If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

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That was more due to great RNG, and good tactics than Yumi's levels though. Kinda like how you can do a level 1 no hit run on a Soulslike game.
That's almost all our fights at this point though? It happens consistently enough to the point where the 'fights' are just damage sponges until they give up or die.

Edit: Also, underleveled? Under the right circumstances we just managed to deal around 2k in damage in a single round.
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I, uh, may have overdone this dude's spells, but good job taking him out! GGs! I'll get started on writing while playing Terraria!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 5, 2024 at 11:35 PM, finished with 26 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Leave Kohaku be. Looks like she needs a moment.
    -[X] Send Gabriel a notice that Father Hino is very, very dead. Ask if she needs backup, and if she does ask your demons if they have any ideas on how to breach the spell.
    --[X] Get Kohaku and Kyoko back to your grandparents' before you attempt it, however.
    --[X] While you're at it, may as well alert everyone else too.
    [X] Place your hand on her shoulder, but don't say anything. This is her life.
    [X] Join in! Cathartic corpse crushing!
    [X] Gently hug her
    [X] Listen to her if she starts talking about it.
    -[X] Then tell her "Kohaku, It's not your fault"
    --[X] Keep telling her "It's not your fault" until she accept it, then hug her tight.
    [X] Stay awhile, and listen to her if she starts talking about it.
    -[X] Then tell her "Kohaku, It's not your fault"
    --[X] Keep telling her "It's not your fault" until she accepts it, offer a hug, then hug her tight if she accepts.
    ---[X] Offer Kyoko a hug too, if she wants one. Even if she doesn't accept, at least the offer was extended.
    -[X] Send Gabriel a notice that Father Hino is very, very dead. Ask if she needs backup, and if she does ask your demons if they have any ideas on how to breach the spell.
    --[X] Get Kohaku and Kyoko back to your grandparents' before you attempt it, however.
alt-tabs over from building stuff in Terraria to check alerts

sees QM has posted in PMMT thread


he mentions Terraria

Okay I gotta quit hitting the Soma, it's making me too one with the universe.
846: ...
[X] Leave her be, for now.

...You don't quite know how to react. Maybe...

...Maybe you should leave her be for now? She looks like she needs a moment.

You close your eyes and focus, "Gabr--!"

Gabriel appears before you, holding Azazel by one of his wings. Unceremoniously, she drops him on the floor.

"Leave this place, Azazel." She calmly orders.

"May I say my peace first?" Azazel asks before looking over to Kohaku, "At least let me try to make this right!"

"...Wait outside." Gabriel barely relents.

Azazel wordlessly nods, and walks out of the door.

Gabriel looks to the broken body of Father Hino, shaking her head. "...I apologize for my absence, Children of Adam. It seems that you've completed your task."

"...Yeah." You nod slowly, stepping over to your friend.

Kohaku, the calm, reserved girl that you've known for years, stands over her own father's corpse. The mace in her hands is covered in blood, much like the front of her body. Her tears mix with her father's blood as she simply stands there, shivering.

You open the group chat, and send your friends a simple message.

>YOU: It's over. Hino is dead.

You put your phone away.

"...It's done." You tell Kohaku, not attempting to wrap your arm around her, "He can't hurt you anymore."

Kohaku slowly looks to you, her eyes red and watery, "...Am I a murderer...?"

You blink in surprise.

"I... I didn't need to..." She stares at the mace in her hands, "...He wasn't a threat. I... Yumi, I didn't mean to...!"

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
"I... I didn't need to..." She stares at the mace in her hands, "...He wasn't a threat. I... Yumi, I didn't mean to...!"
Wasn't he already dead? I was under the distinct impression that he was already dead.

And in any case, he deserved exactly what he got, so no, Kohaku, I would not say that you are a murderer, morally speaking. Legally might be another matter, but only if he was still alive when you started swinging and no one "forgets" to mention that.
[X] "Sometimes, you have to take a life in order to protect yourself and those you care about. That's all there is."
-[X] "If anything, taking the life of your enemy is generally the easier option. It's no different than fighting demons."
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I got a starter that ai feel needs more, but I gotta go make dinner
[] "I'm fairly sure he was dead before you started swinging? So I think you'd only be on the hook for whatever charge corpse desecration is...
I got a starter that ai feel needs more, but I gotta go make dinner
[] "I'm fairly sure he was dead before you started swinging? So I think you'd only be on the hook for whatever charge corpse desecration is...

I think this is pretty good, but only if we follow with a more serious comment afterwards, If I can build off of this, it would be something like:

[X] "I'm fairly sure he was dead before you started swinging? So I think you'd only be on the hook for whatever charge corpse desecration is..."
-[X] "I'm not going to judge you for being Angry, or hating him Kohaku. He did terrible things to you, you have a right to hate him and you don't have to ever forgive him."
--[X] "Just remember, we didn't kill him just because we hate him... We sent him to the afterlife because we didn't have any other choice. We couldn't jail him, couldn't convince him to stop, and he was going to fight to the bitter end. So to save your life, and Kyoko's, there was only one option left."
---[X] If she asks if you hate Hino: "Of course I hate his guts, he tortured you!"

How's this? I'm not super happy with the second part-is there a stronger word than "angry" and "upset" that fits in the sentence without being over-the-top?

Edit: Thanks Herofox, you pointed out the answer that was staring at me in the face. I genuinely feel dumb for not thinking that. Made a small edit to my suggested vote.

Edit 2: Thanks for the edits Isiri Pudireach, I implemented your suggestions.
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[X] "Perhaps you are one… but then why should it matter? You've had a difficult life Kohaku, and I am ashamed to say I don't think I've ever comprehended how difficult it's been for you. It's only human that you would want justice, vengeance, whatever you call it, carried out. If this situation had no demons, cultists, or magic brainwashing involved I'm confident that you would've been removed far from this situation so something like this could've prevented. Someone else might say differently but I believe this wasn't your fault, your scumbag of Father forced you to be here, he just didn't realize the consequences of his actions. I'm not afraid of you becoming a serial killer or whatever Kohaku because I can still see the person I grew up with inside you and because of that I know that you'll never let yourself go down such a dark path. We'll figure this out, my uncle can help us and I'm sure any of our friends will pitch in if we need them too. Come on. Let's head outside."

Welp I gave this my best shot.
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-[X] "I'm not going to judge you for beingAngry
Missing a space
He did terrible things to you, you have to hate him and you don't have to ever forgive him."
"you have a right to hate him"?

That aside, as far as I'm concerned, saying that we killed him because we didn't have another choice is wrong. Even if we could've taken him alive and broken the curse on Kohaku without killing him, he deserved to die, and I would not consider an outcome where he wasn't killed acceptable unless it was with the full understanding that he would be getting sent to death's row once the courts were done with him.
saying that we killed him because we didn't have another choice is wrong.
I don't think it is though. There's no government capable of holding him long enough for a whole legal thing to take place.

Outside of our current cast, we're probably better off killing all our enemies from now on, like Victoria. Redemption nor atonement is never going to be a thing.

We should still remove the Magatsuhi from Hino's corpse imo so he doesn't have a chance at coming back, but ig we could just try to vaporize the body.
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I don't think it is though. There's no government capable of holding him long enough for a whole legal thing to take place.
Read the rest of what I wrote. He deserved to die, therefore, as far as I am concerned, any outcome where he did not die was unacceptable. Whether or not a non-lethal solution was possible is beside the point.

With that said, do I need to remind you that the Kuzunoha Clan have been active for 1200 years? Or that they've been working with the police for at least the last twenty-something? Do you really believe that, in all of that time, they have never once had to contain someone with abilities like the ones Father Fuckwad had?
Read the rest of what I wrote. He deserved to die, therefore, as far as I am concerned, any outcome where he did not die was unacceptable. Whether or not a non-lethal solution was possible is beside the point.
I meant that us having a choice outside of killing him was doubtful at best.

Also to be perfectly honest, I always thought the Kuzunoha clan just killed people with Hino's abilities, otherwise I feel like we would have known way more without QM just telling us everything we need to know. They're powerful and generally knowledgeable enough to not actually require the containment of any opposition.

Its not a matter of if they can, but rather it's a huge waste of time and effort for minimal moral and physical value. People will never change, therefore any sort of containment is worthless. The Kuzunoha's operate while hiding the existence of magic, so its not like there are legal issues to interfere with their work outside of their connections with other people like the police, who also weren't aware of magic until Yumi shoved it into their face.

Edit: On top of that, any mistakes upon containment could result in people losing their lives alongside the sheer waste of resources that could be spent on anything else.
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[X] "Kohaku, It's not your fault". Keep saying it until she believes it, then hug her.

Im gonna keep doing this until it gets voted(at an appropriate moment ofc, as funny as it wouod be to answer this for 'what is for dinner' i want it to mean something
That aside, as far as I'm concerned, saying that we killed him because we didn't have another choice is wrong. Even if we could've taken him alive and broken the curse on Kohaku without killing him, he deserved to die, and I would not consider an outcome where he wasn't killed acceptable unless it was with the full understanding that he would be getting sent to death's row once the courts were done with him.

Thanks for the proof-reading, JAGwin.

I can understand where you are coming from, but I also, respectively, disagree with showing such bloodthirstiness. Maybe he deserved to die, but he may have also deserved to spend the rest of his life locked away in solitary confinement with no chance of release. What I'm trying to convey in my vote is that Yumi didn't come and kill Hino primarily because of a grudge or because she believed he deserved death, but because in that situation putting him down was the best option and most likely chance in saving Kyoko and keeping Kohaku safe from him.

It just doesn't make sense to me to have Yumi to show such a willingness to kill Hino. She had to, yeah, but she shouldn't be eager too. She was pretty shaken when she cut off Saburo's arm, and she was upset when Oracle's group got wiped out by Lilith. Now she has her first human kill, and I just don't think she would be thrilled about it.

Hope that makes sense. I'm off to bed, later.
@nmorrow I have two slight modifications on your vote:
--[X] "Just remember, we didn't kill him because we hate him...or at least, it isn't the main reason.
Cutting out the "or ar least, it isn't the main reason" and replacing it with a "just" inbetween "him" and "because." It makes the intention of the sentence clearer that way imo.
and he was going to fight to the bitter end-to save your life, and Kyoko's, there was only one option left."
The "end-to" bit is worded a bit awkwardly and can be easily misread, so I changed that bit in my take to:

"end. So to"

And here's a copy of the fully modified section of the vote:

--[] "Just remember, we didn't kill him just because we hate him... We sent him to the afterlife because we didn't have any other choice. We couldn't jail him, couldn't convince him to stop, and he was going to fight to the bitter end. So to save your life, and Kyoko's, there was only one option left."

[] "I'm fairly sure he was dead before you started swinging? So I think you'd only be on the hook for whatever charge corpse desecration is..."
-[] "I'm not going to judge you for being Angry, or hating him Kohaku. He did terrible things to you, you have a right to hate him and you don't have to ever forgive him."
--[] "Just remember, we didn't kill him just because we hate him... We sent him to the afterlife because we didn't have any other choice. We couldn't jail him, couldn't convince him to stop, and he was going to fight to the bitter end. So to save your life, and Kyoko's, there was only one option left."
---[] If she asks if you hate Hino: "Of course I hate his guts, he tortured you!"
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[X] "I'm fairly sure he was dead before you started swinging? So I think you'd only be on the hook for whatever charge corpse desecration is..."
-[X] "I'm not going to judge you for being Angry, or hating him Kohaku. He did terrible things to you, you have a right to hate him and you don't have to ever forgive him."
--[X] "Just remember, we didn't kill him just because we hate him... We sent him to the afterlife because we didn't have any other choice. We couldn't jail him, couldn't convince him to stop, and he was going to fight to the bitter end. So to save your life, and Kyoko's, there was only one option left."
---[X] If she asks if you hate Hino: "Of course I hate his guts, he tortured you!"
Mentioning that she'd be under any charges at all is probably not a good idea, she's in a fragile state at the moment.

I'll take my own swing at this:

[X] "Absolutely not. For one, he was probably already dead, f-from me." Force yourself to sound calm. "For second, given his attitude, what he'd already done -- to you, to Kyoko, to everyone he'd brainwashed -- and his long-term intentions, it would likely count as self-defense. Third, he was hurting Kyoko, and planned to cause a mass genocide of nearly the entire fucking planet who didn't fit his standards, so exterminating him counts as defense of others. And fourth, anyone who calls others 'subhuman' for being who they are, and couldn't change if they wanted to, automatically ceases to count as a person in my book, by their own choices."
-[X] "I'm not going to judge you for being angry, or for hating him, Ko. He did terrible things to you, you have a right to hate him and you don't have to ever forgive him." Growl, "I won't."
--[X] "Your scumbag of a father forced you to be here, he just didn't realize the consequences of his actions." Take a steadying breath. "I'm not afraid of you becoming a serial killer or whatever, Kohaku, because I can still see the person I grew up with inside you, and because of that I know that you'll never let yourself go down such a dark path. Shoji and I will be with you every step of the way, and when you need space we'll do our best to give it to you. But we won't leave you in the dark. We'll figure this out together, my uncle and grandparents can help us, and I'm sure any of our friends will pitch in if we need them too."
---[X] "Come on. Let's head outside, there's a Terminal there. We should be able to go right to my grandparents' without anyone on the street seeing us. Grandma can make sure the curse is completely gone and you can wash up -- they've seen worse." Which, come to think of it, is terrifying in its own right.
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[] "Absolutely not. For one, he was probably already dead, f-from me." Force yourself to sound calm. "For second, given his attitude, what he'd already done -- to you, to Kyoko, to everyone he'd brainwashed -- and his long-term intentions, it would likely count as self-defense. Third, he was hurting Kyoko, and planned to cause a mass genocide of nearly the entire fucking planet who didn't fit his standards, so exterminating him counts as defense of others. And fourth, anyone who calls others 'subhuman' for being who they are, and couldn't change if they wanted to, automatically ceases to count as a person in my book, by their own choices."
-[] "I'm not going to judge you for being angry, or for hating him, Ko. He did terrible things to you, you have a right to hate him and you don't have to ever forgive him." Growl, "I won't."
--[] "Your scumbag of Father forced you to be here, he just didn't realize the consequences of his actions." Take a steadying breath. "I'm not afraid of you becoming a serial killer or whatever, Kohaku, because I can still see the person I grew up with inside you, and because of that I know that you'll never let yourself go down such a dark path. Shoji and I will be with you every step of the way, and when you need space we'll do our best to give it to you. But we won't leave you in the dark. We'll figure this out together, my uncle and grandparents can help us, and I'm sure any of our friends will pitch in if we need them too."
---[] "Come on. Let's head outside, there's a Terminal there. We should be able to go right to my grandparents' without anyone on the street seeing us. Grandma can make sure the curse is completely gone and you can wash up -- they've seen worse." Which, come to think of it, is terrifying in its own right.
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