The Hound/Shepherd as it stands is not a mecha standalone. It is an armor/support unit. Albeit a useful one. But due to your past rolls, right now it does not have the capability to configure into a Mecha form. That may come later with the building materials Sam is promising.
Also, having looked over the previous page, we can stick with that naming scheme. Whatever theme goes for prototype/standard production models, but for 'Supers,' names of deities and of a godly disposition is preferred.
I will name all standard frames and setups, but Supers? That's on you all.
I'm a bit pressed for time, but just so you all know: Turn Ten updates will come first, followed by an interlude. I just found it easier to bundle some of the updates together into one big writeup.
Also, the world is happening around you. Standby today for a world event roll.
Also, having looked over the previous page, we can stick with that naming scheme. Whatever theme goes for prototype/standard production models, but for 'Supers,' names of deities and of a godly disposition is preferred.
*As much as fans pretend these robots to be "real types", their firepower is anything but, especially when piloted by major characters. The Zaku models would be more believeable "real robots".
It's not like the SRX Team in Super Robot Wars immediately had to fight an Endgame-tier boss with shitty mechs in the first few stages of a game, right?
*recalls that time when the Granzon first appeared in OGs and all the SRX Team had were shitty MP Gespensts*
Never did play the OG games. Granted, I was more focused on the mainline series. Aside from a few characters I really was not too invested in any of them, except certain stand outs (see: Roa and Compatible Kaiser)
Speaking of which, I really need to dive back into SRW X at some point...
Updates tonight. I've got a lot to post, so stay tuned.
Yeah, we've got a looott of Science coming down the pipe right now, that and the Hound being upgraded and us finally having weapons for the Jackal that are properly designed for it.
Hopefully though we get some synergy since we're researching further Dakka-producing methods right now, and we're due to get both of the "How can we use Kaiju Biomatter to create better weapons and armor" project finished this turn. This sort of suggests that they can theorycraft ideas based on that over the next month.
Because I'm pretty sure I need an omake for this turn now.
Also? The Seperatists seem to generally have higher tech levels then the EUDF, which probably translates to better baseline military tech beyond what that Puk guy could come up with. Just so he's not alone...
a white-haired male barely fifteen years old enters a large room, decorated by singe-marks across the walls and floor. But those he is familiar with, and do not draw his eye. Instead, it is towards the white-haired female tinkering with a mechanical device strapped to her forearm, his twin sister.
"Sister Veil, still playing with that claw toy of yours?"
"Indeed I am, Brother Vent! In fact, I'm going to keep this so-called toy and wear it come the time we march into battle!"
"Really now? And from where does this resolve of yours spring from?"
"Why, from the simple fact that this claw can now be my side-arm."
"What!? Surely you jest! Even you cannot make that more useful then a good blade, and both weapons are antiques older then our bloodline!"
"Normally yes...But see that empty bottle?"
"...Are you telling me you're going to leap into range from your seat? That would be almost fifteen feet!"
"Ah, if only I could! But to be accurate, I'm saying that bottle is already within my range. BEHOLD!"
She flexes her hand, and the device springs out, extending into a pair of blades, spaced somewhat wider then her hand, and long enough that if she were standing, the tips would be level with the bottom of her kneecaps. In the space where a third blade perhaps should belong, sparks of electricity jumps from one blade to the other, or dances up and down the metal's length.
This is a familiar sight to Vent.
What is not is when she jabs towards the bottle she indicated, and a bolt springs free from the blades into the bottle, shattering it on impact with a loud crack.
He stares in shock, before turning to his sibling, who is now massaging her temples with her left hand.
"...Sister Veil?"
"Yes, Brother Vent?"
"What precisely did you do to your claw? The third blade-"
"Removed to make room for the capacitor. You like what you saw?"
"Enchanted...And baffled. How exactly did you pick your target?"
"That's just it Brother Vent, I will it, and the electricity obeys! But only when it comes from this claw...I don't know how precisely, but I do know it strains my mind to do so..."
"...Could you teach me to do the same?"
"If I could not, you wouldn't be my brother Vent!"
"Amazing...Sister Veil, you see the possibilities in this?"
"Perhaps, but first, what do you see?"
"Truly, I see the final nail in the coffin! We'll prove our right to rule, the divinity of our line with this!"
"Indeed you see the same vision I do!"
"Those usurper thieves claim equality amongs us all."
"the lie that denies the truth in all eyes."
"They claim to defend us from ourselves and our foes!"
"Yet they cannot end us, much less them!"
"EUDF! You say you would protect us?
"You mean to manipulate us!"
"To allow humanity to shine across the stars?"
"Or bind us to this lonely rock!?"
"We stand Seperate!"
"We stand Seperate!"
"We lead, and men follow!"
"We lead, and men follow!"
I'm fairly tired, and I might have forced some of this update. I'm not entirely happy, but I wanted to get an update out. Additional updates may or may not come out today, but some of this I struggled with.
Turn Ten Results
Defense Force Actions
Field Test – Customization and Calibration – The Jackal works. The Man Machine Interface works with it. But the Jackal, as it stands, is not Super Robot material. Not yet.
Sasaki wants to fix that. She is already envisioning the Jackal as a 'core' unit of your current Super Robot technology. Why not start on that now?
Duration: 1 Turn
Progress to Super Robot Chassis
Unlocks New Actions
Sasaki's voice speaks in the background as the view of the Jackal's chassis appears in diagram form. "In light of the new developments from Lieutenant Wilde and Dr. Carlson, we have determined that the Jackal chassis will become the cornerstone of our efforts to establish a new Super Robot."
The familiar combination of the TMU and the Jackal chassis is shown again. "The Jackal is a robust and flexible machine. For the first iteration of the Super Robot Project, we intend to focus on its ability to fight as a standalone combatant, and its compatibility as a component of the Variable Configuration concept. But not in its current iteration."
The proposed modifications from last month are now overlaid, in a much more complete form. The head unit, no longer the utilitarian camera unit, is now a modified humanoid helmet obscured by a visor and a faceplate. The frame itself has gained a lot of armored bulk, yet retains a sense of grace completely at odds with the former. "The only thing holding us back from making this design a reality are technological limitations. With the breakthrough in the kaiju samples, though it is still horridly expensive, we can now assemble the Core Unit of the Super Robot."
"We only await the order and the right moment."
Super Robot Core Unit (Modified Jackal Chassis) Now Available to Assemble! (Can receive additional components from Defense Force Actions, Engineer Actions, Science Actions)
New Combinable Configuration Actions Unlocked!
Field Test - Conventional Weaponry - The frames you have right now are marvels of engineering...with very little offensive punch. The Engineers are considering custom made weaponry, but for now, they only have machine guns and the occasional cannon. Sasaki figures that it would be prudent to go through the current stockpile of weapons and equipment on-hand, and see what the Jackal is capable of.
Naturally, she volunteered Callaghan. He didn't have a choice in the matter.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Unlocks Conventional Armaments for Variable Configuration Mecha
Richard Callaghan admitted that it was going to be a really, really busy month.
But he also admitted that this latest job that the Captain had saddled him with was some of the most fun he's had.
Really, all the job amounted to was piloting the Jackal, pick up whatever weapons were on hand, and firing them. For the most part, they're weapons that were familiar to him. Heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, even a flak cannon at one point. However, these were always mundane, and always incredibly awkward; the majority of these weapons were never meant to be fired by Mecha-sized hands, only internal mechanisms. Still, it was new, and he appreciated that.
Then the Duo decided to get creative with the mundane.
Such as it was when he approached the Proving Grounds one day. "Okay, Adam," he called out from his cockpit. It was still weird to ping communications by literally thinking at it, but he was becoming more and more accustomed to it. That, and it was pretty eff-ing cool. "What've you got?"
"Something a little different this time, Rich," Adam Wilde called out. "Check out the wall over there."
Richard looked over to where he pointed to. Suspended by a crane was a pistol. One sized to the Jackal's hands. "...what?" he asked.
"You were complaining about how awkward it was to fire the earlier weapons," Adam shrugged over the link. "So try it this way. We're just checking to see if this works for you, then we can start adding actual proper ammo for it."
Curiously, Richard walked over to the pistol and picked it up. Turning it over and examining it from different angles, he remarked at just how similar it was to a human-sized pistol...just sized for mecha. It was only after ten seconds of this that he abruptly realized he'd been manipulating the pistol without needing any instruction.
"Just noticed that, LT?" SFC Henry's voice chimed in. "We specifically modeled it after the standard handgun for that reason. Your brain knows how that works, so the MMI doesn't worry about it and just handles all the sub-functions." There was a pause before he continued, "The magazines are a bit awkwardly sized, since we can only fit so many solid-slug rounds this size in there, but Sam apparently has something for us soon. It loads exactly as you'd expect, though."
"Give me some pop up targets," Richard said as he grabbed a magazine, locking and loading the pistol without even thinking about it. It was slightly sluggish compared to if he were outside of the Jackal, but the motions were all the same. It was bizarre. Yet, as he fired downrange, the motions all felt quite natural and he had no problems rendering solid targets into so much debris.
"Whoah, that has a kick," he commented as he saw one of his rounds impact against a target. Rather than a simple hole like he would expect from a pistol shot, the solid slug slammed into the target like a tank round, all but scattering the target to component pieces.
"You'll get used to the discrepancy," Adam said. "You'll have to anyway. We've got all sorts of things to try." Glancing over, Richard noticed additional weapons. A rocket launcher modified for the Jackal, a modified point-defense gun...was that a sword??
"It's gonna be a bit," Richard shrugged. "How much longer we've got?"
Gain Mecha-Modified Conventional Weaponry!
All Mecha gain conventional weapons for use in combat!
Engineering Actions
Science Coordinator – Sam would absolutely love for another champion of science. A former university lecturer himself, he is eager to teach a new student – one that can learn extremely quickly, even – with the goal that the personality will be able to in turn, learn, assist, and teach others themselves. This would actually be an entity who could keep up with Sam's manic energies.
You and Sasaki are concerned. Do you really want two Sam Carlsons?
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Supercomputer AI
Introduces New Adviser/Assistant in Science Category. Will Roll for Trait.
0922, 10 October, A.D. 2070
Commandant's Office
"Are you sure this was the best idea?" Sasaki asks you.
"If I'm perfectly honest? No," you admit. "But you and I work together decently well. Ignatov has Katarina, Wilde and Henry work together all the time. Sam? God knows if anyone in there can even keep up with him."
Sasaki nods, acknowledging the point. "You think he needs a minder," she says. Says, not asks.
"You know he does," you counter. "I trust Sam. He knows his stuff, and we'd be a lot further behind without him. But his staff is just useless in keeping him grounded. I have to wander in and do that, and I can't be there all the time."
"This is true," Sasaki says. "But what if the AI turns out to be just as bad as him?"
"Then I cry myself to sleep," you say flatly. While Sasaki tries to puzzle through that, you say, "I don't think it'll be a problem. I actually met the personality earlier."
"Oh? What's she like?"
"Very quiet. Not like Katarina, and definitely not like Sam so far. She's just absorbing everything like a sponge right now."
"No cries of 'Science?'" she asks.
"You really should have known better," you say while shaking your head. Sasaki still looks bewildered; that one scientist has an impressive set of lungs. "Still, I haven't seen anything concrete on her just yet. Hopefully she turns out fine."
New Adviser gained at end of next turn!
Unleash the Hound – The Hound remains unfinished, a state of affairs that displeases the Duo. With your permission and enough resources to try it out, they want to take another crack at it. For now, Wilde and Duo want to go with the 'Armor Module' method.
The work is mostly done on both ends. The Jackal works already and can be modified in a month, and the Hound just needs some final touches. Once this concept is complete, we can move on to making it super.
Limited Omake Bonus (Supplied by @HeavyBane, Can be applied upon choosing this): Apparently the Duo have been looking to older animated shows as inspiration. Though obviously the physics in those shows were handwaved, Wilde and Henry, after many nights of binge watching hotly debated seasons and leaving a trail of soda bottles and popcorn tubs in their wake, decided that they can make a factory-standard (if you can call their inventions standard) vehicles work.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Bonus Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 4-6 (-1 Threshold thanks to @HeavyBane))
Progress to Super Robot Chassis, Combinable Configuration
To be continued in Interlude.
What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough? – Strange references from Ignatov aside, the Engineers bring up a good point. Your Mecha are still using weapons meant for infantry engagements. Henry is confident that the Jackal and the Hound (when it's finished) could handle the strain of better firepower, but so far you've been modifying existing weapons to a frame that was never meant for them. You have nothing against using existing ammunition – the logistician within you sings at the streamlining – but taking advantage of the Jackal's unique traits is a must.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Unlocks Mecha-Scale Weapons, Progress in Mecha-Scale Weapons
To be continued in Interlude. Science Actions
ESP – Pushing Limits – Sam's been closely monitoring the side effects – if any – of the 'psychic theater' that took place earlier last month. So far they seem fine, but he's also been having other test candidates very slowly and carefully replicate the experiment. If anything happens, they have very skilled healthcare providers on hand, but he wants to know if this is something that needs to actively be guarded against.
Omake Bonus (Supplied by @Zaealix): The strange duo of Lucy Renais and Ashley Lankenson have been up to all sorts of experiments and competitive activities involving ESP. Sam wonders if they can, in a strictly controlled environment, replicate the effects of the 'psychic theater.'
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 4-6 (Reduced by -1 thanks to @Zaealix)
"Sam here. Just want to give the staff an update on the whole 'psychic theater' thing that's been going around. We poked around, studied everything, and it turns out everyone's fine. That being said, Lucy and Ashley gave it the ol' college try, but weren't quite able to replicate the original effect we saw. Made some promising tries, though, and we're going to use that test data as the springboard for looking more into it. And by we, I mean you, test candidates."
"So the two candidates that wandered into that earlier by accident? They're totally fine. Turns out one candidate saw the problems the other had and just instinctively thought about wanting to help. No clue how that correlates to sharing control over a single mechanical frame, but…we've decided it's actually possible for this to happen safely. And I'm thinking we can start looking even more into this."
"What's better than one brain? Two! Unless they're both somehow merged into some strange telefrag scenario that causes them to become vegetables, but, hahaha, seriously! We wouldn't do that!"
"…not without waivers, anyway."
"Sam Carlson, we're done here!"
Discovered ESP - 'Psychic Theater'!
Minor Bonus to Pilot Actions
Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley – So you've discovered that by keeping a kaiju sample on ice for almost a year, you can eliminate the self-destruct mechanisms of a kaiju sample. Assuming it's roughly the same size as the one you found. The facilities are ideal enough that Sam thinks he can start a growth facility for the sample.
He warns that if you do this, he's going to need the majority of the sample to have enough to grow with. If you want to take samples for other research purposes, he advises you to do it now because he won't be able to give any away safely during cultivation.
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Kaiju Biotech Theory, Reduce Duration of all Kaiju Biotech Actions by 1 (cannot reduce below 1 Turn)
Construction of Kaiju Biotech Growth Facilities
"Sam here. I'd just like to take a moment to reflect on how utterly ridiculous this scenario is. And I'm speaking as, well, me."
"Nutrient flow? Slow, but steady. We sort of expected that, but it's more like gardening at a really casual pace compared to the industrial process we really need out of it. We're keeping it on the shelf, but unless we find a way to make that sucker go faster or unless we combine it with another method, not terribly viable."
"Photosynthesis? Right out. We tried both artificial and natural sunlight, in ideal conditions, and every variation in the book, and then some. Turns out all that does is turn the samples into small solar batteries. Really helpful, but not exactly what we were looking for; the genetic code's decided it's meant for storage, not for growth. Good idea, though."
"Our most unlikely frontrunner is the power of metal. Apparently it's something to do with the vibrations of the rhythm stimulating the tissue to encourage growth. I highly doubt Sheol's using this method, he's probably got some sort of other way of doing things. But at this point I'm thinking we just stick the damned samples into a vat of nutrients and hold Iron Maiden concerts every night! Works for the Kaiju, so it should work for us."
"Sam Carlson, we're done here."
Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE – Well, no, not really. But the kaiju are without a doubt incredibly hard to kill. With Wallflower's input and studies, he wants to study the composition of the scale. If you take this now, he can take a small sample of the scale and see if you can make viable building material out of the thing.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turns
Progress to Kaiju Biotech Theory, Discover ???, Unlocks New Actions
Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick… – Sam is both ecstatic and livid at the revelation that kaiju tissue samples decided to give physics the middle finger. That said, if you're not going to try and start a kaiju farm just yet, he thinks he can coax some new weapon applications out of the kaiju scale to be fitted onto the likes of the Jackal. He just needs two months, some resources, and a hurrah for Science.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Progress to Kaiju Biotech Theory, Discover ???, Unlocks New Actions
1946, 22 October, A.D. 2070 Carlson Laboratories, Kaiju Biotechnology Branch
"So, check this out." Sam pulls up what look to be inert samples of kaiju flesh in containment jars. "Since there's a train of logic that runs with these damned things, I figured we'd try to hop a ride. In short: the more you expose the kaiju sample to in a controlled environment, the more it's going to adapt to be better suited to that environment."
You glance at the samples. "And how'd these turn out in their respective environments?"
"Surprising." Though keeping the containment jars in reach, he doesn't choose to open them. Sam instead displays videos showing the results of each. "So, True Fact: the most predictable one was applying pressure. The more physical pressure we applied, the tougher it was to actually apply even more. So after we subjected it to that for a month, we decided to test it."
The video then shows several of the security guards lining up the sample on a firing range. "We started with hand guns, pistols, the usual. Didn't take." The rounds are clearly showing to be deflected, leaving the altered scale sample a bit battered, but fine. "Then we took it up a notch."
What followed was a procession of weapons tests. Assault rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles…you sigh in relief mentally when it stopped at the grenade test.
"But we also had other results that surprised us. We had one that we were also applying pressure under, but…well, the press got stuck. The sample decided to do something about that." The video then showed the press, horribly stuck one moment, abruptly snap open the next. "It decided friction was something for chumps, apparently."
"…what," you demand.
"Yeah, that's pretty much what I said. A lot of the samples are like that; lots of application for mechanical and electrical processes."
Another video shows what looks to be a…sword? "Shaping the damned things into weapons? A lot tougher. The flesh tends to want to change its properties and stay as a coherent whole. Nothing we did was taking, so I went back to looking into the genetic coding of the damned things." He offers a cheerful smile. "Turns out, there's a 'lock' switch of sorts."
"Chemical?" you hazard to guess. "Electric shock? Pleading nicely?"
"Yes," Sam replies. Before you can puzzle over that, he says, "If you want to shape armor plates or layers of scales or just want to make a bigger monster, it's normally not a problem. But kaiju scales, tough as they are, don't like being shaped into something non-kaiju or non-humanoid." He makes a disgusted face. "It's not pretty, but if you zap it with enough power while it's doused in chemical agents, you encourage it to 'shed' the scales. Then you just have inert scales that aren't going to change until you shape it the old-fashioned way."
He gestures to the sword. "That was a test case. It works, but when we figured this out, the scale wasn't much better than standard pressed steel. I wouldn't try making something entirely out of this in the future; I'd rather you use it as an augment, like with a sharper edge, or limited ammunition types. We've got it worked out now, but…"
You see where this is going. "Don't expect too much until the cultivation farm's ready?"
"Pretty much," Sam admits. "We have enough leftover sample not being used for growth that we could probably outfit something for the bigger project, but it's going to be pretty expensive. I don't have much left, so until we get the growth going, I'm going to have to really stretch out what I have."
You nod. It's definitely progress.
Progress in Kaiju Biotechnology gained!
Can now create K-Class Armor and Munitions for Super Robot! (At Cost)
New Actions Unlocked!
Hmm, we've got supermaterials for the armor plating and structure, including low-friction substances to build the frame out of for maximum mobility. And while we can't make melee weapons out of K-Scale, we can make munitions out of them, and we just finished developing conventional weapons and scaled them up to a mecha.
Yeah, we've got enough now.
We have the pieces to build our Core Unit. It should be grand. Even if it'll also be incredibly expensive.
Unleash the Hound – The Hound remains unfinished, a state of affairs that displeases the Duo. With your permission and enough resources to try it out, they want to take another crack at it. For now, Wilde and Duo want to go with the 'Armor Module' method.
The work is mostly done on both ends. The Jackal works already and can be modified in a month, and the Hound just needs some final touches. Once this concept is complete, we can move on to making it super.
Limited Omake Bonus (Supplied by @HeavyBane, Can be applied upon choosing this): Apparently the Duo have been looking to older animated shows as inspiration. Though obviously the physics in those shows were handwaved, Wilde and Henry, after many nights of binge watching hotly debated seasons and leaving a trail of soda bottles and popcorn tubs in their wake, decided that they can make a factory-standard (if you can call their inventions standard) vehicles work.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Bonus Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 4-6 (-1 Threshold thanks to @HeavyBane))
Progress to Super Robot Chassis, Combinable Configuration
What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough? – Strange references from Ignatov aside, the Engineers bring up a good point. Your Mecha are still using weapons meant for infantry engagements. Henry is confident that the Jackal and the Hound (when it's finished) could handle the strain of better firepower, but so far you've been modifying existing weapons to a frame that was never meant for them. You have nothing against using existing ammunition – the logistician within you sings at the streamlining – but taking advantage of the Jackal's unique traits is a must.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Unlocks Mecha-Scale Weapons, Progress in Mecha-Scale Weapons
After nearly a year of constant struggle against a design that did not want to come to fruition, seeing it all happen so smoothly is...kind of anticlimactic.
You don't care. You just know it finally works.
The Hound had gone through many iterations before Wilde and Henry were satisfied that it would run properly. Even then, they were being extra careful about making sure it worked.
It had all happened so smoothly. Even with a little hint of the Duo's flair…
...sorry. You're just kind of flabbergasted.
Both a stock Jackal and the modified Hound prototype - both in vehicle mode - accelerated to combat speeds, before Wilde gives the signal to begin configuring the combination. Immediately, the Hound utilizes its rocket boosters below to initiate configuration, ditching its flatbed trailer to bend the legs into a kneeling, then standing and skidding stance. All the while where the driver's cabin would be splits, unfolding into larger arms while leaving where the torso and head would be an open cavity.
Taking that as its cue, the Jackal configures long enough to jump into the air, only to configure back into vehicle mode. Led by the laser guidance system and snared by tow cables launched by the Hound frame, the Jackal is slotted into the open cavity, the front half of the Jackal's vehicle mode folding downwards ninety degrees to form the 'chest.'
The configuration is capped by the head unit of the Jackal emerging, only to be encased by a larger helmet unit.
Slowing to a stop, the combined Jackal/Hound stands tall, all the while TMU maintenance units float about it like overly concerned parents wondering if their child had made it back from school safely. From the corner of your eye, you see Wilde and Henry staring thoughtfully at the TMUs, especially as one hovers at shoulder height of the combined mecha. You wonder if they're getting ideas.
" know, after all the mishaps we've been having-" you start to say.
"No, no, don't say it, Sir," Wilde grumbles. "We're still having those problems. Just not with the configuration."
You raise an eyebrow. "I'd have thought you'd be more happy about this."
"We would be," Henry says just as glumly, "If we could make the proper weapons work."
"I thought you did a good job with the modified conventionals," you say, only for the Engineering officer to hold up a hand.
"Not that simple, Sir," he says. "Those are all handheld weapons. Kind of like just giving a man a pistol or a rifle. But it doesn't really make use of the Jackal or the Hound or anything. They're unique, so they should have better weapons."
"We're running into snags," Henry says. "Granted, I'm pretty sure the kaiju tissue is going to have its say in that. But we tried others with just the technology we have...and it's not working."
Raising an eyebrow, you accept the reports they hand you. You then promptly nod in understanding. They'd tried all sorts of other ideas.
A detachable fist fired like a missile.
Concentrated and focused engine exhaust.
Using the robot itself to give the conventional weapons a real kick.
Even an attempt at creating a temporary laser blade (which admittedly blew up in their faces).
Nothing seemed to quite work...yet.
"Keep at it," you instruct them. "We're getting closer to making this all work."
CRX-04A Hound has become SV-10 Shepherd!
Progress to Super Robot Chassis, Combinable Configuration
Progress to Mecha Scale Weapons, Discovered Special Attacks?