[X] Plan Lull Them To Sleep
"Do you have anything that has Fog Breath, uncle?" You ask, "Or is Wendigo our only option for that?"
"No, your demon is the only one with Fog Breath." Raido shakes his head, "Why do you ask?"
"I'm gonna see if I can fuse something to take them down non-lethally." It might just be wishful thinking, but you should still try. "Kyoko, come here for a sec."
Kyoko hesitantly approaches, "...Why?"
"Soul Gem cleanse?" You hold up your Gauntlet as an offer.
"...Fuck it, why not?" Kyoko touches her Soul Gem to the screen, and...
...The coins clatter onto the table.
"Grief money?" Kyoko states apprehensively at the pile of coins, "You cleansed my Gem for chump change?"
"It's literally free money!" You tell her, "You fight, you win, you cleanse, free money!"
Kyoko's apprehensiveness quickly disappears. "Well, when you put it like that..."
"Uh, be right back!" You wave as fast as you can, "Fusions!"
You hear Kohaku utter an "Um--!" before you're at Mido's.
"Welcome to--"
"Sorry, Mido! Pressed for time!" You cut him off, "Can you fuse up Oni and Wendigo, and keep Fog Breath and Rampage?"
"Of course!" Mido smiles, stepping over to his computer...
...And the familiar face of Doppelganger greets you.
Mind you, the face is only familiar because it's your's, but whatever.
"Okay, next I need..." You look to the Compendium, and resummon a couple of demons.
[[¥8429 DEDUCTED.]]
"...Those guys fused, and keep Acid Breath and Tarukaja!" You finish.
Mido nods, tapping away on his keyboard...
OOC: ...Cool.
The room shakes violently as Mido's screen fills with errors, until...!
...There's a man standing in front of you, dressed in a tattered uniform. There's a rifle of some kind hanging off of his shoulder by a strap, a pistol on his hip, and a knife sheathed on his chest.
He looks at you, revealing...!
His face is ripped to shreds.
"What the fuck...?" The man grumbles in a raspy voice, "...Never had a woman CO before. Eh, don't matter. Callsign is Devil Dog, let's crack some skulls."
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