OOC: This was requested by
You barely even register that you were attacked. One second, you were on your feet, facing down a Witch, and the next...
You're airborne. You slam into the wall, pain shooting through your entire body. Then, you fall to the ground, unable to move.
Your head is spinning. You're clearly bleeding, and the Witch has it's sights on you. It prepares it's final attack-
YUMI!!" Homura calls out from somewhere you can't see. The Witch turns to see the Magical Girl, only to be hit with some kind of rocket.
It explodes violently, ripping the unfortunate former Magical Girl apart. Then, in the same second, Homura's at your side.
"Yumi?! Can you hear me?!" Panic creeps into her voice as she shakes you, "Don't you dare be dead!"
You try to get up, but you only end up getting flipped over by Homura.
She's... Hugging you. "Please don't leave! You're my best chance of saving them all! You're my only chance!" Your shoulder begins to feel wet. Not with blood, but with tears. "I... I need your help...! I'm sorry I called you irresponsible, I'm sorry I didn't let you help me before, and...!"
You wrap your good arm around her. "I'm... Still here..." You barely say.
She holds you tighter, "D-Don't
ever do that again! You scared the hell out of me!"
"I thought I... Told you before..." You pull back, looking her in the eyes. "I promised... To help you guys...!" You smile weakly. "And I always... Keep my promises."
Homura nestles herself into your shoulder, sobbing. You hug her again.