Brushstroke: "Care to explain why there's a giant, five-headed dragon with a hangover in the outdoor bath?"

Good doG: "Wurf!"

Lung: "I've been trying to ignore them both."

Brushstroke: "Fair enough."
Who has the more refined taste for alcohol?
It's hard to say, because each of Tiamat's heads has a different taste for strong drink.

-White enjoys a good rum & antifreeze.
-Green singleheadedly keeps Jeppson's Malort in business.
-You can win the eternal affection of the Black head with Mesopotamian beer. People who can brew it properly, much less grow the grain from back then are thin on the ground.
-Blue enjoys Three Mile Island ice tea, but is annoyed it generally has to drink that alone.
-Red enjoys JP7 due to how hard it is to ignite, and if feeling special will add a triethylborane depth charge.
Or made with mix equivalents that have been distilled in a tesseract, to give make it more the 200 proof, just like 307 Ale.
Sheananigans 20 - Mischief IV
Across the big pond
County Wicklow, Ireland

The old woman sat on her porch, enjoying the summer evening. She had a cup of tea at hand, her phone nearby. She sighed a bit before taking a sip of the quite excellent tea. I'm so tired, she thought to herself. And my latest manuscript needs more edits. Author's work is never done.

She sat there in silence for a moment, watching the antics of her cat as it stalked a butterfly around the garden, with the insect not caring about the cat one bit. After it had flown away of its own accord, the cat walked back to the woman, looking proud at having driven the intruder away. It began rubbing against her legs, and drew an amused chuckle from the woman.

She leaned back in her chair. So tired, she thought to herself. She'd turned eighty-five that April, and had to cut back on her activities the year before because of her failing health. Her blood pressure in particular was dangerously high, and she'd had to watch various health related things. In this, she was helped by her son and daughter.

A jaunty tune played from her smartphone, one of the latest models from Dragontech. (Their most recent gift to her. Apparently she'd had fans working there since their founding.) Noting who the caller was, she picked up. "Hullo, Virginia," she said, taking a sip while her caller talked for a bit.

They caught up on the various small bits of business before Virginia finally got into the real reason for the call. "I've finally heard back from the PRT, Annie," Virginia explained. "The Ward, Naurelin, will be at their booth at Dragoncon on Saturday, September third. I believe that meets your requirement of 'I'll come if she does.'"

Anne looked at her phone in disbelief for a second. "Yes, that's what I said. I'll still have to clear it with my doctor. I may not be able to fly to Atlanta, though."

"We'll work something out," her longtime agent assured her. "I might be able to call in some favors, perhaps a leisurely cruise across the Atlantic would be relaxing."

"It would be a definite change from flying out of Dublin," Anne added, her distaste for the hustle and stress of international flight evident in her voice. "And I won't have to worry about the ship being sunk by Leviathan."

"Ah, there's a bit of the ol' snark," Virginia said in good humor. "Shall I inform them that you're coming?"

"So long as it's not as a guest of honor," Anne said. "I don't think I could handle that again."

"Duly noted," Virginia said. "And on that note, have a good evening Anne. I'll be in touch about travel arrangements."

"Slán, Virginia." With that, Anne ended the call.

"Looks like, Boots, I'm going to the US one last time."

At the mention of his name, the cat looked at his human.

"And I'm going to meet a dragon."

Boots just tipped his head slightly.

She felt years younger already.

- - - - - - - - - -​
Back at Mistlands

It was lunchtime on their third day. Carlos was cooking, with Ethan's help. Or was it the other way around? Regardless of who was cooking and who was helping, lunch was served, namely burritos of various kinds.

"Oh my god," Dinah said as she lifted one of hers from her plate. "This thing is huge!" she said with glee and then immediately proceeded to inhale it. Pausing for a breath, she immediately started in on the second one she had. Eventually she slowed down, but in due time finished everything.

"That was very good," Dinah said, complementing the cooks. "Thank you very much." Then she noticed that everyone was staring at her and had only taken a bite at most out of theirs.

"What?" she said into the silence. "I was hungry. Making silk requires a lot of protein, and unlike normal spiders, I can't eat the scraps to recycle it." She then held out her plate. "More, please!"

Her partner in mischief, Takara, was slowly working her way through hers. Burritos weren't something she was familiar with, so she was being very careful eating hers.

"Is there something wrong, Takara?" Ethan asked as he set the refilled plate in front of Dinah.

"I thought Mexican food was supposed to be spicy," she said. "This is kinda spicy, but not really. Don't get me wrong, it's really good, but it could be spicier."

"I think we can accommodate you," Ethan said. He went back to the kitchen and brought back a small tray with various small bottles. "Try one of these." It was a collection of hot sauces, labeled from mild to nuclear.

Takara immediately chose the one labeled 'napalm' and sprinkled some on her burrito then took a bite. "Hmmm. That's decently spicy, but I've had kimchi that was spicier." With that she grabbed the 'nuclear' bottle and sprinkled some on the remains of the burrito.

Dinah's eyes began to water from where she sat, and Missy decided she'd better add some space between her and the offensive bottle of hot sauce.

Then Takara took a bite of her burrito. "Now that's spicy! Oishī!" With a smile, she proceeded to eat the rest of the burrito. There was a delay of a couple of minutes and suddenly she looked somewhat discomfited. With little warning, Takara exhaled, and a jet of actual fire came out of her mouth.

Ethan, who was in the line of fire, leaned back to the point where it looked like he was doing the Limbo.

"Sumimasen," Takara said politely. "That might have been a little too spicy."

"Ya think?" Assault asked as he spring back up. "I'm afraid, for safety's sake, we'll keep you away from that particular hot sauce."

"I concur," Colin added from where he was seated as he began making a note. Theresa and Karen were both struggling not to laugh.

Cid had been watching the goings on, having seen much worse through his long career across multiple postings. He shook his head, chuckling. "Ah, to be young again."

Sherrel, for the most part, just looked confused. "These people are crazy," she muttered before digging back into her own lunch. Crazy people or not, they knew how to cook.

- - - - - - - - - -​

The afternoon found Taylor, Amy and Dennis in an old gravel pit on the property. Theresa had accompanied them as the token adult and to make sure there were no incidents with their guest for the day, who arrived with little trouble.

"Yay, it's a gravel pit," groused the shortest new arrival, distinguished by her shoulder length red hair.

"Well, what better place to test minor destructive magic?" replied a taller and bustier redhead.

"I'd think you'd be happy to be outdoors, Lina," the black haired woman in the group replied. "You've been locked up in your room for weeks! That's not like you."

"OK, I admit it," Lina grumbled. "This world scares me. Too many people, everything is too big, not enough magic, and all too much of this science and Parahuman stuff."

"Uhm," Amy said hesitantly, "why does the short redhead make me feel nervous?"

"And why do I have a sudden desire to be someplace – anyplace – else?" added Dennis.

"Oh, COME ON!" screamed Lina in frustration. "Even here?"

The other redhead sighed. "I suppose," she said, turning to the small group waiting for them, "that introductions are in order. I'm Luna Inverse. The other redhead, currently ranting and raving, is my younger sister Lina."

"And I'm Sylpheel nels Rada," the woman with the black hair said, bowing slightly in greeting.

"We're supposed to be evaluating you four for magical talent and power," Luna continued, while Lina worked out her frustration. There was a sudden flash of heat and a concussion as said frustration became manifest in a ball of fire. Luna turned to her sister. "Feel better?" she asked, sweetly.

"A bit," Lina replied. "As my sister said, we're here to evaluate you four for magical ability and power. You may not use the same kind of magic we do," Lina admitted, "but the one thing the three of us have is experience. A lot of experience. So we'll figure something out."

"I usually handle what's called white magic," Sylpheel said. "Healing, protection, purification…"

"I suppose you could call something hit with a Dragon Slave 'purified'," Lina snarked.

"Oh hush, you," Sylpheel said with a smile.

"I tend to handle the flashy, destructive stuff," Lina continued. "From the most minor of spells up to the ones that level cities."

"Of which we ask that you do not ask for a demonstration," Luna warned. "If you want one, we'll need to find someplace out of the way where turning it into glass is an improvement."

"I think the PRT has a list somewhere," quipped Dennis.

"We'll need you to demonstrate any abilities you can," Luna continued. "We've been asked, however, not to use anything whose output can be measured in more than a few pounds of explosives. Mainly because we'd be standing in the blast radius."

Lina nodded. "Me and Sylpheel'd survive, but as I've just patched things up with my sister, I'd rather not annoy her by blowing her up."

"Uhm, Luna?" Sylpheel asked. "Where's Spot?"

"He's spending some time up at the campsite, probably trying to mooch table scraps," Luna said. "I don't think he's ever encountered food as spicy as yours, though."

As if to confirm Luna's conjecture, there was a painful howl from the direction of the dining hall.

"Case in point," she said with a smile.

"Probably got some of Takara's scraps," Amy said. "Girl likes her food hot."

"She left scraps?" said Dennis.

"You're thinking of Dinah."

"Oh, right."

"Less talk about minions, more spellcasting," Lina said, with a clap of her hands.

And so they got to it.

- - - - - - - - - -​

Thus, Missy and Carlos were left behind with Ethan and Karen. Spot, the strange grayish-green wolf that Luna had brought with her, currently had his head in a bucket of milk, trying to kill the burning in his mouth from getting some of Takara's scraps into it.

"Even I don't like my food that hot," Carlos said.

"There was that incident with Browbeat before he transferred out to Philly," Missy reminded Carlos with a smirk.

Carlos' shoulders slumped even as he quietly chuckled. "You had to remind me, didn't you?"

"Who knew that your ghost pepper poppers would make him imitate… What was the name of that old comic book character, the Indelible Bulk or something?"

"Incredible Hulk," Carlos corrected her. "You weren't the one who got swatted into the wall. Which hurt."

"However, the chase when he found out that Dennis had been the one to sneak it onto his plate of jalapeno poppers was epic."

"And we were all punished for that one."

"Yeah, yeah. 'All food coming into the Wards area must be reviewed by PRT or Protectorate staff'," Missy said, quoting the rule that had been put in place after the chase had wrecked three security doors and part of the hallway. "Anyway, enough about that. Want to help me with something?"

"Is this going to cause an explosion?" Carlos asked, one eyebrow raised.

"That only happened once," Missy groused. "And no, I'm not planning on anything blowing up."

"In that case, yes, I'll help," Carlos agreed.

"Why don't you start by telling us what you have in mind," suggested Ethan.

- - - - - - - - - - -​

Dean looked over at Vicky. Both had stopped swimming and shivered despite the warm afternoon. "What was that?" he asked.

"I was suddenly filled with a sense of dread and foreboding," Vicky said after thinking about it. "Like something that would make the world tremble in fear was about to happen."


"Dunno," Vicky said with a shrug. "It's either that or those burritos are giving us both gas,"
>Author sneaks in and leaves a post, complete with a small sign.<
>Sign reads : Edits - McClaw @ CTC, JWizard39 @ SV. Enjoy!

>Author snealks away only to be shanghai'd into doing tech support for Mom.<
My feelings on Anne are deeply conflicted, honestly - on the one hand, I grew up reading the Pern stories and even spent a number of formative years on Harper's Tale (if you know, you know), but on the other hand... I'm queer. Anne's reductionist and deeply inaccurate views on human sexuality, especially her bi erasure and the whole mishegoss with anal sex, make it hard to look back at her and her work with rosy-colored glasses.
I'm not crying, you're crying.
I actually got to meet Anne at dragoncon one year, not for long, but she signed my omnibus hardcover of the Harper Hall Trilogy.

You are one lucky fellow

My feelings on Anne are deeply conflicted, honestly - on the one hand, I grew up reading the Pern stories and even spent a number of formative years on Harper's Tale (if you know, you know), but on the other hand... I'm queer. Anne's reductionist and deeply inaccurate views on human sexuality, especially her bi erasure and the whole mishegoss with anal sex, make it hard to look back at her and her work with rosy-colored glasses.

dude consider the era she grew up in and their views on those subjectes
"I was suddenly filled with a sense of dread and foreboding," Vicky said after thinking about it. "Like something that would make the world tremble in fear was about to happen."


"Dunno," Vicky said with a shrug. "It's either that or those burritos are giving us both gas,"
Sounds like irukandji venom, it gives you a feeling of impending doom. Check the burritos for tiny jellyfish.
It just stands to reason that any story that has giant lizards in it will bring Anne into the story, and possibly resuscitate her. I loved the omake (I think) mpPIplayer did for that in "Taylor Varga".
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Outside of her, understandably, dated views on some things (recall the era she grew up in, sheesh, and remember she was considered a radically progressive feminist of that time), having Anne McCaffery meet an actual TRUE dragon, would qualify as 'icing on the cake' for this arc.

Having her meet either Bahamut, Tiamat, or both?

Richart chocolates, on top of the icing, also made by Richart, from a cake bought at Harrods.

Consider both siblings are considered founders/creators of many of the magical lines, I could easily see them brainstorming ideas together to make 'fire-lizards'.

Cue Dennis piping in, when discussions get heated and Tia is feeling snubbed at how 'Brown' & 'Green' dragons - obviously chromatic in description - was the meh-tier type in Anne's parlance. But, as he points out, that the 'white' dragon, while the smallest by far, was also the rarest, smartest, most cunning, and quite possibly the bravest of all of the Pernese dragons. Or how said 'white' dragon actually faintly shimmered with the colors of all dragons if viewed up close. A 'SSR gacha get' so to speak, as he puts it. Cue Tia, pausing for a moment, rolling the 'gacha' term on her tongue for a moment, before slowly and VERY smugly turning to her brother to completely agree with the idea and to add a further twist, as she likes that 'gacha' idea....

Cue a rather aggrieved/put-out God of Dragons giving an unrepentant Dennis a very dirty look, as he realizes he's been one-upped.
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I forsee Ms McCafferey needing some healing after she realizes she's in the presence of MULTIPLE dragons, several of whom are classed as Dragon GODS. There's likely going to be a rather massive squee, but that's expected anyway.
I'm not crying, you're crying.
I actually got to meet Anne at dragoncon one year, not for long, but she signed my omnibus hardcover of the Harper Hall Trilogy.
I've been looking for a complete collection of Anne McCaffrey books. I would love to have them lined up on my bookshelves all I a row with some nice spine graphics showing dragons, singing ships, espers and stuff. So far no luck. Some of her books doesn't even seem to be for sale any longer (at least not where I can order them).
I've been looking for a complete collection of Anne McCaffrey books. I would love to have them lined up on my bookshelves all I a row with some nice spine graphics showing dragons, singing ships, espers and stuff. So far no luck. Some of her books doesn't even seem to be for sale any longer (at least not where I can order them).
Yeah, prolly not gonna fine 'em all new. Try used book stores and places like Goodwill.
Yeah, prolly not gonna fine 'em all new. Try used book stores and places like Goodwill.
When I went to college there was a sale of old library books and I saw most of my favourite books from most of my favourite authors on a table. Sadly it was the end of the month just before I got my stipend and I had all of nought money in my wallet or my bank account. This was also before I had a credit card. The books were like a dollar each and still looked in fairly good condition too. 😭
In a similar fashion I was once getting a lift back from university in Cardiff at the end of the year when my parents decided to make a stop in Hay on Wye
20+ second hand bookshops and no money. Absolute torture.
I've been looking for a complete collection of Anne McCaffrey books. I would love to have them lined up on my bookshelves all I a row with some nice spine graphics showing dragons, singing ships, espers and stuff. So far no luck. Some of her books doesn't even seem to be for sale any longer (at least not where I can order them).