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I wish we have fan art of the Herald's End trio (Yumi, Kohaku, Shoji). It would be really cool to see. Maybe a detailed physical appeareance of them can help?

My vote:

[x] You did. You saw the light leave his eyes as soon as you hit him.
[x] "Alright." Carry Kyoko over your shoulder all the way home.
[X] You honestly can't say for certain.
-[X] You... You kind of hope it was you. Your fault. Kohaku shouldn't have to live with that guilt. Neither of you should, but if it really comes down to that... You're more used to hurting people. It's not the same. It's not even close to being the same, but it surely counts for something, right?
--[X] Fuck. What a mess. It wasn't supposed to turn out like this. You're going to need to find the time to sort out how you really feel about all this. Kohaku too, probably. But later. Later. Always later. Fuck.

[X] "Alright" Piggyback carry Kyoko all the way home.
-[] Muse out loud when we get there that if, as Yuma says, you're the Big Sis, and Yuma's the Little Sis, that must make Kyoko the Medium Sis.

Kyoko would never forgive us for the princess carry (albeit not to a truly serious degree); she'd probably act offended but be too tired to mean it, and be kinda touched given the extent we and our family have been willing to meet her half-way, if we called her family while leaving it open enough that she didn't feel obliged... nah. Mood's too somber for that, even if only she can hear it.

If anything, we hyper-overkilled him.

Ooh, good, by FFX rules that means DOUBLE the loot! At least for Spheres, so... uh... bonus to dice rolls for traits to pick from at level-up, maybe? 🤔
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[X] You did. You saw the light leave his eyes as soon as you hit him.

The bastard's dead, and we'll take whatever consequences there are to that.

[X] "Alright" Piggyback carry Kyoko all the way home.

Let's just be a good big sis to Kyoyo here.
[x] "Alright." Carry Kyoko over your shoulder all the way home.
NON CANON (PROBABLY): Akami Springs Group Chat
"Akami Springs Group Chat" has been created.
<Big_Red added Yuki>​

Yuki: What the hell is this?

Big_Red: Group chat for Akami Springs friend group

Yuki: Why?

Big_Red: I wanted to

Yuki: No, I meant why did you invite me?

Big_Red: I wanted to :)

<Big_Red added Ghostwriter92>​

Ghostwriter92: Um... Yumi?

Big_Red: Haku! You made it!

Ghostwriter92: I thought you already had a group chat? Also hi Yumi's brother *waves*

Yuki: Why did you type out waves?

Big_Red: There is now only one we must gather

Ghostwriter92: *nods* Just Shoji, right? I could call him!

Big_Red: I can walk down to his house and bother him until he joins

Yuki: What's with all the asterisks?

Ghostwriter92: You don't have to do all that! He might just be asleep!

Big_Red: How dare he lol



Ghostwriter92: Who is Harold?


Big_Red: Shoji wtf?

SUPREME_WIZARD_HAROLD: oh that. it's my dnd character in a campaign im in

Ghostwriter92: You know, I've always wanted to give Dungeons and Dragons a try! It seems pretty fun~!



SUPREME_WIZARD_HAROLD: what color dice do you want?

Big_Red: AM I DM OR PLAYER?!?!?!?!

Ghostwriter92: *thinks for a moment* I like green, I guess?


SUPREME_WIZARD_HAROLD: oh god hes still alive isnt he?


Ghostwriter92: Yumi seems excited...!


Yuki: Join a game? No thanks.

SUPREME_WIZARD_HAROLD: cmon dude live a little

Big_Red: Yuki I will walk into your room and drag you out to the table

Ghostwriter92: Please don't.




Yuki: Fine. If I'm not entertained, I'm leaving.

Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 7, 2024 at 9:45 PM, finished with 22 posts and 17 votes.
848: A Choice.
[X] You did. You saw the light leave his eyes as soon as you hit him.
-[X] "Alright" Piggyback carry Kyoko all the way home.

"...Alright." You nod, walking over and slinging Kyoko onto your back. She's surprisingly light, and you're able to do it pretty easily. "Hang on, I guess!"

"You know, I always forget that you're absurdly strong." Kyoko says, putting her arms around your neck, "Hey, I'm supposed to be wearing spurs to get you to stop, right?"

"Let us be off, then." Gabriel nods, "...And hear what Azazel has to say."

Kohaku, picking up her mace, silently trots behind you.

As soon as you are out the door, Azazel steps in front of you. There's a clear look of regret on his face as he gazes at Kohaku.

"...You deserve an explanation." He tells her.

"Then begin explaining." Gabriel glares at Azazel with unhidden distain.

"...Why?" Kohaku asks in a trembling whisper, "Why did you tell Father that prophecy?"

"If someone comes to me seeking knowledge, I will gladly give it." Azazel explains, "But when I was summoned by your father and forced to prophesize for him, I tried to keep it obscure. An angel cannot lie--"

"But that doesn't mean you have to answer everything, Azazel!" Gabriel shouts, cutting him off, "It is not our place to give prophecies! This is exactly why you were cast out!"

"I wanted to be like our Lord!" Azazel defends, "The one who leads, who helps those who fall! I thought that--!"

"You were the cause of all of this, all that has happened to his daughter!" Gabriel makes no aggressive movements towards Azazel, but she's still terrifying. "You were scared of him, were you not?! You let your fear of that human drive you to--"

"I forgive you."

The air goes completely silent as Kohaku steps forward. "I... Forgive you." She says again.

"You... Truly?" Azazel and Gabriel ask in astonishment.

Kohaku nods slowly, "Yes."

"E-Even after I gave the prophecy to your father, and--?"

"I forgive you." She looks up after what felt like an eternity, "You were scared of Father. I was, too. I think... I think everyone was." Kohaku takes a step forward, "I don't blame you for what happened, or for what he did. After all, if he didn't think he needed me alive, he..."

[] ????????????????????????????????????
For all that it is Azazel's fault this happened to begin with, he did effectively save Kohaku. Father Hino took the bait hook line and sinker, which guaranteed her survival, and because she herself was not the direct source of his new reality, he felt no need to actually put in the effort to groom her for cult leadership. He failed to break her will, and she never ended up being raised as his heir because he assumed his grandson would be.
On one hand, the desire to call Azazel a pussy ass bitch is strong, since I doubt there's a better time to do so consequence free. On the other, it's Kohaku's choice. Let her decide her life, her feelings. No one is around who'd force otherwise now, let her exercise the fact.
[X] Stay quiet. This is Kohaku's show, not yours. You didn't have a particularly stellar view of Azazel, but your opinion isn't what matters here-if Kohaku forgives Azazel, then that's that.

Here's a suggested vote to start things off.
There is one thing that should probably be cleared up in character though:

[X] "So... do we still need to worry about Kohaku giving birth to a Messiah if she ever does have a kid, or is the prophecy null and void now?"
[X] You don't have the best impression of Azazel at the moment, but you'll leave that be for now. Kohaku chose to forgive him which you have to respect, even if it's more than what you would've done in her position.
-[X] "Question, is the prophecy of Kohaku's child Messiah still in effect? Cause this will be a very awkward story a decade from now if it is."
"If someone comes to me seeking knowledge, I will gladly give it." Azazel explains, "But when I was summoned by your father and forced to prophesize for him, I tried to keep it obscure. An angel cannot lie--"
Oh for fuck's sake, please don't tell me that the 'birth' was metaphorical and the 'Messiah' is referring to Yumi.
Oh for fuck's sake, please don't tell me that the 'birth' was metaphorical and the 'Messiah' is referring to Yumi.
The original prophecy was:
"Your child's fate is obscured to me, but she will bring unto you a Messiah." Azazel says, "Then, the world as you know it... Will crumble away. In it's place, the new world shall rise."
So yeah, there wasn't even a birth metaphor. Her sperm donor was just that narcissistic.
Overbuiltdifferently vote goes too much BRRRRT.

[X] Plan This Is A Magical Girl Anime After All
-[X] Stay quiet. This is Kohaku's show, not yours. You didn't have a particularly stellar view of Azazel, but your opinion isn't what matters here-if Kohaku forgives Azazel, then that's that. If she's choosing to be kind, you'll support her. And you can kinda see where she's going with this, you think.
-[X] Softly telepath at Gabriel, "Kohaku may forgive him... I'm not sure I do, but I'm willing to give him a chance. Azazel's clearly hurting too, and didn't have a choice after a certain point. He's had years to think about where he went wrong, desparately trying to make choices that wouldn't make things even worse. What's more important to you? Lashing out in frustration, contributing to his pain from being kicked out of his family, including whoever in it was his support network, his trying to find a way forward in life, and making a mistake that effectively got him kidnapped and nearly forced into even worse... or being a safe family member to help him heal in healthy ways? To be someone he feels he can turn to for advice, without being punished with criticism and barbs for reaching out?"
-[X] When Kohaku and Azazel have finished talking."Question, is the prophecy of Kohaku's child Messiah still in effect? Cause this will be a very awkward story a decade from now if it is."
--[X] IIfAzazel explains that you're the Messiah she brought to Hino, point at yourself questioningly, "Me?" Sigh. "Uh." Facepalm.
---[X] Groan,"No. I have enough going on, to find out why the universe is collapsing, stop it, and try to stop an interstellar-at-minimum alien threat who's using teen girls as an energy accumulation system. And what Athena, Eris, and whatever other Olympians are up to. I really don't need lone-savior junk on top of it. I already had to talk someone else out of that."
----[X] "I'll help who I can, and help them be able to help others in turn, I'm not going to take some martyr role thank you very much. I want to live alongside the people I love and befriend, not leave them behind miserable. Help them save themselves and grow, not take everything on alone."
-----[X] Continue, "So... if you want things saved, come lend a hand and we'll all try together. Maybe it won't be easy. Unlearning old habits and overcoming trauma never is. But we can start building. One step, one choice, one seemingly-small kindness at a time. To others, to each other, to ourselves."
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--[X] When Azazel explains that you're the Messiah she brought to Hino, point at yourself questioningly, "Me?" Sigh. "Uh." Facepalm.

"If", not "When", let's not assume things, please

As I always say, sometimes smaller is better

[X] You don't have the best impression of Azazel at the moment, but you'll leave that be for now. Kohaku chose to forgive him which you have to respect, even if it's more than what you would've done in her position.
-[X] "Question, is the prophecy of Kohaku's child Messiah still in effect? Cause this will be a very awkward story a decade from now if it is."
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[X] You don't have the best impression of Azazel at the moment, but you'll leave that be for now. Kohaku chose to forgive him which you have to respect, even if it's more than what you would've done in her position.
-[X] "Question, is the prophecy of Kohaku's child Messiah still in effect? Cause this will be a very awkward story a decade from now if it is."
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