Yeah, but we totally need to vote to make a garden diplomacy ship that has the top of the saucer made of transparent aluminum and turned into a giant open garden complete with trees.
And I mean BIG saucer section. I am thinking a 600k ton ship with no secondary hull huge saucer. It's a little piece of a federation world flying through space.
You could then project onto the inside of the transparent aluminum to give it an artificial day/night where the night cycle sky is actually just space outside the ship.
Glad you're enjoying it.I sort of bounced off most of new trek. Mostly because of how many retcons have happened over the years. The names are the same but everything else has been rewritten so many times the the new stuff fails to resonate with my soul. It probably doesn't help that my first love in literature is hard sci-fi and Trek, never the hardest of sci-fi, isn't that anymore.
Can you tell TOS is still my favorite?
I will say that new Enterprise has one of the mostly stupidly beautiful interiors I've ever seen in a starship. This causes me a almost painful level of mental dissonance with my aeronautical-adjacent background. I love it, but I just can't find a reasonable justification for heavy cruiser being outfitted so lavishly that the most opulent luxury cruise ship in the world is green with envy.
Haven't seen that one. Sounds like they did a good job at the episode level.
Most of my worries are more on the series level. Lets take it as a given that all Starfleet Captains are exceptional. When you have a ship that can destroy worlds only the very best can ever be trusted with that power. Kirk's main call for being exceptional in an exceptional pool is mostly due to how long he stayed there as captain of the Enterprise without dying or screwing up. He was the youngest captain ever and he also remained a captain for decades longer than any of his peers. Its like comparing two top tier authors of roughly equal skill, but one of them has written five or six times as much as the other.
Kirk may have just been a man, but he was good at his job and his body of work is so big that every other Starfleet Captain will always be judged against him.
Engines and shields all the way, seriously no guns. If the diplomat ship is shooting something has gone horribly wrong.Diplomatic Heavy Cruiser with about 4 torpedo launchers (2 Front, 2 Back), 6 Phasers, and High Maneuverability. See if that new hull material has some extra durability too. We're not threatening but we definitely won't be threatened. "Starfleet is extremely committed to the safety of any alien diplomats we are transporting".
"Design brief unclear, added 4 Phaser Banks and 2 torpedo launchers."Engines and shields all the way, seriously no guns. If the diplomat ship is shooting something has gone horribly wrong.
Gorram locals don't know a transport ship aint got no guns on it. 'Blow a new crater in this moon.' Ha!"Design brief unclear, added 4 Phaser Banks and 2 torpedo launchers."
I actually had no idea that such a ship is canon! What was it called? I want to look it up.This exact ship exists by the 31st century, though I'm sure you know it. We just see it in passing as one of the surviving Starfleet ships after the Burn though.
For now, that works for an unarmed diplomat ship that is not meant to be out doing science and whose response to fighting is to nope out.
It also helps that we mostly don't follow ships not named Enterprise. For example, Strange New Worlds establishes that Pike had his first five year tour with the Enterprise, and now he's returned to command while on the personal countdown to his disaster, which he knows about due to Time Nonsense in Disco Season 2.
It's really too bad it's spoilers out the wazoo because there's a climactic scene in Disco 2 where Pike seals his fate and Pike gives a speech that is SO quintessentially Starfleet it hurts. One of the best scenes in all of Star Trek.
The Angelou Class. It was very much in passing, but such a thing does exist and it can absolutely have a predecessor a thousand years agoI actually had no idea that such a ship is canon! What was it called? I want to look it up.
It can't be completely unarmed: diplomats will want to be secure, which means the ship needs to be able to defend itself.Yes, but... Does a diplomatic ship go unarmed or undergunned to prove its there for peace, or does it go overwhelming but defensive firepower to protect the diplomats?
Hopefully we can at least give it experimental hull/shield/defence tech even if not guns
Do a predecessor of the Separating Saucer Section of the Enterprise D. Heck even the original Enterprise can separate the Engineering and Saucer sections if it must right?Perhaps something like the Horizon-class?
IIRC the forcefield dome is meant to store biological samples/even full on arboretum equivalents. Though I could be misremembering.
But either way, a sphere hulled ship with a great transparent aluminium and forcefield backed dome for a mezzanine/general meeting and relaxation spaces could be interesting.
The other feature, of course, is the diplomatic transporter where people can make a formal arrival and head to the ambassadorial suites. Which are also isolated from each other, very thoroughly.
Nobody sleeps in a real bed until this matter is settled. Ether the deadlock breaks or your back does. We have set the ground to become progressively more filled with uncomfortable rocks each day that passes.You know what bonds people, camping, no need for ambassadorial suites. Just make sure the environment is modular and that there are forcefields to keep atmospheres seperate.
Storms occur at random, but the odds increase the longer this happens. So help me if you don't bond over the table you'll bond UNDER it, complaining about us!You know what bonds people, camping, no need for ambassadorial suites. Just make sure the environment is modular and that there are forcefields to keep atmospheres seperate.
You know what bonds people, camping, no need for ambassadorial suites. Just make sure the environment is modular and that there are forcefields to keep atmospheres seperate.
So like a UN thing, set up with offices in a ring around the center, but you put yourself in orbit above the planet so it looms over you with weight and drama? I can see that. Have forcefield-contained atmosphere so you can have people make statements from their balconies, if it's big enough. Have a central holoprojector as well. And an extendable 'floor' that isn't really structural as far as starships go if you want to turn it into a meeting hall.I want a dome too, but not the whole saucer. A bubble that's "open" to space in the center, with a donut of more traditional saucer around it.
Put both ambassadors in a natural environment.
Lock the doors.
I had a thought, what kind of chaos could we cause if we named our version of the Constitution the Enterprise-Class?
Would the Flagship of the Federation be the Constitution then?