If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

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Some kinda funky little head wings. I'm specifically saying that only because when I first read Kohaku's name I misread it as Koharu and my brain autofilled her appearance as Koharu Shimoe and now I can't unimagine her not looking like that. I get the name right at least :V
Aaaand now I'm imagining if instead of Kohaku we got Eunie from Xenoblade 3 in all her british cursing glory
*watches video* Are we sure she isn't Scottish? :V

On a slightly more serious note, this talk about wings gave me a vague idea for a vote, but then I double-checked the update, and the topic is specifically ears, not animal traits in general. Then again…

[] Actually, the longer you think about it, the more animal ears don't feel like they fit Kohaku. What does? A pair of big feathery wings!
-[] Completely fail to realize that you are describing Kohaku like a stereotypical angel

Probably needs some refinement even if we got for something like this, buuuut…
[x] Koala for Kohaku sounds like it works-but actually koalas are stinky and super gross so it doesn't fit Kohaku at all!
-[x] Actually, the longer you think about it, the more animal ears don't feel like they fit Kohaku. What does? A pair of big white feathery wings-like a swan!
--[x] Completely fail to realize that you are describing Kohaku like a stereotypical angel
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[x] Koala for Kohaku sounds like it works-but actually koalas are stinky and super gross so it doesn't fit Kohaku at all!
-[x] Actually, the longer you think about it, the more animal ears don't feel like they fit Kohaku. What does? A pair of big white feathery wings-like a swan!
--[x] Completely fail to realize that you are describing Kohaku like a stereotypical angel
Amaterasu and Ame-No-Uzume left early in the morning before you woke up. They went back to the Fairy Village.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Feb 22, 2025 at 7:55 PM, finished with 9 posts and 2 votes.

  • [x] Koala for Kohaku sounds like it works-but actually koalas are stinky and super gross so it doesn't fit Kohaku at all!
    -[x] Actually, the longer you think about it, the more animal ears don't feel like they fit Kohaku. What does? A pair of big white feathery wings-like a swan!
    --[x] Completely fail to realize that you are describing Kohaku like a stereotypical angel
1091: On White Wings New
[X] "Why not a sheep?" ~ Pixie

"...My first thought for you would be a koala, because your name kinda sounds like the word koala..." You rub your chin, "...But they're pretty stinky and super gross, so they're right out."

"They're also stupid as hell," Yuki adds, "So there isn't any overlap between her and koalas. Maybe a cat?"

"No, cats are definitely tsundere." You shake your head, glancing down at Gouto, "No offense."

"All taken, but whatever." Gouto sits down, "How about... Uh... A fox? Like, a kitsune."

"Mm..." You think about that, but it just doesn't fit in your mind, "...Good idea, but no. How about...?"

Then, it hits you.

The reason you can't pin down what kind of ears would work for her...

...Is because wings fit so much better!

"What about wings?" You offer excitedly, "Like a swan's wings! Big, puffed out, white wings!"

"On her head?" Gouto asks.

"No, on her back!" You giggle a little, "Like, if anyone could pull off a look like that, it's gotta be Kohaku! I can see it now...!" You make a square with your fingers, keeping Kohaku dead center, "Kohaku, sitting alone at the shore of a pond or a lake, her wings stretching behind her, catching the moonlight as she stares out to the other side of the water... And then, some bad guys show up! And she beats them with her Light magic!"

Gouto grumbles, "There it is."

Yuki nods, "Yeah, that's a pretty good picture you've painted."

Kohaku herself is staring at the ground for some reason. What's got her so nervous all of a sudden?

[] ???????????????????????????????????????
[X] "Eh? Kohaku? You alright there? What's got you all mixed up?"
-[X] "Why are you all looking at me like that?"
Third Anniversary! New
Three years.


...I'm speechless.

All of the highs, the lows, and all the times in between...

...And even my very short hiatus/mental breakdown.

You've all been there for PMMT (and me) through all of that time. Three years. More than one thousand updates, not even counting the one hundred and thirteen EX Chapters, of even the Apocryphas. It's been a long journey to get here, to this point, to now.

So, you know what?

How about a QnA? I feel like asking some questions, too!

1. How are you spending PMMT's Third Anniversary?

2. Are there any EX Chapters that you'd like to see? Characters, demons, plot points?

3. Any favorite moments throughout the quest? Any favorite Apocryphas?

4. Do you have a favorite antagonist? If so, who and why?

5. CURVEBALL QUESTION: What's your favorite Minecraft Mod?

Oh, and feel free to ask any questions of your own, of course! We wouldn't have gotten to this point without all of you!

Have a great day!
QnA answers

1. Wondering why the water is being cut to my neighborhood

2. More Yuma and the her pokemon nightmares

3. Red vs Blue

4. The Bitch Victoria and because she is punchable

5. I'd have to say it's a close tie between Thaumcraft and Botania although Project E is also good
1. How are you spending PMMT's Third Anniversary?
Drinking hot chocolate
2. Are there any EX Chapters that you'd like to see? Characters, demons, plot points?
Kinda wanna see Azazel, aka mister "the human I was afraid of got his ass kicked by a young woman that by all accounts should have been weaker than him."
3. Any favorite moments throughout the quest? Any favorite Apocryphas?
I've really enjoyed all our sparing matches. And basically any time Yumi proves why she's a "Spellblade" and not just a "Pure Caster."

As for the Apocrypha? Mostly the slice of life stuff, like the zoo trip one or the lemonade stand. Also the "Dante is Nagisa's dad" ones.
4. Do you have a favorite antagonist? If so, who and why?
Eris, specifically because of how much shit she keeps having to deal with. Her suffering amuses me.
5. CURVEBALL QUESTION: What's your favorite Minecraft Mod?
Honestly, just anything that adds more stuff to do. Haven't had much chance to play modded since my old laptop was kinda shit.
Oh, and feel free to ask any questions of your own, of course! We wouldn't have gotten to this point without all of you!
Do you have any characters you haven't introduced that you are excited for?

Who's your favorite non main cast character?

What is your favorite time you changed plan your plans due to our actions?
1. Sleeping because I'm sick.

2. Persona!Yumi seems fun.

3. When Yumi discovered Fusion Spells the first time and when she discovered her Magatsuhi Form the first time.

4. Not really.
1. How are you spending PMMT's Third Anniversary?
Aside from doing my job, I've got games to play.

2. Are there any EX Chapters that you'd like to see? Characters, demons, plot points?
Yumi unintentionally flirting with Kohaku over the years in Akami Springs?

3. Any favorite moments throughout the quest?
Toss-up between Yumi freaking out when Kyoko teased her about possibly having a crush on Kazuya and anytime Kohaku turned into a blushing mess because of Yumi unintentionally flirting with her.

Any favorite Apocryphas?
That I didn't write? Toss-up between It's a Mystery, No Sell and Crater.

4. Do you have a favorite antagonist?

5. CURVEBALL QUESTION: What's your favorite Minecraft Mod?
I don't play Minecraft.

Oh, and feel free to ask any questions of your own, of course!
Well, we have the Akami Spings trio's P4A mischaracterizations, so how about the rest of the cast? Besides Kyoko being a cannibal, of course.

Speaking of P4A, what would Yuki's title and mischaracterization be?

How would the cast react to their P4A titles?

Regarding the Akechi quotes, why did he seem so angry at Joker specifically when Yuma got Enraged?

Also regarding the Akechi quotes, what did Yuki do to make Goro dislike him so much?

Takeshi's thoughts on Yumi being denser than three him?

Ryoko's thoughts on Yumi's school constantly catching fire?

Odds of Dante being dubbed "Gramps" like Zenkichi?

Dante's reaction to being dubbed "Gramps"?

Are you taking any Omake suggestions besides Question 2?
1. How are you spending PMMT's Third Anniversary?

2. Are there any EX Chapters that you'd like to see? Characters, demons, plot points?

3. Any favorite moments throughout the quest? Any favorite Apocryphas?

4. Do you have a favorite antagonist? If so, who and why?

5. CURVEBALL QUESTION: What's your favorite Minecraft Mod?

In order,

1. Reading stuff in general.

2. I kind of want to see more of the Fairy Village?

3. Yumi's Magatsuhi form reveal.

4. No, not really. Sorry.

5. Alex's Caves. It has non-copyright Godzilla.

question i have, do the Incubators fear THE BUCKET.
1. How are you spending PMMT's Third Anniversary?
I'm just sitting in my room, reading fanfics and playing games as always
2. Are there any EX Chapters that you'd like to see? Characters, demons, plot points?
Pixie maybe? I dunno, feels like it's been a while since we last had a whole thing dedicated to her.
3. Any favorite moments throughout the quest? Any favorite Apocryphas?
The Bucket. It's a simple joke, I know, but I am a simple person so it's great to me.
4. Do you have a favorite antagonist? If so, who and why?
Not really? Maybe Eris, since she's keeping an eye on Victoria to keep her from doing stupid shit?
5. CURVEBALL QUESTION: What's your favorite Minecraft Mod?
Cobblemon, easy. I like my little fellows and cherish them greatly.
Voting is open