Wot you saying? Orks in 40K speak propper English, just not that high-brow noble shite.

No, seriously, 40K Orcs sound like the lowest of the low in England. They have a VERY pronounced English Accent. Just not the one most would think of...
Reminder that stereotypical "pirate speak" (and also Hagrid's voice) is actually just the west British accent >>w>>

Britain's got a lot of accents. Much more than literally any other country I know of. The US has got nothing on the sheer breadth and difference of accents in it. It's a bit of a linguistical anomaly that way.
Reminder that stereotypical "pirate speak" (and also Hagrid's voice) is actually just the west British accent >>w>>

Britain's got a lot of accents. Much more than literally any other country I know of. The US has got nothing on the sheer breadth and difference of accents in it. It's a bit of a linguistical anomaly that way.

And that does make sense. While not all pirates were from the UK, there were a good number of them. And it wouldn't have been the upper crust sailing on ships and deciding that piracy was the way to go.
hey @Kryslin can i ask a favor?

can you make Deltarune references in the future chapters?

because with the release of Chapter 2 yesterday...

it would be fun
The centaur gave her a grin. "Seen and done stranger." She held out her right hand. "Name's Jackie. Jackie Apple."
Hmmmm. I wonder who THAT could be. :rofl:
NO. just... NO. the last thing we need is a meeting between Missy and Pinkie Pie - she and Clockblocker already do unmentionable lewd things to space/time already, i Hate to think what adding her to the mix might do...
And now I want to see that happen!
Probably Mithril.

Would be funny to bring Armsmaster a sample. Half the weight for the same resistance as steel...

Armsmaster: "Very efficient... Must have it for my next armor generation."
That would be funny, but in comparison, THIS scares me.
@LostArchivist @Baran3 :
Armsmaster has already run tests on mithril samples. Waaaaaaay back in the second or third arc.

"Due to the relative scarcity of the material in question, and the difficulty of current processes in working the material, it would not be practical to use it. Until such time as it becomes much less scarce and efficient processes become available to work it." - from Armsmaster's logbook (not from a story post)

@hakunoX : Being able to make references to it means I would have to spend some time playing it. The time for which, right now, is sadly lacking since I have some fall projects out in the workshop that have a higher priority than playing more computer games (of which I only play 2 - one regularly 1.5 hours/day - PSU Clementine, the other really irregularly - Minecraft 2-3 hours / month). Sorry.
And that does make sense. While not all pirates were from the UK, there were a good number of them. And it wouldn't have been the upper crust sailing on ships and deciding that piracy was the way to go.
Typically, the only place on board for someone at that level would be the captain, presuming the ship started as a privateering vessel.
And that does make sense. While not all pirates were from the UK, there were a good number of them. And it wouldn't have been the upper crust sailing on ships and deciding that piracy was the way to go.

It actually only goes back to the 1950 film adaptation of Treasure Island. The actor playing Long John Silver was from the west country (as I believe is the character) and decided to use his native accent for the film, and due to it's massive success it became the de facto standard pirate accent.
It is partly because the major ports for the early Caribbean trade were Bristol or Plymouth, so sailors recruited locally would have had a west country accent. The Captains came from further afield.
And at the time of the Golden Age of Piracy, the people of the west country where much more involved in smuggling and proud of it.
Leads to one of my favourite pieces of poetry A Smugglers Song by Kipling

IF you wake at midnight, and hear a horse's feet,
Don't go drawing back the blind, or looking in the street,
Them that ask no questions isn't told a lie.
Watch the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go by.​
The fact that the West British accent is the common "Pirate Accent" isn't hurt by the fact that one of many reasons the US left Great Britain was the British Navy's tendency to Shanghai* sailors, those who're proficient in the trade didn't have much reason to stay a British Sailor when the opportunity to jump ship** and turn Pirate presented itself.

*Frequently by drinking them unconscious, giving them a love tap with a Black Jack, or slipping them a Silver Shilling and saying "Well you've accepted the coin, now you're signed up" and literally shipping them off to Shanghai
**Again a literal term coming from the days of Sail
Allow me a moment, on this day, to wish the author a Happy Birthday.

May he receive the gifts of Joy and Good Health this day, and (should he so choose) share what gifts he would like with those he cares for.
As a reminder to my readership, tonight's posting will be delayed, due to annual natal day celebration on my part. It will probably post tomorrow morning.

Yeah, It's my birthday. 5.5 decades of interesting things, boring things, and "Oh my God, WHY did I do that?!?!?" things.
And writing. but I don't know where that falls. :) Enjoy the day / night, and I'll see you later. :)