Hmm, you know after thinking a bit about some of the ideas put out some pages ago, I wonder if they can be turned in to a useful weapon load out for this ship.
For instance because this ship has a lot of space, if we take the torpedo battery idea but then change it a little, for instance stack 3 tubes on top of each other and then have such tube stacks each rotated a bit to the next stack, you could create a broad coverage torpedo battery. Obviously you could do the same but use a single rapid fire instead of a stack of 3 tubes instead, though that would be pretty expensive in comparison, but still it's an option.
Still in such a configuration you could have a 9-battery which can fire in 3 parts of the forward arc and have the costs be some what reasonable still. But at a trade off in one of the modules getting smaller.
And from this idea I realized you could in principle do the same for phasers, you could create a phaser cluster, where instead of spreading out the EPS over large parts of the ship you concentrate it in a top and bottom location. And then you have phasers from there pointing out in various directions. This might help reduce the cost a bit again on using more phasers, but probably at a small impact in module space.
And finally from this I derived what is by then the logical third option. A phaser-torpedo complex, just put all the phasers and torpedoes for one hemisphere in the same complex, get some savings in cost from concentrating all the logistics in to a limited area, reduce some of the module space impact from this as well. But obviously with drawback that half your ships weapons are now in one place. You could of course armor such a complex more to mitigate the risk, and knocking off weapons doesn't happen 'that' frequently either anyway. And sanely speaking you should have two such complexes, for instance one above and one below.
Still, these seem like potentially useful options, where one can trade some of the voluminous space of a large spacecraft in, to get some cost reductions in weapon costs. And a phaser complex kind of also sounds like a first step towards thinking about creating a phaser strip, where you create a strip of phaser elements after all. So could be a potentially interesting experimental option in that regard as well I guess.
Well, just some thoughts on possible options. If anyone thinks they're interesting then maybe they could become a possible choice when the weapon options come up.