Starfleet Design Bureau

Well, with two transporter rooms and the new type shuttles, they certainly won't be having any trouble getting planet side for getting samples.
I'm leaning towards [ ] UFS Europa right now, but some of the other names ideas in the comments have caught a bit of my attention.

As for the art, it looks nice. Almost feels like one of those cut-away drawings you could find in an old issue of Popular Mechanics or something with all the little greebles. I think there's something to be said for the old style though that made it easier to pick out where all the modules we voted it were, and would probably be easier to draw as well without needing to place all those tiny pixel art chairs.
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I was curious as to if a dedicated probe launcher gave extra science, or was listed as a scientific capability.
It doesn't look like so, which hopefully will end debates on if we need probe launching torpedoes in future :p
Yep. Because we got distracted by the shiny thing.

[ ] UFS Magpie

Because we're inevitably going to be distracted by the shiny thing again, and we might as well admit it.

I like Galileo.

If we wanted to go with an avian name again, Kea are a species of very social and intelligent bird that aren't as cliche pick as something like Raven. It also sounds cute. 👀

[X] USS Gienah
After the brightest star in the constellation Corvus (Crow) and means "wing" in Arabic. This vessel truly allows Starfleet's scientific endeavors to take wing, with the undercurrent of "ooh shiny".
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Honestly, this might be the most appropriate time for a Vulcan-forward name. Not Lirpa, though.

[] UFS Vulcan, with subsequent vessels named after other major Federation worlds (Earth, Andoria, Tellar Prime, etc)
[] UFS Arev*, with subsequent vessels using other names for winds (Mistral, Jetstream, etc)

* 'Desert wind' in Vulcan, for the ship's speed.
I love the fact that this ship is both incredibly cheap and also liable to turn heads on the scientific front.

Probably going to be the cause of a lot of historical discoveries and breakthroughs
Really nice deck-plan! I'm hoping a ton of that stuff is easy to copy paste invisible background or something for future designs cause that level of detail is daunting.

Almost 20 science is nuts! Completely next level ability to science in a single ship and with how cheap these are starfleet will need to train up and recruit a ton of scientists for them. Hopefully we can get a few new Dilithium sources out of this batch and also some discoveries that might accelerate R&D.
Almost 20 science is nuts! Completely next level ability to science in a single ship and with how cheap these are starfleet will need to train up and recruit a ton of scientists for them. Hopefully we can get a few new Dilithium sources out of this batch and also some discoveries that might accelerate R&D.

It plays quite well into the fact that the Federation and its Starfleet as we know it is coming into being, more and more alien crew members and officers. These ships are not only going to carry Starfleet and the Federation forward scientifically, but also culturally.

[X] UFS Taqi Ad-Din

As I said before, as far as the name goes, I'd like to keep up the non-western name ship theme of the Sagarmatha on what's basically a daughter ship.

With this in mind Taqi Ad-Din is my main choice, a brilliantly accomplished Ottoman polymath, he was the author of more than ninety books on a wide range of subjects, including astronomy, clocks, engineering, mathematics, mechanics, optics and natural philosophy. In one of his optics books he determined the light emitted from objects, proved the Law of Reflection observationally, and worked on refraction.

He also described a steam turbine with the practical application of rotating a spit in 1551.

I shall also be voting for

[X] UFS Arev

Referring to the desert wind of Vulcan (for the speed of the class - general geological features like deserts could be another name avenue for the class).

As suggested by @Strunkriidiisk
[x] UFS Kea

If we wanted to go with an avian name again, Kea are a species of very social and intelligent bird that aren't as cliche pick as something like Raven. It also sounds cute. 👀

[X] UFS Kea
[X] UFS Europa
[X] UFS Galileo

I support the idea of naming a ship class after Federation member worlds, but I dont think it fits for a second line science ship.

I'd reserve it for either battlewagons or diplomatic craft.
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