[] Plan Princess Carry
-[] "Shit, the curse is acting up again!" Sweep her into a princess carry and try Me Patra, you may not be able to break the curse, but perhaps you can disrupt it. Either way you need to get back to your grandparents. Do not drop her, even if she struggles.
-[] "Kohaku, if you're willing, one of my demons can magically put you to sleep." If she says yes or is too delirious to answer have Lorelie put her to sleep, unless Anahita stops you.
-[] Have Shoji call your grandparents as you make your way back and fill them in.
[] Plan That Man is a 37 Year Old Infant V3
-[] Hug her, and sharply motion Shoji in to hug her too. "He tries to undermine you. He isolated you from us. We will not let him take you again. You're our friend, and we love you. You can fight him off, and we will do everything we can to help. Including kindly kicking his ass."
--[] Help her up with Shoji and stabilize her as you walk to Grandma's home- and since you know how she feels about magic, give her a few medicines that you have- Have her just nibble/sip at them so she can treat the headache as the curse does its thing.
---[] If it gets really bad, ask Kohaku if she wants to be put to sleep with a spell... you're worried it may make things worse, and you know how she feels about magic, so it's up to her. Sweep her up in a princess carry so she doesn't hurt herself falling asleep, then have Lorelei do her thing.
---[] Ask Anahita if she has any suggestions, and explain what Grandma already told you about the curse. Maybe she has some ideas for mitigating the damage.
----[] Make some conversation as you all walk together- answer questions if anyone asks them- yap about the day or something you saw while you all were apart maybe? Let's enjoy this as much as possible - and if anything doesn't get the message and seems to be performing evil activities, you can ask your Demons to play with them.
-----[] You gotta trust in your team- they can hee-handle a few fist fights without you, ho!
Happy voting!