3rd Anniversary QnA, Part 1!
1. There are a couple of Ryoko's old friends that you have yet to meet. Other than that, there's... A few.Do you have any characters you haven't introduced that you are excited for?
Who's your favorite non main cast character?
What is your favorite time you changed plan your plans due to our actions?
2. That one guy you rescued in Nori's Labyrinth. I imagine he's voiced by David Boat, more specifically his performance as Samuel J. Stuhlinger from Call of Duty Black Ops 2. Omaya is a very close second, and the Chief trails right behind.
3. "Well, he sure as hell isn't gonna go rogue anymore. What about--? Oh, damnit. Guess I've got a find some new alignment reps."
1.Well, we have the Akami Spings trio's P4A mischaracterizations, so how about the rest of the cast? Besides Kyoko being a cannibal, of course.
Speaking of P4A, what would Yuki's title and mischaracterization be?
How would the cast react to their P4A titles?
Regarding the Akechi quotes, why did he seem so angry at Joker specifically when Yuma got Enraged?
Also regarding the Akechi quotes, what did Yuki do to make Goro dislike him so much?
Takeshi's thoughts on Yumi being denser than three him?
Ryoko's thoughts on Yumi's school constantly catching fire?
Odds of Dante being dubbed "Gramps" like Zenkichi?
Dante's reaction to being dubbed "Gramps"?
Are you taking any Omake suggestions besides Question 2?
Madoka: Passive aggressive, hiding behind a cutesy voice.
Sayaka: Stupid brute, lunging into combat as quickly as she breathes.
Hitomi: Constantly acts better than everyone else, gloats about her family's financial status. Calls everyone "commoners" or "peasants".
Kyoko: Angry at everyone and everything. Her words cut deep.
Mami: Yandere. "I know! I'll keep you wrapped in my ribbons forever! You'll never be able to get away from me, and I'll always be right beside you!"
Homura: Pretty much Aigis at her introduction in Persona 3.
Nagisa: Cannibal.
Oriko: Much like Rise in P4A, she was kidnapped at the beginning to "play the announcer".
Kirika: Blood Knight. She isn't angry at anyone, it's just that she wants to kill everyone here to be with her Oriko.
Yuma: Just a timid girl who can't even lift a finger to defend herself.
Yuki's Title: The Failed Hero Of A Dead World!
Mischaracterization: None needed. He'll pick fights all on his own.
3. That's for an Apocrypha.
4. Akechi stares at you, horribly disappointed. "You... Have met that jackass, right? What made you think that some bastard like that and I would get along?"
5. "...That's my girl." He says with a sigh.
6. "Yumi. Yumi, no-- I'm not accusing you of anything, just... How?"
7. 100%.
8. "Aww, look at me! I never even thought I'd be a dad!"
9. ...Potentially, if I feel up to it.