With Lolth, there's no such thing as an "independent contractor". Either you server her, or you don't. If you don't, well, that can lead to Bad Things unless you're strong enough and skilled enough to make it stick and stay alive. Thus accepting even ONE job willingly means willingly accepting being Lolth's servant.
I remember one campaign I did. I played a Drow Eldritch Knight who was trying to build a city of good Drow.
Dinah chooses not to serve. On the other hand, Lolth may be able to hire her as an independent contractor.
Given how Lolth works I imagine any contract to "hire her as an independent contractor" will do something else. Like binding her to Lolth.

.. because Lolth ..

Personally I expect that Lolth would be more hands-off. She'll get more mileage out of giving Dinah some information and then letting Dinah do what Dinah is going to do anyway. It gets Lolth the best of all worlds -
  • Dinah is wokring against her enemies? Check.
  • Dinah is going to be learning that Lolth is a kind and benevolent boss? Possibly.
  • Dinah might end up choosing to work for Lolth voluntarily because of Lolth's aid? Also possibly.
  • Any options that Lolth might want to pursue later are left open? Check.
As has been noted, the probability of this happening is 100%. Various deities may line up for a chance to play "Let's make a deal!" Though Eilistraee may get into a fight with Sehanine about who goes first. Meanwhile, Apollo and Athena will try to muscle their way in... Meanwhile, Dinah is happily munching away on some popcorn, watching the battle. :)
Okay, the names of lots of different mythologies getting tossed around, some historical, some fictional, so I have to ask: Are you going to include Judeo-Christian mythology in this story?

I know most writers like to treat is an elephant in the room and ignore it, but in a world where all myths seem to be true, the idea that the one religion that have live followers numbering in the BILLIONS is a huge hoax is patently ridiculous.

I remember one campaign I did. I played a Drow Eldritch Knight who was trying to build a city of good Drow.
How'd that work out for you?
Personally, if Armsmaster is going to be any class at all, I could see him going 2nd Edition Fighter, going for Eldritch Knight subclass at Level 3.

Ability to bond with up to two weapons, giving him the ability to summon them with a thought? Extremely efficient. Ability to use magic? A very nice bonus.
Okay, the names of lots of different mythologies getting tossed around, some historical, some fictional, so I have to ask: Are you going to include Judeo-Christian mythology in this story?

I know most writers like to treat is an elephant in the room and ignore it, but in a world where all myths seem to be true, the idea that the one religion that have live followers numbering in the BILLIONS is a huge hoax is patently ridiculous.

Most Powers in D&D tend to be very direct and open in their actions, mostly so they can compete for worshipers, who in turn provide the bulk of their power. God has been less involved in Mortal affairs for centuries, and tends to be subtle in the aid that he provides. So, I tend to doubt God will bother to get Directly involved. Indirectly, however...... Consider the storm that guided Hunts-The-Ice to Brockton Bay, and how his presence led to Panacea getting the option for an upgrade. Rather convenient that such a storm occurred in the right timeframe for Ziz to take advantage of, isn't it...........

On the subject of Armsmaster, I expect the terms and advancement bonuses will be different, but I suspect he already has several melee combat class levels under his belt. Which combat class is the best fit can be up for debate, but personally I expect he would be at least Fighter 10+ or something very similar; just don't be surprised if his choice of feats doesn't directly match those available in the base game.
On the subject of Armsmaster, I expect the terms and advancement bonuses will be different, but I suspect he already has several melee combat class levels under his belt. Which combat class is the best fit can be up for debate, but personally I expect he would be at least Fighter 10+ or something very similar; just don't be surprised if his choice of feats doesn't directly match those available in the base game.
Hm. Base game... well, supplementals then...

Fighter with an Eberron-style Dragonmark of Making, possibly?
I don't think Armsmaster would have ten levels of Fighter. Might not even be level 10 to begin with. I could see either 2 or 4 levels of Fighter for the combat feats. But the rest would probably be some class like Artificer or something else that involves Crafting. Obviously with the Tinker archtype that trades away spellcasting in favor of a non-magic Super Science specialty. Being the twink that he is, he chose "efficency" for his Super Science specialty which lets him build absolutely anything provided as it's efficent, much to the DM's annoyance. That bit of twinkery pissing off the DM is why when L33t was making his character he got hit with such severe limitations on his Tinker build. Clearly the DM thought "Prototypes" was another attempt to break the system.
Please read the tags, one of which explicity states [Mangled Mythology].
Or, I reject your fantasy, and substitute my own. :)

Thank you, and good night <bow>.
Pretty sure gold dragon shapeshifting ability isn't gender-linked. Nothing that says Sonngrad can't shapeshift into a boy dragon. To paraphrase Lenard Hofstetter, "Sonngrad is kinky."
So, thread is tagged "overpowered protagonist". Should we expect this to continue to be true relative to non-Worm antagonists?

Hmm. The gap will be narrowing against most of the non-Worm antagonists. Against the major antagonists (Scion, Endbringers, et alia) it will take everything she has to survive the various encounters.

Okay, the names of lots of different mythologies getting tossed around, some historical, some fictional, so I have to ask: Are you going to include Judeo-Christian mythology in this story?

I know most writers like to treat is an elephant in the room and ignore it, but in a world where all myths seem to be true, the idea that the one religion that have live followers numbering in the BILLIONS is a huge hoax is patently ridiculous.

There are three very touchy subjects I am trying to stay away from : Real Life Politics, Religion, and Sexual Orientation issues.

I normally volunteer to work in the Art Department of one of the larger Anime Conventions in North America (Anime North if you must know). A number of years ago, I watched the department come apart at the seams as all three subjects came together in one very ugly night. 2/3rds of the department was tossed out on their rears, and billed for the 2 nights in the room by the con. While this did not include the department heads, it did include a lot of their kids and their friends. We finished out that con running on volunteers, the remaining staff and two very angry department heads.

The matter of what faith I believe in, my political values, and my sexual orientation (and issues I may have with others) are not things I wish to drag into this forum.

If anything, God is like Ao in the Forgotten Realms setting. He is the unmoved mover, Inscrutable and Unfathomable to mortals. The only thing you can do is have faith in what you believe in.

And that's the last word on religion, politics and sexual issues I'd like to see in this thread. Thank You.
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By the way, now that Lisa haz fluffy tail, I want her to do the "Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?" tongue twister. She'd look so goddamn adorable doing it in her half-fox form!
(Tamamo moreso than Lolth; Tamamo is back by Inari and Amaterasu (who may or may not be running around as a white wolf) while Lolth is backed by no one).
Ok, that is good to know. So Tamamo went Tenko and Ammy is being herself and likely causing trouble somewhere for the villains of the world. (Sensing Brush Shenanigans in the future).
With Lolth, there's no such thing as an "independent contractor". Either you server her, or you don't. If you don't, well, that can lead to Bad Things unless you're strong enough and skilled enough to make it stick and stay alive. Thus accepting even ONE job willingly means willingly accepting being Lolth's servant.
Lolthist proaganda designed to make you give up trying before you even start.
Given how Lolth works I imagine any contract to "hire her as an independent contractor" will do something else. Like binding her to Lolth.
Like teach her how little prepared she is for US contract law and the littlest precog armed with the power of capitalism.
Okay, the names of lots of different mythologies getting tossed around, some historical, some fictional, so I have to ask: Are you going to include Judeo-Christian mythology in this story?

I know most writers like to treat is an elephant in the room and ignore it, but in a world where all myths seem to be true, the idea that the one religion that have live followers numbering in the BILLIONS is a huge hoax is patently ridiculous.

most writers who address that (the comics writers for THOR for example) are wise enough not to poke the world's major religions with a stick. Most Christians would quite reasonably object to having Jesus diminished and treated like a comic book character. The Muslims wouldn't be too copacetic about doing the same to Muhammed, either.

The usual approach is to state or at least imply that such religions and their questions are on a higher, more philosophical (in other words, more distant) plane and not relevant to the story, or perhaps that the question of an omnipotent One Above All is as much a divine mystery for those from Asgard and Olympus as for those of us down here on earth.
Lolth! :mad:

No joke, she's been the mortal enemy for my families characters for about 40 years now. Pro tip when fighting her; her human avatar takes double damage from "holy" things. This means that bashing her in the face with a gallon of holy water deals 1d4+(16d4×2) damage. Getting a crit on the roll has a very good chance of destroying the avatar all together, which will prevent her from forming another on the plane for 100 years and a day.
The last time I had a character encounter Lolth, we were unlucky enough to encounter Lolth herself, and not an Avatar. This is because we had to go to the Demonweb it's self to do something, and despite what we initially thought... we had failed to be stealthy. Most of us, including my sorcoreress, were drow who worshiped Elistraee. Those of the party who were drow and female (which included my character) impressed Lolth with our cunning and ruthlessness up until that point. Little did we know that she'd been watching us from the second we first entered the Demonweb. We were given the option of "Worship and serve me, or die."

My character, low on magic by this point, hit Lolth in the face with the strongest attack spell I had left. Actually, it was the only one I had left after the series of HUGE cluster puck ambushes just before Lolth made her offer. I want to say it was a Fireball spell. I then started launching sling bullets as fast as I could using my sling staff. My companions also immediately went on the attack as their answer, some of them shouting about how they'd rather die free then serve Lolth.

Mind you, none of us survived the encounter. But it was damn epic.
Okay, the names of lots of different mythologies getting tossed around, some historical, some fictional, so I have to ask: Are you going to include Judeo-Christian mythology in this story?

I know most writers like to treat is an elephant in the room and ignore it, but in a world where all myths seem to be true, the idea that the one religion that have live followers numbering in the BILLIONS is a huge hoax is patently ridiculous.

Even aside from the problems of people taking offense this mythology just doesn't mix well at all, a prime tenet is that God is God and anything else claiming to be divine (or supernatural in general really) is really demonic deception, which means that you've either got to have the Judeo-Christian mythology as outright wrong or have all the other mythologies being secretly subordinates of the Devil.
There just isn't room in the mythology for any other gods being real.
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