Motorcycle, converts to powered armor. Go full Mospedia here.
YES YES YES YES YES. Vroom Vroom Motorcycle.
Like a super souped up and lightly armored Kawasaki Ninja.
Which reminds me of one anime I watched some time ago. RideBack. Here, have a sufficiently non-descriptive but action-filled sample. It wasn't quite fighty enough for a "true mecha", more about character drama and stuff. It did give me a very strong impression that can be summed up as "Mecha Ninja/Mecha Parkour". Unfortunately, I can't make the proper description today.

Nah it's fine! I was just pointing out I haven't focused on that particular area yet. :)

I'm fine with questions about the world building. Never feel like you shouldn't ask! I just may or may not have an answer for it yet.
I'm fine with the amount of world building you do, it leaves room for people like me to make up our own head canon and just go with it. It's like my version of making Omakes but not cause I actually suck at writing. Also it might be worth making a threadmarked informational page compiling all of our robot designs for easy access.
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"Anna Smith," she introduces herself, holding up her Identification Card. A moment later, the rank transponders belonging to you and Sasaki ping in the positive, followed by a brief authorization code issued in Brigadier General Peters' name. "Earth Union Intelligence Services."

Fake name is fake, unless she's really unlucky.

He's experienced enough at piloting a Jackal, but you privately wonder if he's meant for a different machine. One that hasn't been built yet, even. But all the same, you also wonder if he'd be better suited to a machine with crew members in mind instead of just piloting one himself.

Finally, a chance to develop a tank-based Megazord!

"Sir, Ma'am." At Sasaki's terminal, a new avatar has finally finished compiling, and a young woman appearing for all the world as a model cadet was standing at attention. "This is Diana, reporting in."

More reploids!

The finalized Arc Blade, for example, could now generate an electric field that acted as a defensive barrier. Unlike the Dispersion Field fielded by Bandit, it couldn't prevent damage from coming through. But it could reduce it by a significant amount, and any enemy attempting to attack through that field would find itself taking additional damage just for making the effort. The Spark Caliber would slot neatly into the hilt of the blade, and then overcharge it for a devastating finishing attack.

A bit underwhelming compared with a flaming sword. Also, the description lacks the mention of being able to do finishing strikes.
Can both weapons be carried during the same battle?

What is it scanning for? You can't tell, and you're not sure anyone in your base actually qualifies. But you're not about to expose anyone outside of this base to the thing just to find out.

In the midst of all this, Max is slowly discovering that there are rapidly changing energies being formed inside of the artifact. And that's about all she can determine. The thing looks like it's getting ready for something, but at the same time it seems content to just sit there and scan people.

IT's looking for proper magical girls (or boys) and reading energy for the transformation sequence.

No, it's like the feel you get when you open an unsealed Issue #1 from a collector's case, minus the soul-crushing wail of the collector."

"Not that, uh, I have any experience with that or anything. Disregard."

There's a story behind here.

Log #1: Attempted to replicate the blast into a bazooka. Blast destroyed bazooka. Insufficient. I probably made a physicist cry from the attempt. Quota met. Next.

Log #2: Attempted to 'package' pre-charged charges (ed, think different wording) into a grenade launcher. Fun explosions, didn't work. Only likely made one physicist cry. Did not meet quota. Am sad by this. Next.

The 2nd one actually looks useful, if not for us, for our allies. Energy-explosives are cool.
Also that quota, heh.

At first, you thought this was overkill...until she gave you a list of the man's suspected and verified achievements.

So, almost-Big Boss?

"Mecha," she says without hesitation. "If things go wrong, that's the agent's backup option."

Chicks do dig giant robots.

Oh true and a drop ship, one that we will inevitably eventually modify into a giant mecha that can combine with our other super robots to make a giant weapon of mass extinction.

There's no such thing, the only limit is our imagination! I doubt we'll ever get to use planets as grenades though, but the scale is there.

Cool, but lacks a punch.

The Jackal, in the meantime, is now readily available to forces beyond the first production run. People are starting to take notice.

Cool. We better start investigating our SR bros ASAP.

Much better IMO.

It's really old school cyberpunk.

And good to boot. Ultra-violent too.

How far is computer tech, since while AIs are obviously not common maybe basic VIs, drones, self driving cars, etc? Are implants, genetic engineering on humans, cyborgs, and other transhuman examples a thing?

There are fabricators if that counts.

That reminds me. I wonder if there are Orbital Elevators around?

Nope, no space colonies to weaponize yet.

Good thing we got into the good graces of Fem!Not!Kaji and the Intelligence Bureau of the Union recently, huh.

I hope she's not shot though.
IT's looking for proper magical girls (or boys) and reading energy for the transformation sequence.
I suspect so. Given the diversity of our base population, either the target criteria is very narrow(on the order of 1 person per hundred thousand to make it statistically improbable), or its selecting for a type of person not found on our very eccentric military base(children, elderly)
In regards to the artifact, next turn will give you differing options on testing it. If just to see what the deal is.

Later today, World Report.
So at some point should we make some variable fighters like the ones from Macross since compared to most mecha the reasoning for their design actually makes a lot of sense?

Basically the jet mode gets them to locations quickly and mech mode lets them fight in urban and hard terrain, not to mention their inbetween mode makes moving them around for maintenance and stuff easier.
World Report #2: Highlights
News Update

New Technology Enters Production

The modernization program enabled by Brigadier General Peters has borne fruit within a year in a form that has taken observers by surprise.

The CR-01 "Jackal" had seen distribution with elements of the First Response Corps, but only now is it seeing mass production for wider EUDF consumption. A product of BG Peters' Defense Force Research Institute (DFRI), it is the stuff of children's cartoons of yesteryear: a shapeshifting robot based on the venerable "Coyote" chassis. Boasting the performance of an enhanced Coyote, it can 'configure' into 'Mecha' form within moments. Though critics were quick to decry how unnecessary and 'gimmicky' this appeared at first glance, these reports were countered by senior commanders who maintain the Jackals in their inventory books.

"The ability to configure into Mecha form offers previously impossible options to vehicle operators," Lieutenant Colonel Franklin Kim said when approached for an official statement. "Our business in the FRC is saving lives in dangerous locations. You don't know how lucky you are to have the ability to literally step over debris or to climb buildings in the Jackal when before your only option was to go on foot or to wait for aviation support. We've saved lives in record time thanks to having these on inventory."

The Jackal has only begun distribution with the other arms of the Earth Union Defense Force. Initial reports are surprising, but commanders are understandably reserving judgment. "The Jackal does offer new opportunities, especially for scout formations," one Ground Defense Force official said on condition of anonymity. "But it presents new challenges as well. Soldiers were used to operating and maintaining the Coyote, and they're having to unlearn a lot of muscle memory."

The second item to come from the DFRI, the V-33 TMU, has had a much more mixed reception. "Our pilots aren't exactly sure what to make of it," one Air Defense Force official was quoted as saying. "'Is it a helo? Is it a jet fighter? What do you mean it's both?' It's not especially popular right now with the pilot corps." Intriguingly, however, it has received a much warmer reception with the Naval Defense Force. "We retain a mixed inventory of Gargoyles and Redtails," Colonel Henri Bernard said when approached, "And we can appreciate having a machine that can do the job of both with simple maintenance requirements." Colonel Bernard is also granting it a 'grace period' to evaluate it.

Unusually, General George Armistead was unavailable for comment.

Kaiju Attacks Holding, For Now

Thanks to growing participation between the Yukimura Institute and the First Response Corps of the East Asian District, Kaiju attacks are slowly being blunted. While property damage continues to be an ongoing concern, the amount of deaths and displacement inflicted by Kaiju attacks are plateauing. However, Dr. Yukimura cautioned against celebrating too soon.

"Sheol is not to be underestimated," he said in a statement as Mercury V returned home to its native Kyoto for repairs. "We are successfully fighting the Kaiju now, yes. But he will grow dissatisfied, and he will likely begin to increase his efforts. I promise that our organization, cooperating with the Defense Forces, will do likewise."

Dr. Yukimura had no official comment when asked about rumors of the Defense Forces attempting to create their own Super Robot, evidenced by the production of the Jackal. "I am not tied to their efforts," he said, "but if they are trying to build their own, I wish them all the best. We all must do our part to defend the Earth."

Westphalian Activity in Europe Drops

Inexplicably, predicted attacks in the European District have failed to materialize.

"It's right odd," stated Charles Mander, the primary backer of Valiant. "Normally when you put out the smorgasbord of political meetings and rallies like this, it's like ringing the mess bell for 'em." Choice of words aside, Mr. Mander's statement is true: political life has had an unusual few months of relative peace to progress, where usually they are highly tempting targets for separatist assaults.

When asked to comment, Mr. Mander said, "Couldn't rightly say, I'm afraid. I can only think the blighters found something even more tempting to hit than this. What that is, I couldn't say." All he could say for sure was that as per their contracts with national governments, Mander Security Solutions and the Valiant would be on standby just in case the Separatists decided to change their minds about targets.
I want to spent some RUs to spar against Valiant, after some more upgrades to Beowulf.
On the one hand, disassembly for maintenance is likely simple as it's already designed for it. On the other hand, so many moving parts that are all critical.
"Our pilots aren't exactly sure what to make of it," one Air Defense Force official was quoted as saying. "'Is it a helo? Is it a jet fighter? What do you mean it's both?' It's not especially popular right now with the pilot corps."

I'm not sure I understand their beef with the TMU. Are they complaining because they side with Armistead or because they feel it's not performing how they want it to?
They dunno what it is on one level, and on another flying a jet fighter is WHEEEEE versus a helicopter which is dull and sloooow.
It's Clearly useful though and easily maintained so the bugger's gonna be around for awhile...But yeah it's a weird beast.
So currently think are relatively peaceful, naturally this is just the calm before the storm but we should make as much use out of it as possible.

@Basarin curious the Jackals being made and being shipped out to Union military forces, how are they operated? Are they using the old physical control system so the most amount of people can use them or the MMI?

If it's the former it makes sense though I imagine that compared to our own pilots their Jackals are slow and clunky. Still though having the extra mobility and the fact the mecha can act as a heavy labor equipment likely makes them godsends during relief efforts.

They use the old system. The MMI is something that's exclusively for use with the DFRI right now, so they still use the older control schemes.

And your comments are about correct. They're clunky, but they offer options local commanders never used to have.
A pity. BGS - original OVA - starts relatively so-so, but really hit the spot in last two or three episodes.
Just to be sure I'm not misremembering: Is that 80s anime in which there were girls that used power armor of sorts, the bad guy was an old man that seemingly had a secret base usually entered by a hidden elevator, and violence was quite graphic?

Just to confirm.

So at some point should we make some variable fighters like the ones from Macross since compared to most mecha the reasoning for their design actually makes a lot of sense?

Air mechas are a must yep.

, it is the stuff of children's cartoons of yesteryear:

Good to see that Transformers still survives in some form.

Though critics were quick to decry how unnecessary and 'gimmicky' this appeared at first glance


"Our business in the FRC is saving lives in dangerous locations. You don't know how lucky you are to have the ability to literally step over debris or to climb buildings in the Jackal when before your only option was to go on foot or to wait for aviation support. We've saved lives in record time thanks to having these on inventory."

"Lol nope, tactics bitch!"

. "Our pilots aren't exactly sure what to make of it," one Air Defense Force official was quoted as saying. "'Is it a helo? Is it a jet fighter? What do you mean it's both?'

Narrow-minded people.

Unusually, General George Armistead was unavailable for comment.

Someone is still butthurt.

But yeah, we ought to use newer vehicle for Configuration.

"Sheol is not to be underestimated," he said in a statement as Mercury V returned home to its native Kyoto for repairs. "We are successfully fighting the Kaiju now, yes. But he will grow dissatisfied, and he will likely begin to increase his efforts. I promise that our organization, cooperating with the Defense Forces, will do likewise."

Multiple/Major Kaijuu attack confirmed.

nexplicably, predicted attacks in the European District have failed to materialize.

Either Warlord's death affected their schedule, or they're shifting focus towards us.

They use the old system. The MMI is something that's exclusively for use with the DFRI right now, so they still use the older control schemes.

And your comments are about correct. They're clunky, but they offer options local commanders never used to have.
Might be interesting if in the future we see enemies surprised perspective at the sneer gulf in ability between the mass produced models and the more advanced ones.

After all mecha are scary enough as it is, encounter a fast mecha that actually moves just as well as a human and things get even worse.

On another note @Basarin in the future is it possible to give our own mech forces some form of rapid reaction transportation to get them to a mission location much faster than standard dropships? Like some kinda plane that heads up to nearly leave atmosphere to make it anywhere on planet within an hour?

Maybe even give mecha a means to drop from that high without damage like some disposable glider system?