming.

"Sir Meng Dan is most troubled. It is not easy to raise hands against kin," Xuan Shi said.

"I would expect no less," Ling Qi said, lying back. "Thank you, Xuan Shi for all of your assistance. I wish there were more that I could do, to pay my debts to you."

"Friends do not keep a coin counters ledger. If mine work preserved Lady Ling's life, than it has paid itself in full," Xuan Shi said consideringly. "All the same, this one wishes to remain. The Argent Sect and the Xuan alike wish eyes here. Will you support this?"

"Of course I will. We have a a proper town to build here still, don't we?" Ling Qi said.

Xuan Shi hummed in agreement. "This one looks forward to walking at your side, Miss Ling is never short on adventure."

"I'll look forward to that too, and not only for walking at all," Ling Qi chuckled weakly. "Xuan Shi…"

He tilted his head as she trailed off.

"I will be glad to have you here whatever ways you want to walk. I hope we can seek out secrets together again," She chose the words with difficulty. Some things were harder, despite the far lower stakes.
"A-ah," Xuan Shi said, blinking slowly. "This one would be honor… most pleased to tread the winding ways at thy side again."

"Maybe you can keep her from blocking more attacks with her face while you're at it," Sixiang said, grinning over the top of the chair.

"I'll catch the next one in my teeth," Ling Qi shot back.

"...That would be most ill advised," Xuan Shi said. "This one implores that Miss Ling use the hands which the Nameless gave unto her."

"I will take it into consideration," Ling Qi said, she tried to do a haughty sniff but it just made her cough, what a wretched feeling. When she recovered she grimaced. "Thank you again Xuan Shi."

He nodded, standing slowly. "This one accepts. What has been wrought here will echo far, to be a part of it has been an honor. Be well, Ling Qi. Many remain who wish for thy ear, but let us speak again soon."

She gave the small nod she was able to manage as he turned to leave.

"It's funny," Sixiang said thoughtfully.

"What?" Ling Qi asked.

"He still likes you, but I think he's actually better for taking a step back?" Sixiang said.

"...You shouldn't center your whole life around another person," Ling Qi said quietly. "It is not fair to either them or you."

"Hm," Sixiang hummed noncommittally, resting their chin on their crossed arms.

Only to sit up straight a moment later. Ling Qi's eyes darted to the corner of the room as well, where she felt the veil of reality distorting.

Laughter and mist.

"Hello to you too Zheng Fu. I suppose they have not revamped the security much."

Stepping out of the shimmering air, Zheng Fu grinned at her behind his scarf. "C'mon only been ten days. If you're worried though, pretty sure I'd already be dead if I was a baddie, given the eyes on this place."

"That's good to know," Ling Qi said. Lift head, lie back down, she just had to get the qi circulating a little more. She had promised not to cultivate, not to be completely still.

He looked her up and down appraisingly, and she frowned up at him.

"You really are nutty you know?"

"She's been reminded," Sixiang chuckled.

She glared at the muse and then back to Zheng Fu and huffed. "I was not going to allow this summit to fail over an old man's tantrums, no matter how powerful he was. Not if I could do anything about it."

"Nutty," Zheng Fu said, stepping up to the foot of her bed. "You wanna visit the ol' dreaming court together when you're fixed up?"

"No thank you," Ling Qi said coolly.

"Hah, figured. Worth a shot though," Zheng Fu shrugged. "Anyway how much did the Xuan guy tell ya?"

"Not too much. We were speaking more personally," Ling Qi replied.

"Ah… guess that's why he blew me off too. Ya'll are so stuffy," Zheng Fu complained. "But… yeah, I figured out there was a cultivation network going on, found the traces to where the bigger nodes were hiding in the dream. Spoke with Mister Inspector and he directed me to Meng Dan."

"So you didn't just run off into the liminal alone to punch that woman out," Ling Qi mused.

His eyebrows climbed. "How much did you see?"

"Not much more than that."

He shook his head. "Not even gonna ask. This was a hell of a job even with everybody working together. Real stuff too, no one playacting here."

He sounded distant, a little lost in thought.

"I'll be hanging around the Emerald Seas for awhile, doing stuff for my master and myself," Zheng Fu said, strolling around her bedside to the table beside it. He flicked his wrist, and laid the small scroll that appeared in his hand on the table. "You or your boss need some muscle or a pair of eyes you can send to the address in there, or use the formation to call me up, though that bit will only work once."
"Quite an offer from the Zheng clan," Ling Qi said warily.

"Nah, my Master thinks its an investment. We missed out on Big Cai you know? I think little Cai's gonna shake things up too is all," Zheng Fu said. "Anyway, I best get out of here, if I don't wanna get launched out the window by an irate snake. Seeya later there, nutty girl."

And he was gone. Nothing but a swirl of mist and a shimmer in the air.

"...Is it that annoying when I do that?" Ling Qi wondered aloud.

"Probably," Sixiang said. "You gonna stop doing it?"

"Of course not."

She felt her best friend, well before her arrival.

A dark current crashing down the halls, scattering other presences before it. Implacable and cold, a river poorly restrained from overflowing its banks.

She braced herself as the door fell open and slitted golden eyes fell upon her, imperious and full of fury.

The wash of presence and pressure over her was like a cool, familiar blanket. "Lady Bai."

"Baroness Ling," Bai Meizhen said, stepping into the room. Xiao Fen flowed in a step behind like a shadow.

Xia Anxi quietly stepping in a few moments later, almost invisible under Meizhen's crushing presence was more surprising.

Bai Meizhen's cold eyes swept her from head to toe. Meizhen met her eyes, and Ling Qi held her gaze, tilting her chin up just a little.

She was sorry, but she had no regrets. Not even under Meizhen's scolding gaze.

Her best friend let out a breath and pinched her nose between her fingers. "It is good that you are well, Baroness Ling. I applaud you in denying foes and traitors even the smallest victory."

"You honor me Lady Bai. I would not die to such plots, whoever is behind them," Ling Qi said. "I am certain my liege has extended her own apologies, but allow me to do the same. It is shameful that we have allowed our great allies, the Bai clan to be touched by our internal plotting."

Xiao Fen was glowering, not at her exactly, but at the world in particular. She felt bad for anyone who so much as twitched toward Meizhen right now.Xia Anxi on the other hand was staring at her like she was mad, until their eyes met and his gaze flicked away. He readjusted the pile of scrolls and books in his arms uncomfortably.

Meizhen had just diverted from whatever she was in the middle of hadn't she?

"It is well that you understand the gravity of what has transpired," Bai Meizhen said. "Although given past consideration, reparations are possible."

A man with dark green hair and a Bai's golden eyes, filled with killing intent and then terror as they froze and burst flashed past in her thoughts. She supposed the Bai's internal troubles had touched them too.

"Of course, I hope the bai clan will understand that this was the act of a small faction of rebels," Ling Qi said.

Her friend nodded grimly. Her gaze flicked over Ling Qi again, and something in her aura spasmed, a dark killing impulse that left Xia Anxi shuddering. "Yes. Baroness I must ask, will you recover?"

"In good time. My foundations suffered no damage though my advancement has been slowed," Ling Qi said. "I merely need to recover and cultivate carefully."

She could probably wrangle some small exercises in a month or so.

Sixiang shot her a dirty look that she studiously ignored.

"That is well," bai Meizhen said, pausing for a long moment. "I have been in talks with my teacher and my Aunt over this incident, I believe this matter was handled as well as it could have been."

Xia Anxi grimaced.

"Yet fault remains, and I accept it," Ling Qi said. "Particularly to you Xia Anxi who was directly impacted. I hope that the remainder of your stay in the Emerald Seas is not so fraught."

"...I doubt two such rebellions will occur in my span here," Xia Anxi said after looking to Meizhen for permission to speak. "Not after how well crushed this one was. My praise, baroness."

"The Emerald Seas, and I thank the Bai clan for their understanding."

"...We will need to speak of reparations," Bai Meizhen said, almost apologetically.

"You will have them," Ling Qi replied. She knew her friend was taking it easy here but there were limits to what she could get away with. But at the same time the Meng were in a fragile place right now. "Though this might not be the place for it."

"Indeed," Bai meizhen said. "When you are able I will present my clans… requests to your liege and yourself. For now… rest well Baroness. Like myself you have much more work to do."

AN: This will be the last voteless update, getting into the final leg of negotiations starting next time.
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