You huff, finding nothing to read that isn't a trashy magazine on your brother's desk. For a moment, you wonder if he even knows how to read. Does he simply oogle at the pictures of improperly dressed women?
Your palette is much more refined when it comes to reading material. This drivel will not sustain you.
Then, as if tonight couldn't get any worse...
"Dante, I'm coming in!" The blonde one from the other day opens the door, "Oh, Vergil! Is Dante here?"
"Heyo!" Another child barges in, hair black as night, "Gimme the Grief Seeds!"
"Are we asking for support, or simply robbing him, Kure?" ...And another child... "Vergil, I assume you know why we're here?"
You take a deep breath, standing up from the couch, "Evidently, I do not." You reply, "And as you can see, Dante is absent. Come back later, preferably when I'm not here."
"Oh, that's okay!" The yellow one claps her hands, "We're just here to get some Grief Seeds!"
"We were told Dante has amassed more than he needs, and have come to... Relieve him of some." The child with the shield explains, "Do you happen to know where--?"
"And what do I get in return?" You ask.
The room goes silent.
"Surely you didn't waltz in here, demanding our hard-earned spoils of battle, and bring nothing of value to bargain with, did you?" Well, as long as they're around... "So I shall ask again, what do you offer in return for these Grief Seeds?"
"What is your price?" The shield bearer asks calmly. "Money? Equipment?"
"Worthless." You retort.
"Um, perhaps you'd like food? I could bake you a cake!" The yellow one tries. If you were Dante, it might've worked.
"No." You don't break eye contact.
"I'll fight you for 'em!" The excitable girl manifests claws.
In the span of a heartbeat, the Yamato is at her neck.
"I win." You sheathe your blade, "None of you are good negotiators."
"Then tell us what you want." The stone faced girl's voice betrays her frustration.
"I want..." You pretend to think for a moment, "...Some reading material."