"You shall all pay for this affront to Iauthaiothath!" the thing screamed in a shrill voice. "You will all suffer in the fires of the damned while…" It fell quiet as Helbrede approached the creature. "Aieee! Get it away! Away! It burns! Augh!"

Sure enough, the creature's feet were beginning to smolder.

Ed got a downright malicious grin on his face. "Now, you are going to tell us everything you know, or our Favored of Tamara will come closer. You will tell us the truth, and we will know if you're lying."
Doesn't a priest have to actually brandish a symbol of faith for this to work? I wouldn't think that "Favored" has enough "oomph" to work with mere proximity, dragon deity or not.

Amy's ring from Tamara - ya know, draconic goddess of mercy and healing - counts as an "Oh Dear Lord, that's a REAL" holy item. Divine Artifact of the goddess.

It's more like it passively radiates radiant energy. Which helps with the healing side of thing for the living... but the undead hate it. Amy would have to figure out how to shut it off if she needed to actually deal with a tractable undead. And it may just turn on all of its own accord, especially if undead are around.
Problem is, they have been bred/ranched into extinction on our Earth.
Hunted, at the last, after centuries of habitat destruction*. The last few (verifiable, at least) survived into the early 17th century in a hunting preserve in Poland.

The two varieties of domestic cattle descended from them separated from the species back in prehistory, the original aurochs itself was pretty much un-farmable due to having solitary habits outside breeding season. The more sociable ones got domesticated because they could be herded.

*Old-growth forest, their natural diet is woody undergrowth. It's why cow poop is so runny and smelly, the evolution of their gut hasn't caught up with the domesticated grazing they get when they're farmed.
More gut flora would make the problem worse, I suspect. They're set up to digest forage rather than pasture, ie. lots more fibre than they get from grass or grain, so they've got that series of fermentation tanks in place of a single stomach. Absolutely does a number on grass, however well said grass proceeds to let them put the condition on 'em.

Although that's just a guess from someone who knows cattle not so much from the scientific side of things as from listening to Great Aunt Kathleen bang on about the beasts at very great length, her expertise coming from having farmed them basically from about when she learned to walk until her death as a centenarian.
Editz™ by McClaw include at no extra charge!
If we ionize the edits, they will have an extra charge :D
Am I the only person that this statement fills with a certain level of dread?
Probably. My dread levels are uncertain.
Thank you.
Forgethunder looks a lot like this...

...Minus the guns and missiles and lasers. And only 8 ft tall.
Does he still weigh a hundred tons?
More gut flora would make the problem worse, I suspect.
Biotinkers! Hire Blasto?
"If it wasn't for the fact we received a politely worded request from The Lady to not do everything for you, we would have presented you with your materials, given you a pile of trade bars for the scales and hides, a tunic that stated 'I visited the City of Doors and all I got was this tunic', and sent you back home with a smile and a wave."
Some jokes are multiversal, I guess... :rofl:
The Warforged are from the world/setting of Eberron which is a world that advanced to great heights and had magical warfare mess the place up pretty thoroughly, to Fallout levels if were honest. They are genuinely live and ensouled constructs (to the point that healing and cure spells work for them at half levels and so do repair spells) They are centuries old, they've had to find meaning and purpose for their own existence, and they have a lot of direct affinity and experience of magitech, both from Eberron's remaining artefact/tech base and self-understanding.

I should add that one of my many demotivationals is, and I apologize in advance, WARFORGED PIMP - because you just had to play a character named Big Unit.
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Sorry - reading the comment about not having played in 40 years made me chuckle, because I've been gaming for about that long, and I was the baby of the group in that regard ... one of the players started with the little Gygax books ...
The fit is about to hit the shan?

Someone has engaged in clotus with a member of the canid species (screwed the pooch)?
I have some thoughts and questions about the limits of Amy's abilities as Panacea(Shard Power) and Helbrede(Priestess of Tamara).
Panacea cannot heal her own injuries or afflictions, but Helbrede can pray for self-healing and Tamara will grant said miracle.
Amy refuses to touch the CNS as Panacea, would she follow the same restriction if asked to pray for the forbidden healing as Helbrede?
Finally, can her Shard Power detect chromosomal abnormalities?
For one thing, Amy is not a Cleric of Tamara. She's a Favored Soul of Tamara. This means that Amy is basically a divine empowered sorcerer. She has limited casting ability, but can do so more often per day. And Amy doesn't have to spend hours to days praying to get spells back each day. As I recall, it also means that Amy can't Turn Undead. She just happens to be wearing a Holy Artifact, which is detrimental to undead who get close.
For one thing, Amy is not a Cleric of Tamara. She's a Favored Soul of Tamara. This means that Amy is basically a divine empowered sorcerer. She has limited casting ability, but can do so more often per day. And Amy doesn't have to spend hours to days praying to get spells back each day. As I recall, it also means that Amy can't Turn Undead. She just happens to be wearing a Holy Artifact, which is detrimental to undead who get close.
Yes, the Pathfinder setting has strong lore on the various heritages. As she's not blood-descent originally she may have been taken into the bloodline of Tamara (which is the sort of thing that would relieve fanon Carol types as it means she's less like her father) or be empowered by pact and bound to Tamara as a result, a divine-pact warlock.
I linked the D&D 3.5 Favored Soul info, not from Pathfinder. No "bloodline" needed, just being a person who a deity favors enough to grant divine power to.