If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • Maybe.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 50.0%

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I've Been Meaning To Ask...
I know it's labelled as Apocrypha as of now, and what I've written in there will (for the most part) not become canon, but...

Yuki Konishi. The one that, while he may not be against you, is your opposite. It could be fun to write a character like that, but I wanted my readerbase's input.

Should Yuki Konishi be canon?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 3, 2023 at 11:14 PM, finished with 12 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] "Other than a reminder that we don't know where Eris and the psychopath MG she took with her are, nothing off the top of my head."
    -[X] Ask if Raido or Grandpa can give us a crash-course in recognizing mind control... preferably right now.
    --[X] Give Raido a meaningful look that asks should I worry about any of US being CURRENTLY mind controlled and our battle plans being at a risk of being leaked?
    -[X] Afterwards, introduce Grandpa to Arisu, and tell him the message mom gave you about something under her bed.
    -[X] Also, show grandpa the picture of your magatsuhi form, and ask if he knows anything about it.
    [X] "Other than a reminder that we don't know where Eris and the psychopath MG she took with her are, nothing off the top of my head."
    -[X] "I already brought this up with Raido, but it just got more time-sensitive: if mind control can be subtler than what happened with Saburo, we need to be careful of moles. You offered a class in how to recognize it at your office sometime soon... We may need to get less... centralized in teaching, if you or Grandpa can teach us? We can teach the others from there. And if you know something faster at more people at once, I'd love to learn it?"
    --[X] Give Raido a meaningful look that asks should I worry about any of US being CURRENTLY mind controlled and our battle plans being at a risk of being leaked?
    [X] "Other than a reminder that we don't know where Eris and the psychopath MG she took with her are, nothing off the top of my head."
    -[X] When you all have a moment, introduce Grandpa to Arisu, and tell him the message mom gave you about something under her bed.
    -[X] Also, show grandpa the picture of your magatsuhi form, and ask if he knows anything about it.
We have a tie! What's the play here?

[] "So long as you don't engage in hostile actions against myself and the people I have an attachment to, I agree."
-[] "Though we should work out protocols for arranging any future meetings. Do you have an email address or texting capable phone number?"


[] "So long as you don't engage in hostile actions against myself and the people I have an attachment to, I agree."
-[] "Furthermore, you are not to interfere with my work unless I - or someone I have deputized to speak on my behalf - request it. That means no moving Demons around, no interacting with Demons elsewhere, and no bringing in newly-contracted Magical Girls to areas with Demonic activity."
-[] "Though we should work out protocols for arranging any future meetings. Do you have an email address or texting capable phone number?"

Happy Voting!
There is a tie. I do not want there to be a tie.

Please remedy this.

[] Gesture for everyone to keep quiet, motion for Shoji to get Kohaku out of the room, then go see who's at the door
-[] before opening the door summon Pixie incase you need a Patra
-[] If friendly, ask them why they were banging so hard
-[] If hostile, summon Turbo Granny and prepare for battle


[] Gesture for everyone to keep quiet, motion for Shoji to get Kohaku out of the room.
-[] have everyone else stand out of the line of sight from the door with Nagisa at the center of your formation.
-[] summon Pixie and Turbo Granny in case it becomes a fight.
-[] ask Yuma to send Shadow around to scout and flank whoever is at the door, snf Griffin to watch your group's back and the windows,
-[] politely ask who it is and what they want, attack through the door if Shadow confirms a hostile or if they respond with hostility.

[] Finally get around to practicing with Magatsuhi...somehow.


[] Finally get around to practicing with Magatsuhi, but get Kazuya to "spot" for us and use the chance to finally talk to him about how he was bothered earlier.
-[] Keep the usage brief, five seconds at a time and then release.
-[] If Kazuya expresses concern that we're going down a path of seeking power for its own sake, admit that we've worried about that too... and the person we talked to about it is currently unconscious from a curse applied by HER OWN FATHER.

May you vote happily.
Dear readers, we have a tie!

[] "I think the fist question is pretty obvious: What is your overall goal? And the second is why did you need Victoria?"


[] "Then, what non-human are you here to initiate a conflict with? Because, I may have missed some school -- and no offense intended -- but I remember how the story of Troy started. There are a lot of humans I'd rather not be pulled into such a mess."
-[] "Is it Kyubey? Because it's rather... totally-not-concerned, about where Victoria is."

Happy voting!
Heroes, Their Involvement, And...
I'd like some input on a few topics, as they concern how the quest's story will play out rather significantly.

1. With people such as Kazuya, Hitonari, Dante and Vergil running around, it's easy to be discouraged about Yumi's strength. That's why I've kept them out of boss battles. Is that what you, as both a reader and as Yumi, want? The occasional assist could be a fun read, but...

2. Speaking of Hitonari, his involvement in the quest is... Rather minimal. Should I try to integrate him, Arthur, and Hiro more?

3 (This is the big one.). If you simply want to abstain from this one, I don't blame you. If you don't want to "plot the path", then simply relax and await the update. For those of you who have an inkling of my conundrum...
Yuka, the Heroine herself. I'm aware of her abilities in the events of SMT 1, but I wanted everyone's input on this before I make any decisions. My main concern for her is that firstly, she's sort of a posthumous character. Her absence shows how much Kazuya needs someone like her in his life. Given what happened in SMT 1, and what's currently established as the laws of the world in quest, Yuka can come back. She's reincarnated before, after all. But my question isn't if she could come back, but rather should she come back. I shall leave the decision to you. Do you want Yuka to appear in this quest?

As always, thank you all for your input. And now, with all of that heavy stuff out of the way...
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 3, 2023 at 11:41 PM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "Well then, we just gotta make sure we keep livin' then won't we? For the people we've been forced to leave behind, and the people we'll meet tomorrow. That way, you'll never truly be alone. We'll fight together, in spirit if nothing else. It's a bit corny, but those kinds of unbreakable bonds are what mean everything to me."
    [X] "Well then, we just gotta make sure we keep livin' then won't we? For the people we've been forced to leave behind, and the people we'll meet tomorrow. That way, you'll never truly be alone. We'll fight together, in spirit if nothing else. It's a bit corny, but those kinds of unbreakable bonds are what mean everything to me."
    -[X] It's hugging time.
    [x] It's hugging time.
That's a lot of ties. Um.

[] "They needed to defend themselves."
-[] "It was either this or be a Magical Girl."


[] "They needed to defend themselves."
-[] "I didn't bring trouble to them, trouble went and found them, and it wasn't going to leave them alone."


[] "I didn't have a choice, either, I was pretty much starting at the same time where they started getting into demons affairs."
-[] "Like Homura said before, Stephen is the one who gave them the app, and on top of that, Nagisa learned how to cast magic without my involvement unless you count leaving Pixie to look after her while I fought Kirika."
-[] "Trust me, if I could've, I would have sent them their merry way and told them this was all just a dream.''
-[] ''But considering our first encounter was from the white rat's shenanigans, things would have probably spiraled even worse if I left them alone, thanks to the rat's modus operandi, they would already be dead to either that monkey's paw wish system or they would have gotten involved with demons either because the rat wanted guinea pigs or they found their way to a demon's den that was a witch barrier before."
-[] "Oriko and Kirika? They wouldn't be at that table unless I got them into this world. Oriko was pretty willing to kill Madoka because something that she saw on her visions scared her after Madoka made a wish with the rat and considering what we know about magical girls and witches, it doesn't take rocket science to know that whatever came out from that wish wasn't good, without counting that demons were an outright blind spot for her, so it would be just matter of time before one mauled them."
-[] "I am sure they would had gotten into that magical girl deal mostly because of Mami either way, for as knowledgeable as the girl seems, she is completely in the dark about what Kyubey truly is and what he uses them for and the rat had them pegged from day one as soon as they met. Still haven't found a way to break the news to her, but can you blame me considering what happens when a magical girl goes off the deep end?"
-[] "And trust me, I have seen what happens when a magical girl fights a demon. They may be able to stand up to the lower levels, but the higher ups? Morax was barely lifting a finger and Mami was already on her last breath, and the girl is a veteran."
-[] "At this point it was either get them to a place where at least we can have some input and warn them of the dangers or let the rat go uncontested and let those girls throw away their lives because that thing just sees us as batteries for "the greater good"."

Happy voting.
Interesting Results.
Voting's messed up because of the added subvotes, so I'm electing to reopen the vote until I get back (it will still be today). For ease of access, here are the votes.

[] "If you think taking off again will solve this now, your out of your mind. It may have just been 'your problem' to begin with, but it's far bigger than that now. Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."

[] "Kohaku, don't take this the wrong way. But, if you try to turn the fact you a victim into your own fault and tell me I should leave you to hang or any such nonsense......I'm gonna get really mad."
-[]"You're my friend, me helping you with this is what's gonna happen. And you better deal with it."

[] Start off firmly, but kindly. "Kohaku? You. Are. Not. A burden. And taking off again will make everyone worry, and make intercepting the remaining Disciples almost impossible. Your dad... Grandma says the curse he put on you, he can use when nearby to track you down -- and we can use that to catch him. We can stop his entire scheme in one go, prevent the sort of disaster from occurring that happened to Kazuya's world. This sort of thing is exactly what my family has dealt with for generations... and is quite good at, from the stories I heard last night. I don't know if I believe in fate, but I do believe in luck... and you lucked into running into exactly the people you need to help you stop all of this in its tracks! Not to mention, two old friends who missed you, so much." Smile fondly at her, on this last sentence.
-[] Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."

Happy voting, everyone!
Voting is open