Oh my goodness! We have a three-way tie!
I suppose a tiebreaker is necessary.
Our options are:
[] "What do you want Kyubey?"
-[] Quickly address whatever Kyubey came here for then shoo him off.
-[] Go back to explaining things to Kohaku. You're tired.
--[] If Kyubey doesn't leave, then just explain about the Witch stuff, leaving out the Demon stuff.
[] Plan: kindly f off Kyubey
-[] "Well, since you're here and interrupting our conversation, you can tell us if are there any factors that would accelerate Witchification. Then we can get to whatever you came for, and hopefully you leaving for the rest of the night. And if you have questions about that man, or whatever happened to that psycotic Magical Girl, then I can honestly say don't have any useful information you probably don't already have. The name he told me is probably fake, he was only being ominous earlier, and crazy chick got kidnapped by a strong demon."
-[] When he mentions the emotional state affecting Witchification, "And that would be the reason not to go telling girls about it willy nilly. You need to make sure they are in the right headspace first, which is something I've been working on."
-[] Once Kyubey's business is taken care of, and you've got your answer, make sure he leaves. If he wants to sit in on yoir explanation, ask him to leave, as that was a private conversation.
[] Plan: kindly f off Kyubey V2
-[] "Well, since you're here and interrupting our conversation, you can tell us if are there any factors that would accelerate Witchification. Then we can get to whatever you came for, and hopefully you leaving for the rest of the night. And if you have questions about that man, or whatever happened to that psycotic Magical Girl, then I can honestly say don't have any useful information you probably don't already have. The name he told me is probably fake, he was only being ominous earlier, and crazy chick got kidnapped by a strong demon."
-[] When he mentions the emotional state affecting Witchification, "And that would be the reason not to go telling girls about it willy nilly. You need to make sure they are in the right headspace first, which is something I've been working on."
-[] And since he mentioned that he cannot lie ask him directly ''You were the one that got Victoria soulgem back to her body from where Oriko had it guarded weren't you?''
-[] Once Kyubey's business is taken care of, and you've got your answer, make sure he leaves. If he wants to sit in on your explanation, ask him to leave, as that was a private conversation.
-[] If he refuses summon Oni and ask him to throw him with all his strenght over the buildings from the window, you know he cannot truly die thanks to Louis demostration, so may as well take adventage of it, if Mami dares to say something, tell her he was being a pest on a conversation between you and Kohaku, a private conversation at that and that it had nothing to do with his bussiness.
Let the tiebreaker commence!
Edit: I'll check back and reclose the vote in, say, thirty minutes. Happy voting!