@goku90504 Thanks for the typos. IF I ever get some extra time - as mentioned earlier, I'm taking care of my Mom while she recovers from ankle surgery, and my own projects and therapy to boot - I'll get them corrected. I've noticed most of them are spaces and missing quotes. and such. Looks like curly quotes as well in some instances. I'll put the blame for those on Libre Orifice (which was told to not do that anymore around arc 3).

Also, I'd like to welcome our new readers who are binge reading the story. How do I know this? I got a couple hundred notifications when logging on this morning. :)
Yeah that's what I recall most of them being
Yesss, more dragon story

I'm quite interested in seeing where Red Dragon Emma and Black Dragon Sophia are going to come back into the story, don't think I haven't forgotten about them
Yeah, Emma's a Green; Red's are all >SMASH< >BURN< >LOOKITME!< >RAWR!< >BBQ!< where Greens are >PLOT< >PLAN< >SCHEME< >RANDOMVIOLENCE< >ELVES2GO<.

Batten down your hatches, a post is incoming...

-The Author​
Shenanigans 19 - Mischief III
The next day dawned gray and rainy over Brockton Bay. It matched Emily Piggot's mood as she was to hear the verdict of the investigation into her inappropriate use of a metahuman1 ability in the line of duty. The investigation had gone rather quickly, which wasn't unusual with Thinkers. She suspected that Watchdog had looked into the matter, consulted with its Thinkers, and threw a boatload of evidence at the investigating Internal Affairs office.

Her hearing was being held in conference room three, which was rather small, but then again, local Internal Affairs only handled cases from outside their region. Less chance of someone coercing or bribing the investigators that way, or personal relationships causing problems. Mike Renick was already in one chair, with a couple of PRT troopers standing behind him.

"Morning, Mike," she grumbled as she sat down, her own security escort taking position along the wall.

"Morning, Emily," he answered. "Ready for whatever happens?"

"Whatever it may be," she growled out. She liked her job, even more since reforming the special operations group. Despite that, before setting out this morning she'd reviewed the exit strategy plan she'd begun and kept updated since boot camp. Some professions were too high-risk to not keep one, and becoming a dragon had given her a lot more options.

With that, the large monitor at the other side of the room came to life, with various windows representing the different offices who had reviewed the evidence presented for the case.

Rebecca Costa-Brown's face appeared in the central window. "Good morning, Emily. We'll get started here in a moment. Some interesting things came to light during this. Unrelated. We'll discuss them afterwards." And with that, the remaining seven windows showed blurred-out faces.

"We have reviewed the evidence presented in the alleged inappropriate use of a metahuman ability," the head in the upper left hand corner said after the usual formalities. "We find that the use of a minor Shaker ability on the Villain known as Bastard Son was unwarranted and thus inappropriate."

The voice continued. "Due to mitigating circumstances and evidence presented, we find Emily Piggot guilty of misdemeanor assault with said metahuman power, first offense. She will be required to take the relevant course on appropriate use of Powers, and pay the minimum fine. Your suspension will continue until said course in the appropriate use of Powers is complete. Do you understand?"

Externally, Emily breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes, I understand." Internally, she cursed mightily, because said course, at least here, was usually given by Armsmaster, who often left people wondering if they could gnaw an arm or leg off to escape. Sure, it was only a two hour course, but Emily had heard stories… And seen the official complaints during her tenure as director.

She watched as all the windows began to darken, leaving only the Chief Director's window active. "I'm giving you a secondary task to complete during your suspension, one you are uniquely qualified to handle.

"Since five days ago, there have been mysterious sightings in the Ellisburg Preserve," she stated. "No, Nilbog's not returned. The creatures sighted are too natural in appearance, and usually related to the realm of myth and legend, something you now have special insights into. Not to mention your history with the place means you won't take things at face value. I'd like you to go up there and investigate the situation, and report back.

"So, I get to face my nightmares?" Emily asked quietly.

"There had been no trace of Nilbog or any of his constructs since the entire interior of the containment zone disappeared in a pillar of light back at the end of March. No, these are something different." And with that, two fuzzy pictures came up on the display. "These were taken four days ago. The best we can come up with is some kind of horse in the right hand picture, and a deer in the left hand one. The profiles don't match any known breed or species.

"You can do this before or after the use of Powers course. Review the reports, visit the site, and decide if you should proceed on your own or with a team. In the latter case, follow the usual procedures. But find out what's in there."

- - - - - - - - - -​

Chris looked around the group outside the second hangar. He was familiar with Armsmaster, or in this case, Mr. Wallis. He was less familiar with Dragon, who insisted that he call her Theresa instead of Ms. Richter. He'd only encountered Squealer a couple of times, and knew she'd been picked up by the PRT after encountering Naurelin, so he could easily believe the busty blonde was here, even though she was keeping her infamous mouth under control. And he'd never met Mr. Barrett before.

"I know why you are all here," he said. "But I'm wondering why I'm here?"

"Group Tinkering project," Mr. Wallis answered. "A request was made by the owners of this property to evaluate an antique aircraft for possible restoration, and if feasible, begin work."

"Said aircraft, son," Mr. Barrett added, "is a rather rare Catalina flying boat. Tail number 43-4299. PBY-6B. One of three built for the US Coast Guard, transferred to the US Forestry Service in 1957. This plane, in particular, spent more time out west fighting forest fires than it did in New England. Last in operation in 1985. It's been here since. The previous owner's well deserved reputation kept thieves and scavengers away.

"Our job today is to inspect the aircraft," he finished. "We'll be looking at everything. You, in particular, will be looking at the electricals, since I'm told that's one of your strong points." He chuckled a bit. "Don't be surprised if you wind up crawling into some tight spaces, and don't forget to mention anything you see, electrical or not."

"If the damage isn't too bad," Theresa continued, "we're going to start on the restoration work. I've got a pair of replacement engines on the transport, and Mr. Barrett has what he could find from the Navy's stores, along with the manuals.

"Ms. Bailey's the transportation Tinker," she continued, "so at the very least, she should be able to help with things." She looked at the former Squealer. "However, I hope she realizes that we don't need an invisible flying boat at the moment."

Sherrel chuckled. "Even if I could, that particular piece of tech's something the Navy's got dibs on," she said. "One of the terms of my probation."

"Let's grab our tools," Cid stated, "and get to work."

"Fortunately, the Aleshins had the electrical service to the old hangar restored," Theresa said, "otherwise this would be a much more difficult task."

- - - - - - - - - -​

"This sucks!"

"That's the third time this morning you've said that, Vicky!" Amy called from where she was jogging.

"Why can't I fly?"

"Because if you do, Assault gets to shoot things at you," Battery said from her position alongside the jogging teens.

"Meh, I can take it."

"Glory Girl, might I remind you that I have access to the Tinkertech storage area," Assault stated, a huge grin on his face. "This also means that I can – and have – checked out, with my superior's authorization, certain items."

"Oh, no…"

"Oh, yes! If you don't get back on the ground, I will open fire with the pie projection gun, and will continue to do so until your dignity is in shreds, or you get back to running on the ground!"

"Waaaaugh!" Vicky landed and continued jogging with the rest of the Wards. "I'm running, I'm running!"

"While that may be a suitable – and quite evil – threat against my sister, what do you plan to use to motivate the rest of us?" Amy asked with no small amount of snark.

"My dear Panacea, I'd never thought you'd ask!" Assault chortled, twirling an imaginary mustache with an appropriately villainous flourish. "For the rest of you, keeping you on the ground is relatively easy, since it involves you changing shape. While I can't keep you from doing that, I can remind you that should you do so, there is paperwork that will need to be filled out, in triplicate, for each occurrence."

"Good enough for us!" Taylor, Amy and Dennis chorused together as they continued jogging in the morning.

Carlos could only chuckle at the antics of his teammates and associates as he continued jogging.

- - - - - - - - - -​

"Chris is excused because he's with Mr. Wallis and that group. So why aren't Takara and Dinah out running with us?"

"Because, Vicky, they're getting swimming lessons from Natalie and her mom."

"Ah, that makes sense, Ames."

"You wouldn't believe how much trouble they're having with that," Karen added.

"Really? Anything I'm going to need to deal with?"

"Nah," Karen replied. "Takara can breathe water, so she's been having fun walking around on the bottom of the pool and imitating an archerfish, while Dinah is somehow managing to skate on the surface as a spider." There were a few seconds of silence as they came to stop. "Natalie is laughing herself silly, while Kira is muttering about 'kids these days.'"

"They should probably have Dinah shift to her human form to learn how to swim," Taylor added. Both Amy and Vicky gave Taylor a dirty look, as she was barely winded by the jog around the cabin area. Taylor, noticing, smirked. "I was jogging for a year before I triggered. With what I was being put through at my alleged school, I needed something to try and help with the stress. And get in condition so I could dodge better. We all know how well that worked."

- - - - - - - - - -​

"Yay! I get to make lunch today!" Takara seemed inordinately happy about making lunch for nearly twenty people.

"So, what are we having?" Chris asked, having just returned from showering after a morning of crawling through the old airplane.

"Kitsune udon!" the girl said, and suddenly, there were a couple more people present.

One was familiar to some of the teenagers present. The other was not. The younger of the two was a smug looking freckled blonde, while the older was a woman of indeterminate Asian descent who bore herself with dignity, her black kimono decorated with golden foxes. "I believe I heard someone mention kitsune udon?" she asked, licking her lips in anticipation.

Colin had stood up, along with Assault. "I am afraid we haven't been introduced? Tattletale we are familiar with, but not you," he stated.

Lisa sighed. "You all are in the presence of Tamamo-no-Mae, Queen of the Foxes, and all that entails." As Lisa had played herald for her companion, Tamamo changed into the regal nine-tailed fox of legend. "As to why I'm here, she, in her inscrutable and somewhat questionable wisdom, brought me along. As to her intentions, I suspect she wants some noodles."

Everyone in the room had to stifle laughter as the legendary Queen of the Foxes was staring at Takara with puppy dog eyes. "Please?" Tamamo whined, trying to look as cute and fluffy as a fox the size of a small horse could.

Vicky took a half step forward before catching herself. "I have a sudden and inexplicable urge to want to pet the fluffy tails."

"Strange," Karen added. "So do I."

"I can't help myself," Dinah stated. "I must pet the fluffy tails!" With that, she scuttled forward from behind a table in an attempt to pet one of the fluffy fox tails near her.

Thus it was that the PRT ENE Wards learned that the Queen of Foxes didn't like spiders.

The Queen of the Foxes, with some alacrity, scampered away from Dinah and proceeded to get to the highest point in the room, which at the moment happened to be on Colin's shoulders, all the while screaming only like a vixen could.

Colin sighed, while everyone was laughing. "Dinah, if you could stop chasing our impromptu guest, it would be appreciated. Otherwise, I will be forced to have you taken down to the PRT Building and put into Master / Stranger holding."

At the mention of the most boring way to spend an entire day, It was like someone flipped a switch. One moment Dinah was muttering something about petting fluffy tails, and the next was a look of dawning horror.

Nodding, he looked up at the overly large fox perched on his shoulders, who was looking down at him. "Madame, I would appreciate it if you would please get off my shoulders."

With a mischievous "Mwah!" and a quick lick to the end of his nose, Tamamo jumped off his shoulders to land on the floor in front of Takara.

"Yes, you may have some," Takara said with great dignity. "I've also got something you should enjoy; peanut butter inarizushi."

The videos would reach PHO later that evening, of the nine-tailed fox adding to the 'Om nom nom nom" memes.

1 - Yes, the bureaucrats have decided on a classification for powers w/o a Corona Pollentia or Gemma. They're happy -- for now,
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...You wouldn't happen to have such a recipe? There. I asked. Now will you stop begging you crazy fox? Whatever happened to military discipline Lieutenant Commander?

I would guess it's just mixing some peanut butter into the rice before wrapping it up in the dumpling. I have no idea how well peanut butter stands up to being deep fried, but if it's a small amount (just enough to bind the riceball together) it'd be like a deep fried Snickers.

Also makes sense as a simple dish someone Takara's age could both come up with and prepare.
...You wouldn't happen to have such a recipe? There. I asked. Now will you stop begging you crazy fox? Whatever happened to military discipline Lieutenant Commander?

I would guess it's just mixing some peanut butter into the rice before wrapping it up in the dumpling. I have no idea how well peanut butter stands up to being deep fried, but if it's a small amount (just enough to bind the riceball together) it'd be like a deep fried Snickers.

Also makes sense as a simple dish someone Takara's age could both come up with and prepare.

Inarizushi is usually rice (w/dressing) packed into a deep fried wrapper of freeze dried tofu, or abu-age (I think, my spelling may be off).

I have come across nearly a couple hundred different recipes for fillings (mainly rice and vegetables), and have seen several that employ a peanut sauce or glaze. You wouldn't need much peanut butter in any case. You could probably get by with a quarter cup per cup of rice. Stir in while the rice is hot, maybe add a little sugar as well. Let it cool, and pack into the pocket. It can be surprisingly tasty, for something that's basically fried bean curd and rice.

Peanut Butter Inarizushi started off as something of a joke, either in Grounder10's The Taste of Peaches, or in Harry and the Ship Girls. I figured I'd better go looking for an actual recipe, in case someone asks... :)
I would guess it's just mixing some peanut butter into the rice before wrapping it up in the dumpling. I have no idea how well peanut butter stands up to being deep fried, but if it's a small amount (just enough to bind the riceball together) it'd be like a deep fried Snickers.

Also makes sense as a simple dish someone Takara's age could both come up with and prepare.
I've seen recipes for deep fried ice cream. Peanut butter won't be an issue for frying.
Well, that's some grade-A bullshit.
No, see, just because Badtard Son was loudly declaring his intent to commit murder doesn't justify using powers to in a harmless manner in order to intimidate him into not committing a crime.

Because, uh... reasons?
After all, what if the public learned that a hero used their powers against someone?
Villains use their powers against people!

Never mind the fact that said person having the powers used on them happens to be a villain who is planning to commit murder.
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It's entirely impossible to please everyone at the same time with anything.

Keep in mind that I had a number people almost screaming at me about Andraste using her presence like this was akin to a cop hitting someone out of the blue with his nightstick/billy club /baton, and now this? I'm glad I keep the above quote handy, and firmly believe it. That way, it doesn't bother me much.
Keep in mind that I had a number people almost screaming at me about Andraste using her presence like this was akin to a cop hitting someone out of the blue with his nightstick/billy club /baton, and now this? I'm glad I keep the above quote handy, and firmly believe it. That way, it doesn't bother me much.

I missed that one at the time. I'd argue that Bastard Son has enough warrants on him that dropping a Dragon on him was fair, but it's hardly a dealbreaker either way.
She didn't injure him but she also used her fear aura on him purposefully, so while a misdemeanor charge is a little harsh she is also an officer under the law and thus subject to a higher standard.
...You wouldn't happen to have such a recipe? There. I asked. Now will you stop begging you crazy fox? Whatever happened to military discipline Lieutenant Commander?
I would guess it's just mixing some peanut butter into the rice before wrapping it up in the dumpling. I have no idea how well peanut butter stands up to being deep fried, but if it's a small amount (just enough to bind the riceball together) it'd be like a deep fried Snickers.

Also makes sense as a simple dish someone Takara's age could both come up with and prepare.
The trick is to chill down the whole thing thoroughly before deep frying it. That way, you get to a thoroughly heated level without the peanut butter gooping out into the frying oil before things are ready to be removed.
"E equals M times C squared". That "C" should be lower cased. The "c" in the formula E=Mc^2 represents the speed of light in a vacuum. The Upper case "C" which you used represents something entirely different.
Takara's Peanut Butter Inarizushi
Peanut Butter Inarizushi!

You'll need:
2 cups of sticky rice
Enough aburage pockets (3 Dozen or so) for all the rice. (based on 16 pockets for 1 cup of sushi rice)

1/3rd cup creamy peanut butter (All Natural preferred)
1T Soy Sauce (low sodium)
1T untoasted Sesame Oil
1t Sugar.

Several ofuda to keep pesky foxes out of the kitchen until you're done.

If using the ofuda, have a Shinto priest or shrine maiden place them for maximum effectiveness around your kitchen and invoke their protection. If you have some sake available, you might be able to get a Good doG to help.

Place the peanut butter, soy sauce, sesame oil, and sugar into a blender. Blend until smooth. If the mixture is really thick, add some water and blend again. It should be smooth and easily spreadable.

While the rice is hot, coat with peanut butter sauce. Mix until the rice is thoroughly coated.

Using whatever method prefer (I recommend a pastry tube or cake decorating bag with a large tip) stuff the aburage pockets until the rice is gone.

Let cool, then if you used them, dispose of the ofuda properly.

Enjoy your Inarizushi, if Inari didn't get them all first.

Contains Soy and Peanuts.

(I honestly have no idea how this will actually taste -- however, most aburage around me comes packed in a can in a sweet broth, and the sesame oil and soy sauce should blend together well with the peanut butter. It shouldn't be horribly bad, though, since the peanut butter dressing comes from a peanut sauce recipe).
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