In the event of a water landing they have been designed to serve as a flotation deviceHe'll never live it down. Right now Starfleet ships have the density of cork, about 1/4th that of water. I guess how ridiculous that is depends on how much of them is atmosphere.
Also also, it'd be hilarious if she ended up commanding the ship named after her, or at least serving as a science officer/chief scientist onboard.Also another non-western (and in this case, non-human) name, which is always a good thing in my book.
DIS gives some absurdly low number that's below the New Large Monohull maximum (basically a maximum sized CVN design, pretty sure it tops out at just under 200,000 tonnes), but iirc SNW kinda retcons that.Running problem with the TOS numbers, they use gross tonnage rather than a measure of mass. Which means we don't actually have a canonical figure for the mass of the TOS Enterprise.
She was born in 2088, she should be alive until at least 2288 and most likely at least 2338.Random thought would T'Pol still be around I know Vulcans live longer then humans, I think she would be alive I think..
There's been more than a few ships named after still living people. It's not that awkward/unheard of.[X] UFS Europa
I do like the T'pol idea but I do believe that she would still be alive at this time and would be vastly uncomfortable with the ship being named after her... lost my train of thought I'll get back to you on that hahaha.