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Oh, It's A Tie.
[] Be mildly impressed at how well that worked. "...well done, everyone, that went almost perfectly." Flick a quick Diarama at Oni's shoulder. "That was quite a crushing defeat for them."
-[] Check the guy whose experience of the pun was overly-literal for a pulse -- if he's still alive, Diarama him too.
-[] Take out your phone, quickly document the scene -- faces, cloaks, weapons -- until Raido's with you, to maintain the whole 'chain of evidence' thing. It's not like those gunshots wouldn't bring him running out again anyway.
--[] "So, I probably shouldn't touch the weapons, right? Fingerprints and all that." Offer to keep them in your Gauntlet for now.


[] Reenter your apartment and inform the others that hostiles have arrived
-[] "Five definitely unconscious, one possibly dead, need to check."
--[] Go check whether the one that Yurlungur took down is still breathing

It do be like this sometimes.
Which Witch?
The winning vote is:

[X] "As much as I want to use my sword, I'd also like to be a bit more capable of helping."
-[X] "What do you have in mind?"

...But the Witch choice may need to be further agreed upon. I'll give you all an hour to hash it out, but don't be discouraged if your Witch doesn't make it in this time! I'll probably end up introducing them later!

Happy voting!
A Three-way Tie.
I don't like ties. They're course, rough, irritating...

...And they get everywhere!

[] "First, thanks for that. Second, I'm hunting for terminals so I have a quick way to get around."


[] "Thanks for that." Give him an appreciative nod. "And I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."


[] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... It's had it's uses, and it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"

Happy voting.
It's Always Something.
[] Plan Princess Carry
-[] "Shit, the curse is acting up again!" Sweep her into a princess carry and try Me Patra, you may not be able to break the curse, but perhaps you can disrupt it. Either way you need to get back to your grandparents. Do not drop her, even if she struggles.
-[] "Kohaku, if you're willing, one of my demons can magically put you to sleep." If she says yes or is too delirious to answer have Lorelie put her to sleep, unless Anahita stops you.
-[] Have Shoji call your grandparents as you make your way back and fill them in.


[] Plan That Man is a 37 Year Old Infant V3
-[] Hug her, and sharply motion Shoji in to hug her too. "He tries to undermine you. He isolated you from us. We will not let him take you again. You're our friend, and we love you. You can fight him off, and we will do everything we can to help. Including kindly kicking his ass."
--[] Help her up with Shoji and stabilize her as you walk to Grandma's home- and since you know how she feels about magic, give her a few medicines that you have- Have her just nibble/sip at them so she can treat the headache as the curse does its thing.
---[] If it gets really bad, ask Kohaku if she wants to be put to sleep with a spell... you're worried it may make things worse, and you know how she feels about magic, so it's up to her. Sweep her up in a princess carry so she doesn't hurt herself falling asleep, then have Lorelei do her thing.
---[] Ask Anahita if she has any suggestions, and explain what Grandma already told you about the curse. Maybe she has some ideas for mitigating the damage.
----[] Make some conversation as you all walk together- answer questions if anyone asks them- yap about the day or something you saw while you all were apart maybe? Let's enjoy this as much as possible - and if anything doesn't get the message and seems to be performing evil activities, you can ask your Demons to play with them.
-----[] You gotta trust in your team- they can hee-handle a few fist fights without you, ho!

Happy voting!

[] "...I cut off someone's arm a few days ago. And I had enough power to just... make the problem go away, with a wave of my hand and a little magic."
-[] "And now I've killed someone. Sure, it was Father Hino, I went in knowing this was probably going to be the result, but... I wanted to believe he might've had some good in him once, like some of the others I met in my life before getting consumed by themselves."
--[] "If he had though, it was gone long ago. With the power he had, he could have helped so many people if he chose to, but didn't. There was no other path I could have taken to stop him, but even so I just... What kind of world do we live in that killing my best friend's father and having a hand in the death of her mother is a good thing?!"


[] Plan Feelings are complicated.
-[] "If there had been a way to free Kohaku and Kyoko while bringing him in alive... On principal I want to say I would take it, but I'm not sure I if I would put as much effort in the last part as I would the prior two. I don't feel bad that it was him specifically, but I don't want that feeling to be a reoccurring thing either."
-[] "It's... Some things happened back in Akami Springs and I had already decided before I moved here that I don't want to go down that path. Judge, Jury, and Executioner. But I also know I would do it again to protect those important to me."
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