If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • Maybe.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
Voting is open
[X] +1 END, +1 LUK

[X] Resist Light.


[X] Well, that's certainly not good. Clean yourself up, and check Shoji. The others seems fine, so if he's having a nightmare wake him up. Either way, go meet with Kohaku afterword.
[X] +1 END, +1 LUK

[X] Physical Knack: Deal ×1.15 Damage with Physical attacks.


[X] Well, that's certainly not good. Clean yourself up, and check Shoji. The others seems fine, so if he's having a nightmare wake him up. Either way, go meet with Kohaku afterword.
I just learned the story of Randall Clark from Fallout New Vegas. Nearly made me cry.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jan 6, 2024 at 7:33 PM, finished with 32 posts and 14 votes.
695: Her Talk.
[X] Resist Light.
[X] +1 END, +1 LUK

OOC: Keeping this here for my own reference.

[X] Well, that's certainly not good.

Well, that's not ideal.

You give yourself a quick once-over to clean up, and carefully get out of bed to check on Shoji. Thankfully, you're easily able to slink over to Shoji's futon, and look to make sure he's okay...

(INT ROLL: 18+8)

You sigh happily. He's fine, just a restless sleeper.

You honestly never knew that. Then again, you've never seen him sleep. Would it be weird if you did...?

You shake your head, silently walking to the backyard door. It's easy to sneak out from the door, especially since you've had a fair bit of practice in your middle school career.

...Or so you thought. Kohaku notices you coming outside, but doesn't turn to meet you. She's just staring at her lap.

After you quietly close the door behind you, a strange silence falls between you and your friend.

"...So, uh, you wanted to talk?" You ask, beginning to walk to her side.

"...Yes." Kohaku replies after a moment, "I wanted to apologize. For everything."

"Kohaku...?" You sit next to her. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry for putting you through..." She raises her hands, "...This. The Disciples, the kidnappers, Saburo... All of it. You have Yuma to look after now, and all of the Magical Girls on top of that." Her grip on her knees tightens, "I'm just a burden to you, aren't I? It would be better if I left, and took all of my problems with me, right?"

[] ??????????????????????????????
[] "Don't... You... Dare!"

Protective Yumi is a go!
[X] Start off firmly, but kindly. "Kohaku? You. Are. Not. A burden. And taking off again will make everyone worry, and make intercepting the remaining Disciples almost impossible. Your dad... Grandma says the curse he put on you, he can use when nearby to track you down -- and we can use that to catch him. We can stop his entire scheme in one go, prevent the sort of disaster from occurring that happened to Kazuya's world. This sort of thing is exactly what my family has dealt with for generations... and is quite good at, from the stories I heard last night. I don't know if I believe in fate, but I do believe in luck... and you lucked into running into exactly the people you need to help you stop all of this in its tracks! Not to mention, two old friends who missed you, so much." Smile fondly at her, on this last sentence.
-[X] Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
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[X] "Kohaku, don't take this the wrong way. But, if you try to turn the fact you a victim into your own fault and tell me I should leave you to hang or any such nonsense......I'm gonna get really mad."
-[X]"You're my friend, me helping you with this is what's gonna happen. And you better deal with it."

I probably change or add thing later.
Edit: Less sure about the second part i put. Is it too agressive?
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[X] "If you think taking off again will solve this now, your out of your mind. It may have just been 'your problem' to begin with, but it's far bigger than that now. Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."

Might be a little too open, but Im assuming that Kohaku carries the convo to make the speech thing flow better.
if you try to turn the fact you a victim into your own fault. And tell me, I should leave
That period should not be there, that "And" should be "and", and that comma also should not be there.

you to hang or any such no sense......I'm gonna get really mad."


me helping you with this is what gonna happen.

[] "If you think taking off again will solve this now, your out of your mind. It may have just been 'your problem' to begin with, but it's far bigger than that now. Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
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[X] "If you think taking off again will solve this now, your out of your mind. It may have just been 'your problem' to begin with, but it's far bigger than that now. Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."

[Jk] "Stand Proud, you're strong"
[X] "If you think taking off again will solve this now, your out of your mind. It may have just been 'your problem' to begin with, but it's far bigger than that now. Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
[X] "Kohaku, don't take this the wrong way. But, if you try to turn the fact you a victim into your own fault and tell me I should leave you to hang or any such nonsense......I'm gonna get really mad."
-[X]"You're my friend, me helping you with this is what's gonna happen. And you better deal with it."
I may not be the best at dealing with people, but I feel telling someone dealing with an insanity curse that's destroying her self-worth at every opportunity that she's "out of her mind" may not be the best approach?

Not to mention... the Disciples' plot is an end of the world scenario, here. It was never just about Kohaku.

[X] Start off firmly, but kindly. "Kohaku? You. Are. Not. A burden. And taking off again will make everyone worry, and make intercepting the remaining Disciples almost impossible. Your dad... Grandma says the curse he put on you, he can use when nearby to track you down -- and we can use that to catch him. We can stop his entire scheme in one go, prevent the sort of disaster from occurring that happened to Kazuya's world. This sort of thing is exactly what my family has dealt with for generations... and is quite good at, from the stories I heard tonight. I don't know if I believe in fate, but I do believe in luck... and you lucked into running into exactly the people you need to help you stop all of this in its tracks! Not to mention, two old friends who missed you, so much." Smile fondly at her, on this last sentence.
-[X] Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
--[X] Realize how much that sounds like a marriage proposal. Try not to blush. Blush a lot. Don't take it back.

Last bit may be a bit anime-filtered-Japanese-culture, but oh well, chop it off if you don't like it. :p
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I may not be the best at dealing with people, but I feel telling someone dealing with an insanity curse that's destroying her self-worth at every opportunity that she's "out of her mind" may not be the best approach?
The fact that she thinks Yumi would ditch her is literal proof she's lost it. Either way, it's not the main thing I'm trying to convey.

Also, considering this is supposed to be a Yumi/Kohaku moment, bringing up other people just doesn't feel right imo
Okay, changing my vote to Beth's with two modifications. One because this is a new day, not the one where we heard what the Kuzunoha clan does, and the other because this is Yumi.

[X] Start off firmly, but kindly. "Kohaku? You. Are. Not. A burden. And taking off again will make everyone worry, and make intercepting the remaining Disciples almost impossible. Your dad... Grandma says the curse he put on you, he can use when nearby to track you down -- and we can use that to catch him. We can stop his entire scheme in one go, prevent the sort of disaster from occurring that happened to Kazuya's world. This sort of thing is exactly what my family has dealt with for generations... and is quite good at, from the stories I heard last night. I don't know if I believe in fate, but I do believe in luck... and you lucked into running into exactly the people you need to help you stop all of this in its tracks! Not to mention, two old friends who missed you, so much." Smile fondly at her, on this last sentence.
-[X] Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
--[X] Completely fail to realize you are making it sound like you are proposing to her

Added a slide on the Character sheet for "Current Day". So, uh, I know I asked semi-recently, but what day is it in quest?
Thursday, March 31st.
Wait actually, do we know Kazuya's world is dead and gone IC? I mean, I know that Yumi saved him, but how much has he actually told us about that whole thing?
Vergil, looking at what will be his garden: I need more flowers.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jan 7, 2024 at 8:32 PM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] "If you think taking off again will solve this now, your out of your mind. It may have just been 'your problem' to begin with, but it's far bigger than that now. Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
    -[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
    [X] "Kohaku, don't take this the wrong way. But, if you try to turn the fact you a victim into your own fault and tell me I should leave you to hang or any such nonsense......I'm gonna get really mad."
    -[X]"You're my friend, me helping you with this is what's gonna happen. And you better deal with it."
    [X] Start off firmly, but kindly. "Kohaku? You. Are. Not. A burden. And taking off again will make everyone worry, and make intercepting the remaining Disciples almost impossible. Your dad... Grandma says the curse he put on you, he can use when nearby to track you down -- and we can use that to catch him. We can stop his entire scheme in one go, prevent the sort of disaster from occurring that happened to Kazuya's world. This sort of thing is exactly what my family has dealt with for generations... and is quite good at, from the stories I heard tonight. I don't know if I believe in fate, but I do believe in luck... and you lucked into running into exactly the people you need to help you stop all of this in its tracks! Not to mention, two old friends who missed you, so much." Smile fondly at her, on this last sentence.
    -[X] Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
    -[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
    --[X] Realize how much that sounds like a marriage proposal. Try not to blush. Blush a lot. Don't take it back.
    [X] Start off firmly, but kindly. "Kohaku? You. Are. Not. A burden. And taking off again will make everyone worry, and make intercepting the remaining Disciples almost impossible. Your dad... Grandma says the curse he put on you, he can use when nearby to track you down -- and we can use that to catch him. We can stop his entire scheme in one go, prevent the sort of disaster from occurring that happened to Kazuya's world. This sort of thing is exactly what my family has dealt with for generations... and is quite good at, from the stories I heard last night. I don't know if I believe in fate, but I do believe in luck... and you lucked into running into exactly the people you need to help you stop all of this in its tracks! Not to mention, two old friends who missed you, so much." Smile fondly at her, on this last sentence.
    -[X] Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
    -[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
    [X] Start off firmly, but kindly. "Kohaku? You. Are. Not. A burden. And taking off again will make everyone worry, and make intercepting the remaining Disciples almost impossible. Your dad... Grandma says the curse he put on you, he can use when nearby to track you down -- and we can use that to catch him. We can stop his entire scheme in one go, prevent the sort of disaster from occurring that happened to Kazuya's world. This sort of thing is exactly what my family has dealt with for generations... and is quite good at, from the stories I heard last night. I don't know if I believe in fate, but I do believe in luck... and you lucked into running into exactly the people you need to help you stop all of this in its tracks! Not to mention, two old friends who missed you, so much." Smile fondly at her, on this last sentence.
    -[X] Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
    -[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
    --[X] Completely fail to realize you are making it sound like you are proposing to her
Interesting Results.
Voting's messed up because of the added subvotes, so I'm electing to reopen the vote until I get back (it will still be today). For ease of access, here are the votes.

[] "If you think taking off again will solve this now, your out of your mind. It may have just been 'your problem' to begin with, but it's far bigger than that now. Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."

[] "Kohaku, don't take this the wrong way. But, if you try to turn the fact you a victim into your own fault and tell me I should leave you to hang or any such nonsense......I'm gonna get really mad."
-[]"You're my friend, me helping you with this is what's gonna happen. And you better deal with it."

[] Start off firmly, but kindly. "Kohaku? You. Are. Not. A burden. And taking off again will make everyone worry, and make intercepting the remaining Disciples almost impossible. Your dad... Grandma says the curse he put on you, he can use when nearby to track you down -- and we can use that to catch him. We can stop his entire scheme in one go, prevent the sort of disaster from occurring that happened to Kazuya's world. This sort of thing is exactly what my family has dealt with for generations... and is quite good at, from the stories I heard last night. I don't know if I believe in fate, but I do believe in luck... and you lucked into running into exactly the people you need to help you stop all of this in its tracks! Not to mention, two old friends who missed you, so much." Smile fondly at her, on this last sentence.
-[] Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."

Happy voting, everyone!
Well, if no new one votes:

(Start Off Firmly) has 4 votes when counting the sub-votes

("If you think taking off) has 3

And ("Kohaku don't take this the wrong way) has 2 votes
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I'm assuming we gotta vote again?

[X] "If you think taking off again will solve this now, your out of your mind. It may have just been 'your problem' to begin with, but it's far bigger than that now. Regardless of that, do you seriously expect me to leave you out to dry now? After all this? Knowing what I know now, Kohaku, I'm not letting you go. Not until I've set things straight. For you, and for myself."
-[X] Grab onto her hand with both of yours. Make sure she's looking at you in the eyes. "Until we've seen this through to the end, I want you at my side. I want to be able to see you smile, laugh, cry, and rage with the rest of us! I don't care at how difficult the trials are, nor at how cruel the world may be! Until I can see you and everyone else free and happy, I'll fight. No matter what."
[X] "Kohaku, don't take this the wrong way. But, if you try to turn the fact you a victim into your own fault and tell me I should leave you to hang or any such nonsense......I'm gonna get really mad."
-[X]"You're my friend, me helping you with this is what's gonna happen. And you better deal with it."
Voting is open