If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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[X] Girl: Sirin Witch: Regina.
-[X] Try to summon Bella. You're not entirely sure you can in whatever this place is, but if her sister wants to talk to her this badly, you should at least try
[X] Girl: Sirin Witch: Regina.
-[X] Try to summon Bella. You're not entirely sure you can in whatever this place is, but if her sister wants to talk to her this badly, you should at least try
[X] Girl: Sirin Witch: Regina.
-[X] Try to summon Bella. You're not entirely sure you can in whatever this place is, but if her sister wants to talk to her this badly, you should at least try
[X] Girl: Sirin Witch: Regina.
-[X] Try to summon Bella. You're not entirely sure you can in whatever this place is, but if her sister wants to talk to her this badly, you should at least try
About Yuki's Story...
I've been giving it some thought, and have decided to put it to your decision. It's about Yuki's loops and his stories, and how I should go about treating his journey.

Should I keep going with what I've written so far, or should I go back and make Yuki a Godslayer? While I am okay with either option being taken, I'd like your input before I do anything too ambitious.

Thank you for your input!
I certainly think it would be interesting to have Yuki be a Godslayer. It would distinguish him even further from Yumi.

And confuse the fuck out of him lol.
Last edited:
Personally don't know that much about Godslayers, so I say keep what's written so far.

They're opposites, but they also take the place of the same person in the end.
Okay, message received. No Godslayer Yuki shenanigans! I'll start writing once I get home!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jul 27, 2024 at 11:52 PM, finished with 17 posts and 7 votes.
898: Reunion
[X] "...Regina."

"...Sirin Blackwright, heir to the Blackwright kingdom," Sirin finishes her curtsy, "At your service."

You nod, "Sirin... Sea-Rin... Siren...?" You tilt your head a little, "Um, you wanted to talk to Bella, right?"

"If at all possible, yes. Is she with you now?" Sirin glances around the area looking for Bella, "Furthermore, where are we?"

You look at your wrist, and see the bracelet that Bella turns into resting in its proper place. Then, in just a moment...

...Bella appears, facing towards Sirin with a shocked expression.

Sirin returns this look twofold, tears welling up in her eyes, "...Bella?" She whimpers.

Bella drops her lance and her shield, and embraces her sister.

Sirin fully begins to cry now, "It's you...! Y-You've returned from death...!"

Bella is silently crying as well, a content smile on her face.

"Bella, I'm so sorry...!" Sirin stammers out, "You were right about Father's court, you were right about Kyubey, you were right about everything...!"

Bella pats her sister on the back.

You turn around to see V, staring at the sisters' embrace. He looks... Sad? No, jealous? No, not quite...

He looks to you silently, and nods. As quickly and quietly as he arrived...

...He was gone. And the next thing you know, you're standing under the tree with Bella, Sirin, and Vergil...

...Who is leaving.

[] ???????????????????????????????????
[X] Thank Mr Virgil. He didn't have to do anything but he still helped. Wish him a good day too.
-[X] Now to find the others...
I totally forgot that a bit of V was still around inside Yuma.

[X] Thank Mr Virgil. He didn't have to do anything but he still helped. Wish him a good day too.
-[X] Now to find the others...
[X] Thank Mr Virgil. He didn't have to do anything but he still helped. Wish him a good day too.
-[X] Now to find the others...
[X] Thank Mr Virgil. He didn't have to do anything but he still helped. Wish him a good day too.
-[X] Now to find the others...
You turn around to see V, staring at the sisters' embrace. He looks... Sad? No, jealous? No, not quite...

He looks to you silently, and nods. As quickly and quietly as he arrived...
V? When did you get here? (I honestly don't remember, can someone point me to it.)

[X] Thank Mr Virgil. He didn't have to do anything but he still helped. Wish him a good day too.
-[X] Now to find the others...
[X] Thank Mr Virgil. He didn't have to do anything but he still helped. Wish him a good day too.
-[X] Now to find the others...
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