Is The Bucket getting stronger?
Devil Arms get stronger with their wielder...
If the characters could go to one fictional (from their perspective) world, which worlds would they choose
Madoka: She would probably choose the Legend of Zelda, mainly because she likes the idea of going on an adventure with her friends.
Sayaka: Honestly? She'd go with Dragon Quest. Being a chosen hero is very appealing to her, after all.
Mami: Pretty Cure, hands down. She's already a Magical Girl, so...
Kyoko: Dragon Ball. She wants to get stronger as fast as she can, and maybe if she can train under someone like Goku...
Homura: Call Of Duty, if only to loot everything she can before going back. Imagine what she could do with some of the crazy shit in Zombies!
Nagisa: Kirby! She'd bring her mom, they'd eat a bunch of cool food, and mostly just laze around.
Yuma: If she wasn't following Yumi or Kyoko, she would default to the world of Pokemon.
Oriko: She would choose the Mario world. It would be interesting to see just how all of those power ups work, and how to properly apply them.
Kirika: Also Mario. She wants to beat up Bowser.
Nori: Probably Pokemon as well. "What?!" She growls, "Some of those things are cool as shit!"
Hiroko: She would escape to practically any peaceful D&D world. Serenity, arcane mysticism, and close friends...
Manami: "I'll just follow Hiroko."
Dante: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. "That pizza looks great."
Vergil: "Soulsborne."
Dante, again: "Also Soulsborne. Good call!"
Shoji: "Well, first I'd hit up Street Fighter to train. Next, I'd need some strong weapons, so off to Final Fantasy. After that, I'll stop by the Sonic world to get some copies of the Chaos Emeralds. And then..."
Kohaku: "Oh, I don't know... I suppose I'll follow Yumi and Shoji."
Raido: "I have a job. You guys go galavant around, I'll be making money here."