Starfleet Design Bureau

Gonna throw a hat on the T'Pol ring. It's our foremost science ship, why not have the science officer from the ship that make it a possibility get her name on it?

[X] UFS T'Pol

Also another non-western (and in this case, non-human) name, which is always a good thing in my book.
He'll never live it down. Right now Starfleet ships have the density of cork, about 1/4th that of water. I guess how ridiculous that is depends on how much of them is atmosphere.
In the event of a water landing they have been designed to serve as a flotation device :p

But they are mostly air. And really, everyone knows that for all Duranium's wonderful properties hulls are still basically force fields and the structures that shape them.

Now I'm imagining Ivo Shandor getting into starship design. Or people using the principles of his building as a basis for structural integrity fields. Cold riveted girders with cores of pure selenium…

Since my headcanon is that Ghostbusters is a part of Trek History, this could be more plausible than is comfortable.
I don't get the Weber reference. Only thing I can think of is the Honorverse ships - 6M tons for a 1km long spindle shape? I'm guessing someone did the maths and it turns out that they're woefully underweight?
Got it in one. He had to downsize how large his ships were because nerds like us pointed out that, at their previous sizes and listed weights, the ships would have been lighter than cigarette smoke. Bit of a hiccup when it comes to rather hard sci-fi.
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Going by the STvSW sites volumetrics the TOS enterprise has a density of about 4,328.76 kg/m³.

This isn't far off the density of titanium, which is approximately 4,500 kg/m^3
Random thought would T'Pol still be around I know Vulcans live longer then humans, I think she would be alive I think..
[X] UFS Europa

I do like the T'pol idea but I do believe that she would still be alive at this time and would be vastly uncomfortable with the ship being named after her... lost my train of thought I'll get back to you on that hahaha.