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Just noticed this post.

In Yuki's canon, Kohaku was a lot less confused about her feelings towards him (and apparently more brazen). This is what began Shoji's spectacular fall. Not only was he just ignored by Kohaku, but now she was dating his best friend.

Awww, we have a baby bi on our hands! A... ba-bi, you could say.

Shh, nobody spook her...
[X] Wait why is it getting further away!?!?
--[X] Repeat last round.

Backup? Nah, Sayaka is about to say "Nah, I'd win". She don't need any backup!

Come on, let's get those juicy levels from soloing the witch!
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He took the Trait "Bloodletting", which lets him cast spells at 0 MP at the cost of double in HP. For example, casting Bufu (which is 4 MP) would cost him 8 HP.
Wow. Hope he took a trait to convert all MP gains into HP, otherwise that sounds like a miserable experience. Granted, maybe a big enough magic modifier would let him heal it all away but still.
In Yuki's canon, Kohaku was a lot less confused about her feelings towards him (and apparently more brazen). This is what began Shoji's spectacular fall. Not only was he just ignored by Kohaku, but now she was dating his best friend.

It wasn't until he made a pact with Uriel that his wish would finally be realized.

If you'd like information about Yuki's canon, please feel free to ask.
Hm. That's. Not understandable. But like... Words escape me right now. But fair enough dude. Sucks to lose your childhood friend to your other childhood friend. And it happened to both of the dudes, albeit in different ways. And I'm not making any more sense but... eh.
Awww, we have a baby bi on our hands! A... ba-bi, you could say.
On that note, do we think Yumi a demi/demi or is she just dense and oblivious? Discuss.
Yumi has been flustered at Hitonari, iirc, and had a spot of "oh no, she pretty" upon summoning Lorelei. Tho both cases cleared up quickly.

In my headcanon, Yumi is aesthetically attracted to some people of all genders, demiromantic, has never really stopped to think about being part of anything polyamorous herself despite being grumpy about an unnecessary easy-to-resolve anime love triangle or two, and has more urgent things to do right now than think about pre-, peri-, or post-marital hanky-panky. She's not blind to people being attracted to her or to others, but she has a complete blindspot where Kohaku's feelings are concerned because... well, they've only met up again in the last few days and things have not been conducive to recognizing such feelings. Nor would acting on them before Kohaku's been able to get her feet under her be something Yumi would be okay with.

Heck, if headcanon!Yumi stopped and realized all the romance flags she's been setting up already, she'd probably feel guilty or manipulative until she slaps herself, blinks when that does literally nothing, and that jolt of weirdness resets her brain enough to remind her that she at no point did it intentionally and that every word was genuine in the moment.

Besides, this is strictly a TV-14 LV show! (I'm making that bit up, I have no idea beyond what the TOS say and the very Not For Television goreshot with Oracle. Let's say that part is censored for airing.)

And if all that sounds like a lot, I have a shipment full of salt here for you to pick a grain to take it all with. It's like 430am here, I'm probablly two "seeds" short of an Exeggcute by now.
late night headcanon
You, my good madam, are perfectly fine. I like loredumps like this, even headcanon loredumps. Mad respect for putting yourself out there like this. It has, however, brought me a funni mental image for when The Romance Bomb finally drops on poor Yumi point blank.

Mainly of her calling dad for advice and it devolving into a "You aren't dating Kohaku!?" "Noooo!? I thought we were just friends!" "Yumi. I love you. But for fucks sake I need you to look back and think about what you've done in the context of a yuri anime." "...oh fuck I seduced my best friend by accident. What do I do!?" "WELL DO YOU WANT TO DATE HER!?" "YES!? NO!? MAYBE??? I JUST- AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa..." kind of mess.

Edit: I will also admit. You have also brought the mental image of Yumi being Very Aggressive about trying to solve the problem, and dragging Shoji into the mess with a "Come on, we're going to kiss Kohaku" "I'm sorry, Yumi what the f r e s h f u c k did you just say?" and it also amuses. Though I doubt it's likely to happen. We'll see how the confession comes about. And how stressful the situation as a whole is. And everything. Whatever's on the table plays but we don't even have our cards yet.
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On that note, do we think Yumi a demi/demi or is she just dense and oblivious? Discuss.
Honestly? I've been interpreting her as asexual* for a while now… and also really, really dense on top of that.

*Do not conflate this with aromantic. I believe Yumi is fully capable of returning Kohaku's romantic feelings, although beyond that I have no idea what Yumi's romantic orientation is.

Yumi has been flustered at Hitonari, iirc
I don't remember this. I think you're thinking of when she freaked out in Update 106** after Kyoko teased her about Kazuya in Update 105, and even then, it was entirely about the teasing, not Kazuya himself. I also feel it should be noted that Yumi actually wondered what gender she's even attracted to during that freak out.

**As a side note, as the person who originally came up with the vote to have Yumi unknowingly make it sound like Kohaku was her girlfriend when introducing her, I would like to state for the record that that was originally because I still remembered this freak out and wanted to give Kyoko more ammunition to tease Yumi with.

She's not blind to people being attracted to her or to others, but she has a complete blindspot where Kohaku's feelings are concerned because... well, they've only met up again in the last few days and things have not been conducive to recognizing such feelings.
Except, from how I understood things, Kohaku's feelings were pretty blatant before she disappeared, and Yumi was just as clueless back then as she is now.

the very Not For Television goreshot with Oracle. Let's say that part is censored for airing.)
I assume that only the start of that was shown before cutting to a reaction shot of Yumi and co. as blood spatter flies past them. :V
Yumi's ambiguous preferences and confusion about what if any gender she's really attracted to is definitely something I'd prefer to keep going.

It also occurred to me while looking over finding the overall trend of Yumi that we have been introduced to the Oracle before in a very blink and you miss it EX chapter moment. A very very different person before she was expelled and at some point started to work under Lilith. Still batshit crazy and zealous about her beliefs.
When you asked about it the first time, mom smacked you on the back of the head.

"Our Messiah is coming!" She screeched at you, "Don't you question His message!"

You never saw her after that.

[X] ...Below your feet?
-[X] Repeat last round.
I hope we get a robot waifu in this quest. Currently our closest is Dawn... Whom I just realized is a perfect fit for Yumi's Aeon Social Link.

But yeah, me want robo-girl. And between MG making wishes and whatever shenanigans are spawning items, it's not impossible for one to be running around... Reminds me I had an idea for a Kongo (Kantai collection) SI where the SI was spawned by a girls wish.
You have also brought the mental image of Yumi being Very Aggressive about trying to solve the problem, and dragging Shoji into the mess with a "Come on, we're going to kiss Kohaku" "I'm sorry, Yumi what the f r e s h f u c k did you just say?" and it also amuses. Though I doubt it's likely to happen.

OMC we're gonna need a setup for this later :rofl2: Assuming there's any sign of Kohaku being open to that at all, of course -- would be doubleplusungood if she would donotwant.

I hope we get a robot waifu in this quest. Currently our closest is Dawn...

...Dawn is our other psuedodaughter. Nope, nope, nope nope nope nopenopenopenope seeyouspacecowboy nope.

I think you're thinking of when she freaked out in Update 106** after Kyoko teased her about Kazuya in Update 105, and even then, it was entirely about the teasing, not Kazuya himself.

Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking about. I couldn't remember where it was to go look it up, and again it was 430am. :p I appreciate the correction. ^_^

Well, those who still buy Atlus games are getting The Answer as a DLC, which would be the harder part to implement as a mod, so FemMC should be easy to focus on modding in. Which is in progress, it seems? At least until Atlus decides to blow another hole in their reputation with fans by suing or C&Ding that too.
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In Yuki's canon, Kohaku was a lot less confused about her feelings towards him (and apparently more brazen). This is what began Shoji's spectacular fall. Not only was he just ignored by Kohaku, but now she was dating his best friend.

It wasn't until he made a pact with Uriel that his wish would finally be realized.

If you'd like information about Yuki's canon, please feel free to ask.
So what your saying is in order to get the good ending we need to start accidentally flirting with them both?

Polyship here we come! True ending wooooooooooooooo

Now I do have a question about Yuki's Canon- Was there ever a point where we just stopped trying to save anyone through the loops? Like did he get apathy at all, maybe start letting people die to see what would change? If so then I do not look forward to the potential encounter with him.

Edit: Is it weird that I already have a general idea how these three could act like if they all had a kid?
Kohaku: The Sweet mother who often overspoils their kid to make up for her childhood.
Shoji: The kind father who is an anchor for their kid to rely on.
Yumi: The somewhat feral guard dog that would square up with any bullies in her kid's class if they so much as make their kid cry.
(Of course I'm not 100% on if these would be accurate, except for Yumi's)
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