The Fallen getting the Thirty Denarii from The Dresden Files would be a) hilarious, and b) something that wouldn't be out of place in this fic. Not as funny as them getting squashed by a bored Re-class or an annoyed dragon, but still very worth watching with a big bowl of popcorn.

Eh, I was thinking normal uncursed pieces of silver... not the Denarii from Dresden Files. The Fallen do not need that power up. Nether do the Denariians.
Not sure if it's lack of intelligence, self-denial or overconfident narcissism that prevents villain groups from understanding basic pattern recognition that they aren't going to win.
Not sure if it's lack of intelligence, self-denial or overconfident narcissism that prevents villain groups from understanding basic pattern recognition that they aren't going to win.

Ah, but see... the pattern is "direct confrontation doesn't work." Mama Mathers thinks that means indirect will work. Also, most villain groups did recognize the pattern. The Elite tried to tell Bastard Son to give up his suicidal hunt multiple times. And as Cauldron noted, the presence of dragons gets most parahumans to calm down and play nice. It's just that idiots will always idiot.
The fuck is her problem is?

He acted a bit like a creepy stalker when talking to her in school, and passively stood by while the bullying was going on instead of stepping up as a witness that yes, the trio actually are in fact bullies. It's the same problem she'd have with most of the students at Winslow. Well, not the "creepy stalker" vibes, but the "passively stood by or helped the bullies" part. I'd imagine the 2nd part is the majority of why she doesn't like Greg. He did nothing, just stood by and watched. Then expected her to think he's a Knight in Shining Armor for wanting to talk with her. All because Taylor didn't immediately look down upon Greg for the crime of existing.
He acted a bit like a creepy stalker when talking to her in school, and passively stood by while the bullying was going on instead of stepping up as a witness that yes, the trio actually are in fact bullies. It's the same problem she'd have with most of the students at Winslow. Well, not the "creepy stalker" vibes, but the "passively stood by or helped the bullies" part. I'd imagine the 2nd part is the majority of why she doesn't like Greg. He did nothing, just stood by and watched. Then expected her to think he's a Knight in Shining Armor for wanting to talk with her. All because Taylor didn't immediately look down upon Greg for the crime of existing.
But he did give his statement to the Poilce the PRT and the School board. Creepy stalker? White Knight? when did this happen?
Prior to the locker, he never once stepped up. And from the few interactions in canon and Taylor's thoughts on them, he comes across to her as a creep who wont leave her alone just because she was neutral to him once, maybe even a little nice. Then expects that just because he'll talk to her (even if she would rather he leave her alone), she'll date him. But most importantly, he never once stepped forward that she's aware of.

Do you really think they told Taylor who all spoke with the police?
Prior to the locker, he never once stepped up. And from the few interactions in canon and Taylor's thoughts on them, he comes across to her as a creep who wont leave her alone just because she was neutral to him once, maybe even a little nice. Then expects that just because he'll talk to her (even if she would rather he leave her alone), she'll date him. But most importantly, he never once stepped forward that she's aware of.

Do you really think they told Taylor who all spoke with the police?
Greg never felt that Taylor owed him a date . He thought he had a shot and when that didn't work out he was little sad but moved on. What do you expect Greg to do fight the Trio on Taylor's behalf?
Greg never felt that Taylor owed him a date . He thought he had a shot and when that didn't work out he was little sad but moved on. What do you expect Greg to do fight the Trio on Taylor's behalf?
Think about how it looked from Taylor's perspective.

She spent literal years constantly getting bullied and pushed around. And then this one creepy dork who is sometimes barely tolerable says something in her defense once, gets shut down anyway and then proceeds to ask her on a date as if that failed attempt at defense made him a hero.

She doesn't know him as literally anything but "that awkward, sometimes creepy guy in school with no social skills who tried to make me a girlfriend after saying something once, while otherwise remaining as silent and useless as everyone else".

He basically looked like one of those people who pat themselves on the back for basic decency and then expect girls to throw themselves at them for it.
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She spent literal years constantly getting bullied and pushed around. And then this one creepy dork who is sometimes barely tolerable says something in her defense once, gets shut down anyway and then proceeds to ask her on a date as if that failed attempt at defense made him a hero.
Are you talking about what's happening in this story? Cause Greg never asked out Taylor in canon.
I can't remember, does Taylor know Greg is Void Cowboy in this story? If she does, that alone might have generated her question, not whatever happened in Winslow.
The fuck is her problem is?

Of all the things that someone would flip out on, this would have to be it.

Of the many issues Taylor has that being a dragon hasn't solved, or at least worked on, there's still the awkwardness of her past encounters with Mr. Veder. He's got no filter, especially when he's off his meds (in this story) and has great enthusiam for various things that she doesn't. She knows something of him, and those memories , while not being bad, hateful, or spiteful, they are full of awkward and stupid, on both their parts.

Taylor would like to minimize that in her life, to slowly work through it at her own pace.

IOW, she doesn't hate him - - she didn't treat him like something unpleasant she stepped in -- but she doesn't like him either. There is some perceived unpleasantness she has to get over, and the only way to do that is by exposure. And slowly.

Unfortunately, Greg is being prodded by Garyx, who tends to prefer direct and immediate action.
in the backstory to cannon, before the point at which the story diverged?

Actually, it was just after the story diverged. There is one section where Greg witness the gaming geeks badgering Naurelin, wherein she asks them what a bottle of ketchup is.

(from Dragons 5.02)

Greg Veder was sitting on a bench on the boardwalk, idly playing with his phone. School sucks, he thought to himself, Especially Winslow. Though it's sucked a little less after the school board cleaned house. I wonder how Taylor is doing?

He sighed a bit. He'd stuck both of his feet in his mouth every time he'd said anything to her, and he could tell what her opinion of him was. The worst part was, he couldn't even gainsay her. He'd stayed quiet while she had been getting tormented by the Bitches Three and had even been assaulted by one of Emma's boyfriends du jour for being noticed while rubbernecking near one of the more infamous incidents.

He'd had his day, though. He'd given his statements to the police, the PRT, and to the school board, and things had happened. Wonderful things. Glorious things. Well, things that sucked a lot less than they had prior to Taylor's locker incident, anyway.

The whole school was closed while they decontaminated it, which would take a good, long time, if the news anchors could be believed. "A biological weapon of mass destruction used as the murderous finale of an extended campaign of focused terrorism," they said. It said a lot about the condition of Winslow that the temporary classrooms, which occupied a run-down but sturdy warehouse and were older than he was, were more modern and in better condition than the school was.

It's Greg's first appearance in the story, short of any mentions of xXVoid_CowboyXx getting banned on PHO.
I'll comment on the new idea in a minute, but I need to update first.

I have to apologize. I haven't been available for editing duties for the last several weeks due to a thyroid storm (and other things) that landed me in hospital for a week. I'm able to pick them back up provided the author in this thread wants a broken down editor :p

As to the new idea, it's been done before. Not Taylor turning into one as such, mind, but there's at least one or two stories involving Taylor and Gundams.

And let's not argue about who's Queen of Escalation on a Worm Thread. It goes without saying, but I'll say it; Taylor hands down. Now, whether or not she needs a new Gundam or one of the originals, that's debatable.
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