Ren Amamiya: So, we changed Kamoshida's heart, and made him confess to abusing the volleyball team and--
Demifiend: I would've killed him, just putting that out there.
Flynn: You've said that to all of the targets Ren has mentioned.
Demifiend: Not that Futaba gal.
Nanashi: He's got you there.
Flynn: I didn't think she counted. She got one of those Persona things and joined his team.
Dante: I woulda just popped a bullet in that Shido guy and called it a day.
*Long beat*
Dante: What? He was colluding with a Mundus-adjacent entity, he manipulated tons of people, and he tried to smear a random kid's reputation! That alone ticks all the boxes!
Nero: It would've been Sanctus all over again! What are you gonna egg on some other kid to hunt you down, too?
Dante: Nah, I would've had Vergil step in and put up an outrageous fee to hunt me down! We fight, we find a bigger bad guy, and we both make bank! It's the perfect plan!
Vergil: I get to stab you again? This is the perfect plan.
Ren: Can I finish?
Dante: I had more, but whatever.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 20, 2025 at 12:09 AM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Send a text back, "Can you tell me where he was? I can check out the area."
>YOU: Can you tell me where he was? I can sweep that area, see if I can find him.
"Yumi?" Shoji nudges you, "You've... Got that look in your eye."
"...Look? What look?" You turn your gaze over to Shoji.
"The patent "I'm going out hunting" look that you used to get back in Akami Springs." Shoji says, his tone betraying his inner nervousness.
"That's because I might be going out hunting." You reply, looking at your phone as it buzzes again.
>Blueberry: i took a pic of the street sign when we passed, here u go
Attached to the text is a picture of, unsurprisingly, a street sign.
(INT ROLL: 14+10)
You've been down that road a few times whenever you've been down to the Industrial District.
>YOU: Got it.
You pocket your phone as Gouto hops off of your shoulder.
"So the shepherd dog is going out to snap at the wolf?" Gouto asks, "So, Specs, are you gonna tag along? Or is the "Demon" more of a solo fighter?"
Your blood runs cold. "Don't--?"
"Oh, relax. I won't squeal." Gouto stretches, "I just want in on it."
"What?" Shoji asks, staring down at the cat.
"What do you mean "what"? It's not like I'm gonna follow Raido anywhere soon!" Gouto grins, "Plus, I ain't the kind of cat to peek in on that junk. So, what's the plan?"
[] "We are hunting a creep who might be into girls who aren't on the menu."
-[] "Shoji do you want to come with, and should I get you a weapon/blunt object?"
[X] "We're just gonna take a look around. Hopefully before anything happens."
-[X] "I really hope this is a misunderstanding, like with that Idol Agency guy."
[X] "We're just gonna take a look around. Hopefully before anything happens."
-[X] "I really hope this is a misunderstanding, like with that Idol Agency guy."
[X] "We're just gonna take a look around. Hopefully before anything happens."
-[X] "I really hope this is a misunderstanding, like with that Idol Agency guy."
"I just want to talk to him." -Yumi, casually resting her hand on Dawn's hilt.
[X] "We're just gonna take a look around. Hopefully before anything happens."
-[X] "I really hope this is a misunderstanding, like with that Idol Agency guy."
Madoka: Absolutely. She was so relieved when she got to go back, though.
Sayaka: She was inconsolable for a few days.
Hitomi: Did not cry, but instead simply enjoyed the story.
Mami: Hugged Kyoko for a while afterwards. To this day, they both refuse to talk about it.
Kyoko: Waited until she was alone, then cried.
Yuma: Absolutely bawled her eyes out.
Homura: Almost, but repressed it when Madoka walked by.
Nagisa: Played it to see if Yuma was overreacting. She was not.
Kyosuke: Thought it was stupid to not have permanent consequences in the story. Unrelated, but he also thinks good storytelling is making all of the characters miserable by the end.
Hiroko: Cried with Manami.
Manami: Streamed the game, cried with Hiroko while she desperately tried to stay in character.
Hiro: Cried. A lot.
Tadano Hitonari: Didn't cry, but consoled Hiro.
Kazuya: Played through the entire game in one sitting without speaking, didn't react to anything.
Cerberus: Cried while watching Kazuya play.
Raido: "...I don't play video games."
Takeshi: All of his tears were spent long ago. But he totally would've.
Ryoko: Absolutely would have cried.
Officer Minato Omaya: "Huh? No, I don't play any games. I spend my time reading mostly.
The Chief: "I'm not playing a game for "evidence", Yumi."
Dante: "Eh. Not the most heartbreaking thing I've been a part of."
Vergil: "...No."
Shoji: Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.
Kohaku: "Yumi, you...! Just come here! I need to...! Uaaaaaaah...!"
Yuki: Played it off until he was alone, then let a solitary tear escape his eye.
Gabriel: Found it difficult to believe that humans could write such a heart wrenching story.
Louis: "I did not cry."
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 20, 2025 at 11:30 PM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.
[X] "We're just gonna take a look around. Hopefully before anything happens."
-[X] "I really hope this is a misunderstanding, like with that Idol Agency guy."
[X] *Cocking the Trencher* "I just wanna talk to him."
"We're just gonna take a look around, hopefully before anything happens." You instinctively rest your hand on Dawn's handle, "...I hope it's just a misunderstanding like that Idol agency guy."
"Idol agency guy?" Shoji repeats, "I don't remember that one."
"It was a new one." You clarify, "Not in Akami Springs."
"So, the Demon's making a comeback?" Gouto grins widely, "I've gotta see this."
"Yeah, I'm coming too." Shoji says resolutely.
"Alright, suit yourselves!" You turn right around and head right back to the Terminal, "We'll take a bit of a detour to the Gang's base."
"The who's what?" Shoji asks right before you all appear inside the old warehouse.
Rakshasa is sharpening his blades on a whetstone while the cyan-armored demon waits for a turn.
The cat demon is curled up in a ball, sleeping peacefully.
"...A whole sushi bar...?" She mumbles in her sleep, "...Just for us...?"
And finally, off in a corner sulking, is a new demon you've never seen before. He seems to have something that looks like tall grass on his head, grey skin, and a stern expression.
He glances up at you when you arrive, "So you're the human that axed Take-Minakata? You look a little scrawny to me."
[X] "Funny. A group of Demons that used to be part of this gang thought the same thing. Two of them died in as many moves, and the third wound up begging for his life." *place finger on Dawn's trigger* "Care to try your luck as well?"
-[X] If he decides to fight, use Burning Break
-[X] If not, ask Rakshasa who the new recruit with an attitude problem is and continue on your way
I have a hunch that this is the same Demon that Kyoko ran into back in EX 77, which Isiri identified as Patrimpas.
[X] "Funny. A group of Demons that used to be part of this gang thought the same thing. Two of them died in as many moves, and the third wound up begging for his life." *place finger on Dawn's trigger* "Care to try your luck as well?"
-[X] If he decides to fight, use Burning Break
-[X] If not, ask Rakshasa who the new recruit with an attitude problem is and continue on your way
The first game is an Isekai where you go on a ton of adventures with your partner, even becoming fugitives at one point, and the end of the main story has you getting sent back to your home world.
The second game you are a time traveler trying to avert a dark future and get erased from existence when you succeed.