The math was done at 180k mass 2 T2 is max maneuver at 200k you need 3 T2.@Sayle ,does the thin saucer play nice with 4 impulse engines?
Assuming it does,
[X] 140 Meter Half-Saucer (140,000 Tons)
This is functionally the same as a half-saucer in terms of combat performance, is the same price, and may provide other advantages.
Edit: I have been advised the half-saucer may mount 4 engines more efficiently. If we need 4 engines to max agility, then this is an essential compromise to enable maximum agility. Combat utility is paramount.
this means that if we go half saucer 200k its 4 T2 we would have to mount due to twining requirements, which his nuts in terms of logistics if we to churn them out.
Tl:dr max maneuver half saucer means mass of 180k or less. Thin saucer does not care and a 200k can just stick 3 T2 no problem.