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He has a friend who does what
Uh- Okay I found something mentioning it!

3 (This is the big one.). If you simply want to abstain from this one, I don't blame you. If you don't want to "plot the path", then simply relax and await the update. For those of you who have an inkling of my conundrum...
Yuka, the Heroine herself. I'm aware of her abilities in the events of SMT 1, but I wanted everyone's input on this before I make any decisions. My main concern for her is that firstly, she's sort of a posthumous character. Her absence shows how much Kazuya needs someone like her in his life. Given what happened in SMT 1, and what's currently established as the laws of the world in quest, Yuka can come back. She's reincarnated before, after all. But my question isn't if she could come back, but rather should she come back. I shall leave the decision to you. Do you want Yuka to appear in this quest?
[jk] It's… you, you think, only the other you is a literal five year old.
Yes hi I'd like to remind everyone of the secret the elites and strong Demons don't want you knowing: Whose Child Is This is free. You can write a Childe Yumi clowning on Demons and forever ruining their rep while I flit between ideas like a coked up ADHD kid. I have 458 unfinished written projects. Don't be like me. Also I want more Child Yumi being A Problem for everyone else. But ideas are. Not. Someone please fix this.

[X] There's a girl here you've never met.
EX Chapter incoming (after the main update)!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 30, 2024 at 11:58 PM, finished with 28 posts and 17 votes.
810: The Manor.
[X] There's a girl here you've never met.

...You're standing in an old manor of some kind. There's a thick layer of dust over everything, and a small amount of moonlight illuminating the immediate area from many large, broken windows.

When your eyes finally rest on the stairs, you find a young girl, about Madoka's age, sitting with her hands resting on her knees. She's wearing what you can only assume is her Magical Girl outfit, but that isn't what surprises you.

You don't recognize this girl. At all.

Her hair is long, and dark grey in color. Her blue, piercing eyes are staring off into the distance, as if she's focused on something far away.

She suddenly realizes that she's not alone, and quickly looks to you.

"Oh, uh," You stutter, "I didn't mean to spook you! I--?"

"How?" The girl asks in a confused tone.

"How what?" You raise your eyebrow.

"You defeated them." She explains without explaining, "You returned them. How?"

(INT ROLL: 20+9)

"Wait, are you...?" You trail off, staring right at her eyes. You don't know this girl's face, but you know that voice. "...Are you one of the--?"

"Witches you defeated? Part of the trio?" She cuts you off, "I am. Or, I was, thanks to you."

"Wait, then where are the other two?" You put your hands to your hips.

"They're still asleep." She responds in a melancholy tone, "That may be for the best, however. It gives us time to talk, clear the air between us. I'm sure you have questions."

[] ??????????????????????????
[] "Plenty, but first, I think I should apologize for not reviving the three of you before now. Sorry about that, things came up and it kind of slipped my mind. Tomorrow probably isn't a good time for that either, considering the city is about to turn into a warzone…"

I'm not sure what to ask her aside from things like "who are you?" and "who are the others?", but I do think we should apologize for leaving them as disembodied Soul Gems.
EX 108: Seeds.
You huff, finding nothing to read that isn't a trashy magazine on your brother's desk. For a moment, you wonder if he even knows how to read. Does he simply oogle at the pictures of improperly dressed women?

Your palette is much more refined when it comes to reading material. This drivel will not sustain you.

Then, as if tonight couldn't get any worse...

"Dante, I'm coming in!" The blonde one from the other day opens the door, "Oh, Vergil! Is Dante here?"

"Heyo!" Another child barges in, hair black as night, "Gimme the Grief Seeds!"

"Are we asking for support, or simply robbing him, Kure?" ...And another child... "Vergil, I assume you know why we're here?"

You take a deep breath, standing up from the couch, "Evidently, I do not." You reply, "And as you can see, Dante is absent. Come back later, preferably when I'm not here."

"Oh, that's okay!" The yellow one claps her hands, "We're just here to get some Grief Seeds!"

"We were told Dante has amassed more than he needs, and have come to... Relieve him of some." The child with the shield explains, "Do you happen to know where--?"

"And what do I get in return?" You ask.

The room goes silent.

"Surely you didn't waltz in here, demanding our hard-earned spoils of battle, and bring nothing of value to bargain with, did you?" Well, as long as they're around... "So I shall ask again, what do you offer in return for these Grief Seeds?"

"What is your price?" The shield bearer asks calmly. "Money? Equipment?"

"Worthless." You retort.

"Um, perhaps you'd like food? I could bake you a cake!" The yellow one tries. If you were Dante, it might've worked.

"No." You don't break eye contact.

"I'll fight you for 'em!" The excitable girl manifests claws.

In the span of a heartbeat, the Yamato is at her neck.

"I win." You sheathe your blade, "None of you are good negotiators."

"Then tell us what you want." The stone faced girl's voice betrays her frustration.

"I want..." You pretend to think for a moment, "...Some reading material."
[X] "I mean... I knew you're consciousness remained even without a body, but I never really thought about it until now. So uh, anything I can help out with? Seems pretty boring here, but things outside are also about to get a bit... messy. I can bring you guys back afterwards, but I ask you to hold on a bit longer. Again, sorry for just kind of... leaving you here."
-[X] About MG resurrection. "Well, long and short of it is, the dimensions are collapsing and there is a centuries-old magic system different from Kyubey's, which interact rather radically. There are also several factions and gods running around, it's a whole thing."
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My take is:

[X] Plan, I thought you had questions.
-[X] "I would have assumed you would be the one with questions. Though I do want to apologize for not having properly revived you yet. I've been preparing for a battle that will come tomorrow, so I haven't had the time to arrange a place for you to live. And that's assuming you don't come out mute like the last girl... Who I should mention had been a Witch for a very long time."
--[X] If she says she would fight: "The method I have been using to revive girls would most likely strip you of your powers."
-[X] "What questions did you think I would have? Because all I can think is to ask for your life story, or if there is any preferences you would have going forward. Oh, and where are we, and how are we meeting."
-[X] Answer any questions she may have to the best of your abilities.
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"Well, long and short of it is, the dimensions are collapsing and that kind of left a loophole for me to use a different magic system than Kyubey's, which interact rather radically.
The magic system in question has been around for hundreds of years, at minimum. The only reason Yumi wasn't aware of it before the Quest started is Raido deliberately keeping her Locked Out of the Loop and her grandparents never realizing.
[X] Plan, I thought you had questions- No all of you had questions.
-[X] "I would have assumed you would be the one with questions. Though I do want to apologize for not having properly revived you yet. I've been preparing for a battle that will come tomorrow, so I haven't had the time to arrange a place for you to live. And that's assuming you don't come out mute like the last girl... Who I should mention had been a Witch for a very long time."
--[X] If she says she would fight: "The method I have been using to revive girls would most likely strip you of your powers. There may be a way to avoid that but I don't think you would want to wait longer to return to life. You can always take the normal path and learn magic like me and my friends have once your back out there. That will take time of course, so while I can revive you the moment I'm awake if you want that, you're not going to be able to help me fight."
-[X] "What questions did you think I would have? Because all I can think is to ask for your life story, or if there is any preferences you would have going forward."
-[X] "I think we should make sure the other two are okay as well. I'm sure all of you want to ask questions, and it's only fair if we give the others a chance as well. Is that alright or do you want to keep this private still- actually why do you want to keep this private?"
--[X] If there isn't any harm in it, you can have a private talk with her if she still wants that.
---[X] No matter if you have the private talk with the first magical girl to wake up, try your best to rouse the other souls that remain in your care. Make sure their okay, make sure they know they are safe. Make sure they know what you have told the other girl, and that you will bring them back as soon as you safely can.
----[X] Invite them to ask questions and answer them to the best of your abilities.

I think we should wake the others up as well. Talk to them- make sure their okay. Answer their questions as well.

Let us help them- All three of them the best we can.

Edit: Isiri Pudireach makes a good point! There it goes!
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Yeah, Herofox, you seem to keep forgetting that our initial understanding of when demons and demon magic arrived in Yumi's world was wrong.

It's just been getting worse recently, likely due to whatever the "Scar" is.
think we should wake the others up as well. Talk to them- make sure their okay. Answer their questions as well.
I feel like you should at least ask why she thinks it's better that they are asleep before trying to wake them up.
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