[X] "...Regina."
"...Sirin Blackwright, heir to the Blackwright kingdom," Sirin finishes her curtsy, "At your service."
You nod, "Sirin... Sea-Rin... Siren...?" You tilt your head a little, "Um, you wanted to talk to Bella, right?"
"If at all possible, yes. Is she with you now?" Sirin glances around the area looking for Bella, "Furthermore, where are we?"
You look at your wrist, and see the bracelet that Bella turns into resting in its proper place. Then, in just a moment...
...Bella appears, facing towards Sirin with a shocked expression.
Sirin returns this look twofold, tears welling up in her eyes, "...Bella?" She whimpers.
Bella drops her lance and her shield, and embraces her sister.
Sirin fully begins to cry now, "It's you...! Y-You've returned from death...!"
Bella is silently crying as well, a content smile on her face.
"Bella, I'm so sorry...!" Sirin stammers out, "You were right about Father's court, you were right about Kyubey, you were right about everything...!"
Bella pats her sister on the back.
You turn around to see V, staring at the sisters' embrace. He looks... Sad? No, jealous? No, not quite...
He looks to you silently, and nods. As quickly and quietly as he arrived...
...He was gone. And the next thing you know, you're standing under the tree with Bella, Sirin, and Vergil...
...Who is leaving.
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