Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Yeah yrs is deliberately torturing us by dropping that the country we know basically nothing about is the strongest :V

We have vague comments that they're Olmec and Central African inspired. And searching through discord I can find old comments from yrs that may refer to them saying he was taking some inspiration from the legends that inspired Wakanda.
Damn i really want to know the hell that is not!alstralia now

Destiny World Map - Tales of Destiny

Here we have the promised world Map of the setting, done by Xepheria as a fan project with my input. The Empire lies on the southern landmass in the center. (...)
It's the hellstorm. If I've understood it correctly it was there that the Dragon Gods chopped down one of the Heavenly Pillars, for which the Nameless Mother smote them.
What do we know of the function the Heavenly Pillars perform?

Also, where can I read more on not!Ireland?
The power comparisons can also get messy like with Khem, who iirc actually has more ~eighth realms than the Empire, and they would arguably be stronger since they're sort of demi-sublimes. But they also have to spend most of their time sleeping and don't really have good power projection.
What do we know of the function the Heavenly Pillars perform?

Also, where can I read more on not!Ireland?
This is all we have:

King of Explorers-Isle of Giants - Tales of Destiny

My mind is troubled of late. I have sailed north from the lands of Banu into the frozen seas that lie beyond the northmost edge of that continent and (...)

Dreams of the Blessed Isle - Tales of Destiny

Danae watched the door the foreign man who had called himself the King of Explorers had walked through long after he had left. The kapaleia was quiet. (...)

Edit: though as a fun note, when we were asking yrs about these things back in 2020 he said he'd probably put the most work into Khem and the Emerald Isle.
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Turn 19: Arc 9-4
Ling Qi understood, without words needing to be spoken. She felt a dull churning in her nearly numb gut.

She had done the right thing. The only thing she could have accepted doing. That didn't mean there weren't costs.

"You're not allowed to die."

Hanyi spoke the words in a soft whisper, but they were loud in Ling Qi's ears. Her junior sister hugged her arms around herself.

"Y-you can't just disappear you know? You promised Momma you would take care of me."

Ling Qi wished deeply, dearly that she could sit up right now, raise her arms, anything. She felt her fingertips twitch, but… all of her desire to embrace and comfort Hanyi couldn't amount to more than that.

This was an awful feeling.

"I'll keep getting stronger, so I can't get hurt as easily," Ling Qi said, unable to even raise her head properly, to look at her, the most she could do was turn it on the pillow.

"You'll do it again though," Hanyi said, accusingly.

"I will," Ling Qi said. She couldn't lie, not here and now. There was a place for little lies, soft lies, but not for something like this. "I was the only one who could do this today… I promise I won't risk myself without thought."

"But that's all you can promise," Sixiing said wryly.

Hanyi's expression scrunched up, and then a moment later, she was on top of Ling Qi, hugging her, sniffling against her neck. The pressure of her weight, the cold of her hands, penetrated the numbness of Ling Qi's body as an aching pressure. She winced, glancing to Sixiang for help. The muse chuckled weakly and reached out, rubbing Hanyi's back.

Want. Somewhere along the way, the success of this project had become something she wanted, deeply and truly. Even knowing her actions would hurt the ones closest to her like this…. She couldn't regret them.

And that haunted her a little. Because Still Waters Deeping, Meng Delun, had been the same.

The consequences and the scale was more dire, but it was still the same process. She would hurt the ones she loved if she found the cause great enough.

…It had to come down to the details. Meng Delun… his cause was a faceless ideal, far, far removed from any single person.

The feast in the garden, under the moon, Hanyi's frozen tears, Cai Renxiang's too stiff shoulders, the people slowing building a life on the banks of Snowblossom Lake. she might accept consequences, but… she wouldn't forget faces. Not like that. Never like that.

"I'm sorry Hanyi, sorry you had to see me like this… but I lived, you know? It's hard to get more dangerous than what I just did, and I lived."

Hanyi squeezed her tighter and she winced a little at the throb of pain from the pressure. She sniffled, letting out a muffled watery laugh. "My Big Sis is the toughest, densest one there is."

"Hey, you added something there," Ling Qi complained.

"I dunno, I think she's being pretty accurate," Sixiang said.

"I guess you're not wrong all the time," Hanyi sniffed, finally sitting up. She scrubbed the sleeve of her gown back and forth across her face. "I'm totally gonna tell Zhengui on you. He won't let you out of his sight till you're better."

"I'll be good," Ling Qi sighed. "...It's not like I can make much trouble like this."

"What's this quitter talk?" Sixiang wondered.

"No! You don't give her ideas!" Hanyi said scowling at Sixiang. She scrubbed her face one more time, "Now! I'm gonna go tell them you can have visitors now! You're gonna lay here and get pined over by all the boys, got it Big Sis?"

Ling Qi blinked. "What?"

But Hanyi was already trotting off for the door, and probably ignoring her on purpose. She looked at Sixiang with concern.

"...Well I know at the least Xuan Shi and Zheng Fu want to chat, Meng boy is… real busy, but a big supply caravan from the Bao showed up with a couple familiar faces too," Sixiang chuckled. "Course pretty sure the only reason your snake bestie isn't here already is cause she's sitting on her clans' response to this."

Ling Qi closed her eyes and groaned quietly. Meizhen was going to be furious wasn't she? She was surprised that the girl hadn't assigned Xiao Fen to just stand in the corner and glare at her, but she supposed there were more urgent matters afoot. As for the rest…. She did want to know more about what had happened. She had seen snippets, flashes but Xuan Shi had been with Meng Dan…

"I wouldn't have come out without his gauntlets would I?" She wondered.

"Well, I wouldn't have," Sixiang said, scratching the back of their head. "...They're totally trashed too, but they lasted till the bang at the end, before they gave it up entirely."

Of course, Xuan Shi really was a skilled craftsmen. She looked down at herself then, and a thought occurred. "Where is my gown?"

Sixiang winced.

"Where is it!"

"Well, the docs had to kinda… pick it out of you, the silk kinda melted you know, and so did you."


"...Your boss doesn't do things by half measures, it basically looked like a pile of ash… skin and a couple glowing threads holding the bits together, but it was kinda starting to repair already. It's been sent back to Lin Hai to get looked over."

She allowed herself to be cautiously optimistic, but still…

"Ah… boss Lady might want to say this, but you look real worried," Sixiang said. "Word is from her is the Duchess is gonna let him use her workshop to do repairs, so… probably gonna come out fine?"


Heavy footfalls were approaching the door. Solid and unyielding, qi with a scent she now recognized as sea spray. And beneath it, like an eel darting among the riverweeds, a sulking presence. There was something else too though, like a little blot of ink reflecting, or perhaps consuming the very attention that fell on it.

She felt it pause there, outside the door. There was doubt there, even now.

"Please come in," Ling Qi said, projecting her voice more with qi than air.

The presence startled and then the door pushed open.

Xuan Shi stepped into the room. He looked a bit worse for the wear, without his gauntlets or heavy concealing outer robe, he seemed a bit strange to her eyes, a thick armored vest stretched across a broad chest, a belt hung with pouches and sturdy trousers tucked into thick boots. Without his robe she could see more of his face, his chin and mouth under the wide brim of his hat. Though there was a crack in that too.

"Xuan Shi, thank you for visiting me… and for your assistance. I don't think I would be even this well without your gift," Ling Qi said.

He looked at her silently for a long moment. "Then this one has no regrets."

He sat down at the chair by her bedside. He was staring at her, under the brim of his hat, but for once she didn't feel discomfited by the attention. She surely looked terrible right now regardless.

"I did manage to save a, uh couple fragments," Sixiang said. They reached across the bed and dropped into his hand a number of scorched clay shards, still glowing cherry red with heat. She didn't know where Sixiang had been keeping it… the same place as the idol that anchored them she supposed. "Reagents, right?"

Xuan Shi looked down at it briefly. Closing his palm around the slightly smoking ceramic shards, unbothered by the heat, before it vanished into the storage ring on his finger and he looked back to her. "Reagents. Yes. Miss Ling, this one is. Astounded by the lengths to which your ambition took you."

No distractions, hm? She appreciated Sixiang's effort.

"I only regret that I could not lessen the harm further. We will not fail here," Ling Qi said.

"There will be no failure," Xuan Shi agreed quietly. "Not where you stand."

"Man, my cousin must be sulking up a storm in there, huh?" Sixiang said.

"This one is told that the word is brooding or perhaps contemplating," Xuan Shi said with a small chuckle. "But this one would like to report. On the matter of the Meng and what occurred there."

"Please do, Xuan Shi," Ling Qi said, giving as much of a proper nod as she could.

"The details this one will leave most to sir Meng but… the Elder was indeed propped by juniors, in the manner of the Meng, raised from the deathbed through the machinations of others."

So that was why he had weakened as others were taken down, why is death throes had been relatively limited, even on her.

"Meng Deming was an innocent man, usurped by this will, and proved most upset when freed. However this one's part in the tale requires an introduction."

"An introduction?" Ling Qi wondered, only for the answer to come. "Ah… did you hatch that….?"

He reached up, under the brim of his hat, and when he opened his hand, in it was a tiny, fluffy pale blue chick. It-She bobbled back and forth, tilting her head too and fro as she chirped.

Hungry hungry happy hungry warm hungry hello! hungry warm hungry happy warm…

"Oh hello there," Ling Qi said. This was the droplet of ink, inscrutable to her senses beyond that, for all that the infant beasts simple thoughts were like an open letter to her.

The chick bobbed and jumped in his palm before looking at Sixiang and letting out a wary chirp.

"Hey hey, I'm good," Sixiang said. "Don't you worry about me."

"Though freshly born, at the time, this young one proved to have… sapping properties on the energies at play," Xuan Shi said. She could see in every line of his expression and posture affection for the tiny bird in his hand. "But… more than this, in carrying her, the attention of watching crows was drawn. The White Sky remained in the turmoil, at the will of the gods, or so they say."

"...They did interfere at the end huh? Joined up with the defense to keep things contained. The boss Lady said so," Sixiang wondered. "So…"

"This one thinks a physical… token may have been more convincing than words," Xuan Shi said drawing his hand back to his chest stroking the chick's head with one finger. "Lady Ling should be aware, that is all."

"I see," Ling Qi said. That was… definitely another factor to consider though she didn't think she was well suited to thinking on it right now. "Oh! What is her name?"

Xuan Shi blinked. "Apologies. It is…"

AN: Little short due to holidays but probably need a few to finish aftermath anyway. Apologies for the cliffie, I couldn't help myself.
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Xuan Shi blinked. "Apologies. It is…"

AN: Little short due to holidays but probably need a few to finish aftermath anyway. Apologies for the cliffie, I couldn't help myself.
The only way this cliffhanger is acceptable is if the name is based on Ling Qi. Either different characters with the same sounds, or synonyms for whatever words Qi uses to write her name.
"I wouldn;t have come out without his gauntlets would I?" She wondered.
"Well, I wouldn't have," Sixiang said, scratching the back of their head. "...They're totally trashed too, but they lasted till the bang at the end, before they gave it up entirely."
Jesus Buddha Christ, imagine if the thread had fucked up with the plan votes and Xuan Shi hadn't joined the summit.
Xuan Shi looked down at it briefly. Closing his palm around the slightly smoking ceramic shards, unbothered by the heat, before it vanished into the storage ring on his finger and he looked back to her. "Reagents. Yes. Miss Ling, this one is. Astounded by the lengths to which your ambition took you."
Sounds like Xuan Shi speech for "what the absolute fuck" to me.
"No! You don't give her ideas!" Hanyi said scowling at Sixiang. She scrubbed her face one more time, "Now! I'm gonna go tell them you can have visitors now! You're gonna lay here and get pined over by all the boys, got it Big Sis?"

The perfect life. All these boys around that think we are super cool.

"Ah… boss Lady might want to say this, but you look real worried," Sixiang said. "Word is from her is the Duchess is gonna let him use her workshop to do repairs, so… probably gonna come out fine?"

Behold the first of our Hero Rewards. Lin Hai in Shenhua's workshop for Dress-chan. Full repair at minimum, with likely upgrades and maybe even awakening in the works.

"The details this one will leave most to sir Meng but… the Elder was indeed propped by juniors, in the manner of the Meng, raised from the deathbed through the machinations of others."

So that was why he had weakened as others were taken down, why is death throes had been relatively limited, even on her.

So Delun was never the ring leader of this stuff, he was too half-dead for that.

He reached up, under the brim of his hat, and when he opened his hand, in it was a tiny, fluffy pale blue chick. It-She bobbled back and forth, tilting her head too and fro as she chirped.

Hungry hungry happy hungry warm hungry hello! hungry warm hungry happy warm…


"Though freshly born, at the time, this young one proved to have… sapping properties on the energies at play," Xuan Shi said. She could see in every line of his expression and posture affection for the tiny bird in his hand.

Lol, freshly hatched chick had an actual impact on this whole thing. All that tasty qi in the air, a magnificent feast.

"But… more than this, in carrying her, the attention of watching crows was drawn. The White Sky remained in the turmoil, at the will of the gods, or so they say."

"...They did interfere at the end huh? Joined up with the defense to keep things contained. The boss Lady said so," Sixiang wondered. "So…"

"This one thinks a physical… token may have been more convincing than words," Xuan Shi said drawing his hand back to his chest stroking the chick's head with one finger. "Lady Ling should be aware, that is all."

If I'm reading this right, having a chick from Grydja drew the Crows' attention, a mark of slight favor from one of their gods, which contributed to them jumping in to contain the damage.

There are 4 evil demons in chinese mythology The Four Evils are Tao Tie饕餮, Hun Dun混沌, Qiong Qi穷奇 and Tao Wu梼杌.
i think could counter the Four Auspicious Beasts". They are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise (also called "Black Warrior") of the North. In the celestial empire
"Stick in the mud," Kongyou sighed. "...It really is exquisite, watching all this set up. Its going to be amazing, when it falls apart. I wonder what her face will look like when it does."

"In failure, she will endure. However, though sails might be torn, though the hull may need patched, thou are wrong. This ship is not made to sink," Xuan Shi said. "...It cannot be impossible, this thing called peace. It can exist, if those involved can be bothered to try."

"...I feel bad for you, you know. I keep trying to soften the landing, but you just keep climbing higher up that cliff, you know?" Kongyou said softly.

"This one is pleased with your sympathy, even if it is misplaced."

Kongyou bit his ear, he twitched. "Tch, there's only so much bittersweet I can take you idiot. I want a balanced meal."

"I only regret that I could not lessen the harm further. We will not fail here," Ling Qi said.

"There will be no failure," Xuan Shi agreed quietly. "Not where you stand."

"Man, my cousin must be sulking up a storm in there, huh?" Sixiang said.

"This one is told that the word is brooding or perhaps contemplating," Xuan Shi said with a small chuckle.
LMAO get fucked Kongyou. They probably were so stoked when everything started going wrong and thought that this was the beginning of their grand tragedy which was happening just as they said it would! And then heroes saved the day and success is snatched from the jaws of defeat just as Xuan Shi said it would be instead. Now Xuan Shi has everything right to be smug!

Also chicken is adorable, Xuan Shi is getting major points recently. :V

Oh yeah and Hanyi best little sister. Such a good girl!
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About the Summit, I'm itching to see what options we have for the Embassy Town and foreign quarters. Because I agree that this went as well as could be expected and more.
Even if I disagreed with a couple choices, I don't think we took any "wrong" option here.
Including really hard and unclear ones like choosing the right parasite from all the options.
And I think we only failed 2 rolls, the initial Meeting Place construction and a MoI mitigation roll. We were pretty lucky.

We'll need to wait how the favor has changed after 2 weeks, but I can only call the Summit a Success.