mostly doing it in hopes of improving all our work with Gromril like part 2 did.
It won't finish in time to apply to Defenses Part 3, or Part 4 if there is one, or Girded in Metal or whatever replaces it. Thus, it won't help until the projects that come after the
next projects to be unlocked.
Problem is that the King is heading out and don't think this is something we should delay. Especially with us getting called out just for putting off the rune machinery and we already delayed things with the king already.
Worth noting we haven't taken the Girded action yet, so we aren't
"on the clock" per se. But doing it before he goes out
is a decent point.
To be fair, because I agree on doing Girdle, no one called us out expect ourself.
I'd be fine with that too if no one wants to finish the or even work on the Greedy Heart research.
Something like this perhaps would be one I'm also okay with:
[] Plan Almost Out of Time, But Not Metal
-[] Teach your apprentices.
[Cost: 1 Action] Locked in for 4 turns.
-[] Teach your apprentice.
[Cost: 2 Apprentice Actions] Locked in for 6 turns.
-[] [Simple] Defence. In. Depth Pt3:
[Cost: (4-1) =3 actions] Productivity Like No Other Will proc. 2 Actions.
--[] Petition the Hold, Gromril: Petition King Otrek and the Council of Elders to consider the merits of turning the main gate into a giant slab of Runed Gromril and Stone. The cost is massive, but the defence and the prestige are...incredible.
[Cost: 15 Favour with the Hold and 10 Favour with King Otrek]
-[] [Simple] Girded in Metal:
[Cost: 1 action] Productivity Like No Other Will proc. 2 Actions.
-[] Order: Invisible Diamonds.
Or we could do one action on Girded and three on Defense In Depth, depends on if you think there might be another step afterwards or not.
Given that for the current defense option there is an option to spend favor on making it of gromil, than doing other requests with the 1 free action this turn and next and then getting the anti-spell part of the rune metal research done before finishing the defenses seems like a big step up. Or for that matter put 4 actions on turn 11 generate 6 actions from trait and have that overflow, that combined with the giant slab of Runed Gromril and Stone all of which is better equpped to stand off against chaos by finishing rune metal part 3. And the bigger danger versus chaos with that in place is spell casters wreaking the defense, something we can mitigate with Rune metal part 3. If anything, not doing part 3 of the research is weakening our defense.
This turn, we do 3 and get 5 into Rune Metal and one into Defense in Depth. Next turn we do 3 and get another 5 and one into Girded in Metal and finish Rune Metal and get... something, we don't know what. We've paid for it by Defense In Depth pt 3
not being complete on turn 11, sitting at 2 actions remaining,
and the Warmachine request not being complete. Or some other combination of those three. We would then have to do 2 actions on Defense in Depth, one on whatever replaced Girded in Metal (Possibly not completing it) and one on Warmachines. That'd finish Warmachines and Defense in Depth 3 before turn 12.
But if we focus on defense then we can finish Defense in Depth Part 3 now with overflow, along with Girded in Metal. Then work on whatever replaces Girded in Metal on turn 10, and the next part of the Defense in Depth chain if there is one, or the Warmachine and the next part of Defense In Depth. On Turn 11 there's whatever request replaces Warmachines or the thing that replaced Girded in Metal, or multiple other options. More layers and defense requests completed means we're safer when the sieges start, and can happily just while away more time with research than if we spend time on research
now and gimp the number of defense requests we actually complete before turn 12.
Basically, I am valuing Defense as waaaaaaay more valuable than research right now. Particularly research that is pure knowledge, that we'd then have to research and build proper infrastructure to actually use. And in terms of the gates being left weak vs magic, they'd be made out of Gromril and Stone already magically resistant materials and Snorri isn't an idiot and knows daemons use magic. Runes of Spelleating, or Spellbreaking are par for the course.