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I was playing Among Us with my friends tonight.

I killed someone mid-sentence and he screamed like I actually stabbed him irl

My stomach hurts now from laughing
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on May 25, 2024 at 8:50 PM, finished with 29 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Monsters are Louder than Saints V3
    -[X] "Power corrupts is an old saying Kohaku, and I won't lie it has some basis... But it's more like Power Reveals. It's like those stories you hear on the news or social media right? Someone who seems nice and stuff gets a knife and decides to kills someone cause they can- cause they have the power to. You don't hear about people who donate to charity with money or save lives from fires- You hear stories about hate crimes and people turning out to be monsters under the kind surface."
    --[X] "Those who claim only *their* group can be trusted with power are, without exception, the sort who should never, under any circumstances, have power. After all, if power corrupts, and nobody else has power, how is anyone oppressed by those with power supposed to get rid of the corruption? Only the naive and jackasses think they're exceptional in that regard. Checks and balances on those with power are important... which is why those who'd abuse others do everything they can to undermine, bypass, or isolate their victims from them."
    --[X] "Monsters are louder the saints, Kohaku. But that's because they have to be, to be heard over the effects of people being kind to each other. To make people too afraid to be kind, so the monsters can make more monsters."
    ---[X] "And, let's be real, Kohaku: your father is a cult leader who brainwashes people, and his 'followers' consist of physical abusers and, if Saburo is any indication, attempted murderers. At least some of them not even having the excuse of being brainwashed. That guy can be called many things, but 'role model' or 'example to follow' isn't one of them."
    [X] Plan An Absolute Sword v1
    -[X] "Well, people say that power corrupts. That absolute power can corrupt someone absolutely. If you were to ask me, it would be something more of the opposite. That power is, in a sense, something that reveals a person's true nature. With power, they feel no need to hide who they are. That's why your father is wrong."
835: "Monsters Are Louder Than Saints."
[X] Plan Monsters are Louder than Saints V3

"The phrase "power corrupts" is extremely old, Kohaku, and it has some basis..." You stretch, feeling something in your back pop, "But I believe the saying should be "Power Reveals"."

"Power reveals?" Kohaku repeats, "What do you mean?"

"It's like those stories you hear on the news, how some guy is nice and polite gets into some power, and immediately turns on everyone else." You try to explain, "Or that story from a few months ago! Where that lady found some Yakuza dead drop, took the weapons she found, and just... Snapped. Not because any of those people in that office had wronged her in any way, she just suddenly had the power to take a life. And she did."

"Then what, pray tell, is stopping her?"
"But then again, those are kinda the only stories that make the news nowadays." You shake your head, "You don't hear about the genuine philanthropists, or the people who donate to charity... It's just the stories about innocent people getting hurt because behind all the niceties, there was a horrible monster just below the surface." You sigh, "And usually, the people proclaiming that only they should have power are the last people who should get it."

"What about her, then?"
"I think I'm starting to get what you're saying." Kohaku looks a little confused, but she nods anyway.

"Sorry to interject," Shoji jogs up to Kohaku's other side, "But if power supposedly corrupts, and no one around you has any power, how is anyone supposed to do anything about those in power?"

You blink.

Kohaku blinks. "I, uh, didn't take you for an anarchist, Shoji."

"Oh, I'm not." He shakes his head, "I just had that idea floating around for a while. I'm just glad I finally got to vocalize it."

"Only the naive and the haughty think that they are incorruptible." Anahita speaks, her voice calm and powerful, "Those under any ruler should make sure they are not smothered by their liege."

"And that," You nudge Kohaku with your elbow, "Is why a would be abuser would do anything they can to undermine, bypass, and isolate their victims."

"You would listen to the words of a demon rather than your father's?"
"Monsters are louder than saints, Kohaku." You tell her, giving a thumbs up to Anahita. "They kinda have to be. They've gotta be loud to drown out effects of people being kind to one another. So that people will be too afraid to be kind, and the monsters can just pump out more monsters."

Kohaku looks to the ground, clearly thinking your words over.

"They are tainted. We are pure."​

"Kohaku, let's be real. Your father..." You ready your fingers, "...Is a cult leader..." One finger up, "...Who brainwashes people..." Another finger, "...and his "followers" consist mainly of murderers, if Okane was anything to go by." You stick your hand in your pocket, "I could call your old man a lot of things, but "role-model" and "good example to follow"?" You chuckle dryly, "Not in a million years."

"She speaks in falsehoods. I speak only the truth!"
Kohaku winces slightly, slowing her walking down.

"You will listen to me! You will obey me!"
"Ghh!!" Kohaku stops, holding her head in her hands.

"Kohaku!!" Shoji, who had unconsciously passed her, doubles back to crouch next to Kohaku, "Hey, what's wrong?!"

Anahita has a worried look on her face as she keeps her distance from your friend.

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
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"...and his "followers consist mainly of murderer
Pretty sure there's supposed to be an end quote here.

Anyway, the curse goes dormant when she sleeps, right? If so, I'm thinking that maybe we should offer to have Lorelei use Lullaby on her, that way she doesn't have to listen to this garbage. Ideally, we'll have dealt with Father Fuckwad by the time she wakes up... if she accepts, of course.
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[X] Hug her, and sharply motion Shoji in to hug her too. "He tries to undermine you. He isolated you from us. We will not let him take you again. You're our friend, and we love you. You can fight him off, and we will do everything we can to help. Including kindly kicking his ass." Until he's choking on said ass, you don't add.
-[X] If this doesn't work, have Lorelei Lullaby her to reset the curse's strength. Carry Kohaku back to your grandparents' house if it has to knock her out completely to do so.
-[X] If it does work, take her back to Grandma anyway.

Thanks /s, Father Hino, for proving the point.
Oh ho ho! I really wish Yumi could hear any of this so we can retort and tear down this man arguments one by one- However it doesn't take the fourth wall to guess what's happening here!
Dang it, I told you not to listen to the voices. Looks like the mind curse she's under is acting up since it's closer to the caster.
Or the curse throws a tantrum like a baby whenever she's told things that paint Hino in a bad light.

[] Plan That Man is a 37 Year Old Infant V1
-[] "Yeesh- Fuck sorry Kohaku... the Curse is throwing a tantrum like a baby again isn't it? We'll drop this for now so it lays off... I wonder if your father need diapers at his age yet?"
--[] Help her up with Shoji and stabilize her as you walk- and since you know how she feels about magic, give her a few medicine's that you have- Have her just nibble/sip at them so she can treat the headache as the curse does it's thing until it dies down again.
---[] While you walk, "You know... while we're on the topic-

Oh! Well thank you Beth! Merging lanes from a road being constructed is a go~ (Edit: I hope the theft was okay- I kinda feel bad for not asking)

[] Plan That Man is a 37 Year Old Infant V2
-[] Hug her, and sharply motion Shoji in to hug her too. "He tries to undermine you. He isolated you from us. We will not let him take you again. You're our friend, and we love you. You can fight him off, and we will do everything we can to help. Including kindly kicking his ass."
--[] Help her up with Shoji and stabilize her as you walk to Grandma's home- and since you know how she feels about magic, give her a few medicine's that you have- Have her just nibble/sip at them so she can treat the headache as the curse does it's thing.
---[] If it gets really bad, ask Kohaku when we get to Grandma's if she wants to be put to sleep with a spell... your worried it may make things worse and you know how she feels about magic, so it's up to her.
----[] Make some conversation as you all walk together- answer questions if anyone asks them- yap about the day or something you saw while you all were apart maybe? Let's enjoy this- and if anything doesn't get the message and seems to be preforming evil activities, you can ask your Demons to play with them.
-----[] You gotta trust in your team- they can handle a few fist fight without you!

Please update this is you have ideas! Let's make this vote shine!
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Well, good thing Kohaku's sitting this out anyway? She's probably going to be inactive for a while now.

Also, are we sure this isn't the result of demon brainwashing from a different entity? It wouldn't surprise me at any rate, if Father Hino was getting used like Mother Hino was.
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[X] Plan Princess Carry
-[X] "Shit, the curse is acting up again!" Sweep her into a princess carry and try Me Patra, you may not be able to break the curse, but perhaps you can disrupt it. Either way you need to get back to your grandparents. Do not drop her, even if she struggles.
-[X] "Kohaku, if you're willing, one of my demons can magically put you to sleep." If she says yes or is too delirious to answer have Lorelie put her to sleep, unless Anahita stops you.
-[X] Have Shoji call your grandparents as you make your way back and fill them in.
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Oh! Well thank you Beth! Merging lanes from a road being constructed is a go~ (Edit: I hope the theft was okay- I kinda feel bad for not asking)

I'm stealing it right back.

[X] Plan That Man is a 37 Year Old Infant V3
-[X] Hug her, and sharply motion Shoji in to hug her too. "He tries to undermine you. He isolated you from us. We will not let him take you again. You're our friend, and we love you. You can fight him off, and we will do everything we can to help. Including kindly kicking his ass."
--[X] Help her up with Shoji and stabilize her as you walk to Grandma's home- and since you know how she feels about magic, give her a few medicines that you have- Have her just nibble/sip at them so she can treat the headache as the curse does its thing.
---[X] If it gets really bad, ask Kohaku if she wants to be put to sleep with a spell... you're worried it may make things worse, and you know how she feels about magic, so it's up to her. Sweep her up in a princess carry so she doesn't hurt herself falling asleep, then have Lorelei do her thing.
---[X] Ask Anahita if she has any suggestions, and explain what Grandma already told you about the curse. Maybe she has some ideas for mitigating the damage.
----[X] Make some conversation as you all walk together- answer questions if anyone asks them- yap about the day or something you saw while you all were apart maybe? Let's enjoy this as much as possible - and if anything doesn't get the message and seems to be performing evil activities, you can ask your Demons to play with them.
-----[X] You gotta trust in your team- they can hee-handle a few fist fights without you, ho!

Crossing the streams always works. Especially if you keep a frosty-cool head.

Also, Anahita is associated with healing. Even if her powers are weakened right now, she'd still know how to do it and might be willing to explain.

...also, if Anahita was already in this world to be helped by Ryoko, why did she say she'd been weakened by the journey to get to this world? Am I misremembering things, or did Ryoko have some interdimensional jaunts we don't know about yet? Maybe Yumi inherited more than the demon genes...
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[X] Plan Princess Carry

In my experience in SMT, love and friendship doesn't beat magic unless its a contest of will. Im also almost certain that the voice in Kohaku's head isn't a thing with its own will.
[X] Plan That Man is a 37 Year Old Infant V3
I'm stealing it right back.
Crossing the streams always works. Especially if you keep a frosty-cool head.
Fair fair! Hehe- double theft!

...also, if Anahita was already in this world to be helped by Ryoko, why did she say she'd been weakened by the journey to get to this world? Am I misremembering things, or did Ryoko have some interdimensional jaunts we don't know about yet? Maybe Yumi inherited more than the demon genes...
I mean... she may have just noped out and went home... I mean does she have a house in this world? With the housing market as it is? I don't think so-

I mean actually it would make sense for why Yumi can dream wander if that's the case- She also got it from her mom!
...also, if Anahita was already in this world to be helped by Ryoko, why did she say she'd been weakened by the journey to get to this world? Am I misremembering things, or did Ryoko have some interdimensional jaunts we don't know about yet? Maybe Yumi inherited more than the demon genes...
More likely that Anahita never actually recovered from crossing over the first time.

Or ran into problems crossing over again, since going back and forth between worlds is something demons have demonstrated the ability for.
Unearthing Light, Chapter 5.
At first, you had planned to observe the Sailor Guardians fight this "general". You could've brought snacks, or a drink, and simply enjoyed not being the one who had a target on his back.

Instead, this is simply hard to watch. It's, as your little brother would put it, "a trainwreck in slow motion". Jadeite is, in essence, pushing some airplanes in a semi-threatening manor while the Sailor Guardians flail about and run away.

...It's actually beginning bring you physical discomfort seeing them fight like this.

Before you can make any decisions to intervene (which would be a headache in and of itself), someone else decides to jump into the fray. A man, wearing a suit and top hat, with a long flowing cape. Perhaps he will be the one to defeat--

"A cane." You mutter to yourself, "He is using a cane and roses to do battle?"

You stand corrected. This man is even more delusional than any of the other participants of this duel. Sailor Mercury has no offensive capabilities, but at least she has magic. Sailor Moon is a loud, obnoxious crybaby who consistently needs her allies to get her out of every situation, but she's their team's heaviest hitter. Sailor Mars is confrontational at best, but even she is an actual threat.

Maybe this idiot has a death wish, and has rushed at Jadeite to commit--

He's winning.

The man in the suit has Jadeite on the defensive.

Your curiosity as to how the fight ends is trumped by your growing frustration as these troglodytes slap each other with magic and glorified sticks.

This has made you physically ill, and now you need to go vomit.

If they survive tonight, you're going to give them hell for their "tactics". That is a promise.
Father Hino, kneeling on the ground: Hah... Kuzunoha boy... You have defeated me. Now what? Will you lock me away forevermore? Shall you "arrest" me? I know in my heart that your clan are not ki--

Yuki, shooting him in the head without blinking: What's the TLDR?

Shoji, next to him: "You won't kill me because good guys don't kill", I think. I never understood that myself.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on May 26, 2024 at 10:16 PM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Princess Carry
    -[X] "Shit, the curse is acting up again!" Sweep her into a princess carry and try Me Patra, you may not be able to break the curse, but perhaps you can disrupt it. Either way you need to get back to your grandparents. Do not drop her, even if she struggles.
    -[X] "Kohaku, if you're willing, one of my demons can magically put you to sleep." If she says yes or is too delirious to answer have Lorelie put her to sleep, unless Anahita stops you.
    -[X] Have Shoji call your grandparents as you make your way back and fill them in.
    [X] Plan That Man is a 37 Year Old Infant V3
    -[X] Hug her, and sharply motion Shoji in to hug her too. "He tries to undermine you. He isolated you from us. We will not let him take you again. You're our friend, and we love you. You can fight him off, and we will do everything we can to help. Including kindly kicking his ass."
    --[X] Help her up with Shoji and stabilize her as you walk to Grandma's home- and since you know how she feels about magic, give her a few medicines that you have- Have her just nibble/sip at them so she can treat the headache as the curse does its thing.
    ---[X] If it gets really bad, ask Kohaku if she wants to be put to sleep with a spell... you're worried it may make things worse, and you know how she feels about magic, so it's up to her. Sweep her up in a princess carry so she doesn't hurt herself falling asleep, then have Lorelei do her thing.
    ---[X] Ask Anahita if she has any suggestions, and explain what Grandma already told you about the curse. Maybe she has some ideas for mitigating the damage.
    ----[X] Make some conversation as you all walk together- answer questions if anyone asks them- yap about the day or something you saw while you all were apart maybe? Let's enjoy this as much as possible - and if anything doesn't get the message and seems to be performing evil activities, you can ask your Demons to play with them.
    -----[X] You gotta trust in your team- they can hee-handle a few fist fights without you, ho!
It's Always Something.
[] Plan Princess Carry
-[] "Shit, the curse is acting up again!" Sweep her into a princess carry and try Me Patra, you may not be able to break the curse, but perhaps you can disrupt it. Either way you need to get back to your grandparents. Do not drop her, even if she struggles.
-[] "Kohaku, if you're willing, one of my demons can magically put you to sleep." If she says yes or is too delirious to answer have Lorelie put her to sleep, unless Anahita stops you.
-[] Have Shoji call your grandparents as you make your way back and fill them in.


[] Plan That Man is a 37 Year Old Infant V3
-[] Hug her, and sharply motion Shoji in to hug her too. "He tries to undermine you. He isolated you from us. We will not let him take you again. You're our friend, and we love you. You can fight him off, and we will do everything we can to help. Including kindly kicking his ass."
--[] Help her up with Shoji and stabilize her as you walk to Grandma's home- and since you know how she feels about magic, give her a few medicines that you have- Have her just nibble/sip at them so she can treat the headache as the curse does its thing.
---[] If it gets really bad, ask Kohaku if she wants to be put to sleep with a spell... you're worried it may make things worse, and you know how she feels about magic, so it's up to her. Sweep her up in a princess carry so she doesn't hurt herself falling asleep, then have Lorelei do her thing.
---[] Ask Anahita if she has any suggestions, and explain what Grandma already told you about the curse. Maybe she has some ideas for mitigating the damage.
----[] Make some conversation as you all walk together- answer questions if anyone asks them- yap about the day or something you saw while you all were apart maybe? Let's enjoy this as much as possible - and if anything doesn't get the message and seems to be performing evil activities, you can ask your Demons to play with them.
-----[] You gotta trust in your team- they can hee-handle a few fist fights without you, ho!

Happy voting!
836: Running B--
[X] Plan Princess Carry

"Shit, is her curse acting up?!" Without much thinking on your part, you swiftly pick her up, "H-Hang on, I'm gonna try something!"


You cast the spell. You know the spell worked.

...But it's not enough.

"Listen to me well. You will return to me, or your "friends" will be torn asunder."
"Father! Father, stop!!" Kohaku cries out to a man that isn't present.

Goddamnit, you're wasting time! "We need to get back, now!" You shout to everyone, and take off down the road.

"Right!" Shoji nods, not far behind you.

"Do you think that these children are worth disobeying my direct orders for?! Have you led them astray, as you did the handmaiden you slaughtered all those years ago?!"
"Stop, please!!" She screams out, thrashing in pain, "It hurts!!"

(STR CHECK: 13+5)

You manage to keep her from falling, but man! She's stronger than you thought she was!

"Shoji, can you call ahead?!" You hold your suffering friend close as you run as fast as you can.

"What makes you think I have your grandparents' number?!" He shouts, struggling to keep up.

"Fine, then. Perhaps you will show a smidge of mercy to an innocent bystander? If your feeble mind cannot comprehend my words..."​

"We need to-- Kohaku! Hey, one of my guys can put you to sleep if--!!"

"Return to me, or I shall execute this Red Haired Heretic."​

(STR CHECK: 10+5)

"LET GO!!" Kohaku screams as she pushes against you. You don't let her fall, instead falling with her.

You break her fall, and she scrambles to her feet, tears in her eyes.

Anahita and Shoji skid to a stop, keeping their distance from the suffering girl before them.

"Kohaku?!" You get to your feet quickly, walking quickly to--?

Kohaku backs away. "You don't understand!" She shakes like a leaf in the wind, "He...! Father took a hostage!!"

[] ??????????????????????????????
Wait what? So he's in her head after all. Why didn't he just grab her all those years ago then? It's not like she could do much in that condition, especially since he seems to be aware of everything she does.

Also, not sure if this is a hostage situation or he means to kill us.

I thought Kyoko was somewhere else.
Voting is open