Even the greatest heroes fall.
You, despite being neither, met such a shameful end. Shot in the back by something wearing your best friend's face. And, in such a cowardly move, you failed to save your world. You failed to save your love. You failed to save anything. You failed. You failed. You--
"...Yuki." Kohaku's voice echoes in your ears, sounding impossibly far off, and yet... "...Yuki, I know you can hear me."
>"I can..."
>>"Koh... Ha... Ku...?"
>Grumble a little.
"Koh... Ha...?" You barely manage to breathe out.
"I'm right here, Yuki." Kohaku assures you, "I'm here."
"I..." You huff, trying desperately to keep some kind of composure, "...I'm sorry."
"Save your strength. You're going to need it." You feel her fingers in your hair, "I know you, Yuki. I know that you have a lot of love in your heart. Love for me, love for your family, love for our friends..." You can hear her calm breaths, "...But I also know you can't leave a battle half done."
Kohaku's voice seems so much clearer now, like she's pulled you right to her from...
"...Shoji...!" You try to move, but your body fails to respond.
"I know, I know...!" She assures you, running her fingers through your hair again, "But you can't face him like this. You're tired, and hurt, and
broken." You sense that a sad smile has graced her face, "Just like I was."
There's a familiar warmness seeping into your every pore. This light being cast down upon you...!
"Is this...?" You try to ask, opening your eyes. Everything is blurry, but you know that you're inside of the Maze of Eternity's innermost sanctum.
"It is." Kohaku confirms, looking down at you from where you lay, "This place is linked to you. It's where you feel safest, calmest, and I..." She trails off.
"Is it over...?" You ask, locking eyes with her, "Did I...?"
"No." With a calm determination, Kohaku shakes her head, "You did everything that you could. But...
I didn't."
"My magic." Kohaku explains, "I should've tried to heal you before...
It tried to stab you."
"...Heat of the moment...!" You weakly raise your hand to poke her in the cheek, "It happens...!"
shouldn't. Not to you." Kohaku closes her eyes as you begin to feel... Everything again, "But now, I'm gonna fix my mistake."
"Kohaku...?" You stare up at her in confusion, "What do you...?!"
You see it.
You see what she's talking about about.
know what she's doing.
"Kohaku, don't...!" Your heart pounds in your chest as you reach up to her fading form, "Kohaku!"
"This is for the best." She closes her eyes as tears begin to fall upon your face, "You can't die here, Yuki. I won't let you. Not now, not
ever." She smiles, motes of light flying up out of her and into the sky, "I will always be with you, watching over you. So long as you carry on, I will carry you."
"This is gonna kill you!" God damnit, why can't you move?! "I don't want to--!"
giving you everything, of my own volition." She puts her fading hand on your forehead, "You made it possible for me to
choose for the first time in my life. And I'm choosing
this. Let me fix you the same way you fixed me."
"Kohaku!!" You shout, finally finding the strength to move, "
"...Ku...!!" You sputter as you shoot up off of the ground. Kohaku stands just in front of you.
...Or, a statue that looks like her. All that's left after that stunt.
The thing wearing Shoji's body stares at you in abject horror. "
NOOOOOOOO!!" It wails in Shoji's voice, his head not even attached to his body at this point. There's just a golden mask replacing his face.
You rise slowly, shambling over to what remains of Kohaku.
"You insolent
harlot!!" It shouts, pointing at the body of stone, "
You've ruined everything!! That power was to be
Mine! And you've wasted your pathetic existence on this... On this
Idiot! You worthless, wretched--!!"
"Worthless...?" Your voice is low, but pierces his raving like an arrow, "Wasted?"
The Pretender glowers down at you, "You have something to say to
Me, your
Creator? Speak unto
Me your last words clearly, you--"
"Kohaku is a lot of things." You cut it off again, "Caring, protective, gentle... Maybe even a little reckless." Your eyes meet the Pretender's, and you manifest your sword off of your back, "But she isn't
worthless, you
you believe you know the worth and value of a life better than
"Shut your
fucking mouth!" You scream out in utter, visceral hatred, "You don't know
jack shit about her! You just saw her power and her magic, and wanted it all for yourself! You don't care about anything other than keeping yourself as the head honcho! You can't
love, you've never even
lived!" You pant out, stepping closer, "And now, I've only got one question for you..." A bright blue glow begins to drown out the golden veneer of the Pretender, "...
What happens when a god dies?"