OOC: I remember reading an offhand comment that, essentially, asked "What if Yumi was a Sayin?". I began to think about it, and decided to tackle this by taking a step backwards. "What if Takeshi was a Sayin?" I hope you enjoy this... Whatever this is.
You've known Takeshi for most of your life. You grew up with him, went to school with him, and even went to numerous school festivals with him at your side. He's your best friend!
...You want to be more. You've tried to subtlety, hinting at your feelings, and you even baked him some cookies, but nothing got through that thick skull of his!
He's very intelligent, there's no doubt about that, but he's an absolute idiot when it comes to picking up on your hints! It's like he's trying to be dense!
That's when you decided that you'd take a different approach. You told him to meet you in the gym after class. You have everything ready. Now, you just need to wait.
Fortunately, you don't wait long. Takeshi opens the double doors into the gym, and looks at you.
"Hey, Ryoko!" He waves, smiling a little, "What do you need?"
You swallow. Deep breaths, Ryoko. "I want to fight you." You slip on the practice gloves, "Right now. Right here."
"Really? Alright," Takeshi shrugs, taking a pair of gloves from a box between you, "I didn't know you were into boxing!"
You grimace. In truth, you aren't into boxing, or many martial arts. Unless kendo counts, you don't really take any P. E. Classes. You stare down Takeshi, mentally preparing to face him in battle.
"Whenever you're ready!" He says, taking his stance.
"Good form!" He yells over your attack, "Watch out, you're open!"
You block his blow just in time, backing off to breathe. You're both covered in bruises, and neither of you are backing down.
"Great block! You're just as strong as I hoped you were, and then some!" He seems happy. He's quick, hits hard, and you swear you saw an after image of his fist a few strikes ago. "What do you say we finish up?"
"Oh, after you." You grin, readying yourself for the end of this bout.
He closes the gap between you in the blink of an eye, and you're forced on the defensive. Then, while he's focused on keeping your guard up, you strike.
You both catch each other in the jaw, but only you stumble back. He catches your hands, and...
...Holds you upright. "That's that. I've decided."
"Decided...?" You huff, wiping away a small trickle of blood from your mouth.
"Yup. Ryoko..." Once you're standing on your own, Takeshi crosses his arms, "...You're my wife now!"
You feel your brain short circuit.