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[X] Plan Backstory + Stop Dumping INT

Honestly, best we got. Poor dudes reality just kind of... shit all over him.
Edit: Like this one better.
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Probably too much, but it's my thoughts. Point out any mistakes if I made any?

Mostly made it to dump our backstory.

[X] Plan Backstory + Stop Dumping INT
-[X] "...I honestly couldn't tell you. For all intents and purposes, there were other differences between our worlds than just you and I, like your Raido's scar, and Mom might not have even died to a Witch in your universe like she did here. I can't even really say I understand what you're going through because I've lost so much less than you, though I wouldn't say that your emotions are a weakness."
-[X] "As soon as I could hold a sword I trained to fight. Not to uphold any honor or pride, but because I saw how much losing Mom back then tortured my Dad. How much losing her back then hurt. So I fought so I wouldn't lose anything again. I looked for reasons to fight. Bullies, Drug Dealers, Liars, and scum of all kinds. I saved some, I taught a few, and I crushed everyone else without mercy. I remember every bone broken, every drop of blood spilled, and every scream for mercy that escaped under my fists. I fought and fought until Shoji saw me for who I was, and pulled me back. That was the life I lived before entering the world of Demons and Magic."
-[X] "If anything, it's you who's superior to me due to your sheer experience, but your ability to read people is worse than my own. As much as you need to keep your eyes on your enemies, you need to observe your friends even more so. The type of person they are, their motivations, habits. Even more important are shifts in behavior and addressing the cause before it pushes away the people closest to you and turn them against you. Could be anything from money, food, or even emotions like hatred or envy."
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We should probably also address the "I died so many times" claim :V

Like we know it's a thing but Yumi should be hearing about it for the first time rn yeah?
Hell maybe it's cause I got front row seats to mom's death that I got more direct motivation to kick my ass into gear
Yumi didn't know this until the Dream with the Puppet Witch, so it could not have been a motivating factor. Not to mention that she was only four at the time, not exactly an age where this sort of thing would motivate anything.

Didn't you say your Raido had a scar?
I'm pretty sure that happened after arriving in Mitakihara, based on this;
"Raido Kuzunoha, yes!" He sounds a little frustrated, "Kinda tall, black hair, scar along his left eye from a Witch attack on March 27th, detective! Why do you fucking know that?!"
The fact that he referred to a day of a month with no mention of a year implies to me that this was relatively recent.

-[X] "As soon as I could hold a sword I was trained to fight. Not to uphold any honor or pride, but because I saw how much losing Mom back then tortured my Dad. How much losing her back then hurt.
I recommend dropping the "was" here, because it makes it sound like it was someone else who was the driving force in Yumi training, not Yumi taking the initiative and going out of her way to learn how to fight like following sentences indicate.
The fact that he referred to a day of a month with no mention of a year implies to me that this was relatively recent.
Wait what day is it for us lmao

I might edit mine if we didn't pass that date.
I recommend dropping the "was" here, because it makes it sound like it was someone else who was the driving force in Yumi training, not Yumi taking the initiative and going out of her way to learn how to fight like following sentences indicate.
Thanks, edit made.
Yumi didn't know this until the Dream with the Puppet Witch, so it could not have been a motivating factor. Not to mention that she was only four at the time, not exactly an age where this sort of thing would motivate anything.
Iirc Tremendous said it was a subconscious motivator. Just because it wasn't something she was conscious about, doesn't mean it didn't affect her.
Ch 3: Sonic And The Warped World
"So, you're a hedgehog?" You ask, looking down at your new acquaintance Sonic.

"Yep." Sonic replies, hands behind his head, "Just said that."

"Sorry, I was just confirming." You shake your head, "It's a lot to take in, is all."

"I get it, trust me!" Sonic smirks up at you, "Imagine my shock when I woke up and saw a city! I mean, South Island isn't exactly industrialized!"

"So, I suppose you don't know how you got here?" You ask. You'd like to think you aren't too oblivious.

"Not a clue, but I've got a good hunch." Sonic scowls a little, "And, honestly, it's a fifty-fifty chance. Either the storms above South Island were caused by some "all-powerful" monster that wanted the Chaos Emeralds for some nefarious purposes, or..." Sonic sighs, "...It's Eggman. Again."

"That's the one who built the robots you were telling me about, right?" You try to remember your previous conversation, "With the bushy mustache?"

"Bingo. You catch on pretty quick!" Sonic takes a step ahead, "Alright, I've pretty much given you my life story, so I think some explanations are overdue."

You nearly freeze, "Ah, right! I suppose I should tell you a little bit about Mitakihara and... Witches."

"Hey, as long as they keep their broomsticks close to the ground, I think I'll be a-okay." Sonic turns around, walking backwards to talk to you. He accentuates his point by making an "ok" with his left hand.

You sigh, pulling a Grief Seed out of your hat, "If only it were so simple."









You are in a dumpster.


You get up, letting the waste matter fall off of you.



"Aah!!" You register a voice. Childlike, possibly female, "No, Mama!!" There is fear in her desperate plea.


You begin to exit the alley.

"You little shit!!" There is a second female voice, older, possibly belonging to "Mama", "You thought you could hide this from me?!"


There is a yelp from the younger entity, as well as glass shattering.

"Yuma's sorry! Yuma's sorry! She pro--!!" Physical strike detected, likely by hand.

"Oh, I bet you are!!" The older woman growls, "Sorry that you got caught!"


You walk past the home, focused on your current objective.

"Do you have any idea how much that's worth?!" The woman points to--


The engine in your back flares to life instantly as you crash through the wall. The older woman, covered in alcohol and trace amounts of blood, looks you dead in the eye.

The child, whom you can only assume is her daughter, lays still at your feet. You pick her up by the back of her neck, and show the woman her offspring.

She looks confused.


You point to the Chaos Emerald in her hand, and express your desire of it with your hand.

The older woman scoffs, "Hell no! You can kill the little shit for all I care! This diamond is mine!"

You comprehend.


You drop the child off to the side, shoot forward, and deliver a devastating blow to the woman's sternum. Predictably, it shatters. As she hits the wall, you grab her arm and break it. The Emerald clatters to the floor as her daughter winces from the fall.


Aside from the damage you inflicted, she has suffered cranial damage from her impact with the wall, along with spinal damage. She will be dead within two to three hours, less so if the bone shrapnel has torn any vital organs.


You take the Chaos Emerald, content to vacate the pre--

The child grabs your leg on your way out. "P... Please... Don't leave... Yuma...!" She begs.

She failed to be used as a hostage once.

But then again, that woman was not Sonic.

You grab the child by the back of the neck again.



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The older woman scoffs, "Hell no! You can kill the little shit for all I care! This diamond is mine!"

Dumbest thing she could have said

You comprehend.


You drop the child off to the side, shoot forward, and deliver a devastating blow to the woman's sternum. Predictably, it shatters. As she hits the wall, you grab her arm and break it. The Emerald clatters to the floor as her daughter winces from the fall.


Aside from the damage you inflicted, she has suffered cranial damage from her impact with the wall, a long with spinal damage. She will be dead within two to three hours, less so if the bone shrapnel has torn any vital organs.

Holy Shit

You take the Chaos Emerald, content to vacate the pre--

The child grabs your leg on your way out.

She failed to be used as a hostage once.

But then again, that woman was not Sonic.

You grab the child by the back of the neck again.

Yuma why?
Yep, that is Metal Sonic in general alright.

Like NGL if it came to a battle between the people on the group and Metal Sonic.

Eh depends, but the only ones I would bet serious money to win is Homura, Yumi, Dante, Vergil, Sonic and Raido.

Otherwise my money 100% would go to Metal.

Like I doubt even Mami or Kyoko could keep up with the murder machine made to actively match Sonic the freaking Hedgehog.

I doubt even Madoka could get one shot off before Metal is on her face.

If you ever continue these it would be nice to see any of the megucas or the demons to try to keep up with Metal only to barely or outright fail
[X] "Honestly dude, I don't fucking know. It could be anything. Hell maybe it's cause I got front row seats to mom's death that I got more direct motivation to kick my ass into gear, while you got depression since you never had a proper target. Then again, the difference between our worlds probably go back to before we were even born. Didn't you say your Raido had a scar? I don't think there'll ever be a good enough answer."
-[X] "It was a Witch that got mom by the way. Had a puppetry theme. For whatever reason, that night I left the house and mom followed me."
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