If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 50.0%

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Fun Facts: "I'M BACK" Edition
1. Today, Madoka has asked Homura to help her with archery training. She doesn't know why, but the weight bow and arrow feel natural in her hands.

2. Oriko, inversely, has decided to stay home today. If you were to ask her why, she would say that she'd like to keep an eye on everything with her powers. In reality, she doesn't want to change out of her pajamas. Kirika is out and about, though!

3. Shoji can barely use magic. It isn't for lack of trying, mind you, he just... Has trouble using magic. Physical skills and Ranged skills are fine, he only has this problem with magic.

4. Despite not liking the idea of bringing children into the endless battle against demons, Raido has rationalized it by complete accident. He considers them all "recruits" for the Kuzunoha Clan, and is trying to think of "trials" for them to overcome for training purposes.

5. Much to everyone's dismay, a "documentary" was made about the unsolved case of Ryoko Konishi's death. Not only was it incredibly disrespectful, but Takeshi still gets calls from random people all over the country who are trying to "solve the case". Thankfully, these people don't have Yumi's number.

6. Speaking of Ryoko, her partner demon, Chimera, is still missing. Only its summoning tube has been recovered.

7. Kohaku is almost at the end of her volume of "The Heart Thief". She only has the first book, and is gonna hate how they ended it on a cliffhanger.

8. There are exactly three people that Yuma trusts enough for physical touch. These people are Yumi, Kyoko, and Kohaku. Shoji is getting there, and Madoka is close to the mark.

9. The reason why Bella looked away when Sirin mentioned an advisor's son wasn't because that was the advisor who betrayed her and the Blackwright Kingdom. Completely different person. Bella just had a big crush on his son.


Eris sits at a table, her head cupped in her hands. "...Is this what Mother felt like when she raised me?" She mumbles, "How did she not kill me?"
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jan 9, 2025 at 8:10 PM, finished with 10 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Fight defensively. You aren't as strong as you'd like to use your sword, but you can still give it your all. Rest the tip of the blade on the ground, and use its weight as a shield. When Kazuya reveals an opening, swing hard, but maintain control of the blade at all times.
Fun Facts: LooOooove Edition! New
Happy Valentine's day.

Now that all of us who don't have anyone to spend it with are reminded of that fact (me included), Fun Fact time.

1. Homura hasn't ever thought about what she might do for Madoka for Valentine's day. It's probably because she's too busy trying to have Madoka survive past April 30th.

2. Mami gets a surprising amount of chocolate on Valentine's day! She usually ends up using it for baking, as there's no real way for her to eat it all. However...

3. ...Now that Kyoko's back, Mami can just give her all the leftovers! It's the perfect plan, and nothing could possibly go wrong (she's gonna throw up)!

4. Kirika once tried to "make up" all of the Valentine's days she missed for Oriko (in another timeline). The house was filled with chocolate until Homura reset.

5. For Yumi, Valentine's Day isn't about showing love or cute hearts or anything like that. It's "Oh, Free Chocolate!" Day, although she doesn't quite know why people keep giving her free chocolate. It must be because she helped them stop some bullies.

6. Sayaka was trying to write Kyosuke a confession before the... "Incident" with the CD. It's still sitting on her desk, but she doesn't know what to do with it. Heck, she doesn't even know if she still feels like that about him.

7. Kohaku has no idea how Valentine's day is supposed to go. In all of the books she's read, she always sees something different. ...Although, "The Dragoness Chronicles" had a really cute scene between Princess Marianne and Bailey the Dragon...

8. Shoji usually spends his Valentine's day trolling people on forums. Then he reads the responses he gets in a condescending voice, and uploads them to YouTube. In Yuki's timeline, he helped Shoji do this a few times.

9. Instead of chocolate, Nori got Hanako a bunch of chips for Valentine's, and they binged a bunch of action movies. It was a really nice night.

10. When Valentine's day rolled around, Takeshi and Ryoko would toss chocolate bites at each other and try to catch them in their mouths. Ryoko accidentally gave Takeshi a black eye this way once.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Feb 13, 2025 at 7:40 PM, finished with 6 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] He's... somewhere. Last time I saw him was back when he and Yuki were talking and that was a while ago. You'd have to ask him. Raido doesn't exactly stick around long. Speaking of which, I should go check on Yuki first, see if he's even up to talking after everything."
    [X] ...Calming. Like a resolute promise, or a reason as to why you fight like you do.
    [X] ...Calming.
Third Anniversary! New
Three years.


...I'm speechless.

All of the highs, the lows, and all the times in between...

...And even my very short hiatus/mental breakdown.

You've all been there for PMMT (and me) through all of that time. Three years. More than one thousand updates, not even counting the one hundred and thirteen EX Chapters, of even the Apocryphas. It's been a long journey to get here, to this point, to now.

So, you know what?

How about a QnA? I feel like asking some questions, too!

1. How are you spending PMMT's Third Anniversary?

2. Are there any EX Chapters that you'd like to see? Characters, demons, plot points?

3. Any favorite moments throughout the quest? Any favorite Apocryphas?

4. Do you have a favorite antagonist? If so, who and why?

5. CURVEBALL QUESTION: What's your favorite Minecraft Mod?

Oh, and feel free to ask any questions of your own, of course! We wouldn't have gotten to this point without all of you!

Have a great day!
3rd Anniversary QnA, Part 1! New
Do you have any characters you haven't introduced that you are excited for?

Who's your favorite non main cast character?

What is your favorite time you changed plan your plans due to our actions?
1. There are a couple of Ryoko's old friends that you have yet to meet. Other than that, there's... A few.

2. That one guy you rescued in Nori's Labyrinth. I imagine he's voiced by David Boat, more specifically his performance as Samuel J. Stuhlinger from Call of Duty Black Ops 2. Omaya is a very close second, and the Chief trails right behind.

3. "Well, he sure as hell isn't gonna go rogue anymore. What about--? Oh, damnit. Guess I've got a find some new alignment reps."

Well, we have the Akami Spings trio's P4A mischaracterizations, so how about the rest of the cast? Besides Kyoko being a cannibal, of course.

Speaking of P4A, what would Yuki's title and mischaracterization be?

How would the cast react to their P4A titles?

Regarding the Akechi quotes, why did he seem so angry at Joker specifically when Yuma got Enraged?

Also regarding the Akechi quotes, what did Yuki do to make Goro dislike him so much?

Takeshi's thoughts on Yumi being denser than three him?

Ryoko's thoughts on Yumi's school constantly catching fire?

Odds of Dante being dubbed "Gramps" like Zenkichi?

Dante's reaction to being dubbed "Gramps"?

Are you taking any Omake suggestions besides Question 2?
Madoka: Passive aggressive, hiding behind a cutesy voice.
Sayaka: Stupid brute, lunging into combat as quickly as she breathes.
Hitomi: Constantly acts better than everyone else, gloats about her family's financial status. Calls everyone "commoners" or "peasants".
Kyoko: Angry at everyone and everything. Her words cut deep.
Mami: Yandere. "I know! I'll keep you wrapped in my ribbons forever! You'll never be able to get away from me, and I'll always be right beside you!"
Homura: Pretty much Aigis at her introduction in Persona 3.
Nagisa: Cannibal.
Oriko: Much like Rise in P4A, she was kidnapped at the beginning to "play the announcer".
Kirika: Blood Knight. She isn't angry at anyone, it's just that she wants to kill everyone here to be with her Oriko.
Yuma: Just a timid girl who can't even lift a finger to defend herself.

Yuki's Title: The Failed Hero Of A Dead World!
Mischaracterization: None needed. He'll pick fights all on his own.

3. That's for an Apocrypha.

4. Akechi stares at you, horribly disappointed. "You... Have met that jackass, right? What made you think that some bastard like that and I would get along?"

5. "...That's my girl." He says with a sigh.

6. "Yumi. Yumi, no-- I'm not accusing you of anything, just... How?"

7. 100%.

8. "Aww, look at me! I never even thought I'd be a dad!"

9. ...Potentially, if I feel up to it.
Poll! New
Made a poll with the help of SV Staff. Your input would be greatly appreciated, but isn't required, of course.

IF I made a Patreon, I wouldn't lock anything that's been on the thread behind it. EX Chapters, Apocryphas, QnAs, and Fun Facts (whenever I get the motivation to make more) would remain free and on the thread.

IF I made a Patreon, what would you like to see on it?
IDEA: P3 × PMMM? New
I have an idea for another story (if you want to use it, go right ahead!).

After a particularly bad storm near the end of February, Ken Amanda and his "emotional support" dog Koromaru are relocated to Mitakihara Middle School until Gekkoukan Middle School can be repaired. Mitsuru, despite being busier than usual, has already paid for Ken's new living accomodations. That being a rather luxurious apartment in town with a friendly girl as his neighbor named Mami Tomoe, whom he meets later.

After meeting some of his new classmates on the way to school (Madoka Kaname, Sayaka Miki, and Hitomi Shizuki), Ken finds himself thrust back into combat against what he believes are Shadows. Despite being out of practice, he can keep up with the other Magical Girls as they fight against Witches and their Familiars.

Well, at least he's not pulling any all-nighters this time.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 11, 2025 at 10:28 PM, finished with 11 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Your arms are too tired right now for you to wanna fight, best report that guy to the police. If he's a normal creep they can catch him. Maybe give a heads up to the rest of the chat too. Sure everyone can protect themselves, but a creeps a creep!
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