*looks at the word count from this episode*

*realizes he still has at least two interludes to do*

*gets back to writing while warming food*
Wow that +6 RP from the IS is nice. I think the spooks are my favorite people in this quest.

We saved them a big headache, Warlord is evidently a gigantic pain in their ass, and now he's dead--and they want a cut of the DFRI Project.

More important, getting the spooks happy with you is the first step to telling the asshole who hates you to fuck off.

But yeah, that RP infusion is well timed, lets us easily support setting the Legio Enclave up while really digging into our tech tree.
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Im just glad that we got the Intelligence agent. She will be a big help in the future. As for the Kaus I wonder who will be the next one to be able to transform. It seems like the more of them that can Transform and Roll Out the better for all of us in the long run. That RP infusion will go a long way to getting a lot of projects started next turn including the Enclave.
I wonder if Warlord ever fought the other Super Robots because I can imagine the 'fans' of the other 'series' wondering where he went if did?
Subtle Developments
6 February, A.D. 2071
Commandant's Office

You'd given Anna Smith two days to get sorted. First, just to fulfill her original charge of verifying the death of the Warlord. She'd taken two days of extensive testing to absolutely verify this information.

At first, you thought this was overkill...until she gave you a list of the man's suspected and verified achievements.

After that, you could absolutely understand why they wanted to verify that he was dead. And no, you are not allowed to discuss any of it. Sufficient to say, he was responsible for quite a bit of damage and had ties to the Red King. And that chess piece had just been permanently removed from the board.

This is both gratifying and worrying. It's good that such a dangerous individual and his men were removed. It's bad that someone thought it worthwhile to sic him on you.

"Penny for the thought?" a voice says abruptly. You look up to see the grinning face of Anna Smith, a mischievous look twinkling in her eyes. "You seem to do that a lot."

"You try running a secret organization in charge of making a Super Robot," you snark at her. "Then you can come talk to me about spacing out." You stand up as you walk to the cabinet that holds vital sustenance for you. "Coffee?"


Once the both of you are sufficiently caffeinated, and you establish the white-noise bubble, you get to business.

"So. Was everything in order?" you ask.

"And then some," Anna confirms. "I can confirm that Warlord is done for. Both from his custom Pilum, and from the DNA of the leftover body." She has a look of utter relief. "Someone will eventually take his place in giving us high blood pressure, but for now we can get some breathing room."

"Happy to help," you comment dryly. "Though it makes me wonder why he was here." You frown. "Or how."

"Let's just say we're not happy with General Armistead," Anna says. "I know he was a political appointee, but that man is insufferable. I don't have the report on me, but I can guarantee you that a good chunk of the real estate Warlord had to travel to get to you crossed through the territory his patrols walk the beat on." Looking at your expression, she adds, "Though I think you probably figured that part out by now."

"What exactly is his deal with us?" you demand. "He technically supported the project, but for all the obstructing he does, I'm wondering why he even bothers."

"Very likely he did that as a political move," Anna shrugs. "And probably didn't expect you to be successful at all." She flicks some of her hair out of the way of her face. "I know his type. He wants to get a hold of as many projects as he can to be associated with them to get as much of the glory as he can. And if they fail, he still keeps a political favor out of it. The problem is that you're being too successful for that favor to be worthwhile, and you're threatening to overshadow him."

"Think that boat left the harbor awhile ago," you point out.

"Try explaining that to him," Anna responds. "Still, the Intelligence Services are not happy, and neither is the Executive Board. So they tasked us to help you make sure this doesn't happen again."

"While also getting an in on the project," you say wryly.

"Well, duh." Anna's at least fairly honest about it. "It's not there yet, but you have the closest thing to Valiant under official EUDF colors. And we could have potentially lost it all because Armistead wasn't paying attention." She rolls her eyes. "Of course we want an in."

"...fair," you shrug as you sip more from your coffee. "So how are you going to help us?"

"Well, consider me your official liaison to the wider EUDF Network," Anna says. "Anything in the establishment that goes on, I'm going to hear about it first. General Peters does good work, but she's also got her hands full with other things." She grins. "This is now officially my full-time job. So I don't have that problem."

You nod. Her cheeriness is infectious, but you also remember she's a spy. It's no good to let your guard down. "What else you got?"

"Well, seeing as how you've got those agents hanging around not doing much, I figure I can have them help me help you," she says cheerfully. "You're relatively isolated, so unless something like Grand Coulee happens again, you're not going to know unless Peters tells you. I'm going to know, and I'm going to let you know if something needs intervention from a Super Robot."

"It's not finished yet," you point out.

"Good enough for Union work," she shrugs. "But I get it." She pauses as she thinks for a moment. "That, and you've got other projects going on that we want in on. The Kausen embassy thing, that's something I want to see."

"Give it a month," you say. "I'll introduce you to Cavalier later. Right now he's our main representative from the Legion."

"Nifty," she says. "Speaking of which, though...I hear you're looking for customers for a new vehicle commission?"

"We are."

"Well, we're it." Taking out a folder, she slides it towards you. "Take your time building this, but the Intelligence Services really liked what you did with the Jackal. We want our own version of it."

"Not a car, I'm assuming," you comment.

"I'll break it down for you," Anna says. Her hands tend to get wildly animated when she's explaining something, you notice. Ticking off one finger, she says, "One: it needs to be fast, and based on a chassis that's readily available. Something we can requisition parts for without too much fuss."

"Sensible." You take out a pen and start jotting down notes. Old habits die hard. "What else?"

"Low profile, sneaky. Something that can blend in or just not be noticed in general."

"Stealth capabilities?"

"We'll accept that as fulfilling the conditions," she concedes.

"Alternate vehicle modes?" you ask, "Or Mecha?"

"Mecha," she says without hesitation. "If things go wrong, that's the agent's backup option."

You jot down those notes. "I'll see what Wilde and Henry can come up with," you promise. "In the meantime..." You extend a hand. "Welcome aboard, Ms. Smith. Glad to have you."

"Make it Anna," she corrects as she shakes your hand.

Configuration: New Customer will offer new option next Turn! No RP locked, next Action will offer chance for permanent RP gain!
Gained Anna Smith as a Special Actions Adviser!

Motorcycle, converts to powered armor. Go full Mospedia here.

Alternately, if we want to go maximum trolly, we can just make it an ordinary sedan that unfolds into an Arm Slave or something.
But yeah, it needs to be low profile, so it can't be the big-ass humvee that the Jackal has as it's altform. And they want it to be low profile, so we can't have it be a ridiculously fancy car either.

An SUV or a motorcycle or something I think.
So coming up we want a tank/mecha with room for multiple personnel, a lot of weapons and advanced armor for Tellison and then we need a motorcycle/mecha with stealth capabilities that can blend in and turn into power armor. I can dig it.
CR-02 'Shade'
Purpose: Espionage Support Craft
Vehicle Form: Civilian SUV
Alt-Form: Light Mech
Biography: The second Variable Configuration Mech developed in the DFRI and submitted for production, the 'Shade' is prepared to the specifications of the Intelligence Service, and designed to assist in their ability to gather information--and to take direct action in times of exigency. By default, it can be constructed in the shape of any number of civilian models of SUV, permitting decent off road mobility while not attracting too much attention in urban environments. Where a civilian automobile would have useful quality of life computers and a satellite radio, is exchanged for a high powered signal interceptor/satellite uplink, and a top class integrated computing system derived from DFRI studies, capable of codebreaking and data decryption alike--and just as easily scrubbed in times of exigency. When the time for direct action is required, the 'Shade' can be Configured into a light combat mech, theoretically proof against infantry and capable of fighting against light hostile war machines long enough to make good an escape--or disrupt a key operation at just the right moment.
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Soon-ish I will be providing a World Report post. However, this can be either today or tomorrow. Depending on if this thunderstorm doesn't knock out power or internet.

That said, your decisions are slowly seeping into the rest of the world. You already knocked out a fairly significant character, though he wasn't a major villain in any of the other series yet. If he managed to escape, he would have become a recurring villain hellbent on getting rid of you.

The Jackal, in the meantime, is now readily available to forces beyond the first production run. People are starting to take notice.
If we go for Mospeada style powered armor, we can also sell it to other branches of the military that could use them in engagements where something larger isn't desired.
CR-02 'Steed'
Purpose: Rapid Urban Transport and Emergency Escape
Vehicle Form: Motorcycle
Alt-Form: Power Armour
Biography: Designed specifically for use by field agents in need of speedy transport in urban areas. Has shielded compartments in both forms for hidden blades and firearms. Includes a power armor form with propelled grappling hook and enhanced jumping capabilities allowing for more three dimensional escape options in case of discovery by enemies. Speed of transformation is greater than that of larger mecha forms which enables dynamic shifts preformed at high velocity.
Speed, mobility, low profile, enough baggage space for stuff, stealth options like active camouflage.

Like a super souped up and lightly armored Kawasaki Ninja.

Maybe we should let the spooks choose between the stealth sedan and the speedy motorbike?

Proposed name: Shadowfox
@Basarin been curious, how has the rest of the Union higher ups and major leaders in the world reacted to news we have made peaceful contact with an extra-terrestrial group and the are even working with us to combat a major threat/giving us access to alien tech?

Honestly surprised they hadn't sent an official ambassador if only to keep tabs on things.

Wonder when and how they plan to break this to the public in general.