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NON CANON: a shadow, part 3.
Getting back home was difficult. At least, it would have been if you didn't have a little help. The boy who fought your... Other you is currently helping you walk stably.

He's a little younger than you are, and wears a uniform of a school you've never heard of. His looks remind you of Sayaka, but his hair is a few shades darker than hers.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, you make it to your front door. You reach into your pocket, grabbing your keys.

"I can handle this...!" You huff out, your voice making it obvious that you just want to sleep, "Just a sec."

The boy nods, letting you unlock the door.

When the door opens, you're instantly embraced by Kohaku. "Yumi!! What happened?! You were gone for days!"

"Woah, slow down!" You say with a slight chuckle, "Let me sit down, then we can talk!"

"Oh! Um, sorry...!" Kohaku sheepishly lets you go, and you take a seat at the table. The boy follows you, simply content to lean against the wall. "Hey, who is this?" She points to the boy.

"He's... Uh..."

"We fought each other." He answers, not even looking up from his iPod, "It was a legendary battle."

You take a moment to process what he just said, and see Kohaku's shocked expression. "I suppose we should start from the beginning."

"Please do." Kohaku eyes the boy carefully.

"Okay, so there I was, hunting demons, when all of a sudden...!"


That girl keeps talking to her friend, telling her... Something, you're sure.

You just turned on some music to tune her out.

You have more than a few questions, but not for them. For starters, how are you even alive?

What the hell was up with that Shadow? You've seen Shadows take on Arcanas, but not people.

Demons? Is that what they call Shadows around here?

You sigh. This is gonna be an interesting few days, isn't it? Next time you see Igor and Elizabeth, you'll ask them about your situation.

You doubt they'll give you a straight answer, but it doesn't hurt to try.
NON CANON: And Madoka...
You look at Mido.

Mido looks at you.

Neither of you speak for a while.

"Well, this is certainly interesting...!" He says, fidgeting with his keyboard.

"You summoned Madoka." You reiterate.

"I have."

"...Where am I?" Madoka asks, looking around Mido's apartment. "Who are you?"

"Madoka, it's me! Yumi? Yumi Konishi?" You approach, but stop as she eyes you cautiously.

"Hm... You're not from around here, are you?" Mido suddenly asks.

"Again, where am I?"

"This is Mitakihara--?"

"Hm? Yumi, what are you doing... In...?" Madoka pokes her head through the door, and sees herself. Her voice trails off.

Both Madokas look at each other, violently confused.

You have no idea how to react.


You sit down on a rooftop, watching the city. Everything has been so...

...Chaotic. Yumi, demons, summoning, new magic...!

You sigh. You should be prepared for anything now.

Roll with the punches, Homura.

Your phone buzzes. Sighing, you take it out of your pocket, wondering why your moment of peace was disturbed...

>Walking Disaster Area: Hey come to house we found Madoka duplication



Five. Five minutes.

There are now five Madokas in this room. You aren't sure what Mido was thinking, and at this point, you're too confused to ask.

Your Madoka (Referred to as Madoka) is horribly uncomfortable.

The second Madoka (or Doka) is simply a normal girl. No summoning, no Magical Girl power, nothing.

The third, called Mado, is a Magical Girl. She has a bow made of roses as her weapon, and is unsurprisingly dressed in all pink.

The fourth Madoka (Simply called Kaname) is... She tries to be cheery and hopeful, but there's a clear weariness to her. To be honest, she reminds you of Homura.

Last but not least, is the one that refers to herself as Madokami. She has a long, flowing dress, and...

...Oh, Homura's here!

"Yumi Konishi, what the hell is this?!"

You shrug. "Ask Mido."
How Would Each Character Fair As A DM?
Note: These are just my opinions. If you feel differently, feel free to post your own ideas.

Yumi: Yumi is more interested in others having fun than rules, or even telling a story. As long as everyone at the table is enjoying the game, she feels like her job is done!

Kohaku: Boy, can she worldbuild! With her as a DM, expect epic stories, rich history, and even the most fantastical of all; politics that make sense!

Madoka: Magic items are very common place! She also makes sure that most NPC characters are nice and polite.

Sayaka: Don't bother keeping track of arrows, because she isn't either. Expect a ton of random encounters, too!

Mami: She may not be the best at improvising, but you'll be well fed in the session! She quite enjoys low stakes adventures, just because she doesn't like the stress of "do a thing or the world ends!".

Homura: If "By-The-Book" was a girl, it's her. She can't improvise to save her life, but has intricate plans and storylines. Unconscious favoritism to Madoka when she plays.

Oriko: After dealing with both Kirika and Yumi, Oriko has learned the art of improvising. Usually says "Are you sure?" whenever someone wants to do something... Odd. Shows absolutely no favoritism, not even to Kirika.

Kirika: Kirika's sessions in one word: bloodbath. Tons of monsters, undead, demons, and a whole bunch of weapons to rip 'em apart! Very conscious favoritism to Oriko.

Kazuya: He prefers to play, but he won't shy away if a DM is needed. Combat is slow, but rewarding. Likes to make challenging yet fair encounters. Enjoys when his players make stories up as they go.

Raido: "What? I'm working right now, I don't have time to play boardgames."

Dante: "Why the hell would you fight imaginary monsters with dice when you could just go outside? There's demons there!"

Vergil: You aren't playing D&D anymore. Instead, you're playing Darkest Dungeon in tabletop form. Expect no mercy, and be prepared to die.
NON CANON: Old Habits
"So, you're this upstart demon hunter Dante keeps blabbing on about?" The young man in front of you asks, a crooked smile on his face. "You kinda remind me of Trish!"

"Firstly, Dante gossips about me? Second," You raise an eyebrow, "Who's Trish?"

"Just a gal I know!" Dante leans against the pool table, twirling Ivory on his finger, "And it ain't gossip! I only say the truth!"

Vergil scoffs from across the room.

"Name's Nero, kid." He extends his left hand to you.

"My name's Yumi! Good to meet you!" You take his hand, looking awkwardly at your Gauntlet. You've always been ambidextrous, but your Gauntlet made that a little... Interesting.

Nero's expression sours as he lays eyes on your arm piece. He glares at Vergil, already reaching for his sword with his free hand.

"Again?! Fucking really?!" Nero shouts, drawing it from his back.

"What? No, she was--"

"We found her like that! He didn't take an arm again!" Dante chuckles, "The only thing that Vergil's ripped off around here is--"

"Wait, ripped off? What are you guys talking about?"

"Okay, then!" Nero turns to you, "So what did happen to that arm?"

You look at your Gauntlet. "...Nothing? It's just a gauntlet." You take it off to show him.

"...That's such bullshit." Nero shakes his head.

"What did I say?" Vergil asks, returning to his book.
My Idea: The Psion (WIP)
If you are only here for PMMT content, this post can be ignored.

I would imagine my idea would work better in a comic book format, considering how this character would act. Now that that's out of the way, let's discuss the actual character.

His name isn't set just yet, but his powers and behaviors are pretty much complete. The main "gimmick" of this character is that, as the title suggests, he has psychic abilities. However...

...His mind isn't stable. His power, along with his behavior, is fractured. He has five different personalities, each with their own focus, goals, and temperament. Some are wholly good, others seek nothing but their own survival. In the following slides, I will go into each of his personas.
Persona #1
This was the first persona to surface, but is far from the most well adjusted. His temper is quite volatile, and he is usually frustrated with just about everything.

This persona has access to telekinesis, but isn't eager to display this feat. He wants to be left alone most of the time, only interacting with others if it is absolutely necessary. He likes to have his own, "uninvaded" space.

For simplicity's sake, let's call Persona #1 "Snarl".
Persona #2
In a stark contrast to Snarl, the second persona to be born loves to be around others. He thrives in bustling cities, parties, and just about anywhere else where people can be heard having a good time.

I'll name Persona #2 "Laugh".

Laugh has an addictive personality, making him prone to... Addiction. Good news; he isn't addicted to drugs. Bad news; he is addicted to high emotions, such as a win on a slot machine, or someone on a high.

That brings us to his powers, which are low level mind reading and low level mental manipulation. Most people Laugh meets just can't say no to him, and he usually knows just what to say. He doesn't mean to be malicious with this, but sometimes he lacks proper forethought.
Persona #3
The third persona to be discovered, called "Mutter", is very quiet. All Mutter wants to do is read, and God forbid you interrupt him.

You will almost invariably find Mutter in a library or bookstore, and he will always be deep in a book. Much to the other personas' dismay, he's also an avid collector of books. Fun fact: Mutter likes cats more than dogs.

Mutter's power is conjuring psychokinetic blasts in various strengths, from a small gust to... Well, at least the warehouse was still standing.

He is extremely sensitive to sound. Even when he is fully engrossed in a book, he can paint a vivid picture of the area around him using only sounds.
Persona #4
The fourth persona, known as "Huff", is an extremely hard worker. What is his occupation, you may ask? Simple. Information gathering, document retrieval, espionage... It doesn't matter to him. As long as you have suitable payment, he'll get you whatever files you require.

Huff's power, teleportation, assists him greatly in this respect. He can easily teleport to any area he's been to, and can blink into new places quietly. However, he can't just pop himself over to, say, Alaska on a whim.

He has to have either physically been in the location before, or can see it from where he is to teleport there.

He has an odd sense of justice, sometimes leaking classified papers to the press on his own whim. It is unknown if he benefits from this.
Persona #5
The fifth persona is quite different from the others in a number of ways. For starters, his power is all about enhancing his physical abilities, such as jumping, punching, and the like.

Persona number five is named "Shout". He a very unsubtle person, as you may expect.

Shout only cares about his own survival. If faced with a choice of "Take an injury or five people die", he will always choose to save himself. "If they were stronger, then they wouldn't be in this scenario." Says Shout.
Persona #0: Origin.
Sex: Male.
Estimated Age: 19-24.
Mental Age: 3.
Powers: All of the above, with levitation and other aptitudes among them.
Temperament: Unknown.
Personality: Almost none. He was buried in a miriad of other identities for years, leaving no time for his mind to truly develop.

Although, it is very clear that he doesn't like the idea of hurting others. If forced into combat, he is reported to say... Concerning things while attacking.

"Bad.", "No.", "Wrong." Are only a few of the things he has been recorded saying. Is this him treating his adversary as an animal in need of "discipline", or something else? Something... Darker?

I'll... Leave it at that for now. Once I come up with a name for him, I'll come back and write a detailed history for him. Be warned that it won't be very happy near the beginning, or even the middle.

Again, this isn't connected to PMMT at all. Thank you for reading anyways.
I'm not titling this.
Just had the brainwave that when Yumi finally gets to Naoki (Demi Fiend) she finds him on one knee with a bouquet in his arms. This was all just his attempt at flirting.
You stand in his domain, Dawn on your hip. You walk forward, your heart pounding in your chest. This guy, this Demifiend... He sicked these Fiends on you, apparently to test you. Now, he stands before you, back in clear view.

The blue lines on his body pulse with light, as he cracks his knuckles. "You're strong." He states, "That much is obvious, seeing as you're here and all."

"Why?" That's the burning question you have. Why go through with all of this? Why endanger so many people?

"Why? That's--"

"It's not complicated." You retort. "Just say why."

The Demifiend takes a breath, his shoulders moving slowly up and down, "When I first saw you, I had nothing but distain for you. After that Hassou Tobi stunt, I felt... Something. Then, once you used my Freikugel, I realized."

"That I'm a threat to you? That I'm a worthy opponent?" You hazard a guess. Why hasn't he turned around?!

"No..." He shakes his head, "...No. Nothing like that. I realized that, even though I threw away my humanity for power..." He slowly turns around, giving you a clear look at his face...?

"...I still kinda get nervous from this stuff." Why is his face so red? "You're really strong, and I wanted to see just how tough you could be. And, uh... I-I mean, you're...!"

You don't speak, as you're stunned to dead silence.

"You're really cute." He finally admits, "And I want to go on a date with you."



"I, uh, also got flowers. Not from around here, though. F-From the store."

Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on May 15, 2023 at 1:10 AM, finished with 20 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan covering the buff debuff bases.
    -[X] Summon Raiju, Wendigo and change Pixie for Nadja.
    -[X] Have Nadja cast Tarukaja on the party.
    -[X] Have Wendigo and Raiju use Bufula and Zionga on Matador and see if they can get off a fusion spell.
    -[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash and Mazionga (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)
    [X] Plan Bullfight
    -[X] Summon Raiju and Wendigo, swap Pixie for Oni
    --[X] Wendigo and Oni cast Tarukaja
    --[X] Raiju casts Sukunda
    --[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash and Mazionga (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)
    [X] Plan A Stranger I Remain
    -[X] "Sorry Oriko, but looks like we will have to delay a bit longer. It's me they want, but I don't doubt they will get at you to get to me, so stick close to one of my demons."
    -[X] Summon Oni and Wendigo. Have Oni stick close to Oriko and cast Tarukaja. Wendigo will also cast Tarukaja.
    -[X] Pixie attacks with Zanma and try to fuse it with Hamaon
Yumi, uncharacteristically not a tad angsty: Ya, da, yadada- It's a good day to be not dead.

Nori with a gun for some reason: POW, you are dead.

Yumi: I AM DEAD!

*Nori chuckles as Homura steps into the scene.*

Homura, completely deadpan: Gasp, Yumi is dead.

Yumi: Yes. I am dead.

Homura, flipping her hair: Why is Yumi dead?

Nori, tossing the gun in a bush: I don't know.

Yumi: I think it was--

Nori and Homura: Shh, you are dead.

Yumi, shrugging: Okay. *Gmod clipping sounds*

Kyoko, jumping out of a probably stolen car: What's up, you wankers? Who's up for-- *Sees the fuckery going on* What the bloody hell just happened?!

Nori and Homura, in sync: Yumi is dead.

Kyoko: Yumi is dead?!

Homura: Correct.

*Cue Kyoko with a big smile, and play a JRPG victory song*

Homura, sitting at a table she got from somewhere: So, did you see the murderer?

Nori and Kyoko: Nah, sorry mate.

Homura: I will find him, I will capture him, and no one will ever die again.

*Cue clapping from Nori and Kyoko*

Kyoko: That's nice.

Nori: Damn proud of that one.

*Clapping intensifies*

Sayaka, slinking onto frame: Ateeeeeeeeeeeention! *Zips closer to the scene* Yumi is dead!

Homura, dramatically posing without even slightly altering her voice: We know.

Sayaka: Who killed her?

Homura: We don't know.

Sayaka, putting her finger up: I will find clues! *Slams her face into the ground, sniffing* What's that, a weapon? *Raises gun she found* That thing is why Yumi is dead!

Nori, Homura and Kyoko: Yumi is dead?!

Sayaka: Yes! *Slams table* She died!

*All three girls gasp, and ambulance sirens scream off frame. Sayaka gets hit by a car. Out pops Kohaku.*

Kohaku, rushing to Yumi: Move, now! *Tiny peck on the nose*

Yumi: *levitates slightly* O- *explodes*

Kohaku: In my medical opinion, that YUMI IS DEAD!

Kyoko, worried: Doc, what happened?

Kohaku: In my professional opinion? *Slams table* Yumi was killed!

Kyoko: Oh God.

*Indiscriminate chatter*

Kohaku: I don't think it's anything to worry about.

Kyoko, giving Homura a piggy back ride: Well, now what?

*Audience hatred spikes, indicating that Victoria is near*

Homura: Oh, come on.

Victoria, pointing to Yumi: Look at this! Freaking Yumi's dead! *Silence.* What do ya think of that? *Not even a cricket.* Uh--

Homura, pinching the bridge of her nose: Yes, yes. Victoria?

Victoria: Yea--

Homura: Go home.

*Eris waves from the car*

Victoria: Aww, come on! *Stomps off* Freaking unbelievable, the-- *Dies off screen in a crash because Eris can't fucking drive*

Homura: Okay, let's get back to the point.

Yumi, poking her own body with a stick: I think Yumi is dead.

Everyone still alive: Yumi is dead?!

Kohaku: Victoria I'll heal you-- *Explodes*

Yumi, suddenly realizing: Oh shit, she's me. Who killed Yumi?!

Mami, cooking a whole cake in less than a second: It was me! *Everyone gasps* Yes! *Spawns another cake* I did it like this! *Shoots Kyoko randomly* Whoop-de-do!

*Everyone is horrified.*

Mami: That's a joke, lads.

*Laugh track*

Mami: It was y-- *Chronically bakes* Her! *Points to Nori*

Nori: Ah! How did you know?!

Mami: I didn't! That was a joke, too!

*Nori begins maniacally laughing while Mami crit fail cooking, dying off screen I guess*

Nori: That's right! It was me!

Homura: You monster.

Yumi: But whyyyyyyyyyy?!

Nori: 'Cause your the PC, girl! And another thing...!

*Nori and Yumi argue while Homura's eye twitches. She's not getting involved.*

Yumi suddenly: NORI!!!!

Nori: Aww, damnit Yumi! Fuck off! You are dead!

Yumi with finger guns: No, u POW! *Nori flops onto the ground* Haha! You are dead! Not a big surprise.

Homura, shoving past Yumi: Well, that was idiotic. Off to loop myself, watch and lea-- *loops*

Yumi, standing in an empty field: I am alive! *Everyone else is dead.* It's nice.

Yumi, quietly: Yes, this is stupid.

OOC: Why did I write this? Did I think this would be funny? I... I need to go to sleep.
How Would Each Character Fair As A Player?
Yumi: She is an exceptional role player, with in character reasons to pursue certain skills and items. She's a joy to be around with on the table, making everyone's experience just that much better. She doesn't have a preferred class, simply choosing to play whatever the party lacks.

Kohaku: Usually appears with a backstory spanning three pages, carefully written to fit in the campaign. Prone to hitting random objects to check if they're mimics. Likes to play Sorcerers or Clerics.

Madoka: Tries her best to stay in character, but usually makes herself laugh. Always attempts to use non-lethal force on living things, but if undead are involved, all bets are off. Can be found playing a Ranger, but wants to attempt to play Paladin.

Sayaka: Very boisterous. She is usually the first one to score a kill in combat, and is proud of that fact. Unfortunately, she doesn't roll super consistently. Absolutely loves to play Paladin, but she's been looking at a Bard character for next time...

Mami: She mostly just lets others talk, not wanting to interrupt. She plays her character excellently despite this, using botched rolls to hint about her character's backstory. She likes Rogue well enough, but if there was a gunslinger class...!

Homura: Is only here to keep an eye on Madoka. Doesn't role play all too well, but she does what she needs to do to help the party. She honestly likes the idea of a Warlock character.

Kyoko: She honestly tries to play nice, but sometimes she just... Has to take a step back. Occasionally gets into barfights, but it's in character. She appreciates the freedom of the Fighter class. At first, she wanted to play a Cleric, but...

Oriko: The certified "Kirika Wrangler"! She quite likes to let her enemies set up their own demise. Only occasionally looks into the future to cheat make an educated guess about traps. Hasn't settled on a class yet, but is starting to lean towards Wizard.

Kirika: Absolute. Murder. Hobo. If Oriko isn't at the table, she's fighting everyone she can. Is often quoted as saying, "That's cool, can we kill this guy?". Unsurprisingly, adores Barbarian.

Dante: "I've got jobs to do and pizza to eat, kid! Vergil seems like he'd be into that sorta shit, though."

Shoji: A tactician, through and through. Every attack, movement or interaction is carefully taken to give him the best advantage in battle. Is a Wizard main, as you'd expect, but sometimes plays as a Paladin.

Raido: "Yumi, it's midnight. Go to bed."

Vergil: Vergil doesn't "play his character". He tells a story through his character, whether as a fable or a cautionary tale. Often takes risks that only effect him, and gambles frequently. He doesn't have a solidified "class", but will choose his character according to where the party is located.

Nagisa: Cheers when people make good rolls in combat. Constantly supports her allies, but is often distracted by animals. Likes to play as a Sorcerer/Fighter hybrid. "Swords and Magic are cool!"

Yuma: Very meek. Usually needs encouragement to take action against enemies, but she rolls very well. If she had things her way, she could make everyone her friends and fight monsters with them. She has latched onto Barbarian because the idea of being strong is unbelievably appealing to her.
Last edited:
OOC: I remember reading an offhand comment that, essentially, asked "What if Yumi was a Sayin?". I began to think about it, and decided to tackle this by taking a step backwards. "What if Takeshi was a Sayin?" I hope you enjoy this... Whatever this is.

You've known Takeshi for most of your life. You grew up with him, went to school with him, and even went to numerous school festivals with him at your side. He's your best friend!


...You want to be more. You've tried to subtlety, hinting at your feelings, and you even baked him some cookies, but nothing got through that thick skull of his!

He's very intelligent, there's no doubt about that, but he's an absolute idiot when it comes to picking up on your hints! It's like he's trying to be dense!

That's when you decided that you'd take a different approach. You told him to meet you in the gym after class. You have everything ready. Now, you just need to wait.

Fortunately, you don't wait long. Takeshi opens the double doors into the gym, and looks at you.

"Hey, Ryoko!" He waves, smiling a little, "What do you need?"

You swallow. Deep breaths, Ryoko. "I want to fight you." You slip on the practice gloves, "Right now. Right here."

"Really? Alright," Takeshi shrugs, taking a pair of gloves from a box between you, "I didn't know you were into boxing!"

You grimace. In truth, you aren't into boxing, or many martial arts. Unless kendo counts, you don't really take any P. E. Classes. You stare down Takeshi, mentally preparing to face him in battle.

"Whenever you're ready!" He says, taking his stance.


"Good form!" He yells over your attack, "Watch out, you're open!"

You block his blow just in time, backing off to breathe. You're both covered in bruises, and neither of you are backing down.

"Great block! You're just as strong as I hoped you were, and then some!" He seems happy. He's quick, hits hard, and you swear you saw an after image of his fist a few strikes ago. "What do you say we finish up?"

"Oh, after you." You grin, readying yourself for the end of this bout.

He closes the gap between you in the blink of an eye, and you're forced on the defensive. Then, while he's focused on keeping your guard up, you strike.

You both catch each other in the jaw, but only you stumble back. He catches your hands, and...

...Holds you upright. "That's that. I've decided."

"Decided...?" You huff, wiping away a small trickle of blood from your mouth.

"Yup. Ryoko..." Once you're standing on your own, Takeshi crosses his arms, "...You're my wife now!"

You feel your brain short circuit.
Slayer, Part 2.
Hanging out at the mall after school is nice, especially with your friends!

...Is what you would say, if Sayaka didn't scamper off to the music store, and Hitomi actually called you to say she couldn't make it.

You sigh. Well, while you're here, you could get some snacks for Sayaka! You just know she'd love something to snack on while she...?

Oh, it's Mr. Taggart. What's he doing at the mall's convenience store? You doubt he's here for junk food. As you get closer, you see the merchandise he has in his arm.

A bag of "classic flavor" potato chips, some sports drinks, beef jerky, and a CD of some rock band you've never heard of. You don't quite know what you expected, but it wasn't that. Maybe he'd get along with Sayaka, considering--?

"Oh, sorry, sir!" The clerk looks a little worried, tugging at his collar, "We, uh, don't take American money. Do you happen to...?"

Mr. Taggart closes his wallet, then looks at his "groceries". He sighs, turning--

"Here, I can pay!" You volunteer, surprising not only Mr. Taggart, but yourself. "It's not a problem!"

Mr. Taggart looks at you, confused for a moment.

After you pay, you hand all of his snacks over to him. He takes them in one arm, nodding slightly at you all the while.

"Oh, hey! Madoka, where'd you go off to?" Sayaka steps into the store, "You just kinda disappeared on me-- Woah!!" She stares up at Mr. Taggart in awe. "Wow, is this what Americans look like?! I always thought they'd be tall, but you're a giant!"

"Sayaka! Don't be rude!" You admonish her, "This is my new neighbor, Mr. Taggart!"

Sayaka blinks, "Oh. Uh, g-good to meet you, sir." It seems she realized that she was rude just then.

Mr. Taggart just extends his hand to her.

Sayaka cautiously takes it, attempting to shake his hand. It doesn't budge.

"We should be heading off now, Mr. Taggart!" You admit, "It was nice seeing you!" You and Sayaka take your leave, Sayaka more quickly. Is she scared of him?
Voting is open