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[X] "A Dragon Girl Knight!? That is so cool! Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.
[X] "Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.
That Dragon Girl is pretty respectful, though!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 26, 2023 at 1:17 AM, finished with 12 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] "Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
    -[X] Go check if the food is done.
    [X] "A Dragon Girl Knight!? That is so cool! Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
    -[X] Go check if the food is done.
    [X] "I'm... too hungry to process this. We'll figure things out after dinner. In the meantime, does your new friend want a plate?"
500: The Abandoned Knight
OOC: Update 500. I... Wow. I even surprised myself with this dedication. I'm happy this took off, and that all of you are here, molding this story into whatever path you choose. You guys are... Awesome to me. Thank you for sticking around. Oh, and if you just found this, welcome! I hope you enjoy the read!

[X] "Where did she come from? Where did she go?"

You put your hands on your hips, looking down at the girl, who is still kneeling. "Does she... Can she speak?" You find yourself asking. "Also, what's her name?"

"Um...!" Yuma turns to her new nightmare, "Can you talk?"

The knight opens her mouth...!



...But no words come out. Regretfully, she shakes her head.

"Oh." Yuma looks at her feet, "Sorry, Ms. Dragon Lady."

"Hm." You grunt, deep in thought. "Where did you two meet, anyhow?"

"Oh! Um, after Yuma stabbed the great big dragon," She happily explains, "Ms. Dragon Lady popped out of thin air! Then, she turned into a bracelet!"

With an almost audible blink, you glance at her.

(D20 ROLL: 11)

You just manage to catch her looking at you before she returns her gaze to the floor.

"Well..." You begin slowly, turning to Kohaku, "Does your friend want a plate of curry? I bet it's almost done!"

"Bah, don't bother!" Griffon lands on the back of Shoji's chair, "Nightmares don't eat, we feed off of trauma!"

"Talking bird." Shoji mutters to himself. "No. Nevermind. One thing at a time."

"It looks like it's ready, everyone!" Kohaku smiles, grabbing the pot off of the stove. "Just about ready to--?"

The door opens, revealing...


"Oh, hey! I was starting to think you wouldn't show!" You wave to her, and she enters.

"Honestly, as soon as you texted me, I nearly sprinted over here." Homura says offhandedly, "Any excuse to get out of the house is appreciated." With that, she takes her--!

She has her pistol trained on the Dragon Girl, backing away slowly.

"Woah, woah!" Dante waves his hands, getting in between them, "Lizard Breath is friendly, kid!"

"Yumi, why is a Witch in your house?" Homura asks plainly.

"I-- Wait, hold--?"

"Oh, it smells good!" Sayaka sighs as she enters, followed closely by Mami. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna eat soooo much-- hm? What's up, Mami?" She turns back to her blonde compatriot.

Mami is holding Sayaka's shoulder, watching Yuma's summon closely. "Yumi, are you aware that there is a Witch in your home?"


"She's not a Witch!" Yuma interjects.

Griffon pipes up as well, "Oh, and her name is..."

[] Choose a name.
-[] (OPTIONAL): Choose both a Witch name and a human name.
--[] After that, ??????????????????????
--[]After that, "is she still one? Griffin seems to think she turned into the same kind of thing he is after Dante killed her..."

There's the only idea I have.
[X] Name: Bella
-[X] Witch name: Benares
--[X]After that, "is she still one? Griffin seems to think she turned into the same kind of thing he is after Yuma killed her..."
---[X] ''there is also that she seems benign at the moment, like we aren't inside one of those freaky barriers and she hasn't attacked any of us so far, so I am chalking this up to demon magic just being weird once again''
----[X] ''Either way let me get you all a plate of curry and we can just add this to the topics we got to get down, we have a lot to talk about after all and this is probably the lowest on the priority scale, considering we have some more important threats probably just waiting to knock at our door''

Edit. Added Aron'd addition.
Yuma killed her, not Dante.

Name reason:


Benares is a Pseudo-Herrscher/Judgment-Class Honkai Beast made from a Herrscher Core. Its now reanimated body (soulless after its death) is named Kurikara, and is the steed of the Herrscher of Thunder. Benares in her human form wears a white and black crop top with a blue ornament, black shorts...

Reminder for those thinking of names: Griffon is supplying the name.
Last edited:
[X] Name: Bella
-[X] Witch name: Benares
--[X]After that, "is she still one? Griffin seems to think she turned into the same kind of thing he is after Yuma killed her..."
---[X] ''there is also that she seems benign at the moment, like we aren't inside one of those freaky barriers and she hasn't attacked any of us so far, so I am chalking this up to demon magic just being weird once again''
----[X] ''Either way let me get you all a plate of curry and we can just add this to the topics we got to get down, we have a lot to talk about after all and this is probably the lowest on the priority scale, considering we have some more important threats probably just waiting to knock at our door''

gotta mention the disparities with witches like, that we are not inside a barrier nor does she has attacked anyone so far.

There is also that this probably is the lowest priority to talk, after all we gathered pretty much everyone to talk about some of the upcoming threats like the crazy cult, we can probably prod homura for wally info, we should mention that the fiends are being puppeteered by someone and finally Eris and Victoria stuff.
[X] Name: Bella
-[X] Witch name: Benares
--[X]After that, "is she still one? Griffin seems to think she turned into the same kind of thing he is after Yuma killed her..."
---[X] ''there is also that she seems benign at the moment, like we aren't inside one of those freaky barriers and she hasn't attacked any of us so far, so I am chalking this up to demon magic just being weird once again''
----[X] ''Either way let me get you all a plate of curry and we can just add this to the topics we got to get down, we have a lot to talk about after all and this is probably the lowest on the priority scale, considering we have some more important threats probably just waiting to knock at our door''
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[X] Name: Bella
-[X] Witch name: Benares
--[X]After that, "is she still one? Griffin seems to think she turned into the same kind of thing he is after Yuma killed her..."
---[X] ''there is also that she seems benign at the moment, like we aren't inside one of those freaky barriers and she hasn't attacked any of us so far, so I am chalking this up to demon magic just being weird once again''
----[X] ''Either way let me get you all a plate of curry and we can just add this to the topics we got to get down, we have a lot to talk about after all and this is probably the lowest on the priority scale, considering we have some more important threats probably just waiting to knock at our door''
Is The Bucket getting stronger?

If the characters could go to one fictional (from their perspective) world, which worlds would they choose?
What happens if we hit an enemy with a multi-element attack that hits both a Weakness and a Resistance or better? For example, if we cast Coldflash on Chimera, what happens?

How exactly do Reflected attacks work in this Quest? How much damage do they do to the one they backfire on?
Is The Bucket getting stronger?
Devil Arms get stronger with their wielder...

If the characters could go to one fictional (from their perspective) world, which worlds would they choose

Madoka: She would probably choose the Legend of Zelda, mainly because she likes the idea of going on an adventure with her friends.

Sayaka: Honestly? She'd go with Dragon Quest. Being a chosen hero is very appealing to her, after all.

Mami: Pretty Cure, hands down. She's already a Magical Girl, so...

Kyoko: Dragon Ball. She wants to get stronger as fast as she can, and maybe if she can train under someone like Goku...

Homura: Call Of Duty, if only to loot everything she can before going back. Imagine what she could do with some of the crazy shit in Zombies!

Nagisa: Kirby! She'd bring her mom, they'd eat a bunch of cool food, and mostly just laze around.

Yuma: If she wasn't following Yumi or Kyoko, she would default to the world of Pokemon.

Oriko: She would choose the Mario world. It would be interesting to see just how all of those power ups work, and how to properly apply them.

Kirika: Also Mario. She wants to beat up Bowser.

Nori: Probably Pokemon as well. "What?!" She growls, "Some of those things are cool as shit!"

Hiroko: She would escape to practically any peaceful D&D world. Serenity, arcane mysticism, and close friends...

Manami: "I'll just follow Hiroko."

Dante: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. "That pizza looks great."

Vergil: "Soulsborne."

Dante, again: "Also Soulsborne. Good call!"

Shoji: "Well, first I'd hit up Street Fighter to train. Next, I'd need some strong weapons, so off to Final Fantasy. After that, I'll stop by the Sonic world to get some copies of the Chaos Emeralds. And then..."

Kohaku: "Oh, I don't know... I suppose I'll follow Yumi and Shoji."

Raido: "I have a job. You guys go galavant around, I'll be making money here."
If Yumi was a Persona Confidant, which Arcana would she represent and what benefits would it give?
Yumi Konishi, Fellow Persona User: Fool.
Rank 1: Occasionally shows up in dungeons to assist you. She will act on her own.
Rank 2: Fusion Accidents involving Fool Arcana Personas are 15% less likely.
Rank 3: Fool Arcana Personas cost 20% less to resummon from the Compendium.
Rank 4: Yumi is more likely to appear.
Rank 5: Pressure Point: Increases critical chance of normal attacks.
Rank 6: Enemies are more likely to target Yumi while she's on the field.
Rank 7: Yumi will now take a mortal blow for you in battle.
Rank 8: Yumi will prioritize healing you whenever possible.
Rank 9: Deep Breath: Randomly Charge or Mind Charge an ally.
Rank 10: Trust: Yumi will listen to your commands.
What happens if we hit an enemy with a multi-element attack that hits both a Weakness and a Resistance or better? For example, if we cast Coldflash on Chimera, what happens?
The weakness always takes priority in that case. If it's nulled, however, you'll only do about half of the damage.

How exactly do Reflected attacks work in this Quest? How much damage do they do to the one they backfire on?
×1.75. Don't get reflected.
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