The One who Strangles Concepts to death
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Right! Let's get them dice rolls going as I promised.
Plan: March to Second Generation
- Over There (3 RP)
- Excavation Again (2 RP)
- Pilot Training - Heavy Investment (4 RP)
-- Diana's Assistance, Streamlined Resource Flow
- Engineering: Jiro's Assistance on Building a Seeker Second Verse
- Variable Configuration - Heavy Investment
-- Perseus Combination Forms.
- Science: Ivanna's and Katarina on C-Crystal Development (Reroll fail, +1 die)
- Combine Configuration Shield (4 RP)
-- Kausen Researcher Assistance
The Oracle of Gasparton - Ignatov, his team, and Patch are making steady progress with the Oracle Matrix. She has already gained sapience and has taken to calling herself 'Delphi' after one of the most well-known of the Classical World.
You just hope she isn't as cryptic and maddeningly vague as her namesake was.
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 4-6); Patch on standby, provides <unknown>
Upon completion, Galbinus will offer you a selection of boons to call upon
Rolling (2d6) = 6+5!
Great Success!
According to Dr. Igantov and Patch...Galbinus can rest easy about Delphi's capabilities. Oh dear.A Sheepish Request - The Admiralty of the EUNDF are...perplexed when they catch word of what you're doing. All they wanted was for the ship to be repaired, maybe refurbished with some of the latest advancements from the DFRI. K-Scale, K-Circuits, maybe even the Energy Blasters. You know. Something sensible.
Bah, you said back (not literally, but in spirit).
What you tell them is that the Sergey Gorshkov is going to become the pioneering test platform for even more revolutionary technologies that are coming down the pipeline, and that the Pacific Fleet would have the honor of fielding it for the very first time.
What you don't tell them is that this is one very, very expensive and elaborate way to prove a point.
You didn't have to go to these lengths to repair the supercarrier. You're doing it because you can, and they can't.
Yes, you are petty. What of it? A man's got to have a hobby when he's surrounded by this much crazy.
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 5 Turns (Remember that bit about long-term? It's still a thing.)
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Rolling (2d6) = 6+5!
(QM Note: Two of these in a row? Wat is this six-sided nonsense.) you want to know what they're laughing about? You're not sure you want to know what they're laughing about.
Pilot Training - Medium Investment (2LT Zhang)
Cost:1 RP LockedStreamlined Production (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 4-6 (Diana's Creativity))
Rolling (2d6) = 3+3!
As it turns out, making the transition to really piloting a mecha by our standards is a bit more difficult than we anticipated. Callaghan and Tellison just make it look really easy.
Pilot candidate is showing promise, but is having some difficulties.
Building a Seeker - Second Verse - Jiro is now working in the Engineering Department. It didn't take him very long to immediately see the Seeker project, and his eyes are already alight with ideas for how to put the finishing touches on them.
Lana is loudly insisting that 'the clown butt out of my project.'
Just for that, you think you might have him 'help.'
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 4-6; Jiro's Engineering Expert applied)
Rolling (2d6) = 5+4!
Critical Success!
It seems you have the ability to find people who think the laws of physics are helpful suggestions than fact.
Colonel Bernard is going to be very confused. Happily, mind.Experimental - Psychic Echoes - Wilde and Henry have Sam's notes in hand, and they're also noticing that the Psychic Echoes phenomenon is not just a fluke. This only applies to machinery that is operated with the MMI helmets, but it feels like things are becoming hardcoded physically into the materials depending on what actions the MMI expects out of them. Almost like wearing in a brand new pair of shoes.
This bears further investigation.
Experimental Projects - Heavy Investment
Cost: 2 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Rolling (3d6) = 6+1+6!
Stubborn Lana kicks in!
Rolling (1d6) = 2!
Greater Success!
Henry: It's a little more complicated than just preprogramming motions. But we can definitely preprogram internal commands to initiate those motions.
Wilde: It's like wearing in shoes. Really big, giant, metal shoes that shoot railgun rounds!
Henry: The LT wears sizes 10 wide.Variable Configuration - Heavy Investment (Perseus)
Cost: 4 RP (1-2 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Rolling (3d6) = 6+4+3!
One Success!
With the arrival of the new AIs soon, it's pretty darn important to see what forms can actually combine properly with the Perseus. Wilde and Henry have determined a wide pool to start with, but until then, the new arrivals are probably going to be in the Jackal frames for the moment.
...what?The Dragon's Horn - Where Sample Zero had much more success with armor plating and industrial materials, the Horn seems much more focused on killing. No real surprise there, but Sam wants to know if that means you could compel it to be more compatible with weaponry.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Rolling (2d6) = 4+5!
One Success!
Sam just sent word that he has a very good idea of what can and can't be done with the Dragon's Horn. It's going to take some creativity with some decidedly uncooperative materials, but he reckons he and his people can deliver the plans for something just mean.Gifts of the Regent - C-Crystal Development - Lots of energy and an internal and complex AI system that manages it. Max is fairly certain that this means it's got its own methods of developing new C-Crystals, but requires outside input.
In short, time to drag Ignatov into this project to see if you can bridge the gap between alien operating systems and our own.
Cost: 2 RP Locked (2 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6+1d6 (Katarina's Support), Threshold of 4-6; +1 Reroll Ready (Ivanna's Calm))
Rolling (2d6) = 2+6!
One Success!
Thanks to the added attention of Katarina and Ivanna, they have additional insights into how to properly make and channel the C-Crystals.
Katarina: These are insights, mind you. We're still figuring this stuff out! >_<#
Ivanna: Please bear with us. We appreciate your patience!Gifts of the Regent - Early Space Flight - Exactly as it sounds. It boils down to basic design principles for space-worthy vessels - engine designs, stress tolerances, even some pointers on how to ensure survival in the eventuality of void combat. Max really can't comment much more on it until she's given the time and resources to really dig into it, but from everything she's seeing, she should be able to make something out of this.
You are flabbergasted by the amount of resources Max is asking for, but she just gives you a flat stare whenever you bring it up. "Super Robots are expensive as it is, now you're asking us to tack on a Space Program. From scratch."
Well, when she puts it that way...
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Rolling (2d6) = 5+2!
One Success!
Max: Why!? Why did my degree not include rocket science!?
Regent: If I may-
Max: QUIET YOU!Combine Configuration Shield
Cost: 4 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6; Zulu is adding +1 to the lowest value this roll)
Rolling (2d6) = 6+6!
Critical Success! Bonus not applicable; doesn't get higher than this!
So. Zulu apparently has experience with Dispersion Fields.
It...uh. It really shows.
...these dice, I swear.
DFRI! We fuck physics for fun!